Duhovnost (spiritualnost) je aspekt ljudskosti koji se odnosi na način na koji pojedinci traže i izražavaju smisao i svrhu, kao i na način na koji doživljavaju svoju povezanost s trenutkom, sa sobom, drugima, prirodom, s onim što je značajno, te s onim što je sveto.
Duhovnost i religioznost
Potrebno je podvojiti između dva smisla duhovnosti: duhovnost u religiji i duhovnost za razliku od religije.
U skorije vrijeme, duhovnost u religiji često podrazumijeva da je vjera vjernika ličnija, manje osnovana na dogmi, kao i otvorenija prema novim idejama i uticajima.
Oni koji govore o duhovnosti za razliku od religije općenito vjeruju da postoje mnogi "putevi duhovnosti" i da nema objektivne istine koja bi ukazala na najbolji put koji bi trebalo slijediti.
Duhovnost se može shvatiti i na način koji nudi kulturalni antropolog i yogi, William Irwin Thompson: "Religija nije identična duhovnosti; radije, religija je oblik koji duhovnost poprima u civilizaciji."
Duhovnost i nauka
Budući da je duhovnost egzaktno i empirijski nemjerljiva, egzaktne nauke su na velikoj muci oko preciziranja i definisanja duhovnih pojmova. Kroz ljudsku misaonu istoriju, duhovnost je često stavljana kao protivteža racionalnosti i empiričnosti egzaktnih nauka.
Duhovne tradicije i zajednice
- Bahá'í vjera
- budizam, džainizam
- katolička duhovnost
- pravoslavna duhovnost
- feministička duhovnost
- gnosticizam
- hinduizam
- humanizam
- islam, sufizam
- jevrejstvo
- neo-konfučijanizam, daoizam
- paganizam, neopaganizam,
- New Age, spiritualizam
- šamanizam
- sikizam
- Subud
- Surat Shabda joga
- unitarijanski univerzalizam
Vanjske veze
- The Paths of Spirituality
- Resources/Books on World Spirituality
- a place to experience self realisation for free
- An online forum on life and spirituality
- Biblija za novo doba Biblija za novo doba, Drago Bjelica, 2009.
- Gnosticweb Providing Free Global Access to Spiritual Information.
- A new definition of spirituality
- A search engine for spiritual-related topics
- An overview of everything spiritual
- International Association of Sufism
- Long Term (monthly) Private Spiritual Riverside Retreats
- Multi-faith Spirituality
- New Age Spirituality
- Science of Spirituality
- Spiritual aspects of Health and Healing
- Spiritual Awakening and Spiritual Growth
- Spiritual Book Club
- Spiritual Cinema Circle
- Spiritual Forums
- Spiritual Purification and Wellness
- Spirituality and consciousness forum
- Spirituality and Rudraksha
- Spirituality begins where religion ends - Shri Ram Chandra Mission
- Spirituality in Adult and Higher Education
- Spiritual Dawn - Morality and Philosophy Essay
- Sufism -- Sufis -- Sufi Orders by Dr. Alan Godlas, University of Georgia
- SufiBlog Sufism online spiritual magazine of Sufi Meditation (Muraqaba) and Healing
- The Spiritual: Journal of Natural Spirituality An on-line resource of rare texts and reflections on natural spirituality, thoughtless-ness, egoless-ness and mind-brain duality.
- Spiritual Wisdom There is a universal spirituality which can be expressed in many ways, but this site uses the insights of Emanuel Swedenborg to help explain the meaning of our lives.
Spirituality and mental health
Spirituality and psychiatry - on the face of it, they do not seem to have much in common. But we are becoming increasingly aware of ways in which some aspects of spirituality can offer real benefits for mental health.
This information is for
- anyone who has an interest in spirituality and mental health
- anyone with a mental health issue
- carers and relatives
- professionals who may not be sure about how to explore spiritual concerns with their clients/patients.
You don't need to hold a formal religious belief, to take part in religious practices, or belong to an established faith tradition to read this information - or to experience spirituality.
This webpage provides information, not advice. You should read our full disclaimer before reading further.
This information reflects the best available evidence at the time of writing. We aim to review our mental health information every three years, and update critical changes more regularly.
This information reflects the best available evidence at the time of writing. We aim to review our mental health information every three years, and update critical changes more regularly.