Дистанционное пси-воздействие на людей. Эфир, биометрия, чипы.

Олег Шаманский
Published on Jan 5, 2018
- Svetlana Lapteva
Svetlana Lapteva
1 year ago
Очень хороший ролик. Но в библии этот номер, который у каждого на руке или на голове дан как один из признаков последнего времени перед жатвой. Отделения доброго от злого. Этот чип насильственная трудоемкая операция, просто выдумка фантастов, чтобы отвлечь ваш ум. Все гениальное просто. Дочитайте до конца главы. Конец времени наступит когда без этого номера никто не сможет покупать или продавать. Мы уже с телефоном добровольно ходим держим в руке или у головы. С введением повсюду только электронных денег начнется это последнее время. Еще написано, что добрым честным радостным людям ничего не будет угрожать. Погибнут только депрессивные неуверенные боящиеся злые. Все будет отлично! все кто работает со своими эмоциями и мыслями спасутся. Не паникуйте создавайте позитив и бесстрашие. Люблю Вас))
ernest s
ernest s
1 year ago (edited)
Олег! специально дл тебя! Душа хотела б быть звездой,
Но не тогда, как с неба полуночи
Сии светила, как живые очи,
Глядят на сонный мир земной, —

Но днем, когда, сокрытые как дымом
Палящих солнечных лучей,
Они, как божества, горят светлей
В ЭФИРЕ чистом и незримом )))) другое https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiQKT2zyvPw - первые три минуты пропустить можно...далее внимательно
Омар Горяев
Омар Горяев
1 year ago
Олег, какую прогу посоветуете на озвучку? Хороший звук. Инфа познавательна поделюсь. Замечу что мозг человека всего навсего был сконструирован создателями как демфер - волны боли при травме идут вверх и поглощаются этим веществом. Однако в нём есть моторная панель, сенсорная панель, контролирующий центр, которым и управляет САМ человек, находящийся внутри. Тело - это просто мясная кукла значимость которого была внедрена ниже порога осознания методом гипноза и многократно. Поэтому большинство людей стали животными, считающие себя телами в угоду тех, кто это стадо ...даже не пасет, это самая настоящая ловушка и знания, раскрывающие суть человека и Путь как можно убрать гипноз сильно подавляются в этом государстве и обесцениваются. Успехов в раскрытии Истины! Тайна внутри Вас! Омар Гаряев, писатель.
- Parker Madness
Parker Madness
1 year ago
на мой взгляд Эфир - без Сознания - тупо "Кефир" который сам по себе ничего не создает, он как лист полотно для художника. и еще к слову если Человек творец - и он этого не знает - то инфорацией можно управлять Человеком - и тем самым программировать Творение. Закладывается система убежденией (которые каждый для себя считает их своими - но все эти убеждения из общего Корыта их там так много что каждый найдет что-то на свой вкус - но только ИСТИННЫ там нету) )))) Все хотят что-то знать, познать - но только не СЕБЯ ;)

p.s. ну это моя "шизофрения")))
- Игорь Капустянский
Игорь Капустянский
3 months ago
Намесил в кучу лекции Акимова по торсионным полям, ЛВГ Гаряева, библию, веды, окультизм, левитации, Царёву,химия 7 класс, Серафим Саровский, власть, народ и конечно чипирование с доказательствами уровня бойтесь, но что делать я не знаю и вообще всё это не точно. На том и стоит. Только жаль мозг не включен на 100% и приходится ролики не силой мысли через эфир телепатически транслировать, а заливать на ютуб по оптоволокну которое В 1934 изобрёл Норман Р. Френч. А биороботы будут не после чипирования, они уже давно вокруг ходят каждый день. И никто за вами с буком за стеной не следит с генераторами. Ничего не бойтесь. Занимайтесь спортом, бросьте курить, пить, wi-fi, кушайте овощи и фрукты по максимуму, меньше пользуйте телефоны, больше находитесь на природе и не забивайте свой мозг всяким трешем.Да прибудет с нами Сила.
Alina Katze
Alina Katze
1 hour ago
Ну прям алхимия в чистом виде, а давайте по вашей методе из ртути сделаем золото) Убираем из ртути один электрон и о эврика, у вас чистое золото, а если включить мозги, то получится просто положительный ион ртути и никакого золота. А для тех, кто совсем потерял критическое мышление, сразу после этого бреда врежем в видос как инфразвуком разрушается камень. А дальше задаешь себе вопрос, а насколько остальной информации в этом видеоролике можно доверять?
- Konstantin Missyurin
Konstantin Missyurin
7 months ago (edited)
решетка из свободнолетящих частиц. Какие законы действуют на частицы и собирают их в решетку? энертная сила от центрального взрыва.., Плотность физического скопления чстиц (материалность) , и все это относительно окружающего пространства (пустоты), желание частицы занять свободное место в пространстве. Также что произойдет с частицей если ее остановить по отношению к пространству(пустоте).??? Она посностью потеряет энергию? Это смерть частицы? Значит жизнь вселенной это движение!? Временной параметр в таком случае будет отрезок от начала движения и до окончания движения. Общее время в пространстве ограничивается первой частицей начавшей движения и последней остановившейся. В остальном периоде все частицы стоят на месте и сколькобы не прошло времени они останутся там же. Температура это скорость трения между частицами - тем самым состояние покоя частицы обусловит абсолютный холод. В условиях окружающего нас пространства на многие свеговые годы вокруг - остановка частицы невозможна т.к. частицы окружающей среды постоянно движутся от центра вселенной на ружу вместе со всем материальным. Мельчайшие частицы должны быть такими же по свойствам и форме как их старшие собратья электроны протоны нейтроны фотоны и т.д. (кварки и базоны не обуславливат отношения к пустому пространству стоячему в абсолютном покое) ошибочные уравнения которые дают необъяснимые решения. В учет не взято пустое пространство имеющее только одну закономерность давать место и объем с избытком без рамок и границ. Измерение частиц дает взаимосвязь и информацию про эти частицы. Время ни как не связанно с жизнью частиц. Разрывая решетку частиц временное измерение вовсе незатрагивается. В противном случае мы бы не могли наблюдать рост черной дыры. Всегда и во все временна за горизонтом событий она должна оставаться одного размера т.е. неизменна т.к. время там проходит очень быстро но что мы наблюдаем? В нашем времени та самая черная дыра меняет свою форму в течение нашего времени. Эйнштейн был большим фантастом когда предположил что время можно искревлять. Теоретически эфир или решетка свободнолетящих частиц являются веществом которое может взаимодействовать с более сложными скоплениями частиц только энергетически и ни как иначе. эфир не вступает в состав осталных веществ но создает параметрическую связь между ними в результате чего мы наблюдаем всю окружающую реальность.



Vityaz Perunov
Published on Nov 16, 2018
Алина Алина
1 month ago (edited)
Смотрите у меня был случай . Я каждую ночь во сне видела огромную чёрно- красную змею . Она заползала из окна прямо на мою кроаать , я в ужасе открыаала глаза и видела ее на яву . Я с криком бежала включала свет и только тогда она исчезала . Все думали что это просто мне снятся кошмары. Это продолжалось до тех пор пока я со слезами на глазах не сказала . ГОСПОДИ ПОМОГИ МНЕ!!! Я НЕ ЗНАЮ ЧТО МНЕ ДЕЛАТЬ . Я НЕ МОГУ УЖЕ . МНЕ СТРАШНО . ПОМОГИ МНЕ .
владимир шалыганов
владимир шалыганов
1 month ago
Вся власть в любом государстве принадлежит мировому правительству - ФРС !!!!! Все президенты ( поставленные резиденты ) и правительства в любом государстве ставленники - ФРС !!!! Это новый мировой порядок стал внедряются с 1913 г. - год учреждения частного банка ФРС , который имеет право управлять печатным станком зелёных бумажек !!!!! Используя политические , экономические и военные рычаги ФРС навязало использование своих бумажек всем странам мира !!!
Вторая мировая - средство достижения этой цели !!!
Татьяна Василенко
Татьяна Василенко
1 month ago (edited)
Представьте себе, что библия это Шива Пураны,он же Велеса скотий бог, Сава оф,сатан,(мошиах в момент медитации в нашем мире) и его помощник и князь тъмы сын Вия Яхве бес смертный правят ☮️ миром, являясь частью тёмных сил закулисья,а влияние идёт от Луны Люцифера(свет смерти несущий) и "мобильные вышки" приемники с усилителем (усилителей вкуса)). А ещё представьте себе, что химтрейлы, прививки и ГМО-гены жаб, ящерицы,тоесть мутации в рептилию. А ещё представьте себе что руководитель проекта превращения человека в скот,раба божьего... Осуществляется через супер паразита-кандиду(рак). А ещё представьте себе, что если нет блоков,то можно выйти из тела благодаря практике асознанных сновидений. Представьте себе также, что во всех правительствах мира ☮️ во главе стоят пластоцианидно-сероводородные,в отличие от большинства людей гемоглобиновых,а соответственно значение того,что мир захвачен. А ещё представьте себе,что с помощью кирлиановского излучения можно сфотографировать душу человека,со всеми вытекающими эффектами,а биоритмический паспорт это соглашение между человеком и мошиахом,с супругой Калли (Мара,Марена, Кришна,Крушина, Гера), третий в святой троице Ганеша,но вроде папа его убил). Хорошо у меня фантазия работает правда, особенно если учесть, что все вышеперечисленное правда!
- Татьяна Зефирова
Татьяна Зефирова
1 month ago (edited)
Судя по комментам, только 1 чел из 20 способен воспринять эту информацию. Остальные в большинстве начинают ядовито комментировать стоимость работы регрессологов.
Причем вменяют меркантильность автору ролика. Каким местом слушают, непонятно.
Убеждённые христиане тут тоже демонстрируют полное отсутствие своих мыслей и сыпят сплошными штампами.
Люди ограничены, завистливы и злы.

Неприятно осознавать, в каком тупом и зашоренном обществе я нахожусь.

Автору ролика желаю Здравия, Воли и не сдаваться. Путь осилит идущий.
Да, работа регрессологов стОит недёшево и на это есть причины.
Но эти умения тренируются. Пройдите обучение. Видела у Ветлугиной на днях объяву. Она хороший специалист.
Вам нужно найти партнера и развиваться в этом отношении. Стать или гипнологом или слипером.
Тем паче, что вы уже много лет в этой теме.
Удачи вам!!!

Нас всех заказали колдунам? (пси-оружие в действии); 1:51:53 min.

Svetlana Lada-Rus
Published on Jan 11, 2017
Присоединяйся к нам в ВК http://vk.com/skvoz_apokalipsis
Поддержи проект http://обманутая-россия.рф/#donate
Защити автора проекта http://za.ladu-rus.ru

В последнее время это бывает с каждым: звон в ушах, головокружение, внезапные приступы беспамятства, и т.д. Это все неслучайно... Смотрите новый фильм Лады-Русь "Нас всех заказали колдунам? (пси-оружие в действии)" из цикла "Обманутая Россия"
- Владимир Кулагин
1 year ago
- Юрий Таран
2 years ago
Свои мысли защитить можно, жить счастливо можно. Первое, что нужно обязательно сделать - перестать пить, курить, употреблять наркотики, смотреть ТВ. И всё-таки начать читать. Нужно начать развиваться и тогда влияние "злых сил" (назовем это так) будет уменьшенно.
2 years ago
Многие не верят таким вещам ,человечество давно уже живет как роботы или запрограммированные,ежедневно все одно ,по расписанию,все мужики женаты на телефонах,компьютерах, ноутбуках,телевизорах,а женшины замужем за те же вещи, везде ходят уткнувшись в планшеты,телефоны,даже дорогу переходят не видя что перед собой,и через все эти гаджеты и вещи нам внушают нужную некоторой группировке информацию и управляют,есть еще ХАРП и КАЛАЙДЕР, это покажется нам не правдоподобным и смешным но смеются на самом деле над нами.
- Параллель Прямая
4 months ago
Ребят это интернет. Я любитель интернета. Я давно понял что он меня убивает. Стоит мне выйти на улицу и почистить на улице снег, у меня организм будто оживает, кровь начинает течь по венам. Выходите чаще на улицу. Наши родители были здоровее, потому что вечера проводили на лавочке с соседями. Это и то лучше для здоровья, чем сидеть в интернете.Позвоночник так и стонет после многочасового неподвижного сидения.
- Параллель Прямая
4 months ago
Ребят это интернет. Я любитель интернета. Я давно понял что он меня убивает. Стоит мне выйти на улицу и почистить на улице снег, у меня организм будто оживает, кровь начинает течь по венам. Выходите чаще на улицу. Наши родители были здоровее, потому что вечера проводили на лавочке с соседями. Это и то лучше для здоровья, чем сидеть в интернете.Позвоночник так и стонет после многочасового неподвижного сидения.
- Алексей Витаев
2 years ago
Мы тут недавно с соседом обсуждали, что реально наш народ зазомбирован. начинаешь им какие-то из жизни примеры приводить обмана власти, они такие ну да типо правильно, а потом опять за свое - "путин няшка", это же шизофренизация!
4 months ago
Смысл ролика и комментариев в том, что нужно поднимать свои вибрации каждому человеку, чтобы иметь защиту.
Есть маленький рецептик по этому поводу. Составте песенку из слов- Любовь и Благодарность. И пойте её хоть целый день. Это самые высоковибрационные Слова.
Ну и МОЛИТВА - это для верующих конечно.
Правильно еще пишут, что надо начать читать книги и духовно расти.
Ну а то, чтобы бросить пить, курить, наркоту и не общаться с нечестивыми и лукавыми людьми-это каждый знает, всё это сводит вибрации вниз.
Как то так. 👁👁
- Галина Балуева
1 year ago (edited)
В процессе просмотра фильма, поняла, что подвергалась такому облучению. Вспомнила ка прилетев на работу на Чукотку, чувствовала в ночные смены, а они были только в "Баклане" чувство тревоги наплывающее волной со стороны залива, а Аляска и ХАРП рядом. это я теперь поняла, что было. На тот момент я сравнила это ощущение с описанием дементоров в Гарри Поттере, наплывает и будто силу жизненную вытягивает. А у мужа так вообще приступ случился. точно по описанию как в фильме сказали, упало давление, тошнота, тохикордия в одночасье. Пришлось уехать. я пробыла там 7 мес. а муж приехал позже и выдержал только 2 мес. И ещё это чувство усталости и угнетённости, я сначала приняла, за оклиматизацию после 9 часового перелёта, теперь понимаю нет, т.к. по возвращении пришла в себя за 1.5 суток. Кстати, чуть не забыла. ещё меня в Анадыре почему то мучило чувство дизориентации, т.е. почему то для меня было важно определить, стороны света, ни когда такой проблемы раньше не возникало, а тут хотелось выяснить где Камчатка, где америка и сам наш материк с какой стороны.
- Бебика Батьковна
5 months ago
Я вышла из этого читая молитву Киприяна от порчи, она большая, но эффективна. У меня была порча и Бог помог, видела сон, что с неба луч в сердце женщине попал и ее убило. Я почувствовала освобождение, читала далее молитву и мой разум стал чище и болезни мои стали сами вылечиватся без врачей. Врачи ничего не могли вылечить. С почками обратилась к уродогу, зная, что анализы мочи надо сдатьи узи, а он не назначил их, а назначил мрт. Я иду домой в недоумении и говорю господи помоги и мне ответ мысленный пришел, я твой Бог, я тебя создал мне молись, а не врачу ходи и я тебя вылечу. Я читала много всяких молитв в молитвослове, но молитва Киприяна не только изгоняет зло, но и воздействует на выздоровлени. У меня были мастопатия грудей, почки болели, туберкулез и читала каждый день молитву Киприяна не смотря на то, что не рекомендуют священники. У меня сначала начался сильный кашель отхаркивающий месяца два, с носа выходила кровянная сукровица, потом зеленная, полом желтая. Мне было страшно, но я продолжала читать. Кашель стал утихать в области груди становилось легче, мастопатия в первую неделю ушла, почки постепенно стали проходить сами по себе. Как бы молитвой я ее читала вслух идет очистка. Потом стала чувствовать на физическом теле как из моего тела что то вылетает, при этом в том месте, где вылетало, то вмышцы тела дергались. Опять испугалась и молилась Богу, но мысленоо шли ответы не бойся это идет чистка. Много существ мы глазами не видим и телом не чувствуем, а я стала их телом чувствовать. Продолжая читать молитву чем больше чищусь ,тем больше во мне прибывает сил, энергии. Раннее я не понимала, что такое энергия, а сейчас понимаю это не обьяснить, но понимаю, что имели ввиду святые отцы под блаженством. Они много читали молитв и таким образом очищались от этих не видимых сущностей, которые при негативном вашем слове, мысли облепливают вас и таким образом блокируют подход энергии к вашим органам, от чего те начинают болеть. По этому в библии учат люби, прости, добро. При положительной мысли, слове эти существа не могут в вас войти, не та среда. Начните читать молитвы по три раза в день. Сначала быстро появляется усталость,но продолжая вы почувствуете прилив сил. Это идет очистка.Здоровья вам!
Андрей Мантров
1 year ago
Ну ещё не пойму ине знаю про чемоданчики в фильме,не знаком нет доступа,но зачем они нужны?Сейчас есть эгрегоры школы,эгрегоры других служб жирные,влиятельные,жестокие,что задал то и сделают,по влияют,но я видимо с этим не знаком.а уж на здоровье повлиять,это запросто.На людей влиять,особенно на отдельного очень легко,особенно имея коллективный эгрегор в кармане,личность коллективе сопротивлялся не может,куда веник туда и прутик в нем.По пришествию времени я вижу действительно что ДЭИР был создан как инструмент влияния на массы,в нужное время в стране и им,это обычная чёрная пирамида,с иерархией,,с общей Кармой коллективной,верх которой идёт в верхние эшелоны власти.Я её могу точно назвать школой не социальной адаптации,а школой социального мочилова,в основе которой деньги,это главный аспект,школа культа денег,это закамуфлировано,но это главная там действующая сила и мысль.У кого по должности больше денег тот меняет их на здоровье жизнь,блага,у того лучше в жизни.и не важно как ты заработал деньги ,какой ты начальник,сколько ты людей отвел от их цели,а сам эту цель взял.Мочилово,Мочилово но это хорошо если ты потерял деэнергоинф.пространство,что такой вход записывается,идёт обмен с мишенью,можно чернухи нахлебатся,скажете прчистится,хорошо прочистился,сжег,но это отрезок своей жизни сжечь,как будто бы и не было,а вселенская отдача если много накасячил,её куда,а луч Бога карающий?Люди туда шли высоко духовные я сам видел,за знаниями,а попадали под /очень женское влияние эгрегора школы ДЭИР,держит он очень очень ребята жёстко уж поверье,и личность подстраивает также,и вот тебе и цели какие-то в жизни пришли,а они не твои,и энергии он забрал больше чем дал,отдаешь всегда больше.Обычная чёрная пирамида,с чёрной верхушкой людей,с общей кармой,с зачернением светлых людей внизу со временем,так как они помогали чёрным людям вверху,несли их карперед его транс формирующие лучом.Тоже думаю о курсах Нарбекова,и т.д.там вообще софизм,массонсво.Вот так вот побудешь там и видишь действительно сатанизм,масонство,культ денег,культ сатаны.Думаю с 2000 г.население подвергается влиянию разнообразных э7регоров тёмных школ,учений,,а единственной целью является раздербанивание территории России,её полезных ископаемых,и местного населения России его уничтожения.Сейчас это за 17 лет явно видно.Вот и поверишь в Мировой заговор,в сатанинские культы управленцев.Что действительно Гитлер не сделал,то видимо сделали за 30 лет в России остальные.Очень в моём окружении умирали много глубоко верующих людей,я действительно не обращал внимания,ну так надо мол,думаю шло уничтожение РПЦ верующих,т.е.диверсия против населения. Вчера был теракт в Египте с 285 жертв кажется,могу ошибиться,стал обращать внимание на даты терактов и чёрных дат сатанкульта,совпадение идёт конкретное видимо принесли жертвы,раскачивают Восто к Ближний,все по МирЗаговору.Примечательно что под Мару,и под/чёрную пятницу/ во всем мире,вот и видно культу денег принесли в /чёрную пятницу/под Мару жертвы.Спасибо кто меня читал,не вступайте в секты,пирамиды,школы,все они закручены на карму,детально долго объяснять,животе с открытой энергетикой,не зацикливайтесь на деньгах,вычищайте помещения святой водой,родниковой,молитесь Богу,имейте больше свободной энергии в теле,вас трудно будет столкнуть.. Как вот только там на верху их /исправить/не представляю,они все там прозомбированы,все чиновники,силовики и все под культом сатаны.Очнешся вот так ужас,а куда страну ведут,а людей,видимо действительно скоро будет /жатва/населения России и Украины,двух славянских народов,да ещё страваили.




Global Elitists Are Not Human

It is often said that “other-izing” people overall can be dangerous and other-izing your enemies specifically can be tactically detrimental. For one, it can lead to a false sense of superiority over those people as you assert some kind of imagined genetic advantage. It can also lead to dangerous generalizations of vast groups as you categorize and pigeonhole millions as being exactly the same when this is rationally impossible. However, other-izing is perhaps the only option when faced with a very particular type of person embracing a very particular brand of ideology; other-izing can become a matter of survival.

I am of course talking about globalists.

Not the low level cronies and useful idiots within the globalist push or “movement,” because many of them simply represent a underlying gullibility or stupidity among people attracted to the inbred world of academia. Instead, I’m talking about the people behind the curtain; self proclaimed “globalists” or internationalists that have positioned themselves into strategic power centers. I am talking about the people that influence or outright control government policy as they stand over the shoulders of supposedly freely elected officials. I am talking about the people that influence economic security or insecurity through unaccountable central banking conglomerates. I am talking about the men and women that desire to dictate the fate of billions.

These people are not easily identified by anything other than their rhetoric and actions. They are made up of multiple ethnic groups. They herald from all corners of the planet. They do not subscribe to any one spiritual doctrine, but they do publicly devote themselves to many different religions as a means to “fit in” with the common citizen. Globalism IS their religion. And their god? Well, they see themselves as gods.

To be a globalist, though, one has to do more than merely subscribe to the tenets of globalism; there is a matter of character traits and actions which must be examined.

After studying the behavior of globalists and their organizations for quite some time, I have noticed that their psychological patterns tend to match with a narrow band of people that are best described as “criminally insane.” More accurately, globalists behave like high-functioning narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths. But what are the traits of such people? Let’s take a look at some of them…

False Sense Of Superiority – Self-Aggrandizement

Every person wants to be seen as important or unique. But, narcissistic sociopaths believe themselves to be entitled to special treatment and see themselves as above the laws and niceties of normal society. They sometimes seek to prop up this attitude through “accomplishment;” scratching for positions of power and influence in order to reinforce the notion that they are special compared to others.

Of course, power is usually an artificial construct because the only power we have over others is the power they give us, knowingly or unknowingly. Power does not make one special. The narcissistic sociopath does not make such distinctions, however. He/she only distinguishes between the people who strive for dominance and everyone else. In their minds, people that covet power are a superior subspecies, while people who do not covet power are considered bugs.

Frankly, I see no reason why we should not make the same absolute statement, only in reverse.

Narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths are stricken with visions of assumed greatness. They do not view the content of their accomplishments as necessarily important. Meaning, they think they were born great, therefore, it is not for them to accomplish anything that serves to help others or advance the knowledge of humanity. They don’t care about proving their greatness through legitimate achievement, they only care that people BELIEVE they are special, that they are anointed.

Manipulation And Coercion

A narcissistic sociopath usually prefers to get what they want easily. They expect people to hand them adoration and control automatically. But if they don’t get what they want as a matter of course, they will use any means at their disposal.

This usually includes the threat of force or the use of force, the use of torture, the use of elaborate lies and schemes to push their target into a corner (to make them behave in a specific manner), the use of psychological conditioning (molding behavior, usually through fear responses) and also the use of “gaslighting” (accusing the target of being “crazy” if they do not subscribe to the narcissist’s twisted view of the world).

Of course, this kind of disturbed person is never actually satisfied, even when they do get what they want. They always want more, there is always something else they need to fill the endless void within.

Lack Of Empathy For Others

Not all narcissists are sociopaths, but most sociopaths are narcissists. When we speak of narcissists, it is important to remember that there are varying degrees of this psychological cancer. When I mention globalists in particular as being “narcissistic,” I am referring to their propensity to be high functioning narcissists with sociopathic tendencies. In other words, they are narcissists that not only have an inflated sense of self worth, but they are also devoid of empathy and conscience. They are willing to harm others to any degree to get what they want in the moment as long as they think can avoid consequences for doing so.

There is also the matter of distinction between sociopaths and psychopaths. This is a little hard to describe being that they are so similar in many respects. I would put it this way — while sociopaths chase a goal and are willing to step on people to get to it, psychopaths step on people even when they don’t have a goal in mind. That is to say, the psychopath enjoys the act of destruction; what they want most of all is other people's pain.

Sociopaths and psychopaths both appear to permeate the ranks of globalist institutions. Some of them want to build an idol to themselves and don’t care who they harm in the process. Some of them derive great enjoyment from simply hurting as many people as possible.

Desperate Need For Adoration

It is not enough for the narcissistic sociopath to attain a level of respect through coercion. Ultimately, what they want is for the lowly masses to voluntarily ACCEPT their greatness as absolute, as an obvious and undeniable fact of life. What they want is reverence and devotion. As mentioned earlier, they want to be treated as gods by the people around them, and if they are particularly ambitious, by everyone in the world.

This is a strange dynamic indeed, for it requires a highly elaborate set of schemes and manipulations. If one is not a great person, let alone god-like, the amount of psychological conditioning needed to convince people otherwise is substantial. This makes the narcissistic sociopath a potential slave to his/her own incessantly engineered conspiracies; lies pile upon lies and schemes upon schemes in the search for something they will never truly achieve.

Globalists Are Psychologically Broken Non-Humans

In the world of alternative analysis and investigative journalism it is not uncommon to run into people who attribute an otherworldly status to globalists. Some people see them as a representation of biblical Apocalypse — minions from the depths of hell. Others see them as literally alien — interdimensional beings posing as human. And while many will laugh at such people as fringe conspiracy freaks, I think it is important to understand why they see the globalists this way.

When faced with true and organized evil empty of all care or remorse, one may be tempted to apply supernatural explanations.  I'm not sure that I am against the idea.

Globalists exhibit most if not all the telltale signs of narcissistic sociopaths, including being devoid of conscience and moral compass. While there are many definitions of what it is that makes us human, there is a kind of universal requirement regardless of culture; namely the requirement of something like a soul.

What makes a soul? How about a basic desire to do right by others even if that means not getting what we want all the time?  This is a good starting point, but there is more to it than that.

Psychologists and scientists have over many decades found a pattern of inherent character traits hardwired in the human psyche, traits present in humans from the moment of birth that stand outside of the influences of social environment. Carl Jung was the foremost expert in this field of “archetypal qualities,” with a vast catalog of case studies from around the world including studies in tribal Africa. An important part of archetypal or inborn knowledge and traits is the notion of good and evil; we are born understanding that certain behaviors are constructive while others are destructive and abhorrent. This is most likely the source of what we call “conscience.”

Unfortunately, not all people are born with a conscience. In some people, the difference between good and evil or constructive and destructive behavior is treated as blurry or frivolous. Jung and other psychologists mark this subset of our species as “latent” sociopaths and psychopaths. Together they make up around 10% of any given culture or group. Many of them remain “latent” and more or less harmless for their entire lives unless certain unstable environmental conditions provide fuel for their malfunction. Around 1% are born as full blown sociopaths and psychopaths. These are what I would call the “non-humans.”

This is because high level narcissism and sociopathy are not traditional “mental illnesses,” but ingrained character traits. A narcissistic sociopath cannot be “cured” of his ailment because it is not an ailment, it is who they are. If you were to take the narcissism and sociopathy away from them, there would be nothing left to their personality.

When a normal person comes in contact with someone that has no inherent conscience there is an immediate recoil; a sense that they have just stumbled across a monster. This is not an exaggeration, this is entirely accurate.

High level narcissists and sociopaths are physically human of course, but if we were to peer in at a visual representation of their psyche, we would find a barren wasteland — a place where ghouls lurk. They do not dream as normal people dream. They do not feel joy in the manner normal people do. They do not feel fulfillment in the things that commonly lift up the rest of us. They are incapable of love for others. They are incapable of regret for their actions, and only ever feel regret over failing to get what they want. They do not see other people as individuals, they see them as tools to be exploited.

Being sociopathic though does not mean that they are ignorant of what makes the rest of us function. On the contrary, sociopaths are very good at identifying the personal desires and drives of others, and mimicking people in a way that makes them seem “human.” They are parasites by nature,and thus they have to be able to get close to their host victims if they are to survive.

The globalist dynamic is interesting in that it is an example of organized narcissistic sociopathy.  Globalists have stood at the forefront of numerous wars, economic collapses and tyrannies over the years, all ending in great suffering for the masses.  Contrary to popular belief, sociopaths and psychopaths DO work together towards a common goal as long as there is a sense of mutual benefit. In fact, these people seem to gravitate to each other in odd ways. It is my belief that globalist hierarchies actually seek out people with narcissistic and sociopathic personalities; that they do this deliberately when they wish to expand their ranks. These seem to be the only aspects that they all have in common.

It is quite a “conspiracy theory,” I know. But look at it this way, how else can we explain their tendencies and behaviors? If organized annihilation was an intrinsic value of humanity then we would have died out long ago. The globalists are not human, though. They are something opposite, and if you do not understand this core truth, they can be bewildering and terrifying.



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Comments (19)
written by Brandon Smith , May 16, 2018 

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I concur 
written by Jasper , May 16, 2018 

I've come into contact with some of these 'beings'. You are spot on, they are not human. I had one who shape-shifted on me. Nothing we can do about it. 
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Votes: +7
oh my 
written by Lynn Booth , May 16, 2018 

The one I know began shape shifting several times as well! Also, while with life long friends we played a board type word game (can't recall name of it). His thought process to reach answers was completely foreign and not very productive, very strange. Had occasion to see him demonstrate superhuman strength as well. Needless to say I've nothing to do with him x 10 years now. Tried to warn people but they think I'm crazy. Great article. 
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Outside appearances deceiving 
written by Hubbs , May 16, 2018 


Probably as important a feature which you only touch on is that sociopaths outwardly can appear to be very pleasant and agreeable people, especially when they are trying to get something from you. That is why they are so dangerous. 

Once they have what they want, then the difference becomes night and day. The true extent of their treachery is unbelievable. 

I know, I married one. Not to recommend you waste your time and money reading this, but this is what happened to me...and the consequences. 

My Medical-Legal Back Pages Bryce Sterling. Amazon. 

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Right on the money 
written by Escaped certain doom , May 16, 2018 

...thought you were describing my ex-wife. 
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Votes: +12
just a slight correction, thank you 
written by fanofjesus , May 16, 2018 

The only thing I disagree with is that these sociopaths and psychopaths are born that way. These "labels" only categorize their dominant traits, but all mental illness, according to M.Scott Peck, constitutes a "substitute for legitimate suffering"; i.e., these people were wounded/abandoned/not cared for, etc in childhood such that they could not pass the developmental stages of normal growth of the personality, character, etc. Thus they are vulnerable to evil spirits, who tell them lies, such as "you are not worthy of being loved" and all such lies that keep them from ever having hope in being loved. Thus their behavior is to one degree or another a compensation for not getting the love they need. Of course, as peck suggests, they never get in touch with the agony of their truth, and grieve it and get healed and restored to capacity to love and be loved. and then it is enabled by these evil spirits, who give them guidance and even enter them; I theorize that the psychopaths are the sociopaths that have been possessed by demons, which is what makes them murderous. 
so, what people are reacting to when around them is the presence of evil within them. 

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written by Brandon Smith , May 16, 2018 


I'm sorry to say but M.Scott Peck is utterly wrong. Peck is what I would call a pop-psychiatrist from the baby boomer era desperate to promote the idea that all negative character traits are a product of environment. This is false. High level narcissists and sociopaths are often born with the exact traits I describe - also, many of them are born into well-to-do families with no history of abuse or neglect. 

The majority of people that suffer abuse also do not become sociopathic. It is essentially impossible to take a person born with empathy and turn them into a sociopath. They have to already have the trait in them. 

That said, a LATENT sociopath or narcissist has an inborn POTENTIAL to become a full blown monster. Many of them don't because their environment is too "stable" to bring out those negative traits. 

I can't really comment on the whole demon thing. It's not something that can be conclusively proved or disproved. 

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Votes: +16
written by Crickets , May 16, 2018 

Yes, they are actually DEMON MEN. Under the control of their father SATAN. Very inhuman, indeed. Very strange people to watch. Their demeanor and appearance change and why many are very ugly and have demonic appearances, especially in their eyes. 
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Votes: +13
Delusions of grandeur 
written by Yeti , May 16, 2018 

I definitely see that false sense of superiority in some of our political leaders. 

Take Tony Blair and Emmanuel Macron for example. They possess ridiculous levels of self esteem. 

I guess a lot of psychopaths rise to the top all by themselves (they learn it "on the street") but I suspect some get a helping hand. 

Clever spotters and kingmakers - themselves psychopaths most probably - will intuitively know one when they see one and help them on their way. They make good puppets. 

Blair and Macron were both Bilderbergers. So often we see Bilderbergers airlifted into positions five stations above their true calling. And at such young ages. 

Tom Cotton is another example. 

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Votes: +11
written by a garde , May 17, 2018 

The current power structure is not sustainable with the current population. However, change the power structure, change the culture and we have more than enough resources for the current population. 

As an example : thorium vs uranium for power. One would be limitless, clean, free energy (for all intents) but not able to be weaponized. Hence why we use uranium. The psychopaths need the weapons, and if it destroys most life on earth, so be it. 

Change the culture to do more of your own gardening, aquaponics, etc.. along with a reduction in meat consumption. This won't happen as the psychopaths need to control the fool supply as well. 

You see, it's all about them owning and controlling everything. It has nothing to do with them being benevolent, misunderstood protectors of humanity. 

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written by awed bawl , May 17, 2018 

May 26, 2005 

Twins Study Finds Genetic Cause For Psychopathy 

Twin studies can help distinguish between genetic and environmental determinants of violence, said Essi Viding of the Institute of Psychiatry in London. In antisocial 7-year-olds with callous and unemotional traits, Viding found, the antisocial behavior was strongly genetic in origin (a group heritability of 80%). If these youths can be identified early, perhaps with a genetic test on cells from a cheek swab, one could target programs for them. "Genes are not a blueprint that determines outcome," said Viding. "Rather, they act together with other risk or protective factors to increase or reduce the risk of disorder." 


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Origins of mass psychopathy 
written by rwinkel , May 17, 2018 

Few people are asking where these damaged people are coming from. Humanity has always had problems with psychopaths but they seem to be in mass production now. How is this happening? I believe I have at least part of the answer: 


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Re: Twin study finds genetic cause for psychopathy 
written by rwinkel , May 17, 2018 

"A sample of 3687 twin pairs formed the starting point for this research. Teacher ratings for antisocial behaviour and psychopathic tendencies (i.e. lack of empathy and remorse) were used to classify the twins. Those who were in the top 10% of the sample for antisocial behaviour were separated into two groups - those with and without psychopathic tendencies. ..." 

Twins are born at the same time in the same facilities under the same medical care to the same parents. Please see my article above. Also see http://thoughtcrimeradio.net/2...nd-family/ 

Perhaps there is a genetic component, but such research only validates helplessness. Not a recipe for change. 

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written by Margot , May 17, 2018 

If we make the assumption that sociopaths are born, and not bred - it means that sociopathy is a genetic trait (dare I say defect).. 

Makes one wonder what the genetic markers for "Globalists" are? 

Maybe they are already privy to this knowledge, and are actively seeking out and breeding more of themselves - that is the mandate of life, after all. 

The rabbit hole deepens... 

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written by Brandon Smith , May 17, 2018 


Not necessarily. There is no concrete evidence that character traits are specifically linked to "genetics", that is simply an assumption that scientists make because they do not take into account the notion of "other sources". 

In fact, no one actually knows exactly where archetypes come from, which is why I refuse to discount spiritual explanations. It could be that there are no genetic markers for pyschopathy, and the only way to discover a psychopath is to wait and watch what a person does. 

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Psychopathy is tied to specific brain deformity 
written by nat , May 17, 2018 

Brandon, Nice article. You might read "The Psychopath Whisperer: The Science of Those Without Conscience" by Kent A. Kiehl PhD. He took a new generation NMR machine into a hard core prison and documented specific brain deformities (atrophies) which physiologically distinguish psychopaths from those who do feel remorse, empathy, and bonding. Further, he found the extent of the brain deformities and the regions affected correlate well to the degree of psychopathy. (Psychopathy is not an all or nothing trait). 

Prior to his work the only way to identify psychopathy was via psychological testing for evidence of guilt, conscience, thrill seeking behavior, empathy, social behavior, bonding, abstraction, etc. Psychological testing, of course, is not very rigorous - especially in high performing individuals who can be quite cunning in mimicry and charm. The smart psychopaths learn to cry when needed and otherwise fake facial cues, although their act seems a little shallow since they really can't feel the emotions and bonding they are feigning. 

The word "sociopath" doesn't appear to have a rigorous definition and you might want to either define it with exquisite precision or, better yet, discontinue its use as it mostly seems to provide an alibi for psychopaths and their apologists. 

In SOME circles, sociopaths are distinguished as those who have LEARNED to disregard their human feelings and, presumably, can learn to be human again. While I think this can happen (viz, those who learn to kill or be killed in a war/gang zone) it is most definitely NOT the same thing as psychopathy at all. Further, I think you get it -- but most people don't -- that ENJOYING killing is distinct from psychopathy. 

Most intelligent hard core psychopaths don't want to kill. They don't want to kill NOT because they care about anothers' suffering but because killing increases the chances they will get caught and put in prison. So likely the vast majority of intelligent psychopaths fake normal emotions as necessary to rise to the top of high-paying fields such as politics, law, medicine, and business. In these fields, their utter ruthlessness gives them a distinct advantage. Another trait of psychopaths is that they typically regard themselves as BETTER than human since they are unconstrained and, to their minds, therefore superior. 

Anyway, with that substitution for a more rigorous word, you say: "High level narcissists and [psychopaths] are physically human of course..." Well, no...I'd say they are not physically human. 

In closing, I want to thank you again for your article. I think you have put your finger on the root cause of so much of the world's suffering. We are ruled by overlords who are not human in the soulful sense of the word. 

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written by Brandon Smith , May 18, 2018 


That is not exactly accurate. Scientists have noticed some "deformities" in very limited studies of criminally violent people, however, they did not provide extensive background analysis of the case studies involved and apply it in discovering if there were any alternative causes to the brain "abnormalities". Meaning, they simply assumed that the abnormalities were related to their violent behavior. But, as any real scientist or psychologist knows, correlation does NOT necessarily mean causation. 

For example, there is evidence to suggest that character traits and behavior can affect the very makeup of one's brain chemistry and activity, rather than brain makeup determining behavior. 

Also, sociopathy is a concrete and well recognized psychological trait. Not sure where you got the idea that it is somehow undefined. It also rarely has anything to do with "learned behavior". I suggest you pursue far more study into the subject. 

Despite your misconceptions about this issue, I appreciate your comment. 

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One effect of mass obstetrical abuse on psychopathy rates 
written by rwinkel , May 18, 2018 

"Modern" obstetrical practices metastasized from rockefeller american medical education constitutes a form of psychological torture 


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Child abuse changes brain structure 
written by rwinkel , May 18, 2018 

Childhood Abuse Disrupts Brain Formation Harvard Study Says 

Childhood abuse leads to permanent changes in a seahorse - shaped area of the brain that can cause adult depression and drug abuse, Harvard researchers said in a study that raises the possibility of new treatment. ... 




What Texting and Mobile Usage Does to Your Spine

We live in a time when mobile devices have become the de-facto of everyday life. Most of us check our phone several times a day, be it to check messages, send emails, surf the net, or call someone. Some of us watch movies on our tablets or read e-books on our e-reader while on the go. For others, we may be texting for as long as hours a day!

If you’re a mobile phone, tablet, or e-reader user, time to look up (literally). A new study published in the journal Surgical Technology International suggests that the typical texting and mobile surfing posture is the equivalent of placing a 60-lbs / 27-kg weight on one’s neck. Check out this computer model developed by Dr. Kenneth Hansraj, a New York spinal and orthopedic surgeon:

According to Hansraj’s results, the force exerted on our spine dramatically increases when our head flexes forced. It goes from 10 to 12 pounds in the neutral position (that’s the weight of an average adult human head), to 27 lbs / 12 kg at 15 degrees, to 40 lbs / 18 kg at 30 degrees, to 49 lbs / 22 kg at 45 degrees and 60 lbs / 27 kg at 60 degrees! 60 lbs — that’s five to six times the usual force on our neck at a neutral position — that isn’t light by any means, and is the equivalent weight of a boxer dog, a punching bag, or an arm chair!!

Now this data probably wouldn’t be as alarming if not combined with the fact that many of us spend long periods of time, easily at least two hours a day on phones, tablets, and e-readers. (Americans clocks nearly three hours a day on mobile phones alone, and I’m sure it’s longer for some of us.) Assuming two hours a day, that adds up to at least 700 hours a year, meaning at least 700 hours of additional stress to our spine a year each year!

I don’t know about you, but good health is important to me, and this includes good spinal health. With back pain affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point in their lives and spinal problems starting as early as age 29, it’s important that we don’t take our spinal health for granted. 

Here are my six recommendations on what to do instead:

  1. When using your phone, hold it up to chin level, as opposed to your chest or waist level. Putting it at your chest or waist level forces you to push your neck down and forward, which is where bad posture begins.
  2. If you have a tablet, use a tablet stand so you don’t hunch over as much when using it. Prop it up on a table of good height (not too low that you have to slouch).
  3. Just because your device is not in front of your face doesn’t mean you need to tilt your head completely to read it. Your eyes have a range of motion, so use that (and minimal tilting) to read your device.
  4. I suspect that a lot of bad posture from mobile usage is due to poor screen readability. Increase the readability of your device so that you can read easily without peering/hunching. This includes…
    1. Increasing the default font size, particularly for SMS, Whatsapp, email, browser, and e-reader, since that’s where most reading take place. You should be able to do this in “Settings” menu.
    2. Use the zoom function. This should be available in web browsers, email, and PDF readers.
    3. Increase the brightness and/or contrast if you constantly peer due to a dim screen.
  5. Take regular breaks from phone/computer; don’t spend hours hunched over.
  6. Do regular stretches for your neck and back. Hansraj recommends these tips:
    1. To keep the joints in your neck limber, move your head from left to right several times and touch your ear to your shoulder on both sides.
    2. Place your hands on your head to provide some resistance as you push your head forward, and do the same as your push your head back. This strengthens the ligaments and muscles that support your neck.
    3. When standing in a doorway, extend your arms and push your chest forward. This stretches and strengthens “the muscles of good posture.”

If you’re experiencing back pain or want to strengthen your back, here is a back-stretching tutorial for you:

Incorporate these changes with the 21-day trial: 21 Days To Cultivate Life Transforming Habits

Many incidences of back pain can be avoided — and that’s by developing a good posture from the get-go. Read: Benefits Of a Good Posture (And 13 Tips To Get One)






Stretches for Back Pain Relief, How to Stretch Routine, Beginners Home Yoga

Stretches for Back Pain Relief, How to Stretch Routine, Beginners Home Yoga

90% Of Worlds Population Don't Even Realize What's Coming! 2017-2018; 13:51 min.

Published on Nov 22, 2017
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Published on Dec 25, 2017

With the latest Cell Phone Τech and these new Smart Ηomes, we are starting to see their plans become Raelity.

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Published on Mar 8, 2018
➥ HOW YOU CAN MAKE IT TO ΗEAVEΝ - http://bit.ly/2FTUB7g

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10 FACTS About the MARK OF THE BEAST Satan Doesn't Want You to Know !!!; 53:03 min.

Bible Flock Box
Published on Jul 23, 2016
There's a lot of speculation as to what the mark of the beast is. Some think it's an RFID chip, others a barcode tattoo, a sign pledging allegiance to the Antichrist, the number 666 and even transhumanism. There are also those who claim it is an issue of worship and revolves around the Sabbath. Some key players speculated to be involved with the mark of the beast include the United States and the Vatican. Can we know for certain what the mark of the beast will be and how to avoid it? Yes, we can. The Bible has the answer. Watch this video to learn more!

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5 Tips on How to Survive the Last Days Without the Mark of the Beast; 7:18 min.

End Time Survivors
Published on Aug 2, 2017
'How to Survive without the Mark of the Beast' gives 5 unique prepping tips on how to avoid the mark of the beast. The RFID implant is already here and will soon be required for all buying and selling. But there are ways around it. The book of Revelation together with the Four Gospels, outline the signs of the times, including the mark of the beast (666), but they also provide the solution.


End Time Survivors is a movement preparing people for something called "The Great Tribulation". We welcome contributions from others.

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How to Avoid the Mark of the Beast

End Time Survivors
Published on Nov 16, 2016
The Mark of the Beast is on the way! This video shows a few of the many ways RFID implant technology will make life easier. It also explains how not to get the mark of the beast (666 implant). This mark (in your hand or forehead and used for buying and selling), is forbidden by God. You won’t be able to reject it if you are so dependent on all that you will need the mark to do in the future. But there is a tiny movement of people who are preparing for the last days. You can be a part of it!

Click here to learn more about the 666 prophecy [https://goo.gl/XNpwGH]

Click here to learn more about the teachings of Jesus [https://goo.gl/38xHLP]

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End Time Survivors is a movement preparing people for something called "The Great Tribulation". We welcome contributions from others.

Check out other videos on our channel [https://goo.gl/oTZPJj]
and visit our website for more information. http://www.endtimesurvivors.com

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700 Employees Face the Microchip Implant at Work; 14:29 min.

Wayne Levi Price - Tribulation Saints
Published on Oct 9, 2016
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If you’re using an Android phone, Google may be tracking every move you make




If you’re using an Android phone, Google may be tracking every move you make

Is tracking enabled on your phone? (Reuters/Pilar Olivares)
January 24, 2018

Biking? Google probably knows you are. Up a mountain? It probably knows that, too.

The Alphabet subsidiary’s location-hungry tentacles are quietly lurking behind some of the most innovative features of its Android mobile operating system. Once those tentacles latch on, phones using Android begin silently transmitting data back to the servers of Google, including everything from GPS coordinates to nearby wifi networks, barometric pressure, and even a guess at the phone-holder’s current activity. Although the product behind those transmissions is opt-in, for Android users it can be hard to avoid and even harder to understand. Opting in is also required to use several of Android’s marquee features.

As a result, Google holds more extensive data on Android users than some ever realize. That data can be used by the company to sell targeted advertising. It can also be used to track into stores those consumers who saw ads on their phone or computer urging them to visit.1 This also means governments and courts can request the detailed data on an individual’s whereabouts.

While you’ve probably never heard of it, “Location History” is a longtime Google product with origins in the now-defunct Google Latitude. (Launched in 2009, that app allowed users to constantly broadcast their location to friends.) Today, Location History is used to power features like traffic predictions and restaurant recommendations. While it is not enabled on an Android phone by default—or even suggested to be turned on when setting up a new phone—activating Location History is subtly baked into setup for apps like Google Maps, Photos, the Google Assistant, and the primary Google app. In testing multiple phones, Quartz found that none of those apps use the same language to describe what happens when Location History is enabled, and none explicitly indicate that activation will allow every Google app, not just the one seeking permission, to access Location History data.

Quartz was able to capture transmissions of Location History information on three phones from different manufacturers, running various recent versions of Android. To accomplish this, we created a portable internet-connected wifi network that could eavesdrop and forward all of the transmissions that the devices connected to it broadcast and received.2 None of the devices had SIM cards inserted. We walked around urban areas; shopping centers; and into stores, restaurants, and bars. The rig recorded every relevant network request3made by the Google Pixel 2, Samsung Galaxy S8, and Moto Z Droid that we were carrying.

According to our analysis of the phones’ transmissions, this is just some of the information that gets periodically sent to Google’s servers when Location History is enabled:

  • A list of types of movements that your phone thinks you could be doing, by likelihood. (e.g. walking: 51%, onBicycle: 4%, inRailVehicle: 3%)
  • The barometric pressure
  • Whether or not you’re connected to wifi
  • The MAC address—which is a unique identifier—of the wifi access point you’re connected to
  • The MAC address, signal strength, and frequency of every nearby wifi access point
  • The MAC address, identifier, type, and two measures of signal strength of every nearby Bluetooth beacon
  • The charge level of your phone battery and whether or not your phone is charging
  • The voltage of your battery
  • The GPS coordinates of your phone and the accuracy of those coordinates
  • The GPS elevation and the accuracy of that

“That goes beyond what you’d expect for Location History,” Bill Budington a security engineer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told Quartz when these transmissions were described to him, “especially in terms of predicted activity.” The EFF is a nonprofit organization that advocates for digital civil liberties, freedom, and privacy, which both I and Google have made charitable contributions to in the past.4

Google, accurately, describes Location History as entirely opt-in. “With your permission, Google uses your Location History to deliver better results and recommendations on Google products,” a spokesman wrote to Quartz in an email. “For example, you can receive traffic predictions for your daily commute, view photos grouped by locations, see recommendations based on places you’ve visited, and even locate a missing phone. Location History is entirely opt-in, and you can always edit, delete, or turn it off at any time.”

When asked to opt in, however, the full implications of enabling Location History are rarely made clear. Here are some of the ways Google apps ask users to enable Location History.

Google Photos

When the “Places” album is selected, the app requests to turn on Location History. The prompt says that Location History will allow you to “see photos grouped by where you’ve been.” It doesn’t say anything about Google using that information for other purposes. It doesn’t mention that in exchange for organizing your photos, you let Google record what stores you’re shopping in and what restaurants you’re eating at by collecting information about nearby Bluetooth beacons and wifi networks. There is no option to limit Location History to only be used for sorting photos.


Google Maps

In Google Maps, users are encouraged to “Get the most from Google Maps” by turning on Location History. “Google needs to periodically store your location to improve route recommendations, search suggestions and more,” the full-screen prompt explains. Those suggestions come in exchange for Google knowing how often you go for a run and how often you charge your battery.


Google App

In the primary Google App, the prompt to turn on Location History occurred almost immediately on one of the Phones we tested. On another, it only appeared when trying to activate information about local road traffic. Tapping “Learn More” reveals that Google plans to use this information not just for aiding a commute, but also to give you “more useful ads on and off Google.”


Google Assistant

On first use, the Google Assistant’s activation screen immediately makes Location History look like a requirement. “The Assistant depends on these settings in order to work,” the screen says, describing Location History as creating a “private map of where you go with your signed-in devices.”5 It makes no mention of sharing your wifi connection, only that it will “regularly obtain location data from this device, including when you aren’t using a specific Google product.” Allowing these permissions is required to activate Google Assistant, although if Location History is disabled after Google Assistant is set up, the assistant will still function and does not seem to prompt for it to be re-enabled.

Google Assistant is of strategic importance to the company’s efforts to keep users in its ecosystem of devices, apps, and services rather than those of Apple, Amazon, or Microsoft. Most recently, all of these companies have been focused on in-home appliances that respond to voice and can assist with various routine tasks like playing music, calling a taxi, or ordering laundry detergent.

Your Location History

Android users can check some of the information Google has collected about them by looking at “Your timeline” in Google Maps. (Google’s information page on how to access it can be found here.) These instructions show how to turn off Location History entirely.




Google can still use Bluetooth to track your Android phone when Bluetooth is turned off

What does your Bluetooth know about you? (Reuters/Robert Galbraith)
January 24, 2018

When it comes to tracking the precise location of an Android user’s phone, Google appears to use every means available—including Bluetooth-based location information transmitted to the company when the user might think they have Bluetooth turned off entirely.

A Quartz investigation found that a user can turn Bluetooth off on their smartphone running Google’s Android software, and the phone will continue to use Bluetooth to collect location-related data and transmit that data to Google. It does this by sending Google, among other things, the unique identifier codes of Bluetooth broadcasting devices it encounters. Such devices, known as beacons, are often used in stores, museums, and other public places to help phones ascertain their locations within buildings. Alphabet-owned Google does the tracking in part so advertisers can target “more useful” digital ads to users, but Quartz discovered that the company taps into an array of signals that can yield an individual’s whereabouts even when the user thinks they’ve disabled such tracking.

How it works

Google’s Bluetooth tracking is a confluence of three features: Location History, which activates Google’s location-tracking; Bluetooth; and Bluetooth scanning, an option buried deep in the Android settings menu. When Location History is activated, Android phones try to send a plethora of nuanced information back to Google (we reported on that here), including nearby Bluetooth devices.

When either Bluetooth or Bluetooth scanning is enabled, a report containing a list of nearby Bluetooth beacons is sent to Google any time an app refreshes Android location services. The only way to prevent Google’s Location History from sending this data back to Google, Quartz found, is to turn off both Bluetooth and Bluetooth scanning—eliminating access to Bluetooth devices—or to turn off Location History, crippling certain features of Android and Google apps. In a world of wireless headphones and hyper-customization, that’s an increasingly difficult proposition—especially when the tools to manage personal privacy are this blunt.

A spokesperson for Google confirmed that turning off Location History would stop a phone’s reporting of nearby Bluetooth beacons.

A third option on Android called “Device only” location allows a user to utilize only GPS to determine location, rather than “High accuracy,” which uses GPS, wifi, Bluetooth, and cellular signals. But even when a phone is in Device-only mode, beacon information is sent to Google when Bluetooth is off (though not when scanning is also disabled). If Location is turned off entirely, and then re-enabled, the phone resets to the High accuracy mode, making the setting hard to rely on.

Quartz was able to capture Bluetooth data transmissions on three phones from different manufacturers, running various recent versions of Android. To accomplish this, we created a portable internet-connected wifi network that could eavesdrop and forward all of the transmissions the devices connected to it broadcast and received.1None of the devices had SIM cards inserted. We walked around urban areas; shopping centers; and into stores, restaurants, and bars. The rig recorded every relevant network request2 made by the Google Pixel 2, Samsung Galaxy S8 and Moto Z Droid, we were carrying.

Understanding Bluetooth beacons

 In a world of wireless headphones and hyper-customization, that’s an increasingly difficult proposition. 

While the sharing of locations derived from GPS and similar signals may be acceptable to some users of Google Location—its accuracy limited by buildings, trees, and other obstructions—Bluetooth low-energy beacons are used to pinpoint a device to a more specific locale. Museums use them to give guided audio tours, restaurants use them to deliver food to the proper table, airports use them to guide passengers around terminals, and retailers use them to track and advertise to customers in their stores. A beacon does not collect information on nearby devices—like a television station, its signal is a one-way broadcast—but when an Android phone sends Google a unique Bluetooth identifier, the company can not only track you around town, but also into a mall, through a store, and up to a specific rack of clothes.

In its investigation, Quartz browsed a Macy’s in Palo Alto, California, that appeared to contain dozens of Bluetooth beacons, seemingly contained in transparent white domes mounted on the ceilings above racks, escalators, and display cases. In a Bloomingdales in the same shopping center (both stores are owned by Macy’s Inc), only one beacon was detected, above the store’s entry.

Inside of Macy’s, signals from Bluetooth beacons were strongest near domes like this one mounted to the ceiling. (David Yanofsky / Quartz)

No signals were detected in a Nike Store in the same shopping center, but many signals were received while perusing nearby traditional menswear retailer, Jos. A. Bank. The 15,000-square-foot Apple Store (1,400 square-m) one block away was also full of signals from about a dozen different beacons.

Bluetooth-beacon information can be collected in such a way that it’s hard to avoid being geographically tracked. Even if a beacon’s location has not been proactively registered into a public database by whomever installed it, all it takes for Google—or any other company—to determine a beacon’s geographic location is a single nearby phone with loose privacy settings. The location of a device with tighter privacy settings can then be determined using the information collected by the first.

Understanding Bluetooth scanning

While turning off Bluetooth is easy enough, “Bluetooth scanning” is buried in a secondary settings menu. Descriptions of its function are unclear, and the option to turn it off doesn’t work as any reasonable person would expect.

Of the three phones tested by Quartz, only one somewhat accurately describes the scanning functionality on the screen where it can be manipulated. The Samsung Galaxy S8 running Android 7.0 notes that Bluetooth scanning will cause the phone to connect to nearby devices “even while Bluetooth is turned off.”

The Pixel 2 running Android 8.1—the latest version of the operating system—and Moto Z Droid running Android 7.1.1, by contrast, only specify that Bluetooth scanning will allow the system to “detect Bluetooth devices at any time,” leaving it unclear if that means any time Bluetooth is enabled, any time the phone is on, or any and all times the phone exists in the world. The messages displayed on all three devices are also the equivalent of digital fine print, utilizing smaller font sizes and lighter colors that make them easy to ignore or dismiss as ancillary.

For an Android user who doesn’t want her phone to connect to her car while someone else is driving it (Bluetooth), but still wants more precise location services (Bluetooth scanning), the counterintuitive “off means off sometimes” setting may be preferred. Conversely, the user who wants his phone to connect to his car but doesn’t want his phone to use Bluetooth to locate him will need to adjust additional settings.

 The messages are the equivalent of digital fine print, utilizing smaller font sizes and lighter colors that make them easy to ignore or dismiss as ancillary. 

Other Bluetooth settings messages are conditional and buried many menus deep, where most users may not see the warning. There are no fewer than six ways to toggle Bluetooth on newer Android phones, and only one of them—the hardest to get to—displays a message about how Bluetooth scanning is still active when Bluetooth is turned off.

That menu is accessed by continually drilling down to deeper and deeper menus until there are no deeper Bluetooth menus to go to. Toggling from the quick settings, the default Google voice assistant,3 and higher-up settings menus provides no explanation that some Bluetooth functionality remains active when the option is disabled.

Where to find Bluetooth scanning on your phone

Making it harder for a Android user to adjust these settings, the labeling and location in the settings varies from device to device.

On the S8 scanning is located under

Settings > Connections > Location > Improve accuracy

On the Moto Z Droid it’s

Settings > Location > [three-dot menu in the top-right corner] > Scanning

On the Pixel 2 it’s

Settings > Security & location > Location > Scanning

Individually searching for terms like “scanning” and “Bluetooth” from the main settings screen only provided a shortcut to the Bluetooth scanning setting on the Pixel 2 and Moto Z Droid. The only search we could find that revealed Bluetooth scanning on the S8 was “improve accuracy.”

The Google Assistant could confuse a user into thinking Bluetooth scanning was turned off.

Asking Google Assistant to “turn off Bluetooth scanning” by voice led the Pixel 2 to turn off Bluetooth and leave Bluetooth scanning enabled.4On other phones the same request returned a web page with instructions. Location History cannot be turned on or off through the voice assistant.

For a person casually setting up a new Android phone—that is to say, someone who agrees to every default prompt during setup—Bluetooth scanning will be enabled on some.



Read next: If you’re using an Android phone, Google may be tracking every move you make


In just two hours, Amazon erased $30 billion in market value for healthcare’s biggest companies

Elon Musk on Regulating Existential Threat of AI Robots, Tesla Stocks Overvaluation and Car Hacking

Published on Jul 16, 2017
Elon Musk on Regulating Existential Threat of AI, Robot Killing, Autonomous Tesla Cars on Solar, A Private NASA and 39:38 and 49:20 Overvaluation of Tesla Stocks. He talked about his drive and future multi-planetary travel, the danger of Artificial Intelligence and Superintelligence, autonomous driving cars in boring tunnels. Elon Musk is the Keynote Speaker at the National Governors Association (NGA) 2017 Summer Meeting.
Science & Technology
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Artificial Intelligence: it will kill us | Jay Tuck | TEDxHamburgSalon; 17:32 min; Ima mogucnost Google prevoda!

Published on Jan 31, 2017
For more information on Jay Tuck, please visit our website www.tedxhamburg.de

US defense expert Jay Tuck was news director of the daily news program ARD-Tagesthemen and combat correspondent for GermanTelevision in two Gulf Wars. He has produced over 500 segments for the network. His investigative reports on security policy, espionage activities and weapons technology appear in leading newspapers, television networks and magazines throughout Europe, including Cicero, Focus, PC-Welt, Playboy, Stern, Welt am Sonntag and ZEITmagazin. He is author of a widely acclaimed book on electronic intelligence activities, “High-Tech Espionage” (St. Martin’s Press), published in fourteen countries. He is Executive Producer for a weekly technology magazine on international television in the Arab world. For his latest book “Evolution without us – Will AI kill us?” he researched at US drone bases, the Pentagon, intelligence agencies and AI research institutions. His lively talks are accompanied by exclusive video and photographs.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
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How to Become Relevant when a Robot Takes Your Job | Pablos Holman | TEDxLA; 19:18 min.; Ima mogucnost Google prevoda!

Published on Jan 27, 2017
The Future Doesn’t Need You – How to Become Relevant when a Robot Takes Your Job
In this talk, Pablos dares you to imagine the possibilities in what once seemed impossible: a harmonious co-existence of humans and robots: Robots taking over your jobs and why they should; how this can trigger fear in humans and why it shouldn’t; redefining happiness; solving world problems like eliminating disease; a personal narrative of parenting that will bring you to your knees; and the responsibility of humans in all of this.

Pablos is one of the rare futurists actually implementing science fiction. His team at the Intellectual Ventures Lab is working with Nathan Myhrvold and Bill Gates to invent solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems.
For the first time ever, at TEDxLA, he shares his thoughts on the limits of what problems technology can help with, and what problems we still need humans to solve.

Pablos is a futurist, inventor, and notorious hacker.
He helped create the world’s smallest PC; 3D printers at Makerbot; & spaceships with Jeff Bezos. Currently, Pablos is working for Nathan Myhrvold at the Intellectual Ventures Laboratory inventing solutions to the world’s biggest problems

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
Nonprofits & Activism
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How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Your Life | Jeff Dean | TEDxLA; 15:55 min; Ima mogucnost Google prevoda!

Published on Jan 18, 2017
In the last five years, significant advances were made in the fields of computer vision, speech recognition, and language understanding. In this talk, Jeff Dean discusses why and how these advances have come about, what the implications are for areas as diverse as robotics, healthcare, human creativity and computer hardware design, and why these possibilities are so exciting.

Jeff Dean is a Senior Fellow in Google’s Research Group, where he leads the Google Brain project. His areas of interest include large-scale distributed systems, performance monitoring, compression techniques, information retrieval, application of machine learning to search and other related problems, microprocessor architecture, compiler optimizations, and development of new products that organize existing information in new and interesting ways.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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Preparing for the Robot-Proof Jobs in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI); 58:00 min; CC-ima mogucnost google prevoda

Published on Jul 12, 2017
In past decades, technology has replaced many routine tasks with automation. Now AI and robotics are enabling computers to do more complex work and white-collar jobs that were previously the sole domain of humans. In addition, cloud, social media, and mobility make many “gig economy” workers as effective as full time employees. What will the future of work look like? How will automation augment or replace current jobs? How should CIOs and other leaders prepare their organizations for the changes to come? In a fast-paced exchange of ideas, our panel of experts will discuss these questions and more.

George Westerman, Principal Research Scientist(@gwesterman), MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy will moderate the panel, including:

Mona Vernon, SM ‘11 (@monavernon), VP, Thomson Reuters Labs
Cynthia Nustad (@cnustad), EVP, Chief Strategy Officer, Health Management Systems
Ernest Ng (@Ng_Ernest), Senior Director of Employee Success Strategy and People Analytics, Salesforce
David Neitz (@daveneitz), CIO, CDM Smith

July 2017
Science & Technology
Standard YouTube License

Лекарство от бунта... (Вы увидите это рядом со своим домом)

Published on Mar 19, 2017
Не делайте поспешных выводов...- Смотрите ролик до конца
Ни один работник мобильной связи не смог прокомментировать назначение этих вышек....
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License