RIP Father Svevolod Dutikov Sept 03-2015; Astoria, NY, USA; 20:54 min.
Вечная память: Отошел ко Господу протоиерей Всеволод Дутиков
Отошел ко Господу митрофорный протоиерей
Царство Небесное!
Отец Всеволод и матушка Ирина находились на отдыхе. Смерть наступила от сердечного приступа, во время купания.
Met. Agafangel visits grave of Archpriest Vsevolod at Novo-Diveevo
After my death our beloved Church abroad will break three ways ... first the Greeks will leave us as they were never a part of us ... then those who live for this world and its glory will go to Moscow ... what will remain will be those souls faithful to Christ and His Church. ~St. Philaret of NY
Agafangel visits grave of Fr. Vsevolod
FW: General Sharing: Met. Agafangel visits grave of Archpriest Vsevolod at Novo-Diveevo
From: Dan Everiss
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 1:07 PM
Subject: Met. Agafangel visits grave of Archpriest Vsevolod at Novo-Diveevo
РПЦЗ: Митрополит Агафангел посетил русское кладбище в Ново-Дивеево ROCA:Metropolitan Agafangel visited the Russian cemetery
in Novo-Diveevo
24 марта Митрополит Агафангел, протоиерей Владимир, матушка Ирина Дутикова и Лариса Дутикова помолились на могиле митрофорного протоиерея Всеволода Дутикова на русском кладбище в Ново-Дивеево в США.
March 24 Metropolitan
Agafangel, with Archpriest Vladimir, and Matushka Irina and Larisa Dutikov, prayed at the tomb of Mitred Archpriest Vsevolod Dutikov at the Russian cemetery in Novo-Diveevo in the United States.
Также владыка Агафангел отслужил литию на могиле Теймураза и Ирины Сергеевны Багратион-Мухранских.
Also Bishop Agafangel served a panychida at the grave of Teimuraz and Irina Alekseeva Bagration of Mukhrani.
Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 10:42 AM
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Astoria
So I settled down. But I needed to find a church to attend. I surfed the internet, and after several attempts I found that beautiful church in Astoria. It was the
Church of the Holy Trinity. I loved this place from the very first step I made in. First of all, there was a community – I could feel it – those bonds of love between those people. Besides, it was like you got into XIX century. You see, in Russia
Church at that time just had risen from the dead, but here you could feel this connecting thread of succession from ancestors.
I was charmed by this church. I remember this feeling, when you stay 3.5 hr of vigil, and finally you literally forget you are in America, this feeling you are at home, and it was very strong! And then the Service ends, and you leave the church, and
you return into the reality of foreign country, but not at once. First you feel the other air, then some weird looking car passes by, then you meet some bypassers, and they speak some other language, and finally you return into the reality that you are far
away from home, that now YOU are foreigner. I was warmed by the love of those people, and by the lived reality of their community, that was incredible! That was marvelous!
F. Vsevolod was the priest there. He got to know
me, and I even started to sing in their choir. But I felt a little nervous about the fact it was Russian Church Abroad, not of Moscow Patriarchate – there was tension between two churches on that time. One day F. Vsevolod suddenly
came up to me, and told me:
- Konstantin, I wanted to ask you for some time already, why do you come to our church?
- Why do ask me, Father? – I told him
- Well, you know, –
he answered – there in vicinity of the place where you live is the church of Moscow Patriarchate. It is the Monastery of St Mary of Egypt on the 3rd street on Manhattan.
Сердечные соболезнования матушке Ирине, детям и всему приходу!
РПЦЗ, Беларусь.
игумения Александра с сестрами
Да простит Господь его грехи и воздаст за все добрые дела. И да внидет в радость Господа своего всегда радостный добрый Батюшка.
Вечная память !
Протод. Герман
Невосполнимая утрата для всех нас.
Выражаем глубокие соболезнования матушке Ирине, дочерям Екатерине и Ларисе, и всем духовным чадам отца Всеволода.