Talent Hounds
Published on Apr 5, 2013
I don't think anyone quite anticipated what would happen when this family got a trained Dog for their autistic son from National Service Dogs Canada. Enjoy and share this video about dogs helping children and families living with autism featuring National Service Dogs and the Carefoot family with NSD Chester "their healing balm". The human animal bond is so heartwarming. The film is from the dog documentary Talent Hounds. Check out www.nsd.on.ca and www.talenthounds.ca Visit : http://talenthounds.ca/ for more content!
- NightStar787
3 years ago
I remember when I was younger I would just come home and cry because I was so angry or just plain sad about something that happened in school (I was bullied a lot until I learned to brush everything off) and one of our 3 dogs, who had claimed me as his human and he was my puppy, would come up to me and let me cry into his fur and if I wasn't doing that he'd just start licking my face and kept it up until I either pushed him away or I'd start laughing. It's safe to say I usually started laughing but even if I pushed his face away he wouldn't leave me and just sat/lay and just was just...there.
It was always nice coming home and having someone who loved you waiting and knowing what you needed without you having to say anything. Animals are so clever, you can fool people by telling them you're perfectly fine but your pets just know that you're bullshitting everyone and comfort you in the only ways that they can.
- David Henriksson
1 year ago
I cant speak for everyone with autism. I am only high functional aspergers and I survived school, military service and 5 years of working until I burnt out and crashed completely.
But the connection dog+autist goes both ways. A dog sees trough the mask and in the other way.
Dogs follow the rules of genetics. They can be wild and crazy but they are MUCH easier to understand then humans, they do not lie, they do not scheme and they do not mock.
Trust them and they will trust you.
I know that while I have a job, my own apartment I do not have the energy to own a dog. What YOU in a similar situation can do. Talk to your neighbours, friends and relatives. Someone has a dog but struggle to take them for a walk during lunch breaks, cant take the dogs with them when they travel.
Be the one who steps in when needed. The dog will love you and you will help someone else! :)
- Vespine Rapier
3 years ago
This is beautiful, I'm 16 years old and ever since I was 10 I've always volunteered to help kids at my school or even outside of school with autism and other disabilities. It's always seemed very sad to me knowing these kids have to deal with something so agonizing. I think if health care helped provide dogs like this children it'd not only save money but it would help the kids more than any pill a doctor proscribes. This would also mean more stray dogs could be taken in and trained the same way and this also mean that dogs who are waiting to be adopted but are so old would still have a chance at having a family. Please someone read this and get more people to notice!!
- Natoki Park
2 years ago
My little brother has autism, my parents really want a service dog! We are trying to save up the money for one! It has been really tough, cause now my little brother is older and wants to go out more and doesn't let us know when he does! It scares us, and he doesn't listen when we take him out, and we can't wait till we get the money so we can get a dog, we have already had a WONDERFUL pitbul, Sunshine(sunny), she was the nicest dog I have ever met, she LOVED babies, she NEVER bit, she only nibbled, everyone wanted her, she was beautiful, nice and protective! All she did was love you and play, but one day someone wanted her so bad they stole her from us, she was my bestfriend, and I... I hate that i don't have her anymore, I pray to god she is ok, and I can't wait to get another dog so i can feel better about my brothers safety!
- A Cole
7 months ago
I got a Labrador
* hugs my dog*
I have autism too.
- Buffy Buffers V
3 years ago
I love your work. The only thing I find sad. Other organisations manage to take shelter dogs, who were going to be euthanised and train them, to do the same job your dogs do. With titanic great results. Why breeding if you could achieve them same with shelter dogs and on top save dogs lives? Dogs do so much for us. It is the least we could do for dogs, save their lives and better with an awesome purpose. Apart from that I find this awesome.