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(VIDEO) DRAMATIČNA ODLUKA VLADE SAD: Naučnicima odrešene ruke, svetu sada prete superepidemije

PLANETA 22.12.2017. 16:36h

Ukinuta je zabrana istraživanja smrtonosnih bolesti, uz obrazloženje kako će nam njihovo istraživanje pomoći u borbi protiv opasnih patogena.


Poznata vam je ona tema iz filmova kada ludi naučnik stvori neku superbolest u svojoj laboratoriji koja zatim nekako iscuri napolje i izazove masovnu paniku i razaranja, piše Interesting Inženjering.


Izgleda da bi takvo nešto mogli uskoro da vidimo i u stvarnosti. Počevši od danas, Sjedinjene Države su ukinule zabranu stvaranja smrtonosnih virusa. Najvažnije pitanje koje putuje internetom je – je li to dobra ideja?


Pre otprilike tri godine naučnici u SAD-u bili su u stanju uzeti bolest koja već je zarazna i učiniti je još gorom, a sve to u čisto ‘naučne’ svrhe. Ali pojedinci u Vašingtonu su se opametili i odlučili da zabrane  ovakve kontroverzne eksperimente. Oni su inače bili poznati pod nazivom “istraživanje dobijanja funkcije”, a cilj je bio promena patogena kako bi bili još opasniji.

Direktor Nacionalnog instituta za zdravlje (National Institutes of Health – NIH) upravo je ukinuo zabranu, s objašnjenjem da će nam to pomoći u daljem razumevanju i borbi protiv patogena. Konkretno, to bi nam trebalo da omogući tazboj strategije i efikasnoh protivmera protiv “brzo razvijajućih patogena koji predstavljaju pretnju javnom zdravlju”, rekao je direktor NIH-a Frensis S. Kolins.


“Postoje biosigurnosni rizici povezani s ovakvim istraživanjima koji se moraju adekvatno razmotriti kako bi se shvatile potencijalne koristi”, izjavili su iz NIH-a. Kako bi umirili zabrinute, iz NIH-a su obećali da će umanjiti rizike od potencijalno katastrofalnih događaja. Istraživanje potencijalno pandemijskih patogena (PPP) bitno je za zaštitu globalnog zdravlja i sigurnosti, tvrdi NIH.

Kako bi naučnici dobili financijska sredstva potrebna za istraživanje PPP-a, moraće da dokažu vlastima SAD-a kako će se istraživanja sprovoditi u sigurnim postrojenjima.


Očekivano, mnogi u naučnoj zajednici nisu oduševljeni ovim vestima. Biolog Ričard Ebrajt sa Univerziteta Ratgers bio je jedan od prvih koji je izrazio svoje neslaganje. “Nisam uveren da ovo nudi veću potencijalnu korist nego štetu.”


Problem i sa najsavršenijim procedurama je da i dalje ne mogu da predvide  uticaj ljudske greške. Samo jedan mali propust dovoljan je da imamo novu epidemiju kuge. I sam razlog uvođenja ove zabrane je slučajno izlaganje radnika neškodljivom uzorku superjake verzije ptičje gripe od pre nekoliko godina.



LGBT thought police now a danger to public health


In “progressive” America today, you’re no longer allowed to mention the scientific facts about the spread of STDs among gay men.

Twitter has just banned LifeSiteNews for daring to report the scientific facts about gay sex spreading many blood-borne diseases. Because the LGBT thought police now run all the tech giants, any fact-based reports that don’t worship anal sex as an ultra-clean lifestyle of purity and godliness are quickly banned by the tech giants.

With this bowing down to the anti-science lunacy of the LGBT propagandists, Twitter now underscores why it is a danger to the public health of all Americans. Articles that discuss infectious diseases among heterosexual couples are openly allowed, of course, because according to the LGBT cultists, straight heterosexual intercourse is “strange” and “weird.” But articles that discuss the health risks associated with anal penetrative sexual intercourse are verboten.

Science, in other words, is now deemed “hate speech” by the clueless, scientifically illiterate LGBT crusaders who spent their college years learning how to be “social justice warriors” rather than informed biologists. Fact-based reality has been overthrown by LGBT-protective tech monopolists who control all online conversations by asserting authoritarian control over thoughts and speech. They’ve unanimously decided that protecting their false narratives of “safe” anal sex are far more important than educating the public about how anal cancer is actually spread. (Hint: Primarily through anal sex, in case you haven’t figured that out yet…)


The full story from LifeSiteNews:

October 18, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Twitter has just locked LifeSiteNews out of our Twitter account over an article we posted four years ago that provided expert analysis on the rise in sexually-transmitted diseases among homosexuals.

The 2014 piece by Dr. Gerard M. Nadal, a molecular biologist and microbiologist who is also president and CEO of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, responds to media coverage of what was at the time the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s new annual report on STDs.

Contrary to the consensus that the “reason for the documented continued rise in syphilis (primarily affecting homosexuals) has more to do with homophobia than anything else,” Dr. Nadal attributes the rise to factor such as an “upward trend in unprotected sex” and 60% of homosexual men failing to disclose their symptoms or status to sex partners.

He cited data from mainstream sources such as the CDC, a then-recent New York Times report, and a 2006 study in the journal AIDS Behavior.

On October 18, 2018, however, LifeSiteNews received the following message, notifying staff that Twitter was locking the account because the 2014 tweet sharing the story’s neutral, factual headline violated “our rules against hateful conduct,” and somehow “promote[d] violence against, threaten[ed], or harass[ed] other people on the basis of […] sexual orientation […], or serious disease.”

No further elaboration was given. A length of time for the lockout was not specified. The only recourse offered was for LifeSite to remove the tweet or start an appeal process. For the moment, LifeSite staff cannot post to or otherwise operate @LifeSitein any way.

“This total intolerance for even reporting government health dept statistics that reveal the health dangers of homosexual activity betrays what Peter Thiel, himself a homosexual, previously called a totalitarian mindset in Silicon Valley,” said Steve Jalsevac, co-founder and president of LifeSiteNews.

“Twitter is now trying to force news agencies to report only what is acceptable to their personal, biased views and shutting down balanced, factual reporting on the homosexual issue.”

“This is getting dangerous for our democracy since a free press is one of the basic and necessary foundations for a genuinely democratic society,” Jalsevac warned. “This is getting scary. It is in everyone’s interest to fight this type of action and even demand government intervention to protect our rights.”

Just the day before, former LifeSiteNews reporter and Americans For Truth About Homosexuality ( president Peter LaBarbera revealed at LifeSiteNewsthat Twitter had recently banned him on the same grounds, over a 2016 tweet describing homosexual acts as a “sin” that “spreads disease.”

“If Twitter no longer allows its users to advocate for healthy behaviors on its platform, and to defend their sincere moral and religious beliefs–shared by billions worldwide–then it will devolve into a bland, politically correct echo-chamber,” LaBarbera warned.

LifeSiteNews has created a petition here urging Twitter to un-block LifeSite’s account.


This article originally appeared at Natural News.



The strain, H7N9, circulates in poultry and has killed 623 people out of 1,625 infected in China – a mortality rate of 38.3%.


A “new” strain of deadly bird flu dubbed “Disease X” by the World Health Organization (WHO) has killed hundreds of people in China, and is just three mutations away from becoming transmissible between humans, according to experts.

The strain, H7N9, circulates in poultry and has killed 623 people out of 1,625 infected in China – a mortality rate of 38.3%. While first identified in China in 2013, H7N9 has recently emerged as a serious threat seemingly overnight.



Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, deputy chief medical officer for the UK, told The Telegraph that H7N9 could cause a global outbreak.

“[H7N9] is an example of another virus which has proven its ability to transmit from birds to humans,” said Van-Tam, who added “It’s possible that it could be the cause of the next pandemic.”

The WHO says N7N9 is “an unusually dangerous virus for humans,” and “one of the most lethal influenza viruses that we’ve seen so far

H7N9 viruses have several features typically associated with human influenza viruses and therefore possess pandemic potential and need to be monitored closely,” said Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Researchers led by James Paulson of the Scripps Research Institute in California have been studying the mutations which could potentially occur in H7N9’s genome to allow for human-to-human infection.

That said, the mutations would need to occur relatively close to each other to become more virulent, which has a low probability of happening according to Fiona Culley, an expert in respiratory immunology at Imperial College London.

Some of the individual mutations have been seen naturally … these combinations of mutations have not,” and added: “The chances of all three occurring together is relatively low.”

Wenday Barclay, a virologist and flu specialist also at Imperial College says the study’s findings reinforce the need to keep the H7N9 bird flu under close surveillance.

“These studies keep H7N9 virus high on the list of viruses we should be concerned about,” she said. “The more people infected, the higher the chance that the lethal combination of mutations could occur.”

According to the CDC, Human infections with bird flu viruses can happen when enough virus gets into a person’s eyes, nose or mouth, or is inhaled. This can happen when virus is in the air (in droplets or possibly dust) and a person breathes it in, or when a person touches something that has virus on it then touches their mouth, eyes or nose.

Rare human infections with some avian viruses have occurred most often after unprotected contact with infected birds or surfaces contaminated with avian influenza viruses. However, some infections have been identified where direct contact was not known to have occurred. Illness in people has ranged from mild to severe.

Don’t let this happen to you:


the NWO almost has it perfected. At a 83% mortality rate they will be good to go..

  • Michael Moore-on • 3 hours ago

    AKA....."Don't mess with us China or we'll send Bio weapons to kill you."

  • Marcus Antonius • 3 hours ago

    With 7.6 Billion on the planet, lets hope for the planets sake, it runs the entire population, and takes out 40%!


    • How Not To Play The Game  Marcus Antonius • 3 hours ago

      ............Let's hope the 40% includes you and yours. Write if y'all find work.


        Such an unexpected response! At 7.6 Billion population, humanity is a scourge on the planet, and all other species, including sub species like you!

        Anti-biotics are already approaching failure. My mom was in the hospital several days for a UTI that was unresponsive to conventional anti-biotics. Her doctor discovered that she had klepsiella, considered a super bug. Evrything failed to stop it. Finally, he administered ertepenum, a member of the drug family of "penums" which are called the anti-biotics of last resort. If they don't work, the patient dies. Eventually, it killed the klepsiella, but it caused my mom to go int seizures and she fell unconscious for a day and a half. After my mom got home, I received a bill for one week's worth of ertepenum. $150,000. I nearly fell over. How could a drug cost $150,000? I called Medicare and went around and around with them. They would not and did not pay, saying that despite the fact there was no other option, Medicare doesn't pay for a drug considered "experimental". I appealed and her doctor wrote a letter regarding the life-saving nature of ertepenum as a "medical necessity". They didn't budge and wouldn't pay a dime. Fortunately, my mom had the military veteran's insurance of Tricare and they paid in full.

        Unresponsive super bugs WILL arise and conventional anti-biotics will fail. It's inevitable. Hopefully, Medicare will come to its senses or lots of people will die.


          You're counting on medicate to save lives? What planet are you living on? You just got a glimpse of why the CDC ordered so many of those plastic sealable coffins.....

          Looks like new vaccines headed our way.

          I am in CA and we have several Asian 'enclaves' nearby (Torrance) meaning within 6 miles of our home. I drive thru them and over the past month I have seen dozens of Asians wearing surgical face-masks both on he street and in the Chinese take-out restaurants and similar places an I thought this to be strange as it is well past the Winter flu season! Well NOW WE KNOW why! Apparently people from China have been coming over here for the past Months and the local Asian population knew of this an are wearing face-masks to try and avoid exposure from the Chinese who come into the US and CA daily via Airlines an there is NO screening at all to see if these new arrivals and visitors are carrying the H7N9 Virus! NO SCREENINGS AT LAX, SFL OR ANY OTHER AIRPORT!!

          As usual, the answer is colloidal silver.
          Even Air Force Laboratory says CS can stop Ebola virus. Bird flu is one more virus.
          I think Advanced Silver Company is best, but any 10 ppm ionic silver will work.

          • Take my guns! Take my guns!

            Just give me the cure for your designer influenza now. The fever burns like fire and the muscle aches are torture.

            Japanese bioweapons researcher Kawaoka- working in the US- is perfecting the Spanish flu virus that killed off 20 million world-wide after WW1. He boasted nothing can stop his avian influenza virus H5N1. Ron Fouchier in the Netherlands is also working on engineering weaponized viruses. In 2009 Baxter manufacturing plant in Israel- knowingly tainted batches of flu vaccine with live unattenuated H5NI bird flu- sent to 8 nations in Europe. Luckily the Czech govt had it tested before distributing to the population and raised the alarm. Baxter was not prosecuted or punished.


            I remember that , isn't Baxter a division of Bayer pharmaceutical ? I don't trust vaccines , a vaccine could prime you for something worse


            My speculation is that vaccines act as a "gatekeeper" or "activator" for these external viruses. Might be as simple as not getting the vaccines now means not dying later when they release the big one.

            Months back a CDC employee who was in charge of predicting new pandemics, was found murdered. Definitely not related or suspicious... I'm just gonna go ahead and make a tincture based on this herbal remedy that killed small pox better than the small pox vaccine for no reason in particular.



            8 Proven Colloidal Silver Benefits, Uses & Side Effects

            If you haven’t heard of colloidal silver, you will soon enough if you’re on the lookout for alternative therapies to common health issues, such as a sinus infection or a cold.


            Grab Your Guide For The Top 8 Proven Colloidal Silver Benefits


            Most health food stores and pharmacies stock several brands of colloidal silver, and, of course, you can find a find a vast amount of information about colloidal silver benefits on the Internet. Unfortunately, the information out there is confusing as many sources have conflicting opinions.

            On one hand, you’ll run across thousands of personal testimonials about colloidal silver helping people with practically every disease you’ve heard about. You will also stumble upon some well-known health sites that warn consumers about safety concerns. (1) Usually, these sources quote a statement made by the FDA in 1999 claiming that there is no scientific evidence to support the use of colloidal silver. (2)

            This type of information can confuse even the most savvy natural health enthusiast, which is why I want to lend a helping hand and provide some evidenced-based information to help you make an informed choice.

            How Colloidal Silver Benefits Work 

            According to a report written by Richard Davies and Samuel Etris of The Silver Institute in a 1996, there are three primary ways that colloidal silver can help heal the body: (3)

            1. Catalytic Oxidation: Silver naturally holds onto oxygen molecules, which readily react with the sulfhydral (H) groups that surround bacterial and viruses. In turn, this helps block the life-preserving cellular process known as cellular respiration, which is defined as “the set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products.” (4)
            2. Reaction with Bacterial Cell Membranes: Silver ions can attach to bacteria cell membranes directly and produce the same respiration-blocking effect.
            3. Binding with DNA: Shown to literally enter bacteria DNA, up to 12% of silver has been detected in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. According to one source, “While it remains unclear exactly how the silver binds to the DNA without destroying the hydrogen bonds holding the lattice together, it nevertheless prevents the DNA from unwinding, an essential step for cellular replication to occur.” (5)

            Top 8 Proven Colloidal Silver Benefits 

            By having a direct effect on cellular respiration, colloidal silver benefits the body in numerous ways, including providing numerous medical uses. There are eight proven healing properties that I consider to be particularly supported by the medical literature.

            1. Antibacterial and Antimicrobial 

            First, colloidal silver’s ability to control antibiotic-resistant superbugs is astonishing. While employed at UCLA Medical School in the 1980s, Larry C. Ford, MD, documented over 650 different disease-causing pathogens that were destroyed in minutes when exposed to small amounts of silver. (6)

            Colloidal silver, unlike its modern prescription antibiotic counterpart, simply doesn’t create resistance or immunity in the organisms that are killed by it. This point cannot be emphasized enough, especially in light of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reporting that more than 2 million people in the U.S. suffer illness every year as a result of antibiotic-resistant infections and 23,000 die from these infections. (7a)

            In addition, a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine supported ionic colloidal silver as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent against both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, but its activity wasn’t as pronounced against fungi. (7b)

            2. Wound Care/Skin Health

            Robert O. Becker, MD, says that colloidal silver stimulates healing in the skin and other soft tissues. (8) In a research article produced by Pharmacognosy Communications in 2012, it was specifically recommended that certain colloidal silver preparations should be considered for topical use to treat burns, thrush, periodontitis and other conditions. (9a)

            For instance, you can treat ringworm (Tinea capitis) at home with colloidal silver because it’s a potent anti-fungal. Caused by a fungus that lives on the top layer of the skin, ringworm presents as round, scaly patches. It’s contagious and spread by skin contact and by contaminated materials, such as clothing.

            Colloidal silver benefits many skins conditions such as psoriasis and eczema as well. It’s soothing to scrapes and even repairs tissue damage from burns. In fact, a colloidal silver-based nanogel was successfully used as a dressing for superficial pellet gun wounds in a Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care study. (9b) Such silver nanoparticle-based gel dressings for wounds or even chronic wounds are becoming more common.

            Topical silver historically was used on burns but usage stopped after the advent of antibiotics, until the 1960s when it kicked back into popularity. The combination of silver nitrate and sodium sulfadiazine to create SSD cream helped lead to burn recovery in many patients. (9c)

            Applying a silver coating to specialized foam, as part of a wound vacuum system, provides antibacterial activity in vitro. “This technology may assist in preparing infected chronic venous stasis wounds for skin grafting, ultimately leading to better healing.” (9c)

            3. Pink Eye/Ear Infections 

            Pink eye is an inflamed mucous membrane that covers the eyeball and eyelid lining, and it’s primarily caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Colloidal silver can be used for prompt action against this irritating and highly infectious virus and bacteria.

            When applied on the infected eye, the tiny silver colloids pick up the infected cells by attracting them electromagnetically and sending them into the bloodstream to be eliminated.

            Our modern prescription antibiotic drugs are designed to work against specific classes of bacteria, but ear infections may be caused by multiple classes of bacteria or can even be fungal.

            In this case, the prescription antibiotic will be useless, whereas colloidal silver is effective regardless of what may be causing your infection.

            4. Antiviral

            Colloidal silver benefits can be experienced as an anti-viral for HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles and warts. Dr. Martin Hum, from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, lists colloidal silver as one of the natural remedies to stop viruses fast. (10)

            Colloidal silver suffocates the virus and can even reduce the activity of the HIV virus in AIDS patients. There are also numerous anecdotal accounts of colloidal silver’s efficacy against the hepatitis C virus.

            5. Anti-Inflammatory

            Colloidal silver is also a fantastic anti-inflammatory remedy. Case in point: Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) studied the effects of inflammation after being treated by colloidal silver; they found that the inflamed skin of pigs treated with silver experienced near-normal skin after 72 hours, while other treatment groups not treated with silver remained inflamed. (11)

            Research is beginning to reflect what many people have already known anecdotally for years — that colloidal silver can reduce swelling, speed healing, and boosts cell recovery!

            6. Sinusitis

            Widely used to control sinus infections, colloidal silver can benefit people as a nasal spray, according to a study published in the International Forum for Allergy and Rhinology last year. (12)

            Specifically shown to kill Staph aureus, you can add a few drops of silver in a “neti pot” or by applying directly into your nasal cavity and letting it drain down your throat by tilting your head back.

            Also, it’s important to point out that recent research indicates that hidden infections by pathogens could be a cause of respiratory inflammation associated with common allergies and asthma. Colloidal silver destroys Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections, which may be the reason why airborne allergy sufferers often find such dramatic relief from colloidal silver.

            7. Cold/Flu

            Some claim that colloidal silver helps prevent all types of flu, including swine flu, as well as the common cold. (13)

            Few studies have been done to test this clinically, but in 2011 the NIH took 100 children under the age of 12 suffering from the common cold and nasal congestion and assigned them into two groups; the first group was treated with a solution of colloidal silver and beta glucan, and the second group with saline solution. Even though both groups benefited from the treatment, 90% of the people in the colloidal silver group completely recovered! (14)

            8. Pneumonia 

            Our modern drugs have become limited in their efficacy when it comes to fighting bronchitis or pneumonia. Typically, antibiotics are administered as the first line of defense, but when the pneumonia is viral, antibiotics won’t help in the least. The nice thing about colloidal silver is that it can help regardless of the pathogen.

            Colloidal silver is a remarkable product to help fight against bronchitis and pneumonia when ingested internally, but an even more effective way to utilize it? Simply breathe it into your lungs.

            This way, the silver directly contacts the germs residing in the lungs, which are causing bronchitis or pneumonia. It’s basically the same thing as using respiratory support, and it works speedily, clearing it up within a couple of days.

            Now, the most effective method to get the colloidal silver into the lungs is to use a nebulizer. Generally, use one teaspoon approximately three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes.


            What Is Colloidal Silver?

            Before the invention of the refrigerator, it was common practice to drop a silver coin into a container of milk as a preservative because silver was known to prevent the growth of algae, bacteria and other undesirable organisms.

            Dating back to ancient times, silver was also a popular remedy to stop the spread of diseases. Its use as a natural antibiotic continued all the way until the 1940s, when modern antibiotics arrived.

            Today, obviously, people don’t need to drop silver coins into their water to experience colloidal silver benefits! All you need to do is carefully take a few drops from a bottle that you buy at the store, which is:

            A solution of water containing nanometre sized particles of suspended silver. The total silver content is expressed as milligrams of silver per litre (mg/L) of water which is numerically the same as parts per million (ppm). The total silver content is divided into two forms of silver: ionic silver and silver particles. (15)

            There are basically three types of products that are marketed as “colloidal silver” and these can be categorized as:

            1. Ionic silver 

            Ionic silver solutions are products whose silver content primarily consists of silver ions. Although ionic silver is often marketed as colloidal silver, it’s not true colloidal silver. Because it’s the least expensive to produce, ionic silver is the most popular product in this category. The problem? It simply won’t produce the same benefits that true colloidal silver can.

            2. Silver Protein

            In order to keep large silver particles suspended, silver protein-based products add gelatin. Silver protein is the second-most popular type of colloidal silver product on the market and can easily be made by adding water to silver protein powder. Again, it’s also often marketed and labeled as colloidal silver, but should not be confused for the real thing. Silver protein is less effective for human use, and you won’t experience the true colloidal silver benefits.

            3. True Colloidal Silver 

            Lastly, true silver colloids don’t contain any protein or other additives, as the vast majority of the silver content consists of nanometre-sized silver particles. (16)

            Colloidal Silver Side Effects

            Although the National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health reports that colloidal silver may cause poor absorption of some drugs, there is limited research proving that side effects to colloidal silver use even exist. (17)

            Nonetheless, you may come across many warnings about it causing an irreversible condition called argyria (when people turn blue). However, this is caused by misuse not of true colloidal silver, but through other cheaper products marketed as colloidal silver, such as ionic silver or silver protein.

            One point to consider is that, because colloidal silver is such a potent antibacterial agent, you should be sure to supplement with probiotics during use to be sure that you maintain a proper balance of microflora.

            Colloidal Dosage & Use

            Colloidal silver needs to be applied differently for each condition. To experience colloidal silver benefits, it may be taken as follows, always keeping in mind to never use it for more than 14 days in a row.

            • 2–5 drops applied directly to the skin
            • 1 eyedropper taken orally for immune support
            • 1–2 drops into eyes for pink eye
            • 1–2 drops can help disinfect any wound or sore by applying onto a Band-Aid
            • If prepared properly, it can be injected into a muscle, a cancerous tumor, or into the bloodstream
            • 5–10 drops can be applied vaginally or anally
            • 5 drops added into a neti pot or directly sprayed into the nose (18)
            • Come on y’all,  I’ve seen these “news” stories for 50 years. This is how they lay the foundation to attack us, this time with bio, to blame on something or someone else. Remember Coney 2012? That one didn’t take so the predators at the top moved on to new bogie men. However, if there’s an outbreak you can bank on it being orchestrated and managed from the centralized top.


              • lightofpeace • 8 hours ago


                • Star  lightofpeace • 8 hours ago

                  Congress is in the pocket of the globalists. Good plan of action though. Disengage from those chinese locusts. Reconnect with Russia. Chinese see white people as a lesser breed. Russians (at least the russians in power) are of the same caucasian race. A lot of them are christians too. Makes for way easier communication.
                  The chinese will never get the food-industry together because they are food-obsessed and do not give a f@ck. They will eat everything they can their hands on. And to them a couple of dead peasants is 100% irrelevant

              • Sylvia Et Les Matagots • 8 hours ago

                Is this the mysterious disease, Bill Gates "warned" of some days or weeks ago?
                The disease that's allegedly going to kill 10th of thousands of Americans per day?

                Is he making it spread in China as some kind of dress rehearsal or as a final warning to Trump?
                Let's consider: In Germany, Merkel is falling, one of the big columns of globalism, the cabal is back to wall and against all efforts they couldn't manage to incite the war the are craving for.


Deadly brain-eating parasite strikes Louisiana water supply

A brain-eating amoeba has been detected in the Louisiana water system - the third time the potentially deadly organism has been found in the same district since 2015.

Naegleria fowleri, a parasite which causes fatal brain swelling and tissue destruction, was identified in Terrebonne water. All freshwater sources in the parish have been affected, including drinking water, water in the bayous and pools, and water used for showers and baths.

The fatality rate for those infected by the parasite is over 97 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Officials from Consolidated Waterworks say the water is “perfectly safe to drink” - it’s just not safe to get up your nose. Infection occurs when water containing the amoeba enters the body through the nose and travels to the brain where it destroys tissue.

“Normally we see this amoeba in surface water when people go swimming and they get it way up in their sinuses and they’ll get an infection,” said Jimmy Guidry, Louisiana Department of Health’s medical director. “They’ll start getting symptoms that are similar to meningitis.”

A notification was issued to residents in the community of Pointe-aux-Chenes, Sunday, and a 60-day pure chlorine wash has been applied to kill the microbes in the water.

This marks the third time in three years that the amoeba has been detected in the area. Last June, Terrebonne Parish’s water system tested positive for the amoeba in Isle de Jean Charles, where it had also been found three years ago.

READ MORE: Boy’s death confirmed as first case of brain-eating amoeba in tap water

In 2013 a five-year-old Louisiana boy became the first person to contract the deadly amoeba through tap water. The boy, who later died, was believed to have been contaminated through use of a backyard slip-n-slide.

A total of 40 infections have been reported in the US between 2007 and 2016, according to the CDC.



Florida resident contracts dangerous brain eating amoeba, the 4th US case this year

An unidentified patient in Florida is fighting for their life after contracting a microscopic brain-eating amoeba while swimming in “unsanitary water”.

The Florida Department of Health has confirmed that the patient – the fourth known US case this year – is suffering from a severe illness. Stage one symptoms include fever and vomiting and, as the condition progresses, the patient suffers severe hallucinations and eventually falls into a coma.

According to the Sun Sentinel, this patient is from one of Florida’s most populated areas, Broward County.

Spokesperson for the Florida Department of Health Mara Gambineri told the newspaper that doctors believe the patient “contracted the infection after swimming in unsanitary water on a single private property.”

Often mistaken for meningitis, the disease is caused by Naegleria fowleri ameba attacking the brain.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, once the parasite reaches the brain the prognosis is bleak: since 1962, only three people out of 138 are recorded to have survived the infection.

Regarded as an extremely rare parasite, a person can only be infected if they are unlucky enough to breath in contaminated water through their nose. People suffering with the infection usually only survive for a maximum of 18 days.

The latest amoeba virus comes just two weeks after the death of Hannah Collins from South Carolina. The 11-year-old died from a similar infection on August 5, after contracting the debilitating illness whilst bathing in a local river.

READ MORE: 11-yo South Carolina girl dies from brain-eating amoeba

Guidelines issued by the South Carolina Department of Health at the time advised people to avoid swimming in warm freshwater lakes during times of high temperature and low water levels.

The department also warned people to refrain from “stirring up” river bed sediment that might contain the parasite.


Hermes Tresmigistus • 23 days ago

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servant • 24 days ago
Not just chem trails being sprayed out in America. How many larva of these have they sprayed all over the nation.
U.S. Germ Warfare in Korea

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savour4truth • 24 days ago
Geranium oil and Pennyroyal oil also help deter them, as well as diatomaceous earth everywhere there is laundry, shoes, or animals traveling in the house. These also carry other worm-type parasites.

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c • 25 days ago
The Ticks that were %100 engineered with LYME disease [easily curable] was a testing round. With certain modifications and using nano-technology, the New Ticks would be considered 2.0 of the old program that ran from 52 - 67 on the small island on the outskirts of New York City.. Look at why its harder to kill = nano-tech upgrade, more fatal = disease upgrade using virus mutations,
They also most likely changed the acquisition patterns and intensity in the creatures brain so that it becomes more voracious then previous versions. Insects can be used for lots of things, they already use it for spying, by creating AI powered nano-fibre/tech flies, mosquito, bee's etc.

Its all real and irrefutable my suggestion is use catnip, its a great flea and tick deterrent and used for many other things humans need.

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c c • 25 days ago
Next time you see a fly , go through your house and you know it shouldn't be there take a closer look at it you might be surprised and catch a spy.

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Reddog c • 25 days ago
Next time you see a provocateur's comment take a closer look you'll see it's a troll.

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Nunya BeezWhacks • 25 days ago
Anybody have any idea how there's an infestation of these things after the record cold winter we had. I can see finding 1 or some BUT 1000s after the freezing we had. Sounds more like they were let out recently. Plus what is the chance they "1000s" would all be in one place? SMELLS PLENTY FISHY to me.

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The Illiterati • 25 days ago
Ticks do not automatically carry diseases, they aren't hatched with them.

Ticks have a 2 stage life. Once hatched, they're adolescents with only 6 legs, (Arachnids normally have 8.) it gets the final 2 legs once it becomes an adult.

If it's lucky, it hatched by where animals walk by.... and it get on one walking by. The tick simply climbs up a plant and waits for one to come by. Once it sucks enough of the animal's blood... it has the chance to pick up any compatible disease the animal might have. It then falls off and undergoes the transformation to the adult stage and tries to get on another animal.

If it finds another animal, it feeds off it, and has the chance to pass whatever disease it might have picked up from the other one. Then it falls off, goes to ground, and leaves eggs.

This would have to be the stupidest bio weapon delivery system ever.

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Nunya BeezWhacks The Illiterati • 25 days ago
Guess we will see ... but maybe they just want to cause chaos for as many as they can. Lyme is certainly not killing large potions of the population, but its certainly no JOKE! And its just one more way to panic the public and keep them docile sitting on the computer (or phone) and from going outside and enjoying & respecting nature as we should all be doing.

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tom carr • a month ago
Ticks weaponized to carry and transmit deadly disease, a WW2 NAZI Globalist ideology. Same old Nazi Industrialists, Same old tricks

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gh0st • a month ago
More love from the fine folks at Plum Island

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Wokeup823 • a month ago
Ticks are a way of life in jersey, they hang out in woods, pines they love and tall grasses are full of them. Check animals daily and check yourself in shower daily. Nasty little buggers.

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All American Chutzpah . • a month ago
From the swamps of Jersey. It's a good thing this parasite doesn't breed and migrate like a certain group of people we all know of.

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Okracoke Maildroppers LtD • a month ago
Probably hitched a ride from China inside a wood pallet or boxes containing live plants or similar. Remember only 20% of the stuff that comes into the US is inspected. The rest is passed along and 'rubber-stamped' at the Port or Dock then loaded onto a flatbed trailer or Intermodal and delivered to the customer. Think about this for a moment! With an average of 25,000 ocean-going containers arriving into East and West Coast US Entry Ports on football-field size container Ships from China a Monthly basis, how is anyone possibly going to check them all for contraband, invasive insects, illegal products, counterfeit goods and whatever else? It is PHYSICALLY and LOGISTICALLY impossible.

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Mitchell • a month ago
More blood suckers....

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Mitchell Mitchell • a month ago

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Nick T. Mitchell • a month ago
Nice work buddy, best wishes.

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Previously unknown bug arrives in New Jersey



A tick, previously unknown to the US, has mysteriously appeared in NJ.

It is very hard to eradicate and carries a disease that is fatal 50% of the time.

Was it released, carelessly or deliberately, from a bioweapons lab like the deer tick & Lyme disease?

What is the safety history of CDC & Pentagon bioweapon labs?



  • Reply

    Not just chem trails being sprayed out in America. How many larva of these have they sprayed all over the nation.
    U.S. Germ Warfare in Korea

  • Reply

    Geranium oil and Pennyroyal oil also help deter them, as well as diatomaceous earth everywhere there is laundry, shoes, or animals traveling in the house. These also carry other worm-type parasites.

  • Reply

    The Ticks that were %100 engineered with LYME disease [easily curable] was a testing round. With certain modifications and using nano-technology, the New Ticks would be considered 2.0 of the old program that ran from 52 - 67 on the small island on the outskirts of New York City.. Look at why its harder to kill = nano-tech upgrade, more fatal = disease upgrade using virus mutations,
    They also most likely changed the acquisition patterns and intensity in the creatures brain so that it becomes more voracious then previous versions. Insects can be used for lots of things, they already use it for spying, by creating AI powered nano-fibre/tech flies, mosquito, bee's etc.

    Its all real and irrefutable my suggestion is use catnip, its a great flea and tick deterrent and used for many other things humans need.

  • 1  
  • Reply

      Next time you see a fly , go through your house and you know it shouldn't be there take a closer look at it you might be surprised and catch a spy.

    • Reply

    Anybody have any idea how there's an infestation of these things after the record cold winter we had. I can see finding 1 or some BUT 1000s after the freezing we had. Sounds more like they were let out recently. Plus what is the chance they "1000s" would all be in one place? SMELLS PLENTY FISHY to me.

  • Reply

    Ticks do not automatically carry diseases, they aren't hatched with them.

    Ticks have a 2 stage life. Once hatched, they're adolescents with only 6 legs, (Arachnids normally have 8.) it gets the final 2 legs once it becomes an adult.

    If it's lucky, it hatched by where animals walk by.... and it get on one walking by. The tick simply climbs up a plant and waits for one to come by. Once it sucks enough of the animal's blood... it has the chance to pick up any compatible disease the animal might have. It then falls off and undergoes the transformation to the adult stage and tries to get on another animal.

    If it finds another animal, it feeds off it, and has the chance to pass whatever disease it might have picked up from the other one. Then it falls off, goes to ground, and leaves eggs.

    This would have to be the stupidest bio weapon delivery system ever.

  • Reply

      Guess we will see ... but maybe they just want to cause chaos for as many as they can. Lyme is certainly not killing large potions of the population, but its certainly no JOKE! And its just one more way to panic the public and keep them docile sitting on the computer (or phone) and from going outside and enjoying & respecting nature as we should all be doing.

    • Reply

    Ticks weaponized to carry and transmit deadly disease, a WW2 NAZI Globalist ideology. Same old Nazi Industrialists, Same old tricks

  • 1  
  • Reply

    More love from the fine folks at Plum Island

  • 4  
  • Reply

    Ticks are a way of life in jersey, they hang out in woods, pines they love and tall grasses are full of them. Check animals daily and check yourself in shower daily. Nasty little buggers.

  • Reply

    From the swamps of Jersey. It's a good thing this parasite doesn't breed and migrate like a certain group of people we all know of.

  • 1  
  • Reply

    Probably hitched a ride from China inside a wood pallet or boxes containing live plants or similar. Remember only 20% of the stuff that comes into the US is inspected. The rest is passed along and 'rubber-stamped' at the Port or Dock then loaded onto a flatbed trailer or Intermodal and delivered to the customer. Think about this for a moment! With an average of 25,000 ocean-going containers arriving into East and West Coast US Entry Ports on football-field size container Ships from China a Monthly basis, how is anyone possibly going to check them all for contraband, invasive insects, illegal products, counterfeit goods and whatever else? It is PHYSICALLY and LOGISTICALLY impossible.

  • Reply

    More blood suckers....

  • Reply


Texas Man Loses Foot Due To Flesh-Eating Bacteria

A Texas daycare teacher recently became a victim of flesh-eating bacteria, which caused doctors to amputate his right foot.

Raul Reyes, 26, went to the hospital to get treatment for blisters forming on his foot. What Reyes initially thought to be an injury he sustained at worked, turned out to be flesh-eating bacteria.

"[Reyes] hurt his foot at work, so he thought the swollenness was due to the injury. After a few days, it was still swollen and he has a blister on his foot, which he thought was caused by his shoe," Reyes' wife, Joseline, told Chron. "He woke up the next day and the blister was covering his entire foot so he went to the clinic, where they told him to get to the emergency room immediately."



The doctors told Reyes he contracted the disease through an open wound from an ingrown toenail. They could not, however, say for certain where the dangerous bacteria got into Reyes’ wound.

The flesh-eating bacteria are commonly found in brackish or salty water and Joseline said she and her husband had not been to the beach in a year.

“He's perfectly healthy,” she said. “So, it's just weird how all of this happened.”

Following the diagnosis, Reyes got admitted to the hospital on Feb. 23. Joseline said although the doctors tried their best, they could not save his foot.

"The surgeon came to me and told me that they were going to take him up to surgery because they have to check how [his foot] looked inside,” She said. “They said that there was a chance that they may have to amputate, but they were going to try their hardest not to. Thirty minutes pass and I see the doctor come out. She tells me that she tried to get as much bacteria out but that they had to amputate his foot in order to save his life."

Although losing his foot was hard for Reyes, according to Joseline, it could have been worse. “I think about it every day — every day he’s been here [in the hospital],” she said. “I think about how I could have lost him.”

She added that although it took time, her husband is finally ready to move past what the disease cost him and is looking toward the future with a positive spirit.

"He is very eager to start therapy for a prosthetic. He tells me that he's not letting anything stop him from advancing," Reyes’ wife said. "He's improving more every day. He just really wants to get back to work and go back to a normal life."

GoFundMe page has been set up for Reyes’ to pay for his prosthetic foot. In just a week, more than $8000 have been raised of the $11,000 goal.

“As all of you may know, this bacteria can be deadly, and doctors had no option than to amputate his foot before the infection got into his blood stream,” the page said. “Raúl was not prepared for this, and does not have medical insurance in order to get a prosthetic foot so he can continue living a regular and healthy life.”

A Texas teacher recently became a victim of a flesh-eating bacteria, which caused doctors to amputate his right foot. In this representational image, Marina Kemelman, Research Associate at the AIDS Vaccine Design and Development Laboratory, collects bacteria transfected with DNA as part of research at the laboratory's campus in the former Brooklyn Army Terminal in New York City, Dec. 1, 2008. Photo: Getty Images/ Chris Hondros

See also:

What Is Necrotizing Fasciitis? Woman Contracts Flesh-Eating Disease After Flu Diagnosis

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An Arizona woman remained in the hospital with a highly aggressive form of flesh-eating bacteria shortly after she received a flu diagnosis.

Christin Lipinski underwent treatment after doctors diagnosed her with the flu Jan. 11. She later complained of increased pain at the trauma center where doctors said she contracted a severe bacterial infection called necrotizing fasciitis. The disease started out as a simple infection, then advanced into a rare, intense, flesh-eating disease.

This progression is more common than one might think. An immune system weakened by the flu is said to be more susceptible to bacterial infections, Dr. Frank LoVecchio, an emergency room physician with Banner Health told KNXV, an ABC affiliate in Phoenix, on Monday.

"The flu doesn't cause necrotizing fasciitis," LoVecchio said. "...You're many, many thousands of times more likely to get the flu this year than necrotizing fasciitis once in your lifetime."

Lipinski’s suffered life-threating internal damage due to the bacteria. Doctors reportedly performed two surgeries that removed about 30 percent of the dead tissue caused by the infection. Lipinksi remains hospitalized in stable condition.

According to a GoFundMe created in her name, doctors anticipate a lengthy recovery for Lipinski as she will remain hospitalized for several months for precautionary reasons. She required several more procedures including skin grafts and reconstruction surgery.

As of Monday, Lipinski's GoFundMe raised $6,000 of her goal of $10,000. All donated funds will supplement Lipinski’s medical expenses, which her insurance never covered. It was uncertain when she would return to work.

Necrotizing faciitis can be deadly as the infection spreads quickly, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions. The most effective way to combat the bacterium is appropriate antibacterial doses and surgery to extract all diseased tissue. The disease is non-contagious and can enter the skin through cuts. Fever chills, vomiting, ulcers, blisters black spots, and fatigue are all symptoms associated with the disease.

A woman was hospitalized with a flesh-eating bacteria shortly she contracted the flu. Photo: Getty Images


See also:  blob: