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Rimokatolička crkva 1/4 (svjedočanstva bivših službenika); 13:45 min.

Kršćanski centar Svjetlo svijeta
Published on Oct 15, 2010
1 week ago
Što je, dakle, danas istina o Katoličkoj crkvi, seksu i licemjerju?

Moguće posljedice otkrića o sustavno devijantnom ponašanju Crkve zabrinjavajuće su

Ivan Violić


Pet činjenica koje govore da je Katolička crkva dramatično odstupila od svojih glavnih načela i da je upravo bezočno licemjerna. Pa se sada mora postaviti pitanje može li se Crkvi više uopće vjerovati?

Ovo nije još jedan o nizu tekstova u ulozi Katoličke crkve u društvenom i političkom životu Republike Hrvatske. Ovo je nešto neusporedivo šire i, nažalost, zlokobnije. Razmjerno se rijetko dešava, u funkcioniranju velikih, globalnih institucija – a Katolička crkva jest jedna od rijetkih posve globalnih institucija – da sami fundamenti njihove vjerodostojnosti bivaju iz dana u dan razotkrivani kao sustavno prikrivana laž s opakim posljedicama, koje se mogu okvalificirati kao čisto, esencijalno zlo.

A baš se to zadnjih godina događa Katoličkoj Crkvi, i to pod pontifikatom vjerojatno najboljeg Pape unatrag mnogo godina. Najboljeg u smislu ljudskosti, empatije ali i hrabrosti da se otvoreno bori protiv zlog u Crkvi. Veliko zasjedanje crkvenih vođa, koje upravo traje u Rimu, sazvano je zbog borbe protiv zla, dakle protiv masovnog seksualnog zlostavljanja djece, koje su provodili svećenici, i koje je crkvena hijerarhija sustavno prikrivala. Danas je, nažalost, jasno kako je Crkva desetljećima bila jedna od najvećih svjetskih organizacija za seksualno zlostavljanje djece.

Nema većeg primjera licemjerja

No, u zadnje vrijeme pojavljuju se i nove činjenice o seksualnom nasilju i devijantnom ponašanju unutar Katoličke Crkve. Sam je Papa priznao da postoje česti slučajevi seksualnog eksploatiranja opatica. A nedavno je vatikanski glasnogovornik potvrdio New York Timesu kako postoji crkveni protokol za postupanje prema djeci svećenika. Katolička Crkva, koja, dakle, propovijeda protiv izvanbračnog seksa, i koja svojim svećenicima ultimativno nalaže odricanje od seksa, sastavila je protokol za postupanje sa svećeničkom djecom!

Teško je naići na veći doktrinarni i formalni primjer licemjerja. Ali nije nemoguće, i to također unutar Crkve. Naime, skupa s vijestima o protokolu za svećeničku djecu, pojavljuje se sve više vijesti o klericima koji su svoje ljubavnice natjerali da abortiraju. Crkva pobačaj smatra ubojstvom i po cijelom svijetu vodi križarski rat protiv prava na pobačaj, a sami svećenici potiču na pobačaj svoje seksualne partnerice, koje ionako ne bi smjeli imati.

Što je istina o Katoličkoj crkvi?

Što je, dakle, danas istina o Katoličkoj crkvi, seksu i licemjerju? Prvo, katolički su svećenici masovno, svugdje u svijetu, seksualno zlostavljali djecu i upropastili stotine tisuća života. Drugo, crkvena je hijerarhija sve donedavno štitila i prikrivala taj masovni zločin. Treće, časne sestre nerijetko su tretirane kao seksualno roblje. Četvrto, Vatikan je uveo protokol za postupanje s djecom svećenika, premda svećenici ne smiju imati djecu, što dovoljno govori o raširenosti tog bazičnog prijestupa. I peto, pojedini su katolički svećenici nagovarali svoje partnerice na pobačaj.

Svih ovih pet činjenica govore da je Katolička crkva dramatično odstupila od pojedinih svojih glavnih načela, da je suodgovorna za dugogodišnje odvratne zločine prema djeci i ženama, i da je upravo bezočno licemjerna. Pa se sada mora postaviti pitanje može li se Crkvi više uopće vjerovati? Budući da je riječ o instituciji, koja počiva na vjeri, ovo pitanje ima osobitu težinu, puno značajniju od retoričke.


Rimokatolička crkva 2/4 (svjedočanstva bivših službenika); 14:20 min.

Kršćanski centar Svjetlo svijeta
Published on Oct 15, 2010

Rimokatolička crkva 3/4 (svjedočanstva bivših službenika); 14:55 min.

Kršćanski centar Svjetlo svijeta
Published on Oct 15, 2010

Rimokatolička crkva 4/4 (svjedočanstva bivših službenika); 6:52 min

Kršćanski centar Svjetlo svijeta
Published on Oct 15, 2010

Mary-Ann Thomas
2 weeks ago
hahahahahah, joj ovo je stvarno za smijati se , jer kada vidim takve sekte koje , kao rade za krista i onda bacaju kao apostoli toboze mreze da uhvate ljude i dovedu ih kao Bogu i onda bace mrezu , obucenu kao u svjetlo andela , ali laznoga i hvataju ljude po crkvama , to je za plakati , zar ste na to spali , zar ucite ljude da se drze Biblije, jer kazete da se u crkvi nitko nje nedrzi , a sto lazete i muljate ljudima, pa vi osudujete, zar ISUS nije rekao kako sudis bit ce ti sudeno , zar samo nekakve pogeske trazite , onaj tko sudi taj nije u crkvi nikada niti trazio ISUSA i BOGA , nego samo greske , ljudi ja bih vam predlozila, da naucite razliku duhova , jer to nije rad za Boga ne nikada to je rasturanje kristove crkve dobro je sveti Pavao rekao , kako se budemo razdvajali , ne spjali u DUHU , ovo sta vi radite je djeljenje ISUSA, DUHA SVETOGA , zanimljivo je kako sekte nikada nece otici , tamo gdje ljudi neznaju svetu rijec, gdje nepostoji sveto pismo, gdje se klanjaju budama, i krivim bogovima, npr. kako neodete muslimanima i prpovjedate radosnu vijest , nego vi bjedno dosli u RKC da bacate mreze velike vam vajde

U Ime Isusovo uzimam vlast i vežem sve zle sile i snage u zraku, na zemlji, u vodi, u podzemlju, na onom svijetu, u prirodi i u vatri. Ti si Gospodin nad svim svemirom, dajem ti slavu u ime Tvoga stvorenja.

U Tvoje Ime vežem sve demonske sile koje su došle protiv nas i naših obitelji i stavljam sve nas pod zaštitu Tvoje Dragocjene Krvi koja je prolivena za nas na križu.

Marijo, naša Majko, tražimo Tvoju zaštitu i zagovor kod Presvetoga Srca Isusova za sve naše obitelji. Zaogrni nas svojim plaštem ljubavi da se prestraši neprijatelj.

Sveti Mihovile, i naši anđeli čuvari, dođite i branite nas i naše obitelji u borbi protiv svega zla što obilazi svijetom.

U Ime Isusovo zapovijedam svim silama i snagama zla da odstupe istoga časa od nas, od naših domova i naše zemlje, a mi ti zahvaljujemo, Gospodine Isuse jer si vjeran Bog i osjećaš s nama. Amen.

Istorija prokletog Vatikana prvi deo; 13:35 min.

Published on Dec 2, 2010
Istorija Vatikana.
Steva Aleksic
3 months ago
Vatikan u prevodu znaci"obozavanje zmije"(djavola) a u pravoslavlju se slave idoli..likovi rezani,ikone sto je u bozjem zakonu veliki znaju popovi a ipak uce ljude da okrenu bogu ledja i slave idole...toliko o tome.
Branislav Branda
1 year ago
To su takve odvratne laži da je to više uvreda za razum čovekov i za čovekovu inteligenciju...
Šta nekoga zabole u delu Srbske Lesandrove Imperije pod upravom Ljagića za pedofilone grčki i jevrejski jezik koji u to vreme nisu postojali da bi anagažovao 72 prevodioca sa nepostojećeg pedofilno jevrejskog na pedofilni grčkli jezik? Prvo ovde je reč o NEPOSTOJEĆIM JEZICIMA!
Ajde dobro...Oko 10. veka su pedofili sa Serbskog orginala to preveli na novostvoreni grčki jezik i nazvali " Septuaginta" ajde neka bude Septauginta....
Nama Srbima je sve krvnički spaljeno i opljačkano i osim nekih Bogoslužbenih čitanja mi nemamo skoro ništa iz Starog zaveta na Serbskom jeziku! Tako je naša pedofilija nametnula svoju KRVAVOČMARNU priču posle 16. veka i mi faktički kao da pre 19. veka nismo ni imali Sveto pismo.-..
Imamo samo srednjovekovna Evanđelja i još po neka čitanja i tek smo sa nemačkog i grčkog prevoda u 19. veku dobili kompletno Sveto pismo kao da smo nekakvi neandertalci ....
Ali ta Evanđelja NISU KOMPLETNA nego samo onaj Bogoslužbeni deo gde se pojedini odeljci čitaju u Crkvi nedeljom i Praznikom .-....
Prema propagandi organizovane grčko latinske pedofilije Kršteni smo u 9. veku a dobili Sveto pismo tek u 19. veku????? 1000 godina smo bili majmuni ili šta več?

Krvnički obračun sa Apostolskom Crkvom sa tendencijom da se izbriše svaki trag Ženjenog Episkopata je doveo do toga da se jednom narodu bukvalno briše i spaljuje nacionalna i crkvena istorija i baština TAKO NEŠTO JE NEZAPAMĆENO U ISTORIJI ČOVEČANSTVA....
Treba zamisliti kakve su to bile PACOVSKE FACE koje njuškaju po Srbskim zemljama da pronađu i unište sve što bi dovelo u pitanje vlast KRVAVOČMARNE monaško celiobatske pedofilije!
Sve što nađu na Serbskom ali ti Ilirskom jeziku se mora UNIŠTITI i zameniti latinskim i Grčkim prevodom... Od Bele Makedonije do Istre , po Jadranskim Otocima, po Obali i unutar kopna KRVAVA PEDOFILIJA briše svaki trag o jednom narodu i njegovoj Apostolskoj Crkvi!!!
Naši rođeni Episkopi i Biskupi sa analnim monaštvom i toplim celibatom sledujući interesima stranih pedofilnih centara...
Tako što nemaju nacionalna osećanja jer ih ANALNI SEX veže za njihove homoseksualne centre i onaj ko ih TUCA u smrdljivo monaško dupe taj je njima i Car i Otadžbina!
Kako su "Hrvatski Kraljevi" Bogoslužili, krinisali se, venčavali, krštavali, odakle su njihovi Biskupi narodu čitali,gde su povelje, protokoli, knjige krštenih, venčanih, itd itd...
Šta je sa Srbskim starim knjigama i spisima? Gde su Krštenice, Venačanice, ugovori , Imenovanja, kompletna kanonska Sveta Pisma, Rodoslovi itd itd...

Bolje bi im bilo i jednima i drugim pedofilima da mirno izađu iz Oltara Boga Otaca naših i da ne čekaju da ih narod isteruje.........
Rade Milosevic
1 month ago
Iako Sveto Pismo nigde ne govori o načinu kako se treba krstiti ( isus je verovatno preneo tu tajnu Apostolima) . Kažem tajna, jer krst postoji mnogo pre Hrista, što je inače poznato u Kabali. Ustvari se radi o magiskom pokretu sticanja energije a pravilo je da se rukom ide s desna na levo, sa fizičke strane na duhovnu, kako se inače krste pravoslavni hrišćani. Katolici, tu Božansku energiju šalju s leva na desno , u sveru fizičkog (demonskog) . Razlog velikom broju ratova, razaranja, otimanja, zla. Katolici svojim načinom krštenja izbacuju Boga iz sebe. Nije uopšte važno da li su to tri prsta ili cela
1 year ago
Pročitajte knjigu bivšeg jezuitskog svećenika Alberta Rivere besplatno:

Istorija prokletog Vatikana drugi deo; 14:52 min.

Published on Dec 2, 2010

Vatican’s homophobic hypocrisy: 80 percent of priests are gay, explosive book reveals

Around 80 percent of Vatican priests are gay, according to a new book which details alleged secret relationships, male prostitutes and stunning hypocrisy from the most anti-gay members of upper echelons of the Catholic Church.

French journalist Frederic Martel’s new book, ‘In the Closest of the Vatican,’ claims that the more homophobic the priest, the more likely they are to be gay.

READ MORE: Pope admits abuse & sex slavery of nuns by priests... but insists it’s ‘under control’

While not all the priests detailed in the 570-page book act on their sexual preferences, many are allegedly engaging in relationships with their fellow fathers, while some prefer casual hook ups and others are hiring male prostitutes, according to the review in Catholic publication the Tablet.





Vatican’s homophobic hypocrisy: 80 percent of priests are gay, explosive book reveals

Published time: 13 Feb, 2019 13:52
Edited time: 14 Feb, 2019 10:23

Vatican’s homophobic hypocrisy: 80 percent of priests are gay, explosive book reveals
Published time: 13 Feb, 2019 13:52
Edited time: 14 Feb, 2019 10:23

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Vatican’s homophobic hypocrisy: 80 percent of priests are gay, explosive book reveals
Priests are seen as Pope Francis leads a Holy Mass at the Vatican © Reuters / Alessandro Bianchi
Around 80 percent of Vatican priests are gay, according to a new book which details alleged secret relationships, male prostitutes and stunning hypocrisy from the most anti-gay members of upper echelons of the Catholic Church.
French journalist Frederic Martel’s new book, ‘In the Closest of the Vatican,’ claims that the more homophobic the priest, the more likely they are to be gay.

READ MORE: Pope admits abuse & sex slavery of nuns by priests... but insists it’s ‘under control’

While not all the priests detailed in the 570-page book act on their sexual preferences, many are allegedly engaging in relationships with their fellow fathers, while some prefer casual hook ups and others are hiring male prostitutes, according to the review in Catholic publication the Tablet.

Martel’s scandalous claims come after he spent four years interviewing over 1,500 people, including 200 priests, 41 cardinals and 52 bishops, diplomatic officials, guards and others in the Vatican. Martel, who was a former adviser to the French government and is gay, repeatedly visited Rome where he sometimes stayed in the Vatican or Holy See properties in Rome.

Martel’s publishers have described the book as a “startling account of corruption and hypocrisy at the heart of the Vatican.” One of the claims is that the late Colombian cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo used gay prostitutes, despite his staunch defense of the Church's views on homosexuality.

The book is to be released February 21, on the same day as Pope Francis’ sexual abuse summit. While the book does not focus on the Catholic Church’s problems with child sex abuse, Martel thinks the secretive sexual culture makes it difficult for secretly gay priests to denounce abusers.

“The issue of homosexuality is a very serious issue that must be adequately discerned from the beginning with the candidates [for the priesthood].” Pope Francis said in December.



German Catholic Church abused thousands of children, rape in every 6th case – leaked study
Published time: 12 Sep, 2018 18:06
Edited time: 13 Sep, 2018 14:02


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German Catholic Church abused thousands of children, rape in every 6th case – leaked study
FILE PIC: A clergyman. © Jaap Arriens © Global Look Press
An explosive report on Catholic child sex abuse in Germany has been leaked by two leading German news outlets, revealing that as many as 3,677 people were abused by clergy between 1946 and 2014.
Spiegel Online and Die Zeit said the report they obtained concluded that the majority of victims were boys aged 13 or younger, 969 of whom were altar boys. The study, commissioned by the German Bishops Conference, was conducted by three universities and was not due to be revealed until the September 25 conference.

According to the leaked research, every sixth case was a rape and at least 1,670 clergy were involved. Many of the priests caught abusing had recently been transferred to other parishes and a mere one-third of accused members of the clergy were investigated by the Catholic Church.

Read more
Vatican doctors Pope's remarks on ‘psychiatric help’ for gay children, says he did not mean it Vatican doctors Pope's remarks on ‘psychiatric help’ for gay children, says he did not mean it
According to research by experts from the Universities of Giessen, Heidelberg, and Mannheim, the actual number of victims was likely much higher, as researchers were not allowed access to the original church files. Instead, they had to give questionnaires to the dioceses, which then provided information.

Der Spiegel, quoting from an executive summary that is included in the leaked official report, wrote that there was evidence that some files and archives had been “destroyed or manipulated.” It also said that those accused of child abuse, primarily priests, were relocated to unsuspecting new congregations which had not been informed about the previous allegations made against them.

The explosive report is hardly the first of its kind to shine a light on the rampant sexual abuse occurring in the Catholic Church. Last month, an investigation in the US found that more than 1,000 children had been abused by about 300 priests in Pennsylvania alone.

Australia concluded a wide ranging royal commission into child sex abuse within the Catholic Church in 2017. It established that there were 4,756 reported claims to Catholic Church authorities over child sexual abuse concerning 1,880 suspected abusers from 1980 to 2015.

Earlier this week, the Vatican said it is preparing the "necessary clarifications" about accusations that top Vatican officials - including Pope Francis himself - covered up the sexual misconduct of the now-disgraced former cardinal Theodore McCarrick from the US.

On Wednesday, the Vatican announced that it will summon the presidents of every national bishops conference across the globe for a summit on preventing clergy sex abuse and protecting children. A Vatican spokesperson said the summit will run from February 21-24.

The German Bishops Conference said in a written response that it regretted the leaking of the report, but that the study confirms "the extent of the sexual abuse" that took place.

“It is oppressive and shameful for us,” Bishop Stephan Ackermann of Trier said in a statement Wednesday. “Four years ago we commissioned the study and we bishops in particular are facing up to the results.”



German cardinal angers Twitter by blaming homosexuality for sexual abuse in Catholic Church

Published time: 4 Jan, 2019 19:30
Edited time: 5 Jan, 2019 16:17
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German cardinal angers Twitter by blaming homosexuality for sexual abuse in Catholic Church
FILE PHOTO. © Reuters
It is not the Catholic Church that should be blamed for child sex abuse by priests but modern public morals and the spread of homosexuality, one of the top Catholic prelates alleged, sparking outrage on social media.
Sex abuse in the Catholic Church has recently become a burning issue, casting a shadow on the Church’s reputation in light of numerous scandals regarding harassment and rape. However, Cardinal Walter Brandmueller believes the public outrage over the issue is “quite hypocritical” as the abuse is not some institutional problem but a mere indication of a malady that has gripped modern society as a whole.

German Catholic Church abused thousands of children, rape in every 6th case – leaked study
“What has happened in the Church in terms of abuse is nothing short of what has been happening to the society as a whole,” Brandmueller told German dpa news agency. He then designated growing sexualization as the root cause of the problem and said that the real scandal consists in the fact that the Church failed to distinguish itself from the rest of society.

Doubling down, the cleric said: “It would be no less divorced from reality to forget or even to conceal that 80 percent of abuse cases within the Church ranks affected male youths and not children.”

He also alleged that it is “statistically proven” that there is a “link” between homosexuality and abuse while providing no specific data on the issue.

His words, however, did not sit well with many people on social media, as his interview provoked a wave of angry comments on Twitter. Some, including regional MP Christian Flisek, said the prelate must be living “in his own world” or in a “bubble” to say something like that.

Others fired back at Brandmueller, saying the “relativization” of sex abuse in the Catholic Church is “just completely wrong,” and blaming the problem on homosexuality is “tasteless.” Terms like “unappealing” and “misguided” were also used in the comments.

Some also accused Brandmueller of attempting to downplay the issue of abuse and shift the focus away from the Catholic Church in general. “What a shameful way for the Catholic Church to relativize guilt and defame homosexuals. Very poor!” Ulf Poschardt, a journalist at Die Welt, tweeted.

The cardinal’s comments came as the Catholic Church still struggles to combat sex abuse in its ranks. Last December, Pope Francis directly called on abusive priests to turn themselves in, adding that they should prepare for “divine justice.”

In 2018, the Catholic Church was plagued by various scandals, from the US to Europe.
In Germany, a leaked study revealed that more than 3,600 people were abused by Catholic clergy over more than 50 years. The explosive report also blamed practices such as celibacy or the far-reaching clerical power of individual clergymen for exacerbating the problem.




German cardinal angers Twitter by blaming homosexuality for sexual abuse in Catholic Church

It is not the Catholic Church that should be blamed for child sex abuse by priests but modern public morals and the spread of homosexuality, one of the top Catholic prelates alleged, sparking outrage on social media.

Sex abuse in the Catholic Church has recently become a burning issue, casting a shadow on the Church’s reputation in light of numerous scandals regarding harassment and rape. However, Cardinal Walter Brandmueller believes the public outrage over the issue is “quite hypocritical” as the abuse is not some institutional problem but a mere indication of a malady that has gripped modern society as a whole.


ALSO ON RT.COMGerman Catholic Church abused thousands of children, rape in every 6th case – leaked study


“What has happened in the Church in terms of abuse is nothing short of what has been happening to the society as a whole,” Brandmueller told German dpa news agency. He then designated growing sexualization as the root cause of the problem and said that the real scandal consists in the fact that the Church failed to distinguish itself from the rest of society.

Doubling down, the cleric said: “It would be no less divorced from reality to forget or even to conceal that 80 percent of abuse cases within the Church ranks affected male youths and not children.”

He also alleged that it is “statistically proven” that there is a “link” between homosexuality and abuse while providing no specific data on the issue.

His words, however, did not sit well with many people on social media, as his interview provoked a wave of angry comments on Twitter. Some, including regional MP Christian Flisek, said the prelate must be living “in his own world” or in a “bubble” to say something like that.




Reports of worldwide sexual abuse by priests have rocked Roman Catholic Church


Pope Francis has compared the sexual abuse of children to human sacrifice.

“I am reminded of the cruel religious practice, once widespread in certain cultures, of sacrificing human beings – frequently children – in pagan rites,” Francis said Sunday.

He was speaking at the close of the summit of the church’s top bishops and leaders, called to design a plan on how to deal with the predatory priests who have sexually abused children and adults for decades.

Mark Coleridge, president of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference warned the gathered Catholic clergy and leaders that “We do not have forever, and we dare not fail” as they go back to their dioceses and navigate dealing with reports of abuse.

“We have shown too little mercy,” Coleridge warned, “and therefore we will receive the same.”

Worldwide sexual abuse by priests

The reports of worldwide sexual abuse by priests have rocked the Roman Catholic Church.

“We will do all in our power to make sure that the horrors of the past are not repeated,” Coleridge said.

On Saturday, German Cardinal Reinhard Marx, in an extraordinary admission, said that “files that could have documented the terrible deeds and named those responsible were destroyed, or not even created.”

Sister Veronica Openibo, a Nigerian nun, addressed the group Saturday: “We must acknowledge that our mediocrity, hypocrisy and complacency have brought us to this disgraceful and scandalous place we find ourselves as a Church. We pause to pray, Lord have mercy on us.”

She told the summit; “Too often we want to keep silent until the storm has passed. This storm will not pass by. Our credibility is at stake.”




Vatican doctors Pope's remarks on ‘psychiatric help’ for gay children, says he did not mean it

Pope Francis told a reporter that parents should seek psychiatric help if their children had homosexual tendencies. The Vatican says he did not mean it and removed those words from the official transcript, however.

The comment in question was reportedly made as the pontiff was flying back to Rome from Ireland on Sunday. While the Pope has earlier implied that there is nothing wrong with being gay, this time he said that “a lot that can be done through psychiatry” no later than in childhood and added that ignoring such a child is “error of fatherhood or motherhood.”

“When it shows itself from childhood, there is a lot that can be done through psychiatry, to see how things are. It is something else if it shows itself after 20 years,” Pope Francis told reporters, as cited by multiple outlets.

However, that reference was not included in a transcript published by the Holy See Press Office on Monday.

The Vatican did not deny the alteration, saying that the quote had been erased to avoid confusion. 

“When the Pope referred to 'psychiatry', it is clear that he was doing it to highlight an example of 'things that can be done'. But with that word he didn't mean to say that it [homosexuality] was a 'mental illness',” a Vatican spokeswoman told AFP.

Last week, Pope Francis was accused of inaction over sexual abuse claims against a prominent US priest, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, which the pontiff allegedly knew about. The claim was made by former Vatican ambassador to the US, Carlo Maria Vigano, who even called for the pope’ resignation. 

However, the pope refused to comment on the allegations, calling on the public to “judge for yourselves.” 

READ MORE: Twitter on fire after Pope Francis reportedly tells a gay man that 'God made him like this'

The Catholic Church has recently found itself in the epicenter of the sex abuse scandal and had to acknowledge that priests were really involved in it, after a Pennsylvania grand jury published a report that found 300 “predator priests” had abused children for decades.



Gay or having sex outside of wedlock? Surprise! The Church of England bishop says repent… or else

Gay or unmarried people who have sex must repent for their sins, a Church of England bishop has said, adding that some are “unworthy” to take Holy Communion.

Bishop of Maidstone Right Reverend Rod Thomas wrote in a letter that only after heterosexual couples have atoned for their sins should they be allowed to take Holy Communion. The letter was addressed to his superior, Bishop of Lichfield the Right Reverend Michael Ipgrave, who said last month that people from the LGBT community should be encouraged to become vicars and should always have “a place at the table.” Ipgrave also said that no one should be excluded from sacraments due to sexuality or gender identity.

Thomas said in the letter that he would welcome LGBT people to church, but remained firm on the Church of England’s official position that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. Thomas also held his ground that church rules also“speak of the need for all sexual relationships outside marriage to be met with a call to repentance.”

“I do therefore encourage clergy to be compassionate and sensitive in dealing with the issue of repentance, but nevertheless to see it as an important part of their pastoral care,” Thomas said, adding that some were “unworthy” of joining in Holy Communion and that many churches had a policy where they “welcome those who have sought to repent.”

At the end of May, gay and transgender people were encouraged by the Church of England to become vicars, as bishops launch a new push for sexual diversity within the church. Four bishops in the Lichfield Diocese published a guide entitled ‘Welcoming and honouring LGBT people’ that says people “of any sexual orientation or gender identity feel welcomed and honoured in our churches.”

The guide, which was sent to all clergy and lay ministers in the diocese, calls for “radical Christian inclusion.” The guide also said that: “nobody should be excluded or discouraged from receiving the Sacraments of Baptism or the Lord’s Supper on the grounds of their sexual orientation or gender identity.”

READ MORE: Transgender kids, gay marriage & women in the church: 4 years of Pope Francis in quotes

Pro-LGBT campaigners in the church have voiced shock at Thomas’ letter, which they say directly opposes the diversity directive handed down less than a fortnight ago.

Reverend Colin Coward MBE wrote in a letter to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York that “in coded language and nuanced phrases Bishop Rod is subtly outlining a practice that is in direct contravention of the House of Bishops Guidance on Same Sex Marriage.

“[The House] affirmed that the Church of England should not exclude from its fellowship those lay people of gay or lesbian orientation who, in conscience, were unable to accept that a life of sexual abstinence was required of them and who, instead, chose to enter into a faithful, committed sexually active relationship,” Coward said.

“I would like to know what action you will take to ensure that the Bishop of Maidstone is made fully aware of the contents of the House of Bishops Guidance and will in his practice of episcopal ministry ensure that the Guidance is followed.”




Twitter on fire after Pope Francis reportedly tells a gay man that 'God made him like this'

Social media was set ablaze as some praised and others questioned the integrity of Pope Francis after a gay man claimed the head of the Roman Catholic Church told him: "God made you this way."

Juan Carlos Cruz, a survivor of clerical sexual abuse, told Spanish El Pais that Pope Francis assured him of God's love regardless of his homosexuality.

"He told me, 'Juan Carlos, that you are gay does not matter. God made you like this and loves you like this and I don't care. The pope loves you like this. You have to be happy with who you are,'" Cruz told El Pais.

The comments were welcomed by some people, who praised the Pope's open-mindedness.

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His supporters called him "the new age true Catholic," who, instead of condemning homosexuality, embraced it by "telling Catholics that being gay isn't a choice."

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However, the Pope's remarks did not sit well with more conservative audience. Some even expressed doubt that His Holiness has actually read the Bible, suggesting it might be a good time for him to start reading it.

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"God didn't create Tom and John. He created Adam and Eve. This is wrong and not biblical," said one man, who added that there is nothing in the traditional church teachings that could back the Pope's words.

"Followers of Jesus Christ need to be reminded that Jesus NEVER SAID A WORD about homosexuality," author Tess Gerritsen tweeted. "But if you insist on obeying Old Testament laws, better start collecting stones. You'll need them to execute your disobedient teenagers."

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Some people accused the pope of distorting the truth, and cited passages from the Bible. "Pope Francis changed the truth of God into a lie. So sad,"one man said.

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Others said Pope Francis "is being politically correct." Again.

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If true, Cruz's claim that the Pope told him it is okay to be gay wouldn't the first time Pope Francis has gone against the core principles of the church. In July 2013, he expressed his openness to gay clergy when he said, "Who am I to judge?"

The Argentinian-born pope has repeatedly challenged the public with his statements, many of which have raised some eyebrows. In one such statement, he reportedly denied the existence of hell, when one of the co-founders of Italian La Repubblica, and Eugenio Scalfari, an atheist, confronted him about the immortality of the soul.

On another occasion, the pontiff condemned the phenomenon of 'fake news' as the work of the devil, which he said could be compared to the tale of original sin in which Adam and Eve were deceived into eating the forbidden fruit.

Not so long ago, Pope Francis also made a remark comparing a group of giggling Peruvian nuns to "terrorists."

The Pope also recently shook public opinion after a report revealed a letter written by the same victim of clerical sexual abuse who claimed the pope told him God made him "this way." In the letter, Juan Carlos accused Bishop Juan Barros, who was appointed by Pope Francis, of sexual abuse. Francis refused to admit any "wrongdoing" by Barros as long as there was no proof to back the claim.




Pope labels child abusing clergy ‘tools of Satan’, calls for ‘all out battle’

Just a day after one of the Catholic Church’s most prominent cardinals admitted that child sex abuse files were either destroyed or never created Pope Francis has branded clergy who abuse children “tools of Satan.”

Speaking at the end of a historic Vatican conference on clerical sex abuse the Pope called for an “all-out battle” on the crime that should be “erased from the face of the Earth.”

Using fiery rhetoric, Pope Francis said that even a single case of abuse is an “atrocity” and vowed that the Church will protect children from the“ravenous wolves.”

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He described the hearts of some clergy as having been “dulled by hypocrisy and power” and promised to bring abusers to justice.

He outlined that the National Bishops Conferences guidelines on clerical sexual abuse will be reviewed and bolstered and the Church’s definition of a ‘minor’ will be raised from the current age of 14 years to “expand protection” for children.

READ MORE: Psych evaluations & strict code of conduct: Pope offers ‘concrete’ steps to fight sexual abuse

The Pope went on to argue that the “vast majority” of priests are good and also dedicated a significant chunk of the beginning of the speech to demonstrate that most child sex abuse takes place in families.

The four-day summit was attended by 114 bishops from all over the world. On Saturday Cardinal Reinhard Marx revealed to the gathering that predator priests were able to continue abusing children because files on their crimes were either destroyed or never existed.

ALSO ON RT.COMPedophile priests’ files either ‘destroyed’ or ‘not even created,’ admits Vatican top cardinal

As part of an admission that the rights of victims were “effectively trampled underfoot,” Marx said that “procedures and processes” that could have led to successful prosecutions were “deliberately not complied with.”

The landmark conference comes following several fresh abuse scandals in Chile, Germany, and the US state of Pennsylvania. Recent investigations revealed that abusers were frequently moved to other parishes and their crimes were hushed up to preserve the Church’s reputation.

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Pedophile priests’ files either ‘destroyed’ or ‘not even created,’ admits Vatican top cardinal

One of the Catholic Church’s most prominent cardinals admitted on Saturday that files documenting child sex abuse were either destroyed or never existed, allowing predator priests to continue preying on victims.

“Files that could have documented the terrible deeds and named those responsible were destroyed, or not even created,” Cardinal Reinhard Marx told a gathering of top clergymen at a landmark Vatican summit into child sex abuse.

ALSO ON RT.COMPsych evaluations & strict code of conduct: Pope offers ‘concrete’ steps to fight sexual abuse

Saying that the rights of victims were “effectively trampled underfoot,” Marx admitted that “procedures and processes” that could have led to successful prosecutions were “deliberately not complied with.” Instead, evidence was either “canceled or overridden” by Church officials.

Noting that there is no substitute for “traceability and transparency,” the cardinal added that the unwillingness of the Church to confront these crimes had left victims unable to trust the system and seriously risked ruining the Church’s credibility.

“These are all events that sharply contradict what the Church should stand for,” he said.

Marx’s admission comes on the penultimate day of a four-day summit attended by the Church’s top bishops. Convened by Pope Francis, the unprecedented conference is the Vatican’s attempt to reflect on and discuss the sex abuse scandals that have plagued the Church for decades.

ALSO ON RT.COMPope admits abuse & sex slavery of nuns by priests... but insists it’s ‘under control’

The summit comes against a backdrop of several scandals that recently emerged in Chile, Germany, and the US state of Pennsylvania. Investigations into such crimes found that offending clergy were frequently moved to other parishes while bishops swept the crimes under the carpet to avoid damage to the Church’s reputation.

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Psych evaluations & strict code of conduct: Pope offers ‘concrete’ steps to fight sexual abuse

Pope Francis has proposed a list of 21 initiatives he believes will stall the erosion of trust in the Catholic Church which has been plagued by numerous sexual abuse scandals and accusations of trying to sweep them under the rug.

Trying to apply maximum pressure to convince the clergy to confront the issue, the Pope opened a landmark summit on ‘The Protection of Minors in the Church’ by presenting a “practical handbook” which should serve as “a simple starting point” for the Vatican to overcome its sexual abuse crisis.

“The holy People of God look to us, and expect from us not simple and predictable condemnations, but concrete and effective measures to be undertaken,” Francis stressed Thursday in the Vatican, as nearly 200 clerics began debating ways to respond to the emergency.

 The so-called Reflection Points, formulated by the various Episcopal Commissions and Conferences, seek to create specific rules for those wishing to enter the priesthood to make sure the candidates achieve “spiritual and psychosexual maturity” prior to being ordained into celibate service to God, through “psychological evaluations.”
ALSO ON RT.COMVatican’s homophobic hypocrisy: 80 percent of priests are gay, explosive book reveals

Clergy found guilty of sexual abuse of minors must “leave” the public ministry, one of the points’ demands, while another proposal calls for the creation of “mandatory codes of conduct” to define the “appropriate boundaries” in personal relationships.

Among other ideas there’s a proposal to establish specific protocols for handling accusations against bishops and allowing lay specialists to participate in abuse investigations.

In an effort to better serve the interests of minors, the pontiff also urged an amendment to the Code of Canon Law, raising the minimum age of marriage from 14 to 16.

ALSO ON RT.COMVatican admits to having secret rules for priests who breach celibacy & father children

Parishes across the world are also being asked to set up an anonymous hotline to report abuse cases, while also encouraging the congregation to spread awareness about the “causes and consequences” of sexual crimes.

The Pope’s document does not have binding power and was distributed on the first day of the conference so that the conversation among bishops can get rolling. Whether or not the “concrete” steps Francis has called for will be reflected at the conclusion of the historic summit is yet to be seen.

ALSO ON RT.COMBishop accused of ‘brutally’ raping nun 13 times exposed thanks to sisterly protest

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Bishop accused of ‘brutally’ raping nun 13 times exposed thanks to sisterly protest

In the latest sexual abuse scandal to hit the Catholic Church, a nun who said a bishop raped her 13 times claims the church tried to silence her, while fellow nuns who showed support for the victim were intimidated.

The Indian nun from the southern state of Kerala said Jalandhar Bishop Franco Mulakkal first raped her in 2014 when he visited the convent and called her into his room one night.

“I was numbed and terrified by his act. I took all efforts to get out, but in vain. He raped me brutally,” she later wrote in a letter to the Pope’s representative in India.

ALSO ON RT.COMPope admits abuse & sex slavery of nuns by priests... but insists it’s ‘under control’

The news comes just days after Pope Francis finally acknowledged that sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy is an ongoing problem.

The nun first spoke out about the abuse in January 2017, and approached various church officials and Vatican representatives, some of whom told her not to tell the police and to instead wait for the church to sort it out.

It took five other nuns rebelling and publicly showing support for the sister in a days-long protest outside the High Court in September for the church to even acknowledge the accusations.

Two weeks later, Mulakkal was stripped of his administrative duties by the Vatican and was arrested the next day, and currently faces charges of rape and intimidation and trial by a special prosecutor. Police believe they may have evidence that he raped her and intimidated both his alleged victim and the nuns who supported her. 

Mulakkal maintains his innocence and has claimed the nun had a vendetta against him. Upon his release on bail in October, he was given a warm welcome by his diocese.

“We used to see the fathers of the church as equivalent to God, but not any more,” the victim’s sister told the New York Times. “How can I tell my son about this, that the person teaching us the difference between right and wrong gave him his First Communion after committing such a terrible sin?”

ALSO ON RT.COMPrepare for ‘divine justice’: Pope Francis calls on abusive priests to hand themselves in

Four of the nuns who supported the victim were given transfer orders to remove them from their Kuravilangad convent in the wake of their protest. However, this has just been overturned, Mirror Now reports, with the Jalandhar Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church sending the nuns an email saying they can remain as long as they are needed for the court case.

Kerala police say more nuns have since come forward with allegations of abuse at the hands of priests.

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Pope admits abuse & sex slavery of nuns by priests... but insists it’s ‘under control’

Pope Francis has admitted that sexual abuse of nuns by priests – up to and including “sexual slavery” – is an ongoing problem in the scandal-plagued Catholic Church, but stresses that the Vatican is “working on it.”

I can’t say ‘this does not happen in my house.’ It is true,” Francis said, when a reporter brought up a recent article in the Vatican’s women’s magazine about the sexual abuse of nuns. “Do we have to do more? Yes. Are we willing? Yes.”

We have been working on this for a long time. We have suspended some priests because of this,” he added, without volunteering further details.

Asked if he planned to call a bishops’ conference similar to this month’s summit to address clergy sex abuse of children, the Pope declined to answer. “I want to move forward. We are working on it,” he repeated.

Francis praised his predecessor, Pope Benedict, for dissolving one congregation of nuns “because slavery had become part of it – even sexual slavery on the part of priests or the founder.” A Vatican press director confirmed the pontiff was referring to the Community of St. Jean in France, which was dissolved during Benedict’s first year as Pope after he was blocked from investigating the order as a cardinal. That was in 2005.

Francis insisted the will to “confront” the abuse exists among senior clergy, but admitted “more action was needed.” He stopped short of explaining what that action might be, or when it would take effect, instead telling reporters that the Church – already besieged by an international sex abuse scandal implicating thousands of priests – “shouldn’t be scandalized by this.”

If the church continues to close its eyes to the scandal –made even worse by the fact that abuse of women brings about procreation and is therefore at the origin of forced abortions and children who aren’t recognized by priests – the condition of oppression of women in the church will never change,” wrote Lucetta Scaraffia in the February edition of Women Church World, the Vatican’s women’s magazine. The piece encouraged nuns to report their abusers, while also admitting that the problem of abuse by priests was neither new nor rare – citing the Pope’s own words to explain how it was entrenched in the very structure of the Church.

ALSO ON RT.COM‘Systematic cover-up’: Catholic sex abuse probe spreads to 45 STATES

Public awareness of priests’ sexual abuse of nuns was an unexpected consequence of the #MeToo movement, which caught on among the Catholic sisters last year. It couldn’t have come at a worse time for the Catholic Church, which was already mired in a massive child sex abuse scandal involving thousands of priests and even more victims. Francis has called on the guilty parties to turn themselves in and “prepare for divine justice,” and a bishops’ summit later this month was called to address the problem.

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‘Systematic cover-up’: Catholic sex abuse probe spreads to 45 STATES

Investigations into abuse by Catholic priests are spreading across the entire US after a two-year probe in Pennsylvania alone revealed hundreds of cases of abuse – and a massive institutional cover-up.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Joshua Shapiro told USA Today that officials from up to 45 states have sought his office’s assistance in prosecuting alleged misconduct by Catholic priests, and alleged cover-ups by the church.

In the Keystone State alone, 300 “predator” priests were found to have abused over 1,000 victims in the past 60 years, a grand jury investigation found. Similar investigations are opening up in Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Guam, and Washington, DC.

The US Department of Justice is also looking into the Pennsylvania cases, running its own investigation out of Philadelphia. Some 1,450 calls have flooded a hotline recently set up for victims not uncovered during the preceding two-year investigation.

Shapiro believes the investigation has just hit on the tip of a very large iceberg. “I think we're probably in the third or fourth inning, meaning that we still have a good ways to go and a lot more horrors to unearth,” he said.

The grand jury’s report was unflinching in its condemnation, claiming church leaders “often dissuaded victims from reporting abuse to police, pressured law enforcement to terminate or avoid an investigation or conducted their own deficient, biased investigation without reporting crimes against children to the proper authorities.”

Shapiro emphasized that the statute of limitations figured prominently in the church’s foot-dragging and stonewalling. “Almost every instance of child abuse found was too old to be prosecuted… None of those who enabled the cover-up could be charged under our laws.”

Every opportunity they had to do the right thing, they did the opposite,” he said.

That includes postponing a recent vote on proposals to hold pedophile priests accountable. American bishops were due to weigh in on the measures last month during a convocation in Baltimore, until Pope Francis opted to delay it. The plan reportedly involves a “code of conduct” for priests, a “third-party” reporting system, and implementing restrictions on bishops who have already been removed or reassigned because of sexual abuse – hardly the stuff of controversy. 

Several high-ranking Vatican officials have quietly gone away since the scandal began to break, including Cardinal George Pell, one of the Pope's inner circle, who was reportedly found guilty of sexual abuse in an Australian court last week. At least 18 US dioceses have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, while millions of dollars have been paid out to victims. Pennsylvania's Erie and Harrisburg dioceses have released a total of 131 names of clergy who – while still employed by the church – are barred from working with children.

