Vi ste sada na Propaganda


 Na vest da je predsednik Rusije Vladimir Putin objavio je ranije danas da je u Rusiji registrovana prva vakcina protiv koronavirusa, da ona deluje prilično efikasno i da je prošla sve neophodne provere........

Evo jos jedan profesionalni RusoMrzac koji je placen od zapada, tj. od onih istih koji su nas bombardovali u "Milosrdnom Andjelu", unistili nam industriju, radna mesta i pokupovali u zemlji sve sto je valjalo!!!!!

Direktno.rs11. 08. 2020.17:2121
"Veliki Srbi, hoće li sad brat Putin da vas čipuje"?
Pa šta je sad ovo profesionalni veliko-Srbi, braćo rusofili, teoretičari zavere, desničari svih fela, antivakcinaši, ravnozemljaši i zatucani verski fanatici? Hoće li to sad i brat Putin da vas čipuje, a ne samo zli zapadnjaci i Bil Gejts - naveo je pisac i scenarista Žarko Jokanović, aludirajući na to da je Rusija navodno otkrila vakcinu protiv koronavirusa i da će je Srbi, po svoj prilici, rado prihvatiti za razliku od "zapadnjačkih" kada su se smišljaje razne teorije zavere.
- Ovo je veliki udar za vašu paranoju. Oporavak će biti dug i neizvestan - konstatovao je Jokanović.
Žarko Jokanović,
Podsetimo, predsednik Rusije Vladimir Putin objavio je ranije danas da je u Rusiji registrovana prva vakcina protiv koronavirusa, da ona deluje prilično efikasno i da je prošla sve neophodne provere. -

Danasnji Komentari na istom sajtu ispod novinskog clanka:

Svetska zdravstvena organizacija se oglasila tim povodom, istakavši da su da su neophodne rigorozne procedure za odobrenje bilo koje vakcine. Mića [neregistrovani]
U poslednje 32 godine iz Amerike nije izašla vakcina sa potpunom dokumentacijom o ispravnosti. Da li je ovo dovoljno Jokanović?
-11.08. 2020, 18:33Ime moje [neregistrovani]
Darvinov potomak
Gledajuci njegovu fotografiju vidi se da je volumen njegovog mozga obrnuto proporcionalan zapremini njegovog tela a sto se zapravo moze i potvrditi onim sto je i izgovorio.
- 11.08. 2020, 18:34дрмр [neregistrovani]
Нисам припадник ни једне наведене категорије. Питао бих господина којој политичкој групацији је припадао деведесетих и он и његова неталентована супруга, и како је продужио боравак на власти балканском касапину и како је користио имовину комунистичке омладине.
- 11.08. 2020, 18:59Лепи Цане [neregistrovani]
Путин неће да вакцинише (нити чипује) ни Русе, пошто вакцинисање у Русији НИЈЕ ОБАВЕЗНО. Ко хоће да се вакцинише својевољно - срећно му било.
- 11.08. 2020, 19:25anonymous [neregistrovani]
Re: Ruski preciscivac vazduha
Na tebi je izgleda dobrano radio ruski prečošćivač motga...
- 11.08. 2020, 20:39kraljevčanin [neregistrovani]
Uvek pre rusku vakcinu nego bilo koju drugu.
Što bi nas rusi čipovali???
- 11.08. 2020, 20:56Стојко [neregistrovani]
Баба Росанда
Моја покојна бака Росанда би рекла...Узми мало воде у уста,тад си најпаметнији.
- 11.08. 2020, 21:33Moskva [neregistrovani]
vot eto da
Ruskaia,Pravoslavnaia,Voenaia privivka,samaia ludschaia VAKCINUSHKA dlia Serbov
Da zdravstvuet voenaia VAKCINUSHKA.
- 12.08. 2020, 01:06laki [neregistrovani]
Re: ....
Najpouzdanija je Britanska vakcina sa Harvarda, jer su oni najdalje odmakli u njenom testiranju. Ne znam koliko glup moraš da budeš da poveruješ da je sve u redu sa bilo čijom vakcinom, pa i bratskom ruskom, bez propisanog vremena izdvojenog za njeno testiranje. Zna se sled događaja. Npr. naučnici sa Harvarda su najdalje odmakli u testovima i oni se trenutno nalaze u trećoj etapi testiranja, a posle toga sledi dugi niz meseci i periodična kontrola osoba na kojima se vakcina testira da bi se video koliki je promil neželjenih posledica i kakve sve reakcije na tu vakcinu mogu da budu. Zato su naučnici sa Harvarda i rekli da se gotova i registrovana vakcina protiv COVID19 ne može očekivati pre polovine 2021. godine. Rusi, kao i obično, vole i žele da su u svemu prvi i zato njihovu vakcinu ne želim da primim ni pod raznorazno. Ko želi nek' izvoli i neka im izigrava pokusnog kunića. Želim da primim samo onu vakcinu koju će da primaju i stanovnici EU, a to će, po svemu sudeći, biti ona sa Harvarda, nažalost tek za otprilike godinu dana. Ne sumnjam da će ovaj naš žvalavi psihopata pokušati da poturi deo svog naroda da se na njemu testiraju neprovereni serumi i potencijalni otrovi, ali to mu neće proći baš kao ni pokušaj poslednjeg policijskog časa. Za takva sranja neka potura svoju porodicu, svoju decu, ženu, brata i roditelje. Od mene KUŠ!
- 12.08. 2020, 04:26Mile [neregistrovani]
Re: Bravo, Žarko!

Ma,naravno,cim je bio svojevremeno jedan od stubova Nove Demokratije,stranke Dusana Mihajlovica,to otprilike podrazumeva sve ostalo sto proizilazi iz vaseg teksta. Ipak,bolji je od mnogih iz politicke branse. Sto se tice ovog njegovog posta u vezi ruske vakcine,apsolutno je preterao,velika vecina nas nije protiv vakcina,ali vremena nisu kao sto su bila,a ni Rusi nisu kao nasi 'prijatelji' sa zapada,to pogotovo.Dakle,sto se mene tice,ako procenim da mi treba bice sa istoka a ne sa zapada,ma sta god ko mislio ili pisao,kao Milicin suprug.
- 12.08. 2020, 07:07anonymous [neregistrovani]
Re: Re: ....
Tako je, ali mislim da će se davati vakcina koju država nabavi, a to će da bude ruska. Rusi su odgovorni i dobri u nauci, ali čudno da pored Putina nije stajao tim koji je izradio vakcinu. Ko ima prvi vakcinu taj će da dominira svetom. Možda su Rusi sve već ispitali na svom narodu, ko zna šta je u Sibiru!
- 12.08. 2020, 07:35Aleksandar [neregistrovani]
Kako te nije sramota Scenaristo,

Ti primi koju god vakcinu hoćeš. A isto tako ostavi nas antivaksere, rusofile, veliko Srbe i desnicare svih fela da primimo vakcinu koju mi hocemo... vidis mi nemamo problem da ti ako bas zelis primis kinesku ili mozda da ti licno soros i bil gejts ili ko god daju vakcinu. Vidis nama to nije problem. A ti lepo ako ne volis deo ovog naroda koji pre veruje rusiji, slobodno se seli u lepu njihovu ili gde god zelis. Sram te bilo za ovakvu objavu.

-Pa neka Torlak (sadasnji Novartis) sprovede detaljnu proveru te vakcine na: sastojke, neurotoksicnog Aluminijuma i Zive, celije matericne posteljice, celije GMO zivotinja, i niz drugih gadosti...... pa ako su "free" od tih zagadjenja, mozda ce biti bolja za bracu Srbe....razmislite sta vam je valja ciniti, stvarno nije tesko, samo ukljucite mozak i prestanite biti lakoverni i voleti  one koji vam seme unistavaju!!!!


Kineski mudrac je rekao:

- Kada si bolestan idi kod ljekara, on će ti dati recept - i ljekar mora živjeti.

- Sa receptom ćeš otići u apoteku, dobićeš lijek - i apotekar mora živjeti.

- Kada dobiješ lijek, baci ga - i ti moraš živjeti.

Naše tijelo je najbolji ljekar, 24h je programirano da popravlja i održava naš organizam u najboljem stanju. Mi mu samo ne trebamo otežavati taj posao. Tako je odvajkada uređeno.

Mi smo sebi najbolji apotekari kad dajemo tijelu Prirodnu hranu kao lijek.

Ljudi, nažalost, odstupaju od toga pa tijelu daju pogrešan ''lijek'' (hranu) i odmažu mu u tom procesu.

Neka ti hrana bude lijek, neka ti lijek bude hrana - Hipokrat, stari vijek

Duši daju pogrešnu hranu - negativne misli, stvarajući tako negativno okruženje i negativne događaje. Na taj način polako stvaraju preduslove za bolest, tj. za odstupanje od našeg prirodnog stanja - zdravlja

Kako možete na jednostavan način biti sebi najbolji ljekar...

- Sjetite se koliko ste Moćni, sva Moć je već u Vama samima, ne traži spolja - pogledaj duboko u sebe

- Dajte tijelu pravu hranu - Prirodnu hranu, pijte izvorsku - Živu vodu, dišite Svjesno - duboko

- Negujte Zdrave misli - stvarajte Zdravo okruženje, prizovite Pozitivne ljude i Događaje u vaš život

- Družite se sa Prirodom, vratite joj se, ona bez nas može - mi bez nje teško...

- Budite u kontaktu sa majkom Zemljom, uzemljite se - hodajte bosi

- Upijajte kad god možete svaki zrak Sunca, unosite preko potrebnu energiju a i stvarate vitamin D

- Dijelite nesebično Ljubav, što više dajete - više dobijate

... i smijite se od srca

Smijeh je najbolji lijek

Ljudi moraju da znaju istinu ! POTPUNO sam šokiran ! 183,514 views•Jun 17, 2020; 33:06 min.
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Svet se nalazi u neobičnoj situaciji. Situaciji u kakvoj do sada nismo bili.
Iznenadjen sam do kakvih se podataka može doći potpuno lako i to u pravo na oficijalnim sajtovima najpriznatijih ustanova sveta !
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VIDEO KOJI ĆE TE DELITI siguran sam jer prezentuje zaista neverovatne i obimne umrežene podatke koje nekako treba shvatiti kao slučajnost.
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2 days ago
Majku im j..em LOPOVSKO!
- Misa Savic
Misa Savic
2 days ago
Ja odavno tvrdim da ne postoji "teorija zavere",postoji samo zavera u praksi.
Miranda Morin
2 days ago
Matematika je jednoatavna. Financiraš prenapuhanom "većinom" sam sebe + donacije (koje su u stvari prisilne) te dobiješ svoj novac nazad uvećan za profit od izmišljenih poslova. Mi sami financiramo rad protiv nas. Hrvatska je "sama" uništila imunološki zavod kao i vi u Srbiji svoj, svoje tvornice, znanje, banke, zemlju i dušu (ali nismo svi).
Dok postoji direktna razmjena dobara i znanja, novac nam nije potreban.
Novcem se može kupiti tuđa pamet, ali ne svoja.
Svaka budala se razumije u novac, tko ga ima i tko ga nema - u pamet samo oni koji je imaju.
Novac možeš ukrasti, zaraditi, pokloniti, odštampati, a pamet oplemeniti i unaprijediti.
Srdačan pozdrav, mir u duši, zdravlje i bistar um svim balkancima.
- Mladen Kapor
2 days ago
Пре 10 година сам рекао да ће НАРОД да се брани од ДРЖАВЕ.
- MrRogati1
2 days ago
Bog gorane svaka cast nista novo za nas 'budale' koji tu u tamo pogledamo ovakve stvari ja sam hrvat rodjen 81' i uvik sam mislija da su nas drugi zakrvili kao ovaj supak od gatesa židovi cia svi oni s puno para i slobodnog vrimena na rukama i ja vjerujem da ce dobri ljudi prevladati samo je pitanje koliko cemo morati propatiti do toga al neka..pozz care samo ti radi svoje i nedaj se
- Dark Magician
2 days ago (edited)
Svaka cast Gorane za video, moje misljenje je da je sve ovo sto nam se desava isplanirano i kreirano od strane satanista i antihrista.Danas sam dobio cerkicu i plasim se gde ce moje dete da raste i koju ce istoriju uciti.Pozdrav za sve dobre ljude, molim vas uključite svi mozgove i otvorite oci.



8:32 PM 01/20/2019 | INVESTIGATIVE GROUP
Ethan Barton | Senior Editor
  • The head of the Justice Department’s criminal division during the George W. Bush administration reportedly opposed pursuing felony charges against pharmaceutical company executives for downplaying OxyContin’s dangers.
  • Top DOJ officials similarly rejected a prosecutor’s recommendation to file felony charges after they met with executives from Purdue Pharma and their defense team, according to The New York Times.
  • Members of the Sackler family, who own Purdue Pharma, sought to mislead the public about abuse surrounding OxyContin, a lawsuit alleges, citing company emails and other documents.

The head of the Justice Department’s criminal division under President George W. Bush reportedly opposed levying felony charges against executives of a pharmaceutical company that’s widely blamed for helping start the opioid epidemic.

She has since joined a private law firm and has successfully defended pharmaceutical companies against government investigations.

A federal prosecutor recommended the felony indictments, which could have resulted in jail time if convictions were secured, but the DOJ officials rejected the notion after meeting with the Purdue Pharma executives and their defense team, according to The New York Times. It’s unclear if the criminal division chief attended that meeting.

Over 12 years later, it’s still unknown which senior officials attended that meeting, who rejected the indictment recommendations, and why they were rejected. Local and state governments have since mounted hundred of lawsuits against Purdue alleging the company downplayed the dangers of its blockbuster opioid, OxyContin.

The DOJ declined to comment on this story.

Purdue representatives lobbied top DOJ officials on multiple occasions during the Bush administration, according to news reports and congressional testimony. Future FBI Director James Comey was involved in one instance, and Rudy Giuliani, who now serves as President Donald Trump’s attorney, was tied to another.

The prosecutor who recommended felony indictments against Purdue executives found he was recommended for termination after a third instance that occurred hours before Purdue accepted a plea deal that was offered in lieu of felony charges.

Opiods in pill, powder and syringe on chalkboard with rolled twenty dollar bills. (Shutterstock/ karenfoleyphotography)

As part of the plea deal, Purdue and three executives conceded they downplayed OxyContin’s addictiveness and collectively paid a historic $635 million in fines in 2007. No one saw jail time.

Meanwhile, more than 200,000 people have died from overdoses involving prescription opioids since OxyContin was launched in 1996, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Purdue is privately owned by the Sackler family, whose wealth skyrocketed after OxyContin sales raked in $35 billion over a 20-year period, giving the family a $13 billion net worth and making them the 19th richest in the U.S. in 2016, according to Forbes. (RELATED: ‘Joy’ And ‘Fury’: Artist And Activist Nan Goldin Reacts To The Met’s Statement About Taking Opioid Money)

Massachusetts was one of the states to file a lawsuit against Purdue in 2018, but it uniquely named eight members of the Sackler family. A recent complaint cites documents indicating the Sacklers headed a campaign to deceive doctors about the dangers of OxyContin and passed blame of negative press onto addicts.

“The launch of OxyContin tablets will be followed by a blizzard of prescriptions that will bury the competition,” Richard Sackler, the son of a Purdue founder and the company’s president from 1999 to 2003, said while celebrating the drug’s entrance to the market, according to a document cited in the complaint. “The prescription blizzard will be so deep, dense, and white.”

Bush’s Justice Department Rejected Felony Charges After A Four-Year Investigation

Then-U.S. Attorney John Brownlee concluded a four-year investigation and recommended indicting the three Purdue executives on felony charges, including conspiracy to defraud the government, in September 2006, the Times reported in May 2018.

But top DOJ officials didn’t support his recommendation after meeting with Purdue executives and their defense team, according to Times reporter Barry Meier.

One defense lawyer for Purdue was Mary Jo White, a former federal prosecutor, and an adviser to the company’s legal team was former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who was also once a U.S. attorney.

The head of DOJ’s criminal division at the time, Alice Fisher, was one of the officials who didn’t support Brownlee’s recommendation, according to the Times. She’s now a partner at the law firm Latham & Watkins.

Her bio page says she recently represented “[g]lobal pharmaceutical companies in [Securities and Exchange Commission] and DOJ [Foreign Corrupt Practices Act] investigations resulting in settlement resolutions and declinations of prosecutions.”

It also says she represented “Several global manufacturing companies about maintaining FCPA compliance and obtaining two declinations of prosecution.”

Fisher did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Brownlee publicly supported the decision not to prosecute the Purdue executives, but, according to Meier, he was privately upset. Brownlee did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment, and he’s previously declined to comment to other publications.

Top DOJ Officials Questioned Purdue Probes After Hearing From Company Representatives

There were additional occasions when top DOJ officials scrutinized Brownlee’s investigation after Purdue representatives contacted them.

After speaking with the company’s defense attorneys in 2005, then-Deputy Attorney General James Comey asked Brownlee why he was pursing Purdue, Brownlee said during a 2007 congressional hearing. Brownlee, who was the federal prosecutor for the western district of Virginia, drove to Washington to explain the situation to Comey, who ultimately gave Brownlee the go-ahead to continue.

Additionally, Brownlee’s name appeared on a list of U.S. prosecutors recommended for termination soon after he ignored a top DOJ aide’s request to delay the plea deal.

Hours before the plea deal was set to expire in October 2006, Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty’s chief of staff, Michael Elston, called Brownlee and asked him to extend Purdue’s deadline, the U.S. attorney testified.

“He told me he received a phone call from the defense lawyers about the case and that that the counsel had once again said that we were moving too quickly, that we had needed more time,” Brownlee said.

“Through his questions of me, I sensed that he was inquiring almost on their behalf,” he continued, noting Elston said he wasn’t calling at McNulty’s request.

Oxycodone is the generic name for a range of opoid pain killing tablets. Prescription bottle for Oxycodone tablets and pills on metal table for opioid epidemic illustration. (Shutterstock/Steve Heap)

Elston’s lawyer later said McNulty, who had replaced Comey, had asked Elston to call Brownlee, according to The Washington Post.

Elston told TheDCNF on Friday he called Brownlee on behalf of McNulty after the deputy attorney general noticed the deadline for the plea agreement was unusually tight. Elston said he was asking the prosecutor for information and not to tell Brownlee to give Purdue more time.

McNulty did not respond to a request for comment.

Regardless, Brownlee stuck with the original deadline and Purdue agreed to it hours later, Brownlee testified.

Eight days later, Brownlee’s name was included on a list Elston compiled of prosecutors recommended for termination, though he ultimately was not fired, the Post reported in 2007.

Elston told TheDCNF he did not recall any connection between Brownlee being included on the list and the Purdue case.

Also during the course of the government’s investigation into Purdue, Giuliani met with Asa Hutchinson in 2005, who was then the Drug Enforcement Administration’s chief, Vanity Fair reported in 2007. The meeting came after the DEA found OxyContin could be responsible for 464 deaths over a two-year period.

Following his meeting with Giuliani, Hutchinson began asking DEA officials why they were still looking into Purdue.

Hutchinson is now the governor of Arkansas. He did not return a request for comment.

Legal Battles Against Purdue And The Sacklers Intensify

Deaths related to opioids have skyrocketed since the 2007 plea agreement, and the Sackler family, Purdue’s owners, largely kept its name separate from the epidemic, until recently.

TheDCNF began its “American Cartel” series in 2017, which tied the Sackler name to Purdue and investigated the family’s charitable givings. The Sacklers, until then, were known for their philanthropy, with famous institutions like New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art naming entire sections after the family.

Meanwhile, lawsuits against Purdue from across the country have racked up. Evidence has trickled out showing the Sacklers knew about OxyContin’s dangers earlier than they said and showing they kept that information from the public. (RELATED: Purdue Pharma Looks To ‘Turnaround Kid’ As Opioid Lawsuits Pile Up)

Federal prosecutors discovered that Purdue Pharma knew OxyContin was being abused soon after the drug’s 1996 launch, a confidential DOJ report shows, the Times reported in May 2018. The report also found members of the Sackler family were aware that OxyContin and its morphine-based predecessor were being abused.

And a Tuesday court filing alleged that the Sacklers knew that Purdue knew OxyContin was being illegally dealt and abused, but failed to report it to authorities.

“This is not too bad,” Richard Sackler said in 2001 while serving as Purdue’s president and after a federal prosecutor reported that there were 59 deaths involving OxyContin in just one state, according to a document cited in the complaint. “It could have been far worse.”

Purdue, at the direction of the Sacklers, pushed for doctors to prescribe higher doses of OxyContin and for longer periods, resulting in massive profits for the company and the family, the lawsuit claims.

The Massachusetts complaint “irresponsibly and counterproductively casts every prescription of OxyContin as dangerous and illegitimate,” Purdue spokesman Bob Josephson said in a statement, calling the allegations “sensational” and “misleading.”

He accused the state of trying to “vilify” the company.

Josephson did not comment on Purdue’s communications with the DOJ.

He also said the Food and Drug Administration has ruled OxyContin continues to be “safe and effective for their intended use” and that the government determined in 2013 Purdue had fulfilled its obligations related to the marketing of its medications.

“The complaint is littered with biased and inaccurate characterizations,” Josephson said.

The only known instance where a Sackler was deposed was sealed as part of a $24 million settlement with Kentucky in December 2015.

Purdue recently lost an appeal to keep Richard Sackler’s deposition secret, but the company is continuing to contest the ruling. The testimony remains sealed while legal battles persist.

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The DOJ declined to comment on this story.


'Highly medicalized culture' in US leads to high risk of multiple drugs fatally interacting – study

One in 12 of US children who use prescription drugs on a regular basis is at risk of a major drug interaction that could stop their heart, a new study says. The authors cited America's tendency to turn to pills over other options.

The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago, found that one in every 12 children using two or more medications together are "potentially at risk for a major drug interaction" known as drug-drug interactions, or DDIs, lead researcher Dima Qato said, as quoted by HealthDay. 

Most of those potential interactions "create dangerous heart rhythms called arrhythmias, which might lead to sudden cardiac death," Qato said.

The research consisted of analyzing the medication-use patterns of more than 23,000 children and adolescents living in the US, based on data collected as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2003 to 2014.

They found that approximately 7.5 percent of children used multiple medications simultaneously. Among those, one in 12 was at risk.

The large majority of potential DDIs involved anti-depressants, with the most common adverse interaction being QT prolongation – an abnormal heart rhythm that can cause sudden death in children. That risk is "especially noteworthy,"the researchers said, as that condition often shows no symptoms.

Adolescent girls were found to be at the highest risk, according to the research, which was published in the journal Pediatrics on Monday. 

"The gender difference was largely due to the higher concurrent use of antidepressants with acute medications like NSAIDs, anti-emetics and macrolide antibiotics in adolescent girls," Qato said in a press release. 

Concern about suicide was also present for the researchers, as the study found that prescription medications which are associated with an increased risk of suicide are among the most commonly used drugs, often in combination with one another. For instance, more than half of adolescent girls taking anti-depressants are also using at least two other psychotropic medications or oral contraceptives, the press release states.

"Although there are health benefits associated with these medications, the patterns with which adolescents are using them are worrisome because suicide is a leading cause of death in older children and adolescents, and there is some evidence that the combined use of these drugs may increase the onset and severity of suicidal thoughts and behavior," Qato said.

She went on to note that America's "highly medicalized culture" is partly to blame, noting that US society "relies routinely on potentially dangerous drugs for many conditions –mental and physical– [when those are] better treated by other means."

Qato and her team said they hope the findings will be used for preventative efforts and to promote awareness of the risk of DDIs.

The research comes after an alarming study conducted in Tennessee found that about 15 percent of children in the state with minor conditions received an opioid prescription each year from 1999 to 2014. One in 2,611 of those treated experienced an adverse effect. 

The US continues to battle an opioid epidemic, with preliminary Centers for Disease Control and Prevention figures estimating that 72,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year.

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Razotkrivena Psihijatrija...???Eksperti tvrde..??; 54 min.; Nema prevod!

"Psychiatry Exposed" (full length) "Experts Speak"
Toxic Antidepressants
Toxic Antidepressants
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237 6
Published on Oct 17, 2013
The leading medical experts present the horrifying truth about antidepressants and antipsychotics (for anyone interested in the subject, on our channel there is another of our movies ("Overpill":

00:00 Introduction
03:25 Antidepressant induced suicidality and suppressed data Dr. Peter Breggin
06:35 -//- Dr. Joseph Glenmullen
09:20 -//- Dr. David Healy
12:30 Suppressed data & systemic corruption Dr. Bruce E. Levine
15:54 ADHD & children Dr. Peter Breggin
17:15 --//- Dr. John Abramson
19:23 -//- Dr. Bruce E. Levine
24:00 -//- Dr. Peter Breggin
26:00 Medication "spellbinding", side-effects, long-term effects Robert Whitaker
27:33 -//- Pharmacist Ben Fuchs
30:02 -//- Robert Whitaker
36:52 -//- Dr. Bruce E. Levine
37:48 The Placebo Effect Dr. Irving Kirsch
40:00 -//- Dr. Bruce E. Levine
41:20 "The Chemical Imbalance" theory Robert Whitaker
46:22 -//- Ben Fuchs
48:20 -//- Dr. Peter Breggin
50:55 Drugs and schizophrenia Robert Whitaker
52:06 Epilogue

Sources: the original video by numbdoc1:
The original video by numbdoc1:

Excerpts from the documentary "Numb".

The most important excerpts from the interview (2013) with Dr. Bruce Levine by Melisa Melton from Infowars. The original video:

For the full 45-minute long, very interesting interview with Dr. John Abramson, please go to theDoveTV channel:

The full, very informative interview with Robert Whitaker you will find at John McDougall channel:

An excerpt from the interview with a renowned pharmacist Ben Fuchs. Original video: "Pharmacist Exposes Deadly Antidepressants"

An excerpt from a documentary "Changing Our Minds":

A clip from the film "Take These Broken Wings".
Daniel Mackler Youtube channel:

Peter Breggin is an American psychiatrist and critic of biological psychiatry and psychiatric medication. In his books, he advocates replacing psychiatry's use of drugs and electroconvulsive therapy with humanistic approaches, such as psychotherapy, education, and broader human services.

Dr. Joseph Glenmullen is a graduate of Harvard Medical School and a Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He is Board Certified in Psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He is the author of two books on the side effects of antidepressants: Prozac Backlash and The Antidepressant Solution.

Bruce E. Levine, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, critical of the mainstream of his profession. He has been in practice for nearly three decades. Levine writes and speaks widely on how society, culture, politics and psychology intersect.

John Abramson is an American physician and the author of the book Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine. He has worked as a family doctor in Appalachia and in Hamilton, Massachusetts, and has served as chairman of the department of family practice at Lahey Clinic.

Robert Whitaker has won numerous awards as a journalist covering medicine and science, including the George Polk Award for Medical Writing and a National Association for Science Writers' Award for best magazine article. In 1998, he co-wrote a series on psychiatric research for the Boston Globe that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. Anatomy of an Epidemic won the 2010 Investigative Reporters and Editors book award for best investigative journalism.

Irving Kirsch is Associate Director of the Program in Placebo Studies and a lecturer in medicine at the Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He is also a professor of psychology at Plymouth University in the United Kingdom, and professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Hull, United Kingdom, and the University of Connecticut in the United States.

Ben Fuchs is a nutritional pharmacist from Boulder Colorado & host of The Bright Side, a syndicated radio program on the GCN Radio Network.
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Psihijatrijski lekovi ne rade....??? 3:19 min; CC-ima prevod!

You go on psychiatric medication, you play Russian roulette with your life. Watch the full documentary, 'Psychiatry Exposed;' link is below.
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Farmaceutska Propganda i vi? 24:03 min; CC-ima prevod

Published on Jul 13, 2016
FULL HALF HOUR EPISODE! Truth in Media: Big Pharma, the FDA and Medical Propaganda
News & Politics
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Real Fake News: Science Used As Propaganda

This article was written by Joe Jarvis and originally published at The Daily Bell

Did you know that doctors and scientists can be corrupt or simply wrong?

People seem to give doctors and scientists the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their findings and opinions on things like global warming, genetically modified organisms, pesticides, chemicals, and how unhealthy certain foods and habits are.

But like any other humans, scientists and doctors are, well, human. They can be misguided, confused, corrupt, and stubbornly opinionated.

According to Natural News, as many as 20,000 doctors once recommended smoking cigarettes to aid digestion. In 1940’s Camel ran an ad campaign that claimed “More Doctors Smoke Camels.” They even handed out packs of Camels to doctors at a medical convention and then polled the doctors on their way out the door, asking what their favorite cigarette brand was, or what kind they had in their pocket at that moment.

Unfortunately, money has corrupted industries like big pharma who pay doctors and scientists to take a position and prescribe particular drugs and treatment. Many peer-reviewed studies have predetermined outcomes which basically find the facts to fit their narrative. It is more a marketing ploy to publish in scientific and medical journals than proof of the actual findings.

Sugar was long considered fine to dump down children’s throats because in the 1960’s a handful of scientists were paid off.

But even absent actual corruption, basic mistakes are being made in scientific conclusions.

Correlation is not causation. This is a basic foundational tenet of science. Two things may be very strongly correlated, but that does not prove that one causes the other.

According to Reason Magazine:

Kabat discusses how “the dose makes the poison,” in that saying something doubles your risk of a disease could actually be statistically irrelevant.

For example, you may have heard that eating bacon increases the risk of colorectal cancer. Technically, this is true. If you eat two slices of bacon every day of your life the risk of colorectal cancer increases from 5 to 6 percent. That is not exactly the same risk as smoking cigarettes, which increases the risk of lung cancer by 20 to 50 times over.

And then, of course, you must consider the editorial bias. You’re Risking Your Life Eating Bacon is more likely to get a click than Everyday Bacon Eating Increases Cancer Risk by 1%.

Here’s the thing, I like to be healthy, and I personally often follow the better safe than sorry principle. But it is a huge miscarriage of authority to push this view on others through fear. It is the idea of I know better than these silly peasants that unfortunately seems to permeate the scientific and medical communities.

Are GMOs, pesticides, and chemicals like BPA really as bad as they say? I personally avoid them, but I honestly haven’t done enough of my own research to know for sure.Salt and fat have gone back and forth as being considered healthy

Salt and fat have gone back and forth as being considered healthy then unhealthy, then healthy again by experts.

People look to doctors and scientists for guidance and too often are brainwashed with those individuals’ own biases and unsubstantiated opinions.

If an expert cannot or will not answer questions about their work, that is a red flag. When people talk about consensus among experts instead of the actual facts, that is another red flag.

There have been too many times in recent history when the experts, the scientists, and the doctors were willfully or mistakenly wrong.

Sometimes, yes, we must defer to experts, since it is simply impossible to research it all on your own. But that doesn’t mean we should forgo the due diligence in critical thinking that goes along with it.

Fear sells. We are used to it in the media but don’t usually expect it from doctors and scientists. But they are humans too, and just as likely to push their agenda instead of the truth.

Unsuspecting Americans to be Hit Hard by this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings:Alan Greenspan, 20-year head of the US Fed, reveals Washington's nasty trick to confiscate the savings of unsuspecting Americans. Here's How Some Americans Are Preparing


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Are we the people are being cheated, censored, punished, stolen from and lied to? What is, and where is the truth then? How to adjust and exist in such an environment and how to proceed living a life?

Former FDA commissioner Margaret Hamburg

Former FDA commissioner Margaret Hamburg named in massive conspiracy and racketeering lawsuit involving Johnson & Johnson, a Wall Street hedge fund, and the Levaquin drug

Learn more:

(NaturalNews) The former head of the FDA, Margaret Hamburg, used the federal agency to run a massive conspiracy of racketeering and fraud in order to generate millions of dollars in drug company profits for her husband's hedge fund firm, alleges a damning lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.

The lawsuit alleges that while acting as FDA commissioner, Margaret Hamburg engaged in a wide-ranging conspiracy to approve an extremely dangerous drug known to cause severe (and even deadly) side effects, in order to financially benefit her husband's hedge fund which held very large financial positions in Johnson & Johnson, makers of the drug. "Defendants, each and every one of them, operated a criminal conspiracy at least between the years 2009 to 2015 to fraudulently suppress warnings about the devastating effects of Levaquin," says the complaint.

"This Amended Complaint sets forth allegations that involve a conspiracy by Defendants, each and every one of them, to reap large financial returns by failing to disclose to Plaintiffs and the public at large the full extent of the devastating, life-threatening, and deadly effects of a highly dangerous pharmaceutical drug named Levaquin," reads the opening of the lawsuit. The conspiracy complaint also alleges that over 5,000 people died as a result of Hamburg's conspiracy cover-up at the FDA:

Once confirmed as FDA Commissioner, Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg acted as the instrumentality that all Defendants used to perpetrate their conspiracy and racketeering enterprise by having her act illegally and outside the scope of her authority as FDA Commissioner to suppress material information to Plaintiffs and the public that Levaquin was inherently dangerous and in fact, deadly. Had this information been disclosed to Plaintiffs and the public at large, her and her husband's financial gain and net worth would have plummeted, since Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg's husband, Peter F. Brown, reaped and continues to reap huge financial gain as a result of Renaissance Technologies, L.L.C.'s holdings of Johnson & Johnson stock.

To further this conspiracy, Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg, acting in concert with each and every Defendant, jointly and severally, appointed officials of Johnson & Johnson to key FDA Advisory Committees and colluded with Johnson & Johnson and its officials and subsidiaries to suppress information about the dangerous and deadly effects of Levaquin. As a result, during Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg's tenure as FDA Commissioner from 2009 to 2015, over 5,000 people died as a result of consuming Levaquin and other dangerous drugs promoted, manufactured, marketed, distributed and sold by Johnson & Johnson, suffered debilitating, life-threatening, and deadly illnesses and effects. This deadly harm is continuing as Plaintiffs and thousands of other people are suffering and dying from the highly dangerous effects of Levaquin.

"Both Alkermes and Johnson & Johnson stock value increased significantly during Hamburg's tenure," reports The Daily Caller.

Margaret Hamburg "bought" her way into the FDA with financial contributions to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, alleges the lawsuit

A fascinating finding in the lawsuit alleges that Margaret Hamburg bribed her way into the top position at the FDA by making large financial contributions to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama:

Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg was nominated as a result of huge political and other gratuities to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation, and at Mrs. Clinton's recommendation. During the confirmation process before Congress, Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg, acting in concert with her husband, Peter F. Brown and the other Defendants named in this Amended Complaint, at all material times the Co-CEO of a hedge fund named Renaissance Technologies, L.L.C., failed to disclose to Congress and other relevant authorities, her and her husband's clear-cut conflict of interest – specifically, that Renaissance Technologies, L.L.C. held hundreds of millions of dollars of Johnson & Johnson stock, the manufacturer of the deadly drug, Levaquin.

...Defendant Hamburg, on behalf of all of the Defendants as part of this racketeering conspiracy, gave political contributions and gratuities to Hillary Clinton in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 to induce Mrs. Clinton to recommend and push for Defendant Hamburg to be nominated by President Obama.

...Defendant Hamburg, on behalf of all of the Defendants as part of this racketeering conspiracy, gave political contributions and gratuities to President Obama to induce him to nominate her to be appointed as FDA Commissioner.

From what we now know about the Clinton Foundation's deep financial ties to Big Pharma and Wall Street hedge funds, none of this comes as any sort of surprise. In fact, while these allegations may have been easily dismissed as a "conspiracy theory" in 2008, so much more awakening has happened among the American public that they are now likely to be understood as an "actual conspiracy" being carried out among the political and financial elite who routinely conspire against the people in order to enrich themselves.

Horrible side effects from the drug destroyed the lives of countless victims

From the lawsuit:

From May 2009 to March 2015, Plaintiffs suffered mitochondrial toxicity, neuropsychiatric adverse events, and multi-system disability related to their consumption of Levaquin, including a constellation of medical issues related to the following body systems: neuromuscular, neuropsychiatric, peripheral neuropathy, senses, skin, cardiovascular, plus, endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity; blood and blood forming organs; circulatory system; respiratory system; digestive system; genitourinary system; and connective tissue.

Specifically, Plaintiffs suffer from a constellation of medical issues, including but not limited to widespread bodily pain, fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle twitching, muscle wasting, gait disturbances, severe balance issues, stiffness, spasms, joint pain, tendon issues, seizures, tremors, numbness, burning, tingling, fasciculation, spasticity, nerve damage, autonomic issues, voice issues, exercise intolerance, difficulty swallowing, slow digestive motility, abdominal pain, acid reflux, gastritis, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, colitis, cognitive impairment, memory impairment, cardiac issues, urinary issues, kidney damage, liver damage, pancreatic damage, thyroid abnormalities, hair loss, glucose issues, respiratory issues, emotional issues, depression, psychosis, depersonalization, dissociation, anxiety, insomnia, abnormal dreams, suicidal thoughts, thought alterations, agitation, fatigue, dizziness, inability to concentrate, panic attacks, difficulty communicating, forgetfulness, bruising, vision issues, hearing issues, tinnitus, dental issues, gum issues, skin issues, rashes, multiple chemical sensitivity, sexual dysfunction, reproductive issues, and DNA damage.

Highlights of the complaint

You can read the complaint here, posted by the Daily Caller News Foundation. I've extracted some of the highlights of the complaint for reference, shown below.

This Amended Complaint sets forth allegations that involve a conspiracy by Defendants, each and every one of them, to reap large financial returns by failing to disclose to Plaintiffs and the public at large the full extent of the devastating, life-threatening, and deadly effects of a highly dangerous pharmaceutical drug named Levaquin.

Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg was nominated as a result of huge political and other gratuities to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation, and at Mrs. Clinton's recommendation. During the confirmation process before Congress, Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg, acting in concert with her husband, Peter F. Brown and the other Defendants named in this Amended Complaint, at all material times the Co-CEO of a hedge fund named Renaissance Technologies, L.L.C., failed to disclose to Congress and other relevant authorities, her and her husband's clear-cut conflict of interest – specifically, that Renaissance Technologies, L.L.C. held hundreds of millions of dollars of Johnson & Johnson stock, the manufacturer of the deadly drug, Levaquin.

Once confirmed as FDA Commissioner, Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg acted as the instrumentality that all Defendants used to perpetrate their conspiracy and racketeering enterprise by having her act illegally and outside the scope of her authority as FDA Commissioner to suppress material information to Plaintiffs and the public that Levaquin was inherently dangerous and in fact, deadly. Had this information been disclosed to Plaintiffs and the public at large, her and her husband's financial gain and net worth would have plummeted, since Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg's husband, Peter F. Brown, reaped and continues to reap huge financial gain as a result of Renaissance Technologies, L.L.C.'s holdings of Johnson & Johnson stock.

To further this conspiracy, Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg, acting in concert with each and every Defendant, jointly and severally, appointed officials of Johnson & Johnson to key FDA Advisory Committees and colluded with Johnson & Johnson and its officials and subsidiaries to suppress information about the dangerous and deadly effects of Levaquin. As a result, during Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg's tenure as FDA Commissioner from 2009 to 2015, over 5,000 people died as a result of consuming Levaquin and other dangerous drugs promoted, manufactured, marketed, distributed and sold by Johnson & Johnson, suffered debilitating, life-threatening, and deadly illnesses and effects. This deadly harm is continuing as Plaintiffs and thousands of other people are suffering and dying from the highly dangerous effects of Levaquin.

Because of the Defendants' racketeering scheme and conspiracy to suppress warnings and other material information about the extent of the deadly effects of Levaquin, Plaintiffs were precluded from discovering the extent of their injuries until 2015, not coincidentally after Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg no longer held her position as FDA Commissioner in 2015 and material information about the full extent of the dangers of Levaquin were disclosed thereafter.

Defendants, each and every one of them, profited handsomely from their racketeering conspiracy by their agreed-upon failure to disclose the harmful effects of Levaquin to Plaintiffs and the public at large. This case is thus of seminal importance not only for Plaintiffs, but also for the consuming public at large. It is a tragic testament to how corrupt companies like Johnson & Johnson and their officials bribe and illegally collude with government officials and line their pockets at the expense of persons such as Plaintiffs.

Defendant Hamburg, on behalf of all of the Defendants as part of this racketeering conspiracy, gave political contributions and gratuities to Hillary Clinton in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 to induce Mrs. Clinton to recommend and push for Defendant Hamburg to be nominated by President Obama.

Defendant Hamburg, on behalf of all of the Defendants as part of this racketeering conspiracy, gave political contributions and gratuities to President Obama to induce him to nominate her to be appointed as FDA Commissioner.

In and around May 26, 2009, Defendant Hamburg was forced to divest herself of several hedge fund holdings, as was her husband, Defendant Brown. This was done in order for her to take the position as the top food and drug regulator without any real or apparent conflicts of interest. However, the conflict of interest herein was never resolved. Neither Defendant Hamburg nor Defendant Brown, nor any other Renaissance Technologies executive had fully disclosed to Congress and other authorities that Defendant Brown, Defendant Hamburg's husband at all material times, still held shares in – and benefits financially from – all of the stocks of Renaissance, via Renaissance Technologies profit-sharing, as explained in detail by Defendant Simons, regardless of whether Defendant Brown divested himself of a particular hedge fund, in furtherance of the racketeering enterprise and conspiracy.

While Defendant Hamburg was FDA Commissioner, her husband, Defendant Brown's annual income, not coincidentally, increased from a reported $10 million in 2008 to an estimated $125 million in 2011 and an estimated $90 million in 2012, due in whole or in part to Defendants' racketeering conspiracy to withhold information about the devastating, life threatening, and deadly effects of Levaquin.

As part of Defendant Hamburg's pattern and practice of acting illegally outside of the scope of her authority as FDA Commissioner in furtherance of the racketeering enterprise and conspiracy, she counseled the FDA to also approved another highly dangerous pharmaceutical drug that Renaissance Technologies owns stock in, Zohydro, despite the fact that on December 7, 2012, an FDA Advisory Committee voted 11 to 2 against its approval. In or around March 2013, Defendant Hamburg personally testified to members of Congress that she supported Zohydro's approval.

Defendant Hamburg, as part of her pattern and practice of illegally acting outside the scope of her authority as Commissioner of the FDA, fraudulently used the U.S. mails and wires to commit overt acts in furtherance of the racketeering enterprise and conspiracy by willfully and intentionally and illegally preventing the FDA from issuing warnings about the devastating and life-threatening effects of Levaquin.

On November 5, 2015, after Defendant Hamburg had resigned, an FDA employee, Debra Boxwell, finally exposed to Plaintiffs, and the public at large, that Defendant Hamburg and the FDA had been aware that Levaquin may result in multi-system disability since 2013, but that it did nothing to add this information to the Levaquin label and instead conspired with the other Defendants to fraudulently withhold it.

From May 2009 to March 2015, Plaintiffs suffered mitochondrial toxicity, neuropsychiatric adverse events, and multi-system disability related to their consumption of Levaquin, including a constellation of medical issues related to the following body systems: neuromuscular, neuropsychiatric, peripheral neuropathy, senses, skin, cardiovascular, plus, endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity; blood and blood forming organs; circulatory system; respiratory system; digestive system; genitourinary system; and connective tissue.

Specifically, Plaintiffs suffer from a constellation of medical issues, including but not limited to widespread bodily pain, fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle twitching, muscle wasting, gait disturbances, severe balance issues, stiffness, spasms, joint pain, tendon issues, seizures, tremors, numbness, burning, tingling, fasciculation, spasticity, nerve damage, autonomic issues, voice issues, exercise intolerance, difficulty swallowing, slow digestive motility, abdominal pain, acid reflux, gastritis, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, colitis, cognitive impairment, memory impairment, cardiac issues, urinary issues, kidney damage, liver damage, pancreatic damage, thyroid abnormalities, hair loss, glucose issues, respiratory issues, emotional issues, depression, psychosis, depersonalization, dissociation, anxiety, insomnia, abnormal dreams, suicidal thoughts, thought alterations, agitation, fatigue, dizziness, inability to concentrate, panic attacks, difficulty communicating, forgetfulness, bruising, vision issues, hearing issues, tinnitus, dental issues, gum issues, skin issues, rashes, multiple chemical sensitivity, sexual dysfunction, reproductive issues, and DNA damage.

Defendants, each and every one of them, operated a criminal conspiracy at least between the years 2009 to 2015 to fraudulently suppress warnings about the devastating effects of Levaquin.

Specifically, the purpose of Defendants' racketeering enterprise included, but was not limited to, reaping large financial gain by willfully and intentionally suppressing material information, through the fraudulent use of the U.S. mails and wires, about the devastating, life threatening, and deadly effects of Levaquin. These Defendants form this association in fact for the common and continuing purpose described herein and constitute an enterprise within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. SS 1961(4) engaged in the conduct of their affairs through a continuing pattern of racketeering activity. As described in the foregoing paragraphs of this Amended Complaint, Defendants, each and every one of them, maintained an ongoing relationship during the course of their ongoing criminal enterprise.

PREDICATE ACTS Bribery in Violation of 18 U.S.C. SS 201, Predicate Act No. 1
From May 2009 to March 2015, Defendants Johnson & Johnson, Johnson & Johnson PRD, and Janssen committed acts constituting indictable offenses under 18 U.S.C. SS 201(b)(1)(A)-(C) in that they directly or indirectly, corruptly gave, and offered and promised things of valuable, such as money, to Defendant Hamburg, who for the purposes of this predicate act was a public official as FDA Commissioner, with the intent to influence Defendant Hamburg to suppress material information about the devastating, life-threatening, and deadly effects of Levaquin. This is evidenced by Defendants Johnson & Johnson, Johnson & Johnson PRD, and Janssen's pattern and practice of using gratuities and bribery to secure favorable treatment for its products, as described in paragraph 40 of this Amended Complaint. 109.

Predicate Act No. 19
From May 2009 to March 2015, Defendants Renaissance Technologies, Brown, Mercer, and Simons, in furtherance of the racketeering enterprise and conspiracy, transferred ill-gotten and illegal financial gains from Defendant Renaissance Technologies' holdings of Defendant Johnson & Johnson stock to Defendants in order to continue to carry out Defendants unlawful conspiracy to conceal material information about the devastating and life-threatening effects of Levaquin. 

As set forth previously, in every quarter except one, from May 2009 to March 2015, while Defendant Hamburg was FDA Commissioner, her husband, Defendant Brown's employer, Defendant Renaissance Technologies, held significant amounts of Defendant Johnson & Johnson stock, including as much as half a billion dollars in Defendant Johnson & Johnson stock.