Доказательства того, что Вселенная создана искусственно; 1:32:27 min.; Ima Google prevod!

Доказательства того, что Вселенная создана искусственно; 1:32:27 min.; Ima Google prevod!
Maxim Pravda
Published on Aug 2, 2017
Слишком много очень удобных для нас совпадений в расположении земли, планет Солнечной системы, других звезд и галактик чтобы это было случайностью.
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The Elite Don't Want You To Know: GOD IS REAL - Here's the Proof.; 46:12 min.;

Objavljeno je 22.06.2016.
The global elite are now in the process of unveiling that which they have been hiding for centuries. There is a spiritual war taking place on planet earth at this very moment. Look no further than the Goothard Tunnel opening ceremony on June 1st in Switzerland. The nearly $9 million dollar occult riddled ritual featured Baphomet copulating with human women, the bride of satan giving birth, all seeing eyes and an endless amount of other Satanic symbology. Meanwhile over at CERN's Large Hadron Collider project in the same country we see Shiva the God of Destruction standing proudly in front of CERN's headquarters. And the CERN movie 'Symmetry' makes their aims perfectly clear, they are actively trying to break the barrier between that which is seen and unseen. Again, the elite seem Hell bent on ushering in their NWO Beast system and at this point they have stopped hiding it. Would it really surprise any of you who understand this information if you were to find out the Darwin's theories on the Origins of Species are also nothing more than lies based on deplorably bad "science" in order to get the world's population to dismiss the notion of a Creator altogether? If the elite could get the whole world to believe this beautiful planet and all who inhabit are nothing more than a random accident, they could get humanity to lower its spiritual shields thereby making it far easier to usher in the global system they seek, helmed by the one they secretly serve, Satan. Spiritual warfare on planet earth is alive and well - and you have been lied to. Author James Perloff joins me to deconstruct Darwin. and share proof that God is real..


Incompetech 'Decisions'
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The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - SGTreport.com channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - SGTreport.com assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
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Evolucija protiv Boga; 38:26 min.; Ima Youtube CC prevod!

Living Waters
Published on Aug 6, 2013
Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world's top universities:

• Peter Nonacs, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA
• Craig Stanford, Professor, Biological Sciences and Anthropology, USC
• PZ Myers, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Minnesota Morris
• Gail E. Kennedy, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UCLA

A study of the evidence of vestigial organs, natural selection, the fifth digit, the relevance of the stickleback, Darwin's finches and Lenski's bacteria—all under the microscope of the Scientific Method—observable evidence from the minds of experts. Prepare to have your faith shaken.
- "Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance". Isaac Newton
-It's scary how many people have been brainwashed by this idiocy.
They think there is a gigantic conspiracy to hide the truth of creation, involving millions of scientists, universities, researchers, museums, governments, teachers ... all around the planet.
I think it's some kind of collective paranoia.
-Serious question, how does evolution explain, even with millions or billions years of time, how out of nothing EXTREMELY complex life forms were generated, that can see, hear, touch, and contemplate their own existence? logically, this could not have happened without an intelligent designer.
-Thank you...I was 62 years old when I accepted Jesus Chris as my Savior. I consider myself a senior "baby" Christian....My husband and I study our Bible daily, and LOVE the Word of God. Several days ago my daughter called me and told me she
wants to know more about God...she has claimed to be an atheist for many years...probably most of her life. I have a box of books all about God ready to be mailed to her. After watching Evolution VS. God movie...I will email this to her, and hold off sending her so much information. You did an awesome job with this short movie, and I pray she will appreciate it as much as I have. Thank you Again....I pray those people you reached out to have moved forward seeking the truth, and more important come to our Lord.
-GoldenFalcon Racer17
6 months ago
EVOLUTION: Not science (some of them are, but mostly, NAH)
EVOLUTION: Not possible (much)
EVOLUTION: A fairy-tail made-up by a guy who hates religions
EVOLUTION: A made-up theory without an evidence
EVOLUTION: Lies told through-out the world
EVOLUTION: A made-up story of how this world began and started when they didn't even time-traveled through the past and has seen everything
EVOLUTION: They misunderstand evolution as adaptation, animals change over time to live in their environment
EVOLUTION: Skeletons don't prove much about evolution
GOD BELIEVERS: Jesus Christ really existed
GOD BELIEVERS; Miracles happen when Christian people pray for an another person
GOD BELIEVERS: Earth is not even more than 10,000 years old. PROOF: If it was over hundreds of millions of years old, the world's population of humans will be over-flowing, plus, there aren't much killed bodies of people around this place o-o. Moon gets further away from the Earth every year, if it was more than hundreds of millions of years, the eclipse wouldn't happen at all. We found cells and blood cells found in dinosaur bones, which means it was few thousands of years ago, not 65 million years ago. The sun isn't that old either. Too perfect to be true.
GOD BELIEVERS: We see God and we meet Him
GOD BELIEVERS: It's basically impossible for a random man to write everything down and make-up the whole entire story of the Bible
GOD BELIEVERS: It has many proofs. We are too intelligent, different than animals
GOD BELIEVERS: PROOF THAT EVOLUTION IS NOT REAL: If that formed that, it basically means that one of the two creatures wouldn't have lived at the same time my friends, so for example, if flowers came first than bees, the flowers will die which causes extinction, if bees existed first than flowers, the bees will die so will the flowers. This makes no sense
GOD BELIEVERS: We are not fish -.-
GOD BELIEVERS: We are not apes
GOD BELIEVERS: I would like to believe that I came from God, and that he created us in His own image, not from a fish to somehow an ape (who cares if I got the evolution orders wrong -.-)

Nepostoji, a zaklinju se Djavolu?

"on" kao Ne Postoji, a zaklinju se Djavolu #1?
1. https://youtu.be/gbRmRkZxYk0
2. https://youtu.be/8UpjPzdBaGo
На интернету кружи снимак приношења жртве снимљен скривеном камером, за који се тврди да је направљен у масонском храму у Турској.

Снимак приказује жртвовање козе на олтару са сатанистичким симболима, а изгледа да је човек који је снимио све ово ризиковао и сопствени живот.

У првом делу снимка двојица људи пролазе кроз масонску церемонију примања и заклињу се на верност ђаволу. Након тога, види се приношење жртве на олтар, а вођа читаве церемоније чак пије крв убијене козе.

Бивши члан те заједнице направио је други снимак, где се објашњава како се иницирају припадници 33. ранга масонерије. Тај члан упозорава да чланови организације не смеју да воле Исуса Христа, иако се тврди супротно.-Snimak je crno beli, sto znaci da je stari a znaci i da je kamera bila velika, pa pitanje je: kako ju je snimatelj sakrio?
Dakle, ovo je snimano, kako bi se sto vise velicala prica o masonima, jer su oni ionako nistavni, osim onima, koji su zaslepljeni tim pricama o njima. Bajka za odrasle.
Свиђа ми се · Одговори · 3 · 4. децембар 2017. 14:50

Milošević Ivica · Руководитель направления "Москва" у КГБ Новороссия
Nije tačno prijatelju, ovaj snimak je procureo od Anonymous grupe, stranice. I to još pre 5 godina. Kasno se budiš, a snimak je original kamera je sakrivena u dugmetu košulje ne Turčina drugo brata iz lože a jeste se desilo u Turskoj Masonskoj loži.
Свиђа ми се · Одговори · 1 · 9. децембар 2017. 08:56

Miticus Boyanius · Nguyen Huu Cau
Milošević Ivica

Necu da zalazim: da li jeste ili nije, sumnjivo mi je da jeste.
Ne mogu da shvatim, da ako su ti masoni uspesni i pametni ljudi, vrse rituale, kao primitivni ljudi u praistoriji. Postoji jos negde u svetu samanizam, ali to su zaostali delovi zemlje i ljudi u civilizacijskom razvoju.
Свиђа ми се · Одговори · 2 · 9. децембар 2017. 17:44

Nemanja Milenkovic
Morao bi da istrazujes malo duhovnost da bi to shvatio, gledaj to ovako - pre su bili paganski bogovi, neki dobri neki losi (zakoni prirode, da ti ne komplikujem pricu neces shvatiti) (isus predstavlja jednog od tih bozanstva - sunce, jehova takodje ali mracno bozanstvo, njemu se i klanjaju... ima ih jos no necu o tome)
koriscenjem bele ili crne magije mogu da se prizovu. imas zanimljivu knjigu mislim da je iz 11 veka - picatrix ali moras da poznajes astrologiju.
Jos jedna stvar nije to nista primitivno, ali je neshvatljivo za nekog ko jos uvek drema, ove stvari traju ko zna koliko hiljada godina, borba tame i svetla...
samani tih zaostalih delova zemlje sto govoris su na visem nivou svesti od nas, i ne bave se svi samani crnom magijom...

"on" kao Ne Postoji, a zaklinju se Djavolu #2?

1. https://youtu.be/gbRmRkZxYk0
2. https://youtu.be/8UpjPzdBaGoMiticus Boyanius · Nguyen Huu Cau
Nemanja Milenkovic
Hvala ti sto si mi otvorio oci, spavam dubokim snom..., nego, ti rece da je Jehova, mracno bozanstvo, a to je vrhunski jevrejski Bog, koga Isus naziva ocem. Vidi, ni moj otac nije mozda cvecka, ako ja jesam, ali mi je otac.
Astrologija, koja je vrhunac nauke, majka svih nauka, nauka nad naukama, mi je nepoznata... a Samani..., to je verovatno skup nekih naucnika, koji su meni daleki.

Hvala ti na objasnjenju, sad mi je jasnije mnogo.
Свиђа ми се · Одговори · 11. децембар 2017. 10:07

Miticus Boyanius · Nguyen Huu Cau
Nemanja Milenkovic
Hvala ti sto si mi otvorio oci, spavam dubokim snom..., nego, ti rece da je Jehova, mracno bozanstvo, a to je vrhunski jevrejski Bog, koga Isus naziva ocem. Vidi, ni moj otac nije mozda cvecka, ako ja jesam, ali mi je otac.
Astrologija, koja je vrhunac nauke, majka svih nauka, nauka nad naukama, mi je nepoznata... a Samani..., to je verovatno skup nekih naucnika, koji su meni daleki.

Hvala ti na objasnjenju, sad mi je jasnije mnogo.

Ta knjiga Pica-trix o cemu pise?

Тајни снимак масонског ритуала који је шокирао свет (видео)




Тајни снимак масонског ритуала који је шокирао свет (видео)

19:49 04.12.2017Преузмите краћи линк

На интернету кружи снимак приношења жртве снимљен скривеном камером, за који се тврди да је направљен у масонском храму у Турској.

Снимак приказује жртвовање козе на олтару са сатанистичким симболима, а изгледа да је човек који је снимио све ово ризиковао и сопствени живот.

У првом делу снимка двојица људи пролазе кроз масонску церемонију примања и заклињу се на верност ђаволу. Након тога, види се приношење жртве на олтар, а вођа читаве церемоније чак пије крв убијене козе.

Бивши члан те заједнице направио је други снимак, где се објашњава како се иницирају припадници 33. ранга масонерије. Тај члан упозорава да чланови организације не смеју да воле Исуса Христа, иако се тврди супротно.