Woman On ‘Crossing Over’ During Cardiac Arrest: I’m No Longer Afraid Of Death | Megyn Kelly TODAY
3,740,312 views•Aug 17, 2018
Andre Hartslief
1 year ago (edited)
Hello Megyn, I had been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer at the age of 40 and was on morphine maximum dosage. Fluid building up in both of my lungs, I was literally drowning in my own body-fluids I was given just a few weeks to live.
One night, while lying next to my wife I suddenly felt as if the morphine had finally "kicked-in" and wanted to tell her that I was feeling incredibly good. But I could not hear my own voice! That was weird I thought.
Just then I noticed as through a haze that I was "looking" down at my wife who was pounding on my chest! I was even more puzzled by this and thought it had to be a dream. The same scene was going on and on below me, my wife pounding my chest.
Finally, I asked, "Am I dead?" And a familiar voice answered me saying, that I was but that I would be "sent" back to do a certain job and that my condition would be completely cured. Where my thoughts emanated from, was approximately where our bedroom ceiling was.
I noticed my military dog-tags that had disappeared years earlier, were lying on the window pelmet I could not remember when I put them there.
Next, It felt as if "I" was entering my body via my navel. After explaining what had just happened to my wife, I got up, walked over to the window, to where I had noticed the Tags. There they were!
A few days later I went to have my chest X-rayed, there was no trace of any disease. My chest has remained clear for about 28 years now. The work I do involves improving life for many other folks, the details of which, I don't care to discuss, I only wanted to share, what I call a miracle.
10 months ago
This is the most amazing yet weirdest thing I've encountered that could've been heaven.
Now I haven't had a near death experience to see heaven but I dreamt about it. Back in Feb of 2018 I saw my grandfather pass away in front of me it was really hard to cope with his death the night he passed. When I fell asleep the night if his death (now this is the part where I I probably had my heaven experience, this is the dream I truly remember vividly, I never forgot this one) I was in this beautiful place, there was these beautiful colorful flowers of all different types, and the colors looked very bright and sharp, the sky was super blue, even bluer than the sky you see today, and I was in a neighborhood that looked kinda like San Francisco, I walked into a house and I find my grandfather in there, and I somehow turn into my younger self. He offered me snacks and goodies and just had a good talk for awhile*I dont remember the talk but I know it was a good one*, I do wake up after that dream and I told my mom about the dream, and I was crying from it.
That night was so weird in a good way idk if it was a coincidence or that my grandfather was showing me of what heaven looks like. No matter what to this day I still have thoughts...what do you guys think was it a coincidence or my grandfather reaching out for me???
- DoowopLover 1946
9 months ago
Over 40 years ago, I had a NDE. This was the most beautiful experience I've ever had. I'll tell you what it wasn't. It was not religious or holy moley. Nothing like this. But as soon as I came out of my body, I noticed how calm and peaceful it was. I felt completely free for the very first time in my life. Then I had a feeling of complete acceptance and I knew I was experiencing unconditional love. It felt as if my entire spirit was permeated with this love. And it felt like I was being healed. All of the difficulties I had experienced in my life seemed to disappear. I was completely at peace, and I was experiencing a happiness and joy I had never known before. I knew I was in the presence of the Source, the Divine, the Creator, God, or whatever someone chooses to call this. There was no doubt about whom I was encountering. Nothing like the one who is in the old testament. Actually, the exact opposite. Very loving, caring, nicest "entity" I have ever encountered.
The last thing I experienced was what I call the Oneness. Sort of like the oneness of the universe, or the oneness of everything. Somehow, someway, I knew that everything is one. I went back into my body right after this, and I'm here is relate my experience. I now realize that the unconditional love I was experiencing was coming from everyone who was at this place. This is the Oneness.
I feel compelled to relate my NDE to others. My motive is to tell people not to be fearful and be afraid of the unknown. What happens after physical death. Our spirits will be set free, and we will transform from a physical form into a spiritual form. In my estimation, most people will be just fine. There may be a few who choose to live on the dark side of life, and they may have something to be concerned about, but most need not worry about their afterlife.