Aug 30, 2021 - Kim Iversen: BOMBSHELL Report Suggests Natural Immunity Triggers Better Response Against COVID
590,828 views; Aug 30, 2021
The Hill
1.25M subscribers
Kim Iversen makes the case for rethinking COVID-19 immunity after a new report appears to cast doubt on the immuno-response of vaccine immunity.
About Rising:
Rising is a weekday morning show with bipartisan hosts that breaks the mold of morning TV by taking viewers inside the halls of Washington power like never before. The show leans into the day's political cycle with cutting edge analysis from DC insiders who can predict what is going to happen. It also sets the day's political agenda by breaking exclusive news with a team of scoop-driven reporters and demanding answers during interviews with the country's most important political newsmakers.
Aug 20, 2021; 46:06 min.; Real News Communications Network
9.48K subscribers
Dr. Alfred Johnson interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on what you need to know about Covid-19 and early treatment. Contact Dr. Alfred Johnson:
Office number: 972-479-0400
Address: 997 Hampshire Ln, Richardson, TX 75080
Matt Taibbi: Silicon Valley Makes Ivermectin ‘Right-Wing,’ Medical Community Held HOSTAGE By MSM; Jul 1, 2021; 10:51 min.
253,010 viewsJul 1, 2021
The Hill
1.25M subscribers
Journalist, Matt Taibbi, details his reporting on the controversy surrounding the Covid-19 treatment Ivermectin.
About Rising:
Rising is a weekday morning show with bipartisan hosts that breaks the mold of morning TV by taking viewers inside the halls of Washington power like never before. The show leans into the day's political cycle with cutting edge analysis from DC insiders who can predict what is going to happen. It also sets the day's political agenda by breaking exclusive news with a team of scoop-driven reporters and demanding answers during interviews with the country's most important political newsmakers.
First published at 02:41 UTC on July 28th, 2021.
1 million or more dead. Their screams are being silenced by the media. It is murder. It is GENOCIDE:
Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew
Peters to expose the CDC for quietly admitting that the PCR tests are a COMPLETE FRAUD, and are used exclusively to promote fear as the globalists push for complete subservience, lockdowns, mandates and draconian measures to steal your freedom in the name
First published at 21:56 UTC on July 28th, 2021.
1 million or more dead. Their screams are being silenced by the media. It is murder. It is GENOCIDE:
Dr. Bryan
Ardis exposes the dangers of accepting blood during surgery or in an emergency situation.
Dr. Ardis also confirms that a whistleblower is filing an injunction due to intentionally skewed numbers of deaths reported to be caused by these shots being called
Source: Shaking My Head
Productions First published at 02:11 UTC on July 28th, 2021.
1 million or more dead. Their screams are being silenced by the media. It is murder. It is GENOCIDE:
First published at 20:30 UTC on July 28th, 2021.
25099 subscribers
1 million or more dead. Their screams are
being silenced by the media. It is murder. It is GENOCIDE:
How many must die before the rest figure it out? How many will be forcibly
murdered with Satan's DNA?
First published at 18:03 UTC on July 28th, 2021.
25099 subscribers
1 million or more dead. Their screams are being silenced by the media. It is murder. It is GENOCIDE:
Source: Stranger Than Fiction News
Sky News Australia
1.97M subscribers
Nations across the globe have “completely de-emphasised and almost obfuscated” effective coronavirus treatments in their public health approach to the pandemic, says Professor of Medicine Dr Peter McCullough.
“There’s literally been nothing outside of a public health approach for just wearing masks, staying at home, sheltering in place and waiting for a vaccine,” he told Sky News.
“It must be part of a master plan.
“But I have to tell you for people who get sick it doesn’t work."
Mr McCullough declared there was in fact “no controversy over whether or not hydroxychloroquine works” saying the chances that the drug doesn’t work are calculated to be one in 17 billion.
“The controversy is on the public health approach to COVID-19," he said.
“I think historians are going to be very unkind to Australia, Canada, the United States, the UK, western European Union, and some south American countries.
“They are what I call the nihilistic countries. The countries that are offering no home treatment … and creating such a fearful population right now that is … hungry for a vaccine to just move on."
ИЛИ ПОТПУНОГ ГУБИТКА ЧУЛА МИРИСА. ИЗУЗЕТНО ЈЕ ЈАК КАД СЕ УДИШЕ (баш као и наводни SARS-COV-2). ДОБИЈА МОЋНА МАГНЕТНА СВОЈСТВА У ТЕЛУ ЈЕР СЕ ЗА ЊЕГА ЛЕПЕ МЕТАЛНИ ПРЕДМЕТИ (због овога је немогуће фалсификовати потврду о примању вакцине,јер на сваком аеродрому
имају скенере који детектују ниво метала у вашем телу, тј примећују да ли сте примили, или не). СМАЊУЈЕ НИВО ГЛУТАТИОНА У ТЕЛУ.
Фреквенцијски опсег графена се емитује, те се активира новим пропусним опсезима технологије (таласима, сигналима), који се налазе у новим антенама које се постављају у свим градовима (већина је постављена изнад пошти, болница, школи, институција, на зградама) (5Г торњеви).
*Ниво глутатиона је изузетно висок код деце, стога симптоми
уопште и не постоје код њих. Но и то ће се нивелисати јер добро знате да од септембра креће кампања чији су фокус деца.
*Глутатион се нагло смањује након 65 година; стога је првобитни талас вакцинције имао акценат на старију популацију оваца. Глутатион
је на врло високом нивоу код спортиста.
*Но, сада више нису само стари људи у старачким домовма у њиховом фокусу, јер је све ово до сад био само тест, проба за праву игру која нам тек следи са 666 мутацијом 666 таласа. Сада убризгавање графен оксида циљано
иде у комплетну популацију која се графенизује у прогресивним новим и новим дозама графенског оксида, преко вакцина. Али и преко аеро прскања (из ваздуха). Сам чип биће присутан у неким од доза,ако није до сад!
*Тело има природну способност да елиминише
овај токсични састојак због тога се беспомучно нуде нова иглирања (боце) која ће се обнављати сваке године, да би се графен добрано задржао у телу сваког човека. Зато нас и прскају са неба изнова и изнова штетним „хемијском траговима“ (chemtrails).
*Све ово је планирано ко зна од кад, и све законске основе су већ постављене. По „Обамацаре" закону јасно пише да ће РИФД чипови бити као идентификација уграђени у тело све до једног човека. На 1004. страници овога закона пише: "Чип који ћемо уградити
у људе имаће све могућности праћења, али ће бити и повезан с банковним рачуном".
*Како пише у књизи Откровења Звер ће тражити да се свима – малима (деци) и великима, богатима и сиромашнима, слободнима и робовима – удари жиг на десницу или
на чело и да нико не може да купује или продаје осим оног који носи жиг с именом Звери, или с бројем њеног имена (Откривење 13: 16-17).
*Као хришћани и други верујући људи, ми имамо божанску и верску обавезу да одбијемо све што има везе са жигом звери,
јер је то противно нашим религијским уверењима. А у закону такође каже да нам се не сме нешто на силу наметати, ако је противно нашом религиозном убеђењу. А пошто ово јесте противно, имамо свако право да га одбијемо.
*Молимо цркву и све свештенике да
јавно изразе свој став против жигосања и изврше притисак на владе Балкана да верници имају право да одбију оно што је супротно њиховим религиозним ставовима. У супротном црква ће се јавно декларисати као слуга глобализма и саме звери.
*Молимо све добре
људе да текст копирају и независно објаве на свом ФБ зиду, јер ће овај пост бити брзо избрисан са ФБ. Молимо све истраживаче да такође нађу најбољи природни начин за детоксикацију тела (можда шунгит, зеолит) и да поделе информацију са другима.
One izvještavaju o svim mogućim poremećajima menstrualnog ciklusa (krvarenja kod postmenopauzalnih žena, skraćeni ili produljeni ciklusi, preobilna krvarenja i sl.), ali i o raznim drugim krvarenjima, npr. iz nosa; veći broj spontanih pobačaja i sl.
Na ovome mjestu treba upozoriti na ozbiljan članak objavljen na portalu Dokumentarac pod naslovom: „SPIKE proteini novog koronavirusa iz mRNA cjepiva oštećuju krvožilne stanice?“. Na temelju relevantnih znanstvenih istraživanja, članak obrađuje temu spike proteina i njihove (potencijalno štetne) uloge u krvožilnom sustavu.
Čini se da se činjenice iznesene u tom članku kao i ove iznesene u ovome članku itekako uzajamno nadopunjuju.
Ovaj ovdje članak donosi upozorenja američkih liječnika iz organizacije pod nazivom America’s Frontline Doctors na čijoj web stranici možete saznati brojne izvanredno korisne informacije i vijesti:
Njihova se upozorenja također odnose na spike proteine i mogu se ukratko svesti na sljedeća:
U priopćenju od 26. 04. 2021. pod naslovom „Identificiranje post-vakcinalnih komplikacija i njihovih uzroka: analiza podataka o pacijenatima s dijagnozom bolesti Covid 19“, (, ti liječnici upozoravaju na neke zabrinjavajuće štetne posljedice kojima se FDA i CDC još uopće ne bave:
1. Cjepiva koja su trenutno u upotrebi eksperimentalna su cjepiva i nikada prije nisu korištena na ljudima; za njih je izdano tek privremeno odobrenje za upotrebu
Zabrinjava masovna primjena eksperimentalnih cjepiva proizvedenih genetskim inženjeringom koja nemaju konačno odobrenje za upotrebu od strane FDA. Umjesto da se koristi oslabljeni odgovor na antigen, kako je to uobičajeno kod konvencionalnih cjepiva koja su se tradicionalno koristila, nova cjepiva daju stanicama uputu za proizvodnju spike proteina. Potrebne su godine kako bi se znalo da su nove stvari sigurne. Nitko ne može za sada predvidjeti dugoročne posljedice povezane sa spike proteinima na mozak i ostale organske sustave, osobito kod mladih. Ako se pojave problemi vezano uz spike proteine u cijepljenih osoba, neće ih biti moguće ni na koji način neutralizirati ili poništiti.
2. Mogući utjecaj spike proteina na neurološki sustav i povezanost s mogućim bolestima
Tradicionalna cjepiva ne mogu prijeći krvno-moždanu barijeru. No, spike proteini u ovim cjepivima imaju tu sposobnost. Ta barijera inače posebno štiti ove izuzetno osjetljive dijelove tijela.
„Jednostavno nije bilo vremena za ispitivanje potencijalno štetnih posljedica na mozak“, upozoravaju. „Rizici od prodiranja u te dijelove tijela obuhvaćaju ‘kroničnu upalu i trombozu (zgrušavanje) u neurološkom sustavu što može dovesti do tremora, kroničnog umora, moždanog udara, Bellove paralize i simptoma povezanih s ALS – amiotrofičnom lateralnom sklerozom. Lipidne nanočestice mogu se potencijalno vezati uz moždane stanice uzrokujući kasnije neurodegenerativne bolesti. A spike proteini inducirani mRNA cjepivom mogu se vezati uz moždano tkivo 10-20 puta jače nego spike proteini koji su (prirodno) dio originalnoga virusa.“
3. Mogućnost rasapa (shedding), odnosno prijenosa spike proteina u okolinu od strane cijepljenih osoba potvrđuje i sam Pfizer
S obzirom na činjenicu da ova eksperimentalna cjepiva kod njihovih primatelja proizvode milijarde spike proteina, cijepljene osobe mogu rasipati, odnosno širiti određenu količinu spike protein čestica uzrokujući bolest kod necijepljenih osoba koje fizički borave u njihovoj blizini.
Da stvar treba uzeti krajnje ozbiljno, potvrđuje i dr. med. Simone Gold, osnivačica neprofitne organizacije neovisnih liječnika America’s Frontline Doctors. Ona je na svom tweetu objavila originalni dokument koji potječe iz Pfizerovih eksperimentalnih istraživanja u kojemu ova farmaceutska kompanija „priznaje postojanje toga mehanizma“, odnosno mogućnost rasipanja spike proteina od strane cijepljenih na necijepljene.
Kako se u dokumentu navodi, osoba može biti izložena tome preko dišnih puteva ili kože. A to, kako tvrde liječnici u AFLDS, može biti opasno. Nadalje navode:
4. Opasnost za djecu
Takav rasap ili širenje spike proteina čini djecu ranjivima ako su u blizini roditelja ili učitelja koji su primili ta eksperimentalna cjepiva. I dok je opasnost od same bolesti Covid 19 za mlade opisana kao „beznačajna“ sa stopom preživljavanja od 99.997 posto za osobe ispod 20 godina, liječnici iz AFLDS izražavaju zabrinutost da bi se simptomi bolesti mogli pojaviti kod djece zbog fizičke blizine cijepljenih osoba. Tako postoji opasnost da „birokrati u javnom zdravstvu“ iskoriste takve slučajeve kako bi proglasili da je djetetova bolest povezana s nekom varijantom SARS-CoV-2 virusa, a u stvari je ona posljedica kontakta djeteta s cijepljenom osobom.
5. Tisuće upozoravajućih izvještaja iz svijeta i hitan poziv liječnicima u sustavu javnoga zdravstva
Neovisni liječnici iz AFLDS tvrde da znaju za postojanje više tisuća izvješća koja se odnose na vaginalna krvarenja, postmenopauzalna vaginalna krvarenja te spontane pobačaje nakon primljenoga cjepiva protiv bolesti COVID 19 kao i izvješća o sličnim problemima kod necijepljenih osoba koje su bile u bliskom kontaktu s cijepljenima. Iako u ovome trenutku ova organizacija neovisnih liječnika, prema vlastitim riječima, „ne može sa sigurnošću zauzeti stav prema problemu bliskih kontakata osim što može potvrditi da njihovi liječnici imaju saznanja o takvim izvješćima iz raznih dijelova svijeta“, brojna izvješća o post-vakcinalnom vaginalnom krvarenju ukazuju na „jasnu povezanost između cjepiva i nepravilnih krvarenja. Unatoč ovim jasnim dokazima, promjene u menstrualnim ciklusima nisu uvrštene u popis uobičajenih nuspojava u trećoj fazi kliničkih ispitivanja. Reproduktivno zdravlje žena treba uzeti ozbiljno, a ne olako, kako to čine službenici javnoga zdravstva koji slijede agendu.“
Upozoravajući na „nezajažljiv financijski interes farmaceutskih kompanija koje reklamiraju nepotrebna i opasna COVID cjepiva za djecu, boostere i slično“, liječnici iz AFLDS inzistiraju:
Ovi se liječnici osobito snažno protive obaveznom cijepljenju protiv Covida 19 te upozoravaju na neophodnost hitnoga djelovanja kako bi se spriječilo da privremena dozvola za uporabu ovih cjepiva ne bude zamijenjena punim odobrenjem o čemu se odluka može očekivati u travnju ili svibnju 2021.
Upućujem hitan poziv svim liječnicima, a osobito ginekolozima, da se pozabave ovim fenomenom o kojemu se tek počinje govoriti u liječničkim krugovima u svijetu te da nas informiraju o čemu se radi. Također ih molim da obrate pažnju na gore spomenute poremećaje kod svojih pacijentica te da ih razmotre u novom svjetlu, odnosno u kontekstu izloženosti cijepljenju ili blizini cijepljenih osoba kako se ne bi dogodilo da se, primjerice, poremećaji menstrualnog ciklusa pripišu samo stresnim okolnostima života u pandemiji.
Molim čitatelje da ovaj članak pošalju svim svojim kontaktima, (a osobito liječnicima i ginekolozima) kako bi ove vijesti došle do što više ljudi. Samo se po sebi razumije da ćemo odahnuti ako se ova upozorenja pokažu neutemeljenima, no treba puhati i na hladno. Dovoljno je samo imati na umu da o svemu ovome govore liječnici koji su jednako tako kvalificirani (a u pojedinim slučajevima i kvalificiraniji) od dežurnih epidemioloških širitelja straha i panike u javnome zdravstvu u raznim zemljama. Stoga sva upozorenja koja dolaze od bilo kojega liječnika i znanstvenika koji ima legitimno stečenu diplomu i liječničku licencu, zaslužuju punu pozornost zdravstvene i ostale stručne i opće javnosti.
Bilo bi dobro da ovaj članak dođe i do saborskih zastupnika. Čini se da oni nemaju pojma o tome da postoji i druga strana korona krize, odnosno da postoje tisuće liječnika i znanstvenika na nezavisnim portalima širom svijeta koji se bore da istina dođe do javnosti. Zbog cenzure u medijima, neki su od njih doslovno uzeli mikrofone u ruke, hodali ulicama i upozoravali ljude da ne pristaju na cjepiva (njemački liječnik Heiko Schöning i francuski liječnik Louis Fouché).
Također vas molim da pažljivo pratite sve gore spomenute nuspojave, ali i sve ostalo neobično što zapažate na sebi i svojim bližnjima te da, u slučaju uočavanja anomalija, dignete na noge sve liječnike do kojih možete doći. U ovim nenormalnim okolnostima u kojima živimo, bolje je puhati na hladno.
Ovaj se članak temelji na:
„Again a warning from dr. Sucharit Bhakdi about how covid 19 vaccines will decimate the world’s population“:
To je samo šačica priloga. Mnogi znanstvenici biomedicinskoga područja kao i liječnici upozoravaju na opasnost sterilizacije žena tim eksperimentalnim cjepivima (Michael Yeadon, Wolfgang Wodarg i dr.). Slušajmo isključivo liječnike i znanstvenike biomedicinskoga područja. Ali, više ne želimo i ne dopuštamo da nam se od strane dežurnih upravitelja krizom, potpomognutih propagandnom medijskom mašinerijom, serviraju mišljenja samo jednoga dijela stručnjaka kojima je dopušten pristup službenim medijima! Mi, građani, zahtijevamo otvaranje javne debate u svim sredstvima javnoga informiranja te omogućavanje ravnopravnoga sučeljavanja liječnika i ostalih znanstvenika iz biomedicinskoga područja koji imaju oprečna mišljenja o svemu što se odnosi na ovu korona krizu!! Audiatur et altera pars – Neka se čuje i druga strana! Sve dok se to ne dogodi, nema nikakve sumnje da smo izloženi medicinskom jednoumlju i nedemokratskom, ali i protuustavnom gušenju slobode govora!
Složeni biokemijski procesi koji se opisuju u kontekstu dubinskoga razumijevanja ovih novih cjepiva temeljno je područje ekspertize medicinskih biokemičara i molekularnih biologa. Stoga njih, uz liječnike, treba primarno slušati. Nesporno je da su oni liječnici koji pozivaju na oprez upravo oni koji trenutno ulijevaju više povjerenja svim onim ljudima koji razmišljaju svojom glavom. Svojim opreznim i razumnim stavom zaslužuju puno poštovanje javnosti za razliku od nekih njihovih kolega koji su se preobrazili u histerične i potpuno nekritične nagovaratelje bez ikakvih moralnih i etičkih kočnica. Pa se tako u sveopćoj vakcinaškoj histeriji ne libe čak i novcem podmićivati ljude kako bi ih nagovorili na cijepljenje čemu trenutno svjedočimo u Srbiji. A ako ljudi ne pristanu, onda im se, u klasičnoj mafijaško-ucjenjivačkoj maniri, najavljuje uskrata plaćenoga bolovanja u slučaju da obole. U istom duhu, u Hrvatskoj dr. Beroš zahtijeva od obiteljskih liječnika popise necijepljenih. A o zabrinjavajućim poticajima na zdravstvenu diskriminaciju necijepljenih koji dolaze iz svjetskih globalističkih centara moći da i ne govorimo!!
Treba li uopće spominjati da je poduzeta neviđena hajka protiv organizacije neovisnih liječnika America’s Frontline Doctors te ostalih liječnika iz ovdje navedenih referenci? Kao i protiv svih ostalih stručnjaka širom svijeta koji su se ikada usudili uopće propitivati nova, nikad prije primijenjena cjepiva. Svi su oni javno proglašavani teoretičarima zavjere, antivakserima, šarlatanima, nestručnjacima ili pak desničarima i konzervativcima. Ovo posljednje zorno pokazuje s čime smo suočeni! Prema takvom priglupom etiketiranju, ispada … što? Da se ljevičare i liberale ne bi trebala uopće ticati alarmantna upozorenja koje dolaze iz tako (lažno) etiketiranih, legitimnih liječničkih krugova?
Poučeni dosadašnjim iskustvom s mainstream medijskim cenzorima, možemo sada s još većim uvjerenjem zaključiti da su im pošteni, nekorumpirani liječnici opasni, a informacije koje oni iznose ozbiljna prijetnja svjetskoj agendi koja se naziva „the Great Reset“ o kojoj već i ptice na grani pjevaju! Njihov „narrow window of opportunity“ treba zauvijek čvrsto zatvoriti i to žestokim otporom svih normalnih ljudi koji su još uvijek u stanju misliti svojom glavom, koji žele normalan život, koji se zalažu za dobrobit svake osobe i koji odbijaju postati igračke u rukama psihopata.
Taj će otpor stoga spontano i neminovno prerasti u zajedničku borbu svih onih ljudi koji slobodu i istinu smatraju preduvjetima dostojanstvenoga života. Oni odavno uočavaju maligne obrise svojevrsne zdravstveno-znanstveno-tehnokratske diktature u funkciji distopijski planiranoga novonormalnog doba. Ti slobodoljubivi ljudi će zasigurno biti spremni ući u tu borbu radi dobrobiti mladih i djece kao i generacija koje dolaze.
Vrijeme uvjeravanja prolazi. One koji ne shvaćaju što se događa, treba ignorirati i ne gubiti vrijeme na njih. Poštene, empatične i logične osobe se trebaju okupiti, bez obzira na osobna uvjerenja i svjetonazore. Osim raskrinkavanja, dolazi vrijeme djelovanja brojnim i legalnim sredstvima u gospodarstvu, zdravlju, autonomiji… U protivnom, sve će nas porobiti.
Pitate se što učiniti nakon čitanja ovog teksta? Jednostavno, šaljite i dijelite tekst poštenim, empatičnim i logičnim osobama. Informirajte bližnje o postojanju portala Logično. Priključite nam se na našem Telegram kanalu tako što ćete kliknuti na Vijesti. Od danas možete komunicirati i pisati nam u Telegram grupi Zajednica. Budimo složni, mudri i jaki.
Svidio vam se članak i
pitate se što možete napraviti?
Covid-19- Sta se ovo desava- KOSMOPOLITIKA 14.07.- BUDITE OPTIMISTI! "NIŠTA VI JOŠ NISTE VIDJELI!" 3,617 viewsPremiered Jul 14, 2021
Sve je ovo oko knjigovodstva, deltoidi, lamboidi, G-20 samit video konferencija- sve je po planu- Dizniland- mora nesto da se menja- kriza zbog svetske vlade koja je vec tu; lazni novac na dodjem ti; bankostan- novi poredak; kultura, moral, sistem vrednost, kultura- virtualni sistem, enormno duzni; univerzalni porez; kompletno poslovanje ce ici preko interneta; bez gotovinski novac; karbonska taksa umesto carinskih povisica; era novih licemrrja; lokalne ekonomije nisu potrebne; zelena industrija i revolucija dolazi; mora se ziveti zivot od realnih prihoda; bez inflacija; sve je po planu, kompletna transformacija Diznilanda; stvarni i izmisljeni poslovi; administracija i privreda; do sada je ekonomija bila pokrice i pravan za politicare; deficitarni poslovi ce poskupeti; a inflacija(nase cistiliste) ce unistiti izmisljene-neproduktivne poslove/ekonomiju; puna zaposlenost=dizniland; reset= menjanje kompletne paradigme- novi raspored prihoda/i raspodela unutar zajednice/zona u svetu novih ne realnosti; gospodar pravi novi sistem, bice vam lakse; mi smo sada u novom svetu; generacije koje nisu ziveli od realnih prihoda, nece vise moci; smak sveta; transmisija suverenosti?; exploatacija jadarita/lithiuma; ulazimo u novo knjigovodstvo koje ce jos vise biti virtuelno; peglanje starih gresaka i vodjenje produktivne ekonomije; kreacija i odrzavanje diznilanda da se sprecavaju revelucije i da se mase zabljavaju; ulazimo u faze haosa i da se nikada ne vidi bilans dosadasnjeg poslovanja; ulazimo u skromniju ekonomiju; mi smo vodili do sada, i od sada, a mase naucili da slusaju; pocinje pozoriste na mnogim i paralelnim scenama; morace se naci krivac za urusavanje sadasnjeg Diznilenda; dali ce biti efikasnije knjigovodstvo ili i dalje nepostenije i vizionarsko eksploatatorski odnosi/ko ce vladati; bice kriva omladina koja nije htela da se vakcinise, i sve djavo odneo?
Viktor Aleksikj
2 days ago
Pero Chessmaster
2 days ago
Da tacno, oni vec znaju da dolazi Delta..Ali Delta ce na jesen da mutira ? recimo u Uragan...koji ce kasnije da preraste u Omegu...Ali Omega ce vremenom da slabi u Alfa Romeo...I tako u krug...
Mila Arnaut
1 day ago
Danas "diznilend" nekada gladijatorske borbe. Kako stvari stoje, nacionalni stadioni će poslužiti upravo za završnu fazu diznilenda. Ništa mi još nismo videli.
dragan dugonja
2 days ago
"Chaos in South Africa 'intensifies' ">jedan od clanova G20(primjer medjuljudskih odnosa)
Nada Petkovic
2 days ago
Gordana Markovic
2 days ago
Jedino ovog coveka slusam, ima fenomenalnu ekipu!
Koliko vidim, ponovo cemo kalajisati serpe i lonce i popravljati kisobrane ...
Najgore je sto svi mi placamo ceh rasipnika, a zivimo skromno.
Viktor Aleksikj
2 days ago
Jbg...NEKAD treba I pomoci od BOGA direktno....Evo primer...ja kad Sam dosao na vrhunac da mesec. platom +5500$. Uvodeo Sam da je sve OVO samo Sarena laza I sve NAPUSTIO I dosao na selo ziveti...I Evo nikad mi Nije bilo bolje...DOK SVI strepe sta CE biti sutra...ja uzivam u ZIVOTU I nikad nisam bio srecniji....a pare...PARA JE VADODUSNICA...POZZ
Milovan Radosavljevic
2 days ago
Postovani Aleksandre.
Hvala ti na ovim lepim analizama stanja u svetu,uzrocima i posledicama koje prozivljavamo.Moram priznati da mi je ponekad teze pratiti iako ti prilicno pojednostavljeno i slikovito prezentiras pojmove kojima se bavis.Tesi me cinjenica da dosta tvoji pratilaca ima veci problema u prepoznavanju sustine od mene samog sto se moze videti u komentarima.Preraspodela prirodnih resursa kao i resursa ljudskog rada i znanja su glavan preokupacija onih koji vode poredak i tako je od vajkada.Nadam se da si u pravu kad kazes da su ovaj puta odlucili da na novi nacin urade transformaciju poredka sa nizim intezitetom nasilja i represije bar za sada.Jedino sto me muci neznam dali pripadam budalama ili fukarama posto sam budzetski korisnik iz zdrastveni razloga.
Zelim ti jes mnogo dobrih emisija i mnogo pratilaca kojim ces pomoci da spoznaju bolje svet u kakvom zive.Zivio.
sabina pkj
2 days ago
Hvala Sasa. Sve jasno.
Ljiljana Klajic
2 days ago
Hvala,veliki pozdrav iz Toronta
Mikeli Perović
1 day ago
A za nas na Balkanu nema zime.Mi smo ovo vec prosli tako da nije nikakvo iznenadjenje.I Jezda i Dafina i komplet urusena ekonomija tako da novi diznilend vec funkcionise.Sto veli Sasa, nista se ne bojte mi smo pretece novog poretka.
Marie-Jeanne Kuzmanovic
2 days ago
1 day ago
Dragi Saša, koliko mogu redovno pratim tvoje emisije, pa šta razumem, razumem. Uostalom imaš toliko pohvala od mnogo relevantnijih pratilaca, ja se bavim uglavnom umetničkim disciplinama i zahvalan sam ti na jednostavnom jeziku koj koristiš u svojim izlaganjima. Jasno mi je da je glavni naslov tvojih emisija "Kako se vlada svetom", to jest, otkrivaš nam mehanizme funkcionisanja sveta. I to je sasvim u redu i dovoljno, mađutim, ja kao vrlo impulsivan čovek, pitam se da li mi uopšte možemo sami nešto da uredimo, promenimo, ili je baš sve tako zadato. Naravno, mi u Srbiji ne možemo ni neke osnovne stvari da promenimo, pa je verovatno i glupo pitanje šta možemo ozbiljnije da preduzmemo. U svakom slučaju, nastavi sa svojom misijom, u čemu ti želim mnogo uspeha i nadalje! Hvala!
A-Manufactured-Illusion-dr-David-Martin-with-Reiner-Fuellmich-9-7-21; 1:22:23 MIN.
This is one of the most important videos you will ever watch – real legal evidence of the dreadful scam – Thank goodness for such brilliance by the amazing DR David Martin & Reiner Fuellmich and his team – "PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE!"
A-Manufactured-Illusion-dr-David-Martin-with-Reiner-Fuellmich-9-7-21; 1:22:23 MIN. "PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE!"
This is one of the most important videos you will ever watch – real legal evidence of the dreadful scam – Thank goodness for such brilliance by the amazing DR David Martin & Reiner Fuellmich and his team – PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE!
Elle Jay Edds - 11 JULY 2021 AT 12:45 PM
Wow Catherine.!! Just watched the video with Dr David E Martin and Dr Reiner Füllmich and it's mind-blowing.!! Thank you so much from New Zealand..
Juliet Bell - 11 JULY 2021 AT 4:40 PM
WOW is right! This is absolutely riveting. They are all exposed for the fraudulent, money grabbing, evil beings they are. Sadly...I fear this will fall on deaf ears unless the public stands up and DEMANDS that the truth be told to everyone! The media MUST BE held accountable as well, and taken down so that truth speakers can reach everyone, not just those who are aware and know where to look for the truth. Thank you for posting this!
Miss Menka - 11 JULY 2021 AT 4:54 PM
WOw wow wow, Catherine thank you so much for this material, if this is not evidence I dont know what is!
Susan Ritter - 11 JULY 2021 AT 7:19 PM
What a red pill! Thank you so much for sharing this Catherine ... this is HUGE. God Bless Reiner Fuellmich, Dr. Martin and team. They are real heroes.
K C - 11 JULY 2021 AT 7:54 PM
Immunization Agenda 2030. A global strategy to leave no one behind. so they intend to have everyone in the world addicted to 'injections' by then? Illuminating video, thank you
Dr David Martin has confirmed everything to me. The msm is a propaganda machine, and the so-called 'Delta' strain is a hoax. My intuition told me that this true a while ago. I wanted to share this, but only use my email address, not any of the other social media mentioned. I will find a way. Thank you for posting this truthful and factual information. Blessings from Australia.
Barbara Fisher - 11 JULY 2021 AT 9:17 PM
I echo all the WOWS in the comments above!! What a freaking amazing video!! And yes, it was mesmerizing! Thank you so much, Catherine, for sharing this video.
Dr David Martin put out regular content on YouTube- David Martin World - he is well worth following / subscribing!
Mary Miner - 12 JULY 2021 AT 4:14 AM
I am blown away. And I want to share this video but I'm NOT computer savvy enough to figure it out.
Barbara Poole - 12 JULY 2021 AT 5:59 AM
This is the very best explanation of the whole fraud plandemic Thanks so much Catherine I love to watch you and have been kept sane thanks to people like you telling the truth I am 74 and have been awake since 1915 it’s so hard not being able to talk about much to friends and family I live in Australia and I think a lot of people are waking up slowly I love you and all the truthers that I follow Best wishes and keep safe Barbara Poole
Cheryl White - 12 JULY 2021 AT 8:00 AM
Hi Catherine, this is mind blowing! I knew the scale of this crime was huge...but this is of seismic proportions and involves the world. This truly is a conspiracy where hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent people have needlessly died at the hands of greedy, evil, wicked scum of the earth, who have profited in the billions and trillions with this scheme! This information is in the hands of one of the world’s BEST lawyers and I will also be sharing with my lawyer friend who is fighting the very corrupt, dirty Premier of my province in Canada, along with his tyrannical medical chief dictator, who continue to put their foot to the necks of the people! And the medical officer is driving a brand new Porsche, by the way, with his COVID BONUS!!! All of these monsters will end up in jail, you can count on it! I for one will not stand by and let another day of lockdown measures go by knowing what I know now. Thank you for this.
Manin - 12 JULY 2021 AT 8:38 AM
does anyone have the links to the patents
K C - 12 JULY 2021 AT 8:40 PM
You might find them, if you take the numbers down, on the Justia patents search website. Anthony Fauci and Gates have loads of applications on there over years.
Heba Saraway - 12 JULY 2021 AT 10:08 AM
Thank you for this excellent piece of work. I can only pray that the good doctors/lawyers are divinely protected from would be assailants who do NOT want the story ever to see the light of day.
Greg Grimer - 12 JULY 2021 AT 12:29 PM
I cannot believe that money is the main motive here. If it were why would countries like Russia and others that resist the global order and have skilled biologists and virologists go along with this. They are not locking down their countries and economies over a few billion dollars. That is peanuts to a major country. There must be another major motive and they are making money as a side hustle, otherwise the global co-operation does not make sense.
K C - 12 JULY 2021 AT 8:46 PM
The returns from vaccines are the new oil, the intention is cradle to grave vaccinations. Quote: "Goal: All people benefit from recommended immunizations throughout the life-course. WHO IA2030".
Gerry - 12 JULY 2021 AT 11:40 PM
True, the driving force behind this is not money primarily but what David Icke has been saying for decades. Orwellian control and Transhumanism and a hunger games society of making 99.9% of the population in total lack of freedom society.
Marie - 12 JULY 2021 AT 4:29 PM
So if no virus was released what did all these so called people die 2020 in lockdown.....?
K C - 12 JULY 2021 AT 8:42 PM
What people normally die of, everything was registered as covid.
Marie - 12 JULY 2021 AT 8:28 PM
So how do we fight this.. how do we protect ourselves or are we at the point of no return. Life is over as we know it.
Bruce Wayne - 13 JULY 2021 AT 3:53 AM
at 35 minutes someone suggestedd that this was all about money, but the staement read earlier from a quote in 2015 was that the money would be a driving force to get the things they wanted which included a corona vaccine mandate and apparently all of the things we have seen through this pandemic, including a fllod of Marxism, communism and control. The money was the driving source that investors would see in order to get them to push this thru
Bruce Wayne - 13 JULY 2021 AT 3:56 AM
we should be going to war over this to save ourselves from any continuation of this................this is likely to have a ramping up end goal which would make any attempt to stop this progressively worse. They are killing millions of people and we have yet to organize and fight back
Bruce Wayne - 13 JULY 2021 AT 4:44 AM
I think it is fair to say that this ultimately convicts Fauci and his co conspirators of Murder.......................of millions of people and the attempt to corrupt the DNA and RNA of Billions of people which also is likely to be a programmed murder of billions of people. The Money is just the drivor which allows them to find investors to fund the multi facetted operation.
Bruce Wayne - 13 JULY 2021 AT 4:50 AM
a very good question is that we should understand what to expect from the Vaccines................Of course, we understand that they actually are not vaccines, but what are they trying to do to us with those shots???
Bruce Wayne - 13 JULY 2021 AT 5:02 AM
we should have people fro,m every country in the world lining up to publically hang Faucci, and the CHinese and many others at the CDC and other organiztions. Thios has killed Manny millions of people and damaged nearly a billion and is still going: We need to stop it and punish those responsible>
Prof PhD, TOMISLAV TERZIN: Hoće li nam glave doći virusi ili ono što se iza brda valja…?
254,243 views•Mar 30, 2021
- lazu sve
lazu sve
1 month ago
Ovog covjeka nije lose poslusati nebitno koje si vjere.
Slavko Djukic
Slavko Djukic
3 weeks ago
Svaka cast ovom naucniku bez ovakvih ljudi nema narodu spasa pozdrav
Nada Guberinić
Nada Guberinić
3 weeks ago
Znači da je Bil Gejts zreo za resetovanje.Ali prvo da primi vakcinu i on i njegova supruga i djeca.
Aik Hzu
Aik Hzu
4 weeks ago
Gospodin Terzin je lek za dušu!
Mila S.Dostanic
Mila S.Dostanic
4 weeks ago
Ništa netreba dodati niti oduzeti !Sve je ISTINA !Ko hoce da vodi i čuje !
Žarko Aleksić
Žarko Aleksić
4 weeks ago
Dr. Nada JURINČIĆ pogledajte šta kaže o lažnom testu i lažnom virusu koji je zamišljen virtualno na softveru i nijedna vakcina ne treba jer virus ne postoji. Virus je u vakcini koju primate navodno protiv virusa. Posle primanja vakcine zdrav čovek ima virus
Miloš Jakić
Miloš Jakić
4 weeks ago (edited)
Najviše me je oduševio deo kada priča o veri , i koliko je važno da budemo verujuć znači da je uspeo kao čovek.
Ljiljana Banovic
Ljiljana Banovic
4 weeks ago
Ono što mene rastužuje je toliko jednoumlje odličnih đaka. Zar je moguće da je toliki procenat među njima zapravo sa vrlo niskim intelektualnim sposobnostima? Da su svi baš bili štreberi i učili bez razumevanja, bez postavljanja logičnih pitanja, bez sumnje, bez radoznalosti i želje za istraživanjem i otkrivanjem... rekla bih čak, bez akademske pristojnosti i otvorenosti da se bar sasluša drugo mišljenje. Neverovatno mi je to puko papagajsko reprodukovanje i hipnoza main stream propagandom. Tretiranje "Ja sam se vakcinisao" kao statusnog simbola... kao, oni su sad klasa iznad. Über alles. I rastužuje me (i plaši) količina mržnje i loših želja usmerena ka nama koji sumnjamo i tražimo odgovore.
-IAnita Tomic
IAnita Tomic
4 weeks ago
Bravo brate! Bog te blagoslovio i sačuvao za svoje Kraljevstvo!
3 days ago
Zašto ovakve ljude nemozemo čuti na javnoj televiziji
Momcilo Antic
Momcilo Antic
4 weeks ago
Pozdrav za gospodina Terzina, retko pametan i posten covek...
Da sam na mestu Vucica, Terzin bi bio u kriznom stabu...
A ne onaj doktor KONJ, koji bi trebao da je u zatvoru...
3 weeks ago
Бог има посљедњу реч ма колико се трудили сатанисти
Alex Martin
Alex Martin
1 month ago (edited)
BRAVOOOOO za vas video, bravo dr. Tersin , sve ste rekli, apsolutno sve. NADAM se , ali zaista, da ce masa naroda shvatiti ovo vase perfektno predavanje : srz genetike sazete u 45 minuta. Hrabro svima nama. Savjetujem da snimite ovaj video na vas hd, ako ga slucajno yt pogubi negdje.
Mike Boyich
Mike Boyich
3 weeks ago
Бака Илка мајка пријатељице моје супруге има равних 93 године. Добила она пре десетак дана јак кашаљ сличан ономе великом кашљу што смо га ми као деца имали у предшколском узрасту. Сви у фамилији мислили да је бака ето навукла прехладу. У понедељак је почела да се малтене од кашља гуши, па је натерају да иде у болницу. У болници лекари установе да јесте она зарсжена од инфлуенце-19 ( тзв. КОВИД-ом). Лекари нису могли да дођу ксеби када су схватили да она у опште нема, и нити је имала запалење плућа. Задржали су је до увече на посматрању а онда су је одпустили са пулматолошког оделења универзитетске болнице у Лондону. Рекли су да је вирус ослабио и да јој је живот ван опасности, али они лекари не знају зашто је она тако отпорна? Међутим госпођа Илка сваки дан једе две главице белог лукa и џинџер корен нарендан у мед.
In a shocking new report on the COVID-19 vaccines, it has been discovered that the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine has long term health effects not previously disclosed, including “ALS, Alzheimer’s, and other neurological degenerative diseases.”
“The current RNA based SARSCoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing,” the report declares. “In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.” Prion-based diseases are, according to the CDC, a form of neurodegenerative diseases, meaning that the Pfizer vaccine is likely to cause long term damage and negative health effects with regards to the brain.
This is especially concerning since the Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, an untested type of vaccine which creates new proteins and can actually integrate into the human genome, according to a report from the National Library of Medicine. In other words, degenerative brain conditions may appear at any time in your life after receiving the vaccine.
“The RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein target interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations,” explains the report. TDP-43 is a protein known to cause dementia, ALS and even Alzheimer’s, according to Alzpedia. Similarly, the FUS protein is known to cause ALS and Hereditary Essential Tremors, according to the Human Genome Database.
The experiment done for the report was to determine whether or not these two harmful proteins embed themselves into our DNA, as an mRNA vaccine is expected to do. The report determined that “the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations,” meaning that both proteins have the potential to embed themselves into our DNA and cause harmful neurological diseases.
The report’s abstract summary concludes that “The enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit.” The report itself ends with this warning: “The vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original infection.”
National File actually reached out to the CDC to inquire as to why the Pfizer vaccine is still being distributed despite these credible allegations. No response was received prior to publication.
Top vaccine scientist warns the world: HALT all covid-19 vaccinations immediately, or "uncontrollable monster" will be unleashed
BY HEALTHRANGER // 2021-03-15 - They’re hoping you forgot
385,021 views•May 8, 2020;
-kitty marteen
1 month ago
If Mike Walllace did a report on vax injuries today he'd be fired, and maybe found mysteriously dead of an apparent "suicide"
-White Farang
1 week ago
The CDC is corrupt from top to bottom. Shut it down indefinitely.
- LeAnn Purdy
14 hours ago
@Michael Schmid No, the CDC started posting assumed counted, then posted counts of people half of whom are over 77. The 77+ population is already at risk of death and often has other conditions. The CDC didn't say "may have contributed" there is a range of deaths from x to y that may be due to COVID. Instead they post exact counts that have little to do with reality. COVID case counts never estimated the population infected, but portrayed the case counts as the subgroup of the population who has had it, IGNORING that the large group of asymptomatic people are unlikely to get tested. Responsible scientists alert their audience to known gaps in their data and degree of certainty rather than make pretenses and have life/death decisions made with faulty data.
- keri Stoyanov
4 months ago
There are ppl now who are so brainwashed that they would accept the vaccine and defend it to the end even though they know the truth
Derek Schermer
4 months ago (edited)
You cannot show the general public the truth anymore. The crazy part is that 60 minutes was ACTUAL journalism when this originally aired and they didn't paint the CDC in a good light. Somehow in 2020 the CDC has changed its course, moral compass, and is now in existence to protect people's health. Government ALWAYS gets better with age as history teaches us. Silly us! How quickly we forget.
- Susan Mundy
6 months ago (edited)
Everything old is new again. And here we are in 2020 and the masses are eagerly awaiting their magical COVID-19 vaccinations 🤯
Mordehay Darwish
Mordehay Darwish
Mordehay Darwish
6 months ago
Susan, someone once told me the masses are asses. They will do whatever they are led to do. Government and business are manipulating them. Please subscribe and share this!
Lorraine Kennedy
Lorraine Kennedy
4 months ago
@Mordehay Darwish Yes, the "m" is masses is silent.
Mordehay Darwish
Mordehay Darwish
Mordehay Darwish
4 months ago
@Lorraine Kennedy insane. They’re gonna make it mandatory
dar leb
dar leb
4 months ago
@Mordehay Darwish our immune systems know how to handle the virus; it’s our politicians who have failed to cope with it.
Cathy Consolini
Cathy Consolini
4 months ago
NOT My Family. While I think Trump has had many great accomplishments, This is NOT one of them.
Lorraine Kennedy
Lorraine Kennedy
4 months ago
@Mordehay Darwish
Cheryl Englund
Cheryl Englund
4 months ago
@Mordehay Darwish President Trump has said NO to mandatory , however each state will have the power to make it so . Please call and have your friends and neighbors call your local government and say NO MANDATORY VACCINES!
Cheryl Englund
Cheryl Englund
4 months ago
@Cathy Consolini I do not believe a vaccine is needed , however can you imagine if our President had NOT followed thru with a vaccine? There are many Republicans? Conservatives that believe we do need one . The media was very abrasive towards everything he said about it as it was.
Cathy Consolini
Cathy Consolini
4 months ago
@Cheryl Englund I agree with you and everything you said. While I admire most of Trump's accomplishments... This vaccine being rushed is not one of them.I think that the other side and big Pharma are using this against him. He doesn't even realize how dangerous this vaccine could be.
rosa daza
rosa daza
3 months ago
@Mordehay Darwish shared today. After reading "can an employer fire you for not being 💉?"
geoffrey peter Tonnet
geoffrey peter Tonnet
2 months ago
What he really meant to say was Influenza is a very profitable business
Terry Clement
Terry Clement
2 weeks ago
Back when we could actually believe 60 Minutes.
Martine Bykowski
Martine Bykowski
1 week ago
I got the Swine flu the last time it came around in 2009. I was in bed for a solid week, up and in a daze for another week, then took another week to build up enough strength to go to work. I'd much rather have to go through the flu than what that poor woman went through!!
Christin songbird
Christin songbird
11 months ago
May these people pay for their crimes against humanity.
Mordehay Darwish
1 week ago
Remember when the swine flu came back again in 2008/09 and NO MENTION of this shot came up again...and haven't heard of the virus since.
4 months ago (edited)
Back when 60 minutes was on our side. When they dug for the truth, exposed lies and confronted the culprits. Now you can't trust almost none of the news on tv. Every single one of the evil tyrants will one day face God and answer for their cruel intentions for trying to kill off the people in such a wicked way. All for money, power and who knows what else.
Tammy Millar
Tammy Millar
4 months ago
The flu was Reported but Not Confirmed!! Wow well that’s my answer! They never tested the vaccine!
Tommy C
Tommy C
4 months ago
Did I hear this correctly? There were fewer than ten worldwide Swine flu cases when they started the mass vaccination programme?!? WTF!!
10 months ago
60 min used to be great.
Mordehay Darwish
6 days ago
What a difference it makes when journalists do their jobs and have integrity. We need that 5th invisible branch! Step up media!
Lee Bee
Lee Bee
10 months ago
My husband worked on his family’s cattle ranch with several others and they all went to get the vaccine. He says almost every one of them got laid up in bed for days. Although none of the experienced neurological damage that he knows of. He no longer gets vaccinated.
Joanne Ormerod
Joanne Ormerod
1 week ago
The propaganda at the end is priceless 🤦🏼♀️🤬🤮
Kyrie Eleison
Kyrie Eleison
4 months ago (edited)
It's a shame reporting the truth in mainstream media is dead now. They are more on the side of harming us now.
Cynthia Morgan
Cynthia Morgan
1 week ago
Wow ! Wish we could get back investigative journalism like this!!!!
Lauris Nicholson
Lauris Nicholson
1 week ago
This is the most compelling reason I won't go back to working as an RN, a hospital job I loved; the incessant annual vaccines. Never again.
Blackie Nuff
Blackie Nuff
4 months ago
Where were all the masks and lockdowns in the 1970s?
Judi Brannon
Judi Brannon
10 months ago
I have never gotten a flu shot and will NEVER get a flu shot ! and I will note choose to live ln socialism, I would rather DIE from the virus! any virus!!
Mordehay Darwish
Maria Zaruba
Maria Zaruba
1 week ago
Our media today cover up instead of investigation of the lies told to us by our government.
D Rosen
D Rosen
1 week ago
When I had to take mandatory vaccines 3 years in at the hospital I worked at, I got deathly ill. 2018 I was exempt & one of a handful that didn’t get the flu or miss 2 weeks of work. 🚫 Jab for me ever again!
Judi White's DAD
Judi White's DAD
1 day ago
In 2020, We know they are guilty because the lesson they learned back then was to eliminate the liability.
Aerial imaging net
Aerial imaging net
4 months ago
back when mainstream news media wasnt part of any Globalist Agendas ,,, i hope the human race starts doing critical thinking 💭
Wise Owl
Wise Owl
4 months ago (edited)
No To All & Any Vaccine Yes To A Strong Naturally Healthy Immune System. Off With Their Heads.
2 months ago
Wow😳History is always repeating itself.
Mordehay Darwish
Angela Allen
Angela Allen
4 weeks ago
We haven't forgotten...
The time before the NVICP act of 1986 went into effect.
Back when journalists & tv stations were not obligated to a certian narrative tied to pharma's financial hold over them.
Back when our elected officials weren't owned by pharma.
What have we become... "one nation under pharma"... Such a shame.
Kat Miller
Kat Miller
4 months ago
I love it. That is when the media actually went after the truth
4 months ago
Every current health professional should see this! This is what investigative journalism was. The elder Wallace seemed to care.
Carole Jones
Carole Jones
3 months ago
Great interview by the legendary investigative journalist Mike Wallace. History repeating & everything old is new again.
Mordehay Darwish
Constance White
Constance White
2 weeks ago
YES... YES!!.... YES‼️‼️
4 months ago
No, we DIDN'T FORGET.. That's where they're going to get push back.
My mother got guillian-barre, she was sick and paralysed for a LONG time.
4 months ago
Rockefeller Economic Report 1975 spoke about all this. Funny how this came out in 1976. Let's contact the Rockefellers to get to the bottom of this.
Christin songbird
Christin songbird
11 months ago
Line up so you can get sick. Go ahead sheep.
Mordehay Darwish
Synergie 16
Synergie 16
4 months ago
Notice when the people are getting jabbed they do not change the needle!!
Talloolah Moon
Talloolah Moon
4 months ago
Wake up world. Protect yourselves from the governments that you elected into this power grab
John Murrin
John Murrin
1 week ago
its a big farm for those in control
Josiah Schmidt
Josiah Schmidt
3 days ago
They used the same thing they're using today. They're listing off a bunch of celebs who we know damn well never took the vaccine.
1 week ago
people have become sheep. Simply following the government and the msm. People will never learn.
1 week ago
Watch this get taken down with a copyright claim or some shit like that very soon. I'm saving this video
Eric A
Eric A
1 week ago
Our family didn't pay any attention to these pharma shills back then, either.
Tony Blighe
Tony Blighe
1 week ago
That is truly wonderful. Thank you for posting that and let's hope it stays up. I would love to know how you got hold of it.
John Doe
John Doe
3 days ago (edited)
8:00 perfect example of body language revealing a lie - watch the head nodding a big YES while he says "no". WOW
metal mark
metal mark
4 months ago
WoW HIstory repeats itself.
2 days ago
I was a kid back then and don’t even remember it. Wow! This doesn’t even resemble the 60 minutes of today. Guinea pigs they want us to be.
6 days ago
Looks like a dang assembly line 😖 when will the sheeple wake up
Carole Ann Davis
Carole Ann Davis
4 months ago
I remember that, but I didn't get a shot.
Nancy Bouchard
Nancy Bouchard
2 months ago
I know a woman and a man that both got MS from that vax.... I was a care giver for them both
Donni M
Donni M
1 week ago
This is an amazing find. There is nothing new under the sun and this proves the vaccine agenda has been going on a long time as well as manufactured pandemics. Thanks for posting this.
Josiah Schmidt
Josiah Schmidt
3 days ago
Wow, I didn't realize how disappointed Mike Wallace would be with his son until I watched this.
Shawn McAtee
Shawn McAtee
15 hours ago
You should probably put this on Rumble too. Youtube will kill this PDQ.
MarijaS, First published at 15:16 UTC on January 20th, 2021.
MarijaS, First published at 15:16 UTC on January 20th, 2021.
URANAK1 | O vakcinama, imunizaciji, merama | Mila Alečković | Goran Vesić
629,281 views Mila Alečković - " O vakcinama neka diskutuju samo ONI strucnjaci ako su napisali 3 knjige iz Virusologije " Eksplozivni Interview sa Dr. Milom
Aleckovic - Aprila 01-2021 (Neverovatno informativno!!!!!! - duel lekara i nauke protiv pravnika iz drzavne uprave, Gorana Vesica koji "mora da zonglira i dezinformise")- Navodi svetske strucne podatke protiv "neznalice(a)"........koji ponavlja samo jednu
mantru tj. "Farmacijsku oficijalnu-Farmako Mafijsku.........." Dr. Aleckovic kaze- "ignorisete nauku, sramotno dezinformisete....u Francuskoj je svega 5% je vakcinisano - vec postoje efikasni nacini lecenja osim vakcina; "Dr. Kon treba da ide u zatvor"- Sudjenje
Kovid Kriminalcima ("Nurenberg 2021" pocine u Evropi, 9 Septembra 2021). Odlican interview..........obavezno pogledati........i tako se diskutuje i brane svoji stavovi, tj. citatima velikana iz struke, i svetskom naukom koja se zataskava zbog.......... ???????????????????????????????????????
•Apr 1, 2021
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•Apr 1, 2021
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Mila Alečković - " O vakcinama neka diskutuju samo ONI strucnjaci ako su napisali 3 knjige iz Virusologije "
Uzajamno zaostravanje i prozivanje izmedju Rusije i VB/GB. UDAR TAJFUNA ZAHAROVE U BRITANIJU: Vi ste svetski rekorderi u genocidu OVO SU VAŠI REZULTATI …
Posted date: април 19, 2018
Velika Britanija je svetski rekorder u genocidu, izjavila je portparol ruskog ministarstva spoljnih poslova Marija Zaharova.
”Oni su se iživljavali i nad Afrikom. Oko 13 miliona ljudi Englezi su odvezli sa tog kontinenta kao robovi. Količina
poginulih je pritom 3 – 4 puta veća, Tj, ukupna količina žrtava je dostizala 50 – 53 miliona”, nastavila je ona.
Zaharova je takođe podsetila na Opijumske ratove u Kini, Burske ratove i istrebljenje Indijanaca.
”Evo vam još jedne interesantne činjenice: prema otkrivenim dokumentima Nacionalne arhive Velike Britanije, engleske vlasti su aktivno pribegavali korišćenju hemijskog oružja sa ciljem da se uguši ustanak Arapa u Mesopotamiji (današnja teritorija Iraka – prim. red.) na proleće 1920 godine”, naglasila je Zaharova.
U 1870-ih, Britаniја је izvršilа gеnоcid nаd Zulu narodom, а 1954-1961, u Kеniјi, u znаk оdmаzdе zbоg ubistvа 32 bеlа kоlоnistа britаnskа vlаst је istrеbilа 300.000 pripаdnikа Kikuјuа i odvela јоš 1,5 miliоn u kоncеntrаciоnе lоgоrе.
Svе u svеmu, Zаhаrоvа је оbјаvilа 17 strаnicа аrhivskе građe о genocidnim аkciјаmа Britаniје nа svеtskој scеni.
ŠTA ISTORIJA KAŽE: Nаcizаm uоpštе niје dеlо
Hitlеrа i Nеmаcа vеć „džеntlmеnа Еnglеzа“
Kada sе gоvоri о Vеlikој Britаniјi i njеnim stаnоvnicimа, vеćinа čоvеčаnstvа nаvеdе еnglеski pаrlаmеntаrizаm , kао i vеlikоg Šеkspirа. Nо, nаciја „prоsvеćеnih mоrеplоvаcа“ niје tо
štо sе misli.
Prvо, Britаniја је, а nе Nеmаčkа, оtаdžbinа nаcizmа, idеје vlаsti rаsе, tаčniје izаbrаnе „nоrdiјskе rаsе“ kоја trеbа dа vlаdа cеlim svеtоm.
Тvоrci nаcizmа su Еnglеzi: Тоmаs Kаrlајl (prаrоditеlј), Hјustоn Čеmbеrlеn (аnglоаmеrički pisаc i filоzоf), Džејms Hаnt (nаpisао 1862. gоdinе rаd u kојеm је crncimа „dоdеliо“ ulоgu prеlаznоg оblikа izmеđu mајmunа i čоvеkа), Frеnsis Gаltоn (rоđаk Čаrlsа Dаrinа i оsnivаč еugеnikе – „nаukе“ о lјudskој sеlеkciјi rаdi оdgајаnjа idеаlnе rаsе), Kаrl Pirsоn (biоlоg i оsnivаč biоmеtriје – rаsističkоg smеrа sоciјаl-dаrvinizmа), čiја је pоznаtа izјаvа „Prаvо nа živоt јоš nе znаči prаvо svаkоgа dа prоduži svој rоd.“
„Оdušеvlјаvаm sе еnglеskim nаrоdоm. U kоlоnizаciјi, оni su učinili nеmоgućе“, pоhvаliо ih је u јеdnоm gоvоru Аdоlf Hitlеr. Јаsnо је zаštо ih је firеr hvаliо, svе је idеје prеuzео оd Britаnаcа.
Pоdsеtimо sе dа је uprаvо u Vеlikој Britаniјi stvоrеn 1932. gоdinе Sаvеz fаšistа kојim је rukоvоdiо bаrоn Оsvаld Моzli. Vоđа britаnskih fаšistа је uhаpšеn tеk 1940. gоdinе i u zаtvоru је prоvео sаmо tri gоdinе. Umrо је 1980, nikаdа prоgоnjеn zbоg svоје prоšlоsti.
Drugо, kоncеntrаciоni lоgоri su britаnski izum, а nе nаcistа ili bоlјšеvikа (Тrоcki), kаkо sе tо dаnаs prеdstаvlја. Istinа, imа mаlih dilеmа dа li su bili Аmеrikаnci tоkоm Grаđаnskоg rаtа (1861-1865) ili Britаnci tоkоm Аnglоburskоg rаtа (1899-1902), nо vеćinа istоričаrа smаtrа dа su prеdnjаčili Britаnci. Аmеrikаnci su u kоncеntrаciоnе lоgоrе slаli vојnе zаrоblјеnikе, а Еnglеzi vојnо stаnоvništvо – čаk cеlе pоrоdicе.
Cilј stvаrаnjа kоncеntrаciоnih lоgоrа, prеmа zvаničnim izјаvаmа britаnskе vlаdе, bilо је „оsigurаnjе bеzbеdnоsti mirnоg stаnоvništvа burskih rеpublikа“.
Мuškаrcе su Еnglеzi slаli u lоgоrе nа tеritоriјi Indiје, Cејlоnа i drugih britаnskih kоlоniја. Ukupnо u svim britаnskim kоnclоgоrimа bilо је smеštеnо 200.000 lјudi, štо је bilа pоlоvinа stаnоvništvа burskih rеpublikа. U njimа је umrlо dо glаdi i bоlеsti 26.000 lјudi, а tоkоm sаmо јеdnе gоdinе, 1901, u kоnclоgоrimа Еnglеzа оd glаdi i bоlеsti је umrlо 17.000 lјudi, оd kојih 14.300 dеcе.
Тrеćе, Еnglеzi su svеtski prvаci u gеnоcidu, јеr su prаktičnо istrеbili Indiјаncе nа tеritоriјi dаnаšnjih Sјеdinjеnih Аmеričkih Držаvа. Dа pоdsеtimо dа su tоkоm nаsеlјаvаnjа dаnаšnjе SАD, Еnglеzi ubili оkо 15 miliоnа Indiјаnаcа.
Gеnоcid su pоčinili i tоkоm tri kоlоnizаciје Аustrаliје. Kоlоnizаciја tоg kоntinеntа је pоčеlа 1788 gоdinе, а аutоhtоnоg stаnоvništvа је bilо miliоn lјudi u оkо 500 plеmеnа. Тоkоm nаsеlјаvаnjа Аustrаliје, Еnglеzi su ubili izmеđu 90 i 95 оdstо Аbоridžinа, dоk su nа Таsmаniјi stаrоsеdеоci istrеblјеni. Ubistvа stаrоsеdеlаcа su smаtrаnа uslоvоm prоspеritеtа Еnglеzа.
Čеtvrtо, Еnglеzi su pоznаti i kао „vеšаči dеcе“, nа nаčin kојi lеdi krv u žilаmа. Lоndоn је tоkоm 16. vеkа nоsiо nаdimаk Grаd оbеšеni. Тоkоm cаrоvаnjа Hеnriја Оsmоg (1509-1547) kаžnjеnо је sаmо zа skitnju 72.000 lјudi. Dеcu bеskućnikе mаsоvnо su vеšаli čаk i u nаrеdnim vеkоvimа. Теk 1908. gоdinе Britаniја је usvојilа zаkоn pо kоmе sе nа smrtnu kаznu nе mоgu оsuditi mlаđi оd 16 gоdinа.
Pеtо, Britаnci su prvi stvоrili nаrkо-mаfiјu. U tоm kоntеkstu vаžnа је јоš јеdnа strаnicа britаnskе istоriје kоја је u stručnој јаvnоsti pоznаtа kао Оpiјumski rаt. Меđutim, prаvilniје bi bilо tо nаzvаti mаfiјаškim sistеmоm, čiјi је glаvni izvоr bilа trgоvinа nаrkоticimа, zbоg čеgа su skоrо cео јеdаn nаrоd prеtvоrili u nаrkоmаnе. Rаdilо sе u tо vrеmе (19. vеk) о 300-miliоnskоm kinеskоm nаrоdu.
Čаk 13 оdstо dоhоtkа Indiје tоkоm britаnskе vlаdаvinе dоlаzilо је оd prоdаје оpiјumа u Kini. Istоvrеmеnо, оpiјum је ubiјао Kinеzе. Sаmо u pеriоdu оd 1791 dо 1794 gоdinе, brој licеncirаnih оpiјumskih pušiоnicа pоrаstао је sа 87 nа 663. Istоvrеmеnо је Britаniја prеkо оpiјumа izvlаčilа оgrоmаn nоvаc iz Kinе, štо је svе prеdstаvlјаlо klаsičnu nаrkо-mаfiјаšku šеmu.
Оvа situаciја је dоvеlа dо dvа rаzоrnа „оpiјumskа“ rаtа, kао i dо pоtpunе оkupаciје Kinе оd strаnе Britаniје. Kаdа sе tо dоgоdilо, Britаniја је pоčеlа dа uzgаја mаk u Kini, nа miliоnimа hеktаrа, dоk sе brој kоrisnikа pоvеćао nа dеsеtinе miliоnа.
Krај vlаsti nаrkо-mаfiје u Kini dеlо је kоmunistа, kојi su јеdnоstаvnо svе nаrkо-trgоvcе strеlјаli, а plаntаžе mаkа spаlili.
TASS, Pеčаt (Zoran Milošević)
COVID, Ivermectin, and the Crime of the Century: DarkHorse Podcast with Pierre Kory & Bret Weinstein 190,543 views•Streamed live on Jun 1, 2021; 2:31:17 min
Paul Elias Alexander, PhD; Parvez Dara, MD, MBA; Howard Tenenbaum, DDS, PhD
We raise the specter of harm from the vaccines in children and adolescents. We are scientists and prognosticators who believe in the science of pre-existing vaccines that have undergone rigorous pretesting prior to human exposure. We have very serious concerns about these COVID-19 vaccines especially given escalating adverse effects being reported in the CDC’s VAERS vaccine adverse event database, the European vaccine adverse event reporting database, and the evidence in the general media. The reports of several thousand deaths post vaccine that appear temporally linked to the vaccines are very alarming. We are raising the alarm and call for urgent examination.
We also raise these risk concerns for pregnant women who must only be administered safe drugs or vaccines. We never ever administer an untested biological substance to a pregnant woman. There could be no exception to this and we are very concerned by the administration of these vaccines to pregnant women. They are very concerning risks to these COVID-19 vaccines and we are referring to not just immediate risks, but the long-term ones that would emerge in years to come e.g. autoimmune disorders etc. We just do not have the required long-term safety data for the vaccines and this worries us immensely. The reality is that we strongly support vaccines that are ‘properly’ developed, and we are not anti-vaxxers.
We have always argued for a ‘focused’ approach that is stratified based on age-risk targeting, recognizing that COVID-19 operates based on age and risk. A ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach is suboptimal and does not work. We continue to fail to strongly protect the high-risk among us (elderly, elderly with co-morbid conditions etc.) while restricting the ‘well’ and ‘low-risk’ healthy persons in our populations with policies that have had devastating societal consequences beyond what could have been caused by the pathogen on its own. Outcomes once infected, has less to do with the virus itself and more to do with one’s baseline risk. Age, obesity, diabetes etc. are the key risk factors. Obesity particularly emerged as a super loaded factor.
We have harmed our children for decades to come by these unscientific, illogical, irrational, ridiculous, and absurd school closures policies and it is the very poor children (minority, African-American, Latino, South Asian/South East Asian) who have fared worst of all. Working women have fared worst of all also, especially minority women. They were least able to afford the lockdowns and school closures that the ‘lap-top’ class could. Shame on all of our governments and their unsound, academically sloppy so called ‘medical advisors’ who exhibited a depth of cognitive dissonance to any science or evidence that misaligned with their specious edicts and policies. Shame on our government agencies such as the CDC, FDA, and NIH who have been wrong on virtually everything COVID-19 related. Shame on Dr. Anthony Fauci for his nonsensical, often inaccurate statements and flip-flops that left the nation so very confused. They have all failed!
Before focusing on the vaccine safety concerns, we call into question the true effectiveness of the vaccines and the reported estimates of effect. In the Phase I/II trial analyses, the efficiency of the mRNA vaccines were reported as 95%. The implications were derived from a Relative Risk Reduction (RRR). If the real numbers are used to determine the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR), then the results are a paltry 0.8%. Had the ARR been published, then a different picture would have emerged as to the effectiveness, and why one would accept a vaccine with such low indications of benefit, and while as we are now learning, potential harms?
This was terribly deceitful by the CDC, NIH, Dr. Anthony Fauci etc. and pharmaceuticals, as well as all who touted the RRR of 95% knowing it is not reflective of the effectiveness in a meaningful manner, and which could optimally inform the public. It is the ARR that is meaningful for the public for their decision-making.
Shame also on all of the medical establishment cartel, the academic scientists, and regulators such as the FDA and agencies like the NIH who have prevented the use of early treatment for high-risk patients. They know these drugs work yet have let hundreds of thousands (at least 80%) die needlessly. People have died being denied access to safe, effective, cheap, and available therapeutics. We knew that if you start treatment early, you could save the patient. You could stop hospitalization and death by as much as an 85% reduction in risk. But the medical community settled into a group think of therapeutic nihilism. Doctors should have stood up and be brave, and exercised their clinical discretion and judgement. They should have used an empirical approach as they usually do. They should have trusted their clinical judgement and treat their patients who were scared and needed help, not just to send them home to ‘wait-and-see’ and ‘worsen in place’, and only come see me again (or go to the emergency room) when you cannot breathe properly or have seizures etc. It is often too late by then, and way more complex to treat. This was a massive blunder and will go down as one of the greatest public health disasters in history, along with the catastrophic failures of lockdowns and school closures and mask mandates, and with the potentially unsafe vaccines we will now discuss.
Now to the vaccine safety concerns. SARS-CoV-2 virus has a glycosylated spike protein (spicule) that sits on the ball of the virus and it is this protein that the virus uses to bind to the ACE 2 receptor on the surface of our respiratory epithelial cells or similar cells. This docking or binding that enlists the help of receptor binding domains and cleavage serine protease enzymes (and a furin cleavage site) allows for the virus to fuse its outer membrane with the host cell’s outer membrane, then gaining entry of the virus’s mRNA genetic material into the cells’ interior. From there, the mRNA uses the host cells’ metabolic machinery e.g. ribosomes etc. to produce a multitude of the spike proteins. As part of building an immune response to the virus, we are injecting the mRNA code to build the spike protein (mRNA delivery platform) or the DNA code also to build the spike protein (adenovirus vector delivery platform). This is the core theory behind the COVID-19 vaccines and how immunity will be developed (development of neutralizing antibodies).
However, we have learnt that COVID-19 is as much a vascular illness as it is a respiratory illness and we are seeing that many of the catastrophic symptoms have one thing in common, this being impairment and damage to blood circulation. Researchers discovered that the SARS-CoV-2 virus infects the endothelial cells that line the inside of blood vessels. “The concept that’s emerging is that this is not a respiratory illness alone, this is a respiratory illness to start with, but it is actually a vascular illness that kills people through its involvement of the vasculature”. It has been shown that SARS-CoV-2 can directly infect engineered human blood vessel organoids in vitro (in the laboratory).
Moreover, we are now witnessing thousands of cases of adverse effects e.g. bleeding disorders, blood clotting, and deaths, that are occurring immediately after vaccination and this close temporal relationship has led us to believe that the vaccine’s content is precipitating this. The adverse effects are being logged into the CDC’s VAERS database as well as the European adverse event database, as mentioned, and we have learnt that the reporting which is voluntary, captures roughly 1% of the events, at least in the VAERS database. This elevated under-reporting gives much concern that we are still not getting the true picture of morbidity and mortality due to the vaccines.
With this knowledge at hand and known widely via the scientific literature, we are calling for a pause at least in the administration of these vaccines until the safety issues are clarified. In this regard and especially concerning the children and young adults, we are calling for a moratorium against vaccinating them currently. There is no safety data nor evidence of support in the need to vaccinate children. Our main concern remains that the safety analysis for these vaccines have not been done and the required time to follow-up for this vaccine to ascertain its safety was limited to a median of 2 months in the initial trials. This is public knowledge.
The emerging data from a recent Norwegian report concluded that “the Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine is “likely” to have been responsible for at least 10 deaths of frail elderly people in nursing homes in Norway”. This reported evidence caused us grave concern on the functionality of the vaccine. Similarly, Shimazawa has reported on the potential adverse events in Japanese women who received COVID-19 vaccine ‘tozinameran’ (BNT162b2, Pfizer-BioNTech). “Reports of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) following the administration of coronavirus vaccines have raised concerns regarding their safety…in Japan, 10 fatal cases (five men and women) have been reported to date. Four of the five women died of ICH and the other died of aspiration pneumonia, whereas all five men died of causes other than stroke”.
In December 2020, Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist, warned the FDA that mRNA vaccines could cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways NOT assessed in safety trials. Whelan stated: “Is it possible the spike protein itself causes the tissue damage associated with Covid-19? Nuovo et al (in press) have shown that in 13/13 brains from patients with fatal COVID-19, pseudovirions (spike, envelope, and membrane proteins) without viral RNA are present in the endothelia of cerebral micro-vessels.
Furthermore, tail vein injection of the full length S1 spike subunit in mice led to neurologic signs (increased thirst, stressed behavior) not evident in those injected with the S2 subunit. The S1 subunit localizes to the endothelia of microvessels in the mouse brain and is a potent neurotoxin. So the spike S1 subunit of SARS-CoV-2 alone is capable of being endocytosed (engulfed) by ACE-2 positive endothelia in both human and mouse brain, with a concomitant pauci-cellular microencephalitis that may be the basis for the neurologic complications of COVID-19” Whelan further states “it appears that the viral spike protein that is the target of the major SARS-CoV-2 vaccines is also one of the key agents causing the damage to distant organs that may include the brain, heart, lung, and kidney”. If this is so, then we have to urgently assess the impact of these vaccines on the heart for this can be devastating if millions of vaccinated persons incur long-lasting permanent injury to their heart vasculature or brain. Whelan argues it would be terrible if we failed “to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on these other organs”.
Whelan further reports that “ACE-2 receptor expression is highest in the microvasculature of the brain and subcutaneous fat, and to a lesser degree in the liver, kidney, and heart. They have further demonstrated that the coronavirus replicates almost exclusively in the septal capillary endothelial cells of the lungs and the nasopharynx, and that viral lysis and immune destruction of those cells releases viral capsid proteins (or pseudo-virions) that travel through the circulation and bind to ACE- 2 receptors in these other parts of the body leading to mannan-binding lectin complement pathway activation that not only damages the microvascular endothelium but also induces the production of many pro-inflammatory cytokines. Meinhardt et al. (Nature Neuroscience 2020, in press) show that the spike protein in brain endothelial cells is associated with formation of microthrombi (clots), and like Magro et al. do not find viral RNA in brain endothelium. In other words, viral proteins appear to cause tissue damage without actively replicating virus”.
This implies that the spike, on its very own, could act like a pathogen, causing devastating morbidity and fatality.
Suresh (2020) reported that “in addition to facilitating the membrane fusion and viral entry, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein promotes cell growth signaling in human lung vascular cells, and patients who have died of COVID-19 have thickened pulmonary vascular walls, linking the spike protein to a fatal disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)”.
Suzuki (2021) examined SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein’s capacity to elicit cell signaling in human host cells and the implications for possible consequences of COVID-19 vaccines. They cautioned that while the aim is for the vaccines to para “introduce the spike protein into our body to elicit virus-neutralizing antibodies…we note that human host cells sensitively respond to the spike protein to elicit cell signaling…it is important to be aware that the spike protein produced by the new COVID-19 vaccines may also affect the host cells”.
Zhang (2020) examined SARS-CoV-2 binding to platelet ACE 2 and the role in enhancing thrombosis (blood clotting) in COVID-19. They used platelets from healthy volunteers, non-COVID-19 and COVID-19 patients, including wild-type and hACE2 transgenic mice. They reported a different function of SARS-CoV-2 “on platelet activation via binding of Spike to ACE 2”. They reported that SARS-CoV-2-induced platelet activation “may participate in thrombus formation and inflammatory responses in COVID-19 patients”.
Similarly, Lei et. al. (2021) also reported that pseudovirus contributed to inflammation and damage in both the arteries and lungs of mice exposed intratracheally. They “exposed healthy human endothelial cells to the same pseudovirus particles. Binding of these particles to endothelial ACE 2 receptors led to mitochondrial damage and fragmentation in those endothelial cells, leading to the characteristic pathological changes in the associated tissue”. This research raised the very serious prospect that the spike protein on its very own, without the rest of the virus and the genome, can cause endothelial damage “associated with COVID-19”.
With this type of adverse effects data and the research and warnings emerging from prominent scientists that SARS-CoV-2 has serious effects on the vasculature in multiple organs, including the brain vasculature, we strongly question why efforts by the vaccine developers and the CDC are focused around vaccinating the entire general US population, and particularly children and young people and those who had previously been infected with COVID-19.
Additionally, we feel that prior infected persons should not be vaccinated as there is no benefit and there is potential for serious harm. They are effectively immune and it is not a case of ‘would’ their immunity be lasting, when we have evidence that immunity from natural exposure to respiratory virus is so durable and long-lasting that it can last for 100 years. “These studies reveal that survivors of the 1918 influenza pandemic possess highly functional, virus-neutralizing antibodies to this uniquely virulent virus, and that humans can sustain circulating B memory cells to viruses for many decades after exposure – well into the tenth decade of life”.
Moreover, given the emerging adverse events and deaths from the vaccines that are being reported, we call urgently for an independent data safety monitoring board for the CDC’s VAERS system to urgently review the thousands of hospitalizations and deaths after COVID-19 vaccination to assess what ‘definitively’ caused the deaths. Yet we question whether such an independent safety monitoring board can remain independent in this era of politicized medicine.
Specifically, the biology seems to be coming together now and we are beginning to realize that the spike protein can potentially enter the plasma (blood stream) and systemically circulates and travels to the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, with elevated concentration in the ovaries, etc. It can potentially combine with the receptors on the platelets and the cells that line the blood vessels. It is showing the capacity to function as an endothelia pathogen. If this is proven true, this can cause blood platelets involved in clotting, to clump, which could create the blood clotting issues we have already seen associated with these vaccines. This could be catastrophic. It thus can potentially cause heart problems since it is part of the cardiovascular system. It appears that the spike protein is what is seemingly responsible for the pathology to the cardiovascular system.
“Science has found that the spike protein itself, when it gets into the bloodstream, causes the damage to the cardiovascular system almost entirely on its own. In fact, when the purified spike protein is injected into the blood of experimental animals, they get all kinds of damage to the cardiovascular system and it can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage in the brain”. The incoming data is showing us the unanticipated disastrous side effects of the vaccine itself.
Dr. Bryam Bridle out of the University of Guelph (Associate Professor of Viral Immunology) and who is a world-renowned virologist stated para “we made a big mistake, we did not realize it until now, we thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, but we never knew the spike protein itself was a potential toxin. By vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin”.
The assumption is we are injecting the COVID-19 vaccine into the shoulder muscle (deltoid) and up until now, we felt the vaccine would behave like traditional vaccines and they do not go anywhere else but reside in the injection site e.g. stay in our shoulder muscle. Some of the protein will travel to the local lymph nodes to activate the immune system.
That was the assumption, but an important piece to the puzzle has recently emerged from a request to the Japanese regulatory agency (freedom of information request). Based on this confidential report (PHARMACOKINETICS: ORGAN DISTRIBUTION CONTINUED pages 6 & 7), we now have information of the biodistribution in animals that shows that the mRNA lipid nanoparticles (and as such one would extrapolate the mRNA and resulting spike protein) does not stay in the shoulder muscle and this finding is very potentially catastrophic. Bridle stated “so is it likely that the vaccine will remain in the shoulder muscle? The short answer: no way! And that is very worrying. The spike protein gets into the blood, circulates systemically in the blood for several days after vaccination. It accumulates as soon as it enters the blood and accumulates in a number of tissues such as the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, and what is particularly worrying to me, it accumulates in fairly high concentrations the ovaries.
The animal data clearly shows that it accumulates in various organs in very elevated concentrations. As mentioned, if the protein gets into the blood stream, it can potentially circulate in the blood systemically and potentially accumulate in tissues such as the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, and ovaries. What we speculated on is now borne out by this biodistribution data. The biodistribution data alarmingly shows that and suggests potentially then that the spike proteins in humans does not (and will not) stay in the injection site and can travel throughout the body. This is a major development. This requires urgent acute examination.
This additional piece to the puzzle as to explaining why we are seeing these problematic adverse events and deaths post vaccination, in terms of whether the spike protein moves from the injection site, is also backed up by a very recent publication that reported on 13 young healthcare workers (in CID/Ogata et al.) who received the Moderna vaccine. Researchers found detectable levels of SARS-CoV-2 protein in 11 of the 13 participants one day after first vaccination. “Spike protein was detectable in three of 13 participants an average of 15 days after the first injection… for one individual (Participant #8), spike was detected at day 29”, circulating in the blood. While nascent, this warrants urgent clarification.
To add to this, Dr. Hamid Merchant is also investigating the biodistribution to body tissues (for instance brain) beyond the injection site for a possible explanation of the rare fatal clots formed in the brain. “The biodistribution of ChaAdOx1 in mice confirmed the delivery of vaccine into the brain tissues. The vaccine may therefore spur the brain cells to produce CoViD spike proteins that may lead to an immune response against brain cells, or it may spark a spike protein-induced thrombosis. This may explain the peculiar incidences of the fatal CVST observed with viral vector-based CoViD-19 vaccines. It is anticipated that other vaccines using similar technology such as AstraZeneca/Oxford (Chimp adenoviral vector), J&J/Janssen (Human adenoviral vector 26), CanSinoBio (Human adenoviral vector 5), and Sputnik V (Human adenoviral vectors 26 and 5), may also lead to the same safety concerns”.
Avolio et al. (pre-print) reported that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein disrupts the cooperative function of human cardiac pericytes – endothelial cells through CD147 receptor-mediated signalling. They investigated the effects of the recombinant, stabilised S protein on primary human cardiac pericytes (PCs) signalling and function and found that the recombinant S protein alone elicits functional alterations in cardiac PCs. They concluded that the “S protein may elicit vascular cell dysfunction, potentially amplifying, or perpetuating, the damage caused by the whole coronavirus. This mechanism may have clinical and therapeutic implication”.
We were becoming aware some time now that the spike was a potential pathogen on its own and we were awaiting additional research data to inform us. We have presented the data above. Now we have clear cut evidence from the Japanese biodistribution regulatory data and the recent healthcare worker data that the vaccine gets into the blood circulation and travels systemically. Once in the blood stream, theoretically, the spike protein can bind to cells on our platelets and vascular endothelium that lines our blood vessels. Again, this can cause the platelets to clump and clot and this is why we have been seeing the many clotting disorders temporally associated with the vaccine administration. Again, we hypothesize this is why we have been seeing the bleeding disorders that have been reported and the heart problems. This means that the spike protein may even cross the blood brain barrier and cause neurological damage and clots in the brain. We are very concerned and this has to be acutely focused on urgently to ascertain the risk.
We are thus calling on regulatory agencies for safety information that could tell us:
i) “which cells are actually involved in the production of the spike protein, seeing that Pfizer’s own study submitted to the Japanese authorities shows the deposition of vaccine nanoparticles in various tissues and organs;
ii) whether the spike protein is gaining access to the circulatory system and, if so, for how long;
iii) whether the spike protein crosses the blood-brain barrier;
iv) whether the spike protein interferes with semen production or ovulation,
v) whether the spike protein crosses the placenta and impacts a developing baby, or
vi) whether the spike protein is excreted in the milk of lactating mothers”.
“The same information is needed for the S1 subunit of the spike protein, which is the part that binds to ACE2 receptors; and which has also been detected in the plasma of individuals following mRNA-1273 (Moderna) vaccination (Ogata et al., 2021)”.
We worry greatly for our children and are also calling on all regulators like the FDA to prevent the administration of these vaccines to our children. There is no reason to vaccinate them for this disease, none, zero! This is so serious an issue for if the spike protein can get into the blood and if proven true that it operates as we are fearing, and based on some preliminary reporting, then we could also have a national blood spike protein contamination catastrophe due to blood donations. We do not want transfer of the spike in blood related transfusions, and blood transfusion regulators and agencies such as the AABB in the US must respond to this potential risk.
What does all of this mean? What happens if these reports and the evidence we have presented prove true and the spike protein can and does behave pathogenically? Then we have made a catastrophic mistake with the spike protein as the key antigen for our immune system to target as it also may be functioning as a toxin and a pathogen, with a potential capability of a long-term disaster. The safety of the COVID-19 vaccines is in question.
In closing, we must not allow our children to be vaccinated given all we know about their statistical zero risk of becoming infected, spreading the virus, or becoming seriously ill post-infection. There is no benefit from these vaccines and as presented, the potential can be catastrophic to our children. We knew that our children did not have the biology to acquire infection as adults do due to the limited expression of the ACE 2 receptor in their nasal epithelium. We also knew they were likely heavily protected due to cross-protection from exposure to prior ‘common cold’ coronaviruses. We thus argue that by vaccinating children who come with a ‘protective factor’ in the first place, then we would be bypassing this natural protective barrier (low expression of or absent ACE 2 receptors in their nasal epithelium) and injecting the potentially pathogenic spike protein directly into them where it could cause serious harm that we are now witnessing in adults (due to the virus itself and the vaccine’s spike protein).
We know that the ACE 2 receptor is involved throughout the body in the renin-angiotensin (RAS) system of blood pressure and fluid balance and it is most certainly expressed at similar levels throughout the bodies of children. “ACE 2 is widely expressed, including, in the lungs, cardiovascular system, gut, kidneys, central nervous system, and adipose tissue”. While this must be verified, we must operate on this assumption that ACE 2 is expressed at similar levels in children systemically throughout the body as in adults. That it functions in a similar manner as in adults.
We must therefore conclude, and based on the preliminary information presented above, that by bypassing this natural protection due to limited ACE 2 expression nasally (Patel, Bunyavanich) and based on injecting into the deltoid muscle, we would be potentially setting up our children for catastrophe. If this spike protein is deleterious on the platelet and vascular endothelium (as we fear it could be based on emerging and still to be clarified, yet potentially credible indications), and if it can travel systemically as is being now reported, then we could doom our children to devastating effects.
What this means is that our children who have been largely spared from COVID-19 thus far in terms of infections and serious outcomes, may now become victim to severe outcomes in levels we have seen in adults across the last 15 months, due to a push to vaccinate them. How low is the risk? In Canada as an example, there have been approximately 260,000 confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections in persons under 19 years of age. Of these, 0.48% (1 in 208) were hospitalized, and 0.06% were admitted to ICU. Reporting indicates that 0.004% died (1 in 23,600). We know that seasonal influenza is associated with more severe illness than COVID-19 for our children. In the US, CDC reporting suggests that approximately 0.04% of persons up to 17 years of age have died from COVID-19.
Based on reporting, the Pfizer BioNTech’s study involved 2,260 children and adolescents who were 12-15 years of age. From these, 1,131 received the vaccine intervention. We argue that this is a very small number of adolescents and does not permit any optimal evaluation of rare but potentially serious side-effects, such as effects that may happen in only 1:5,000 adolescents. Moreover, the participants were followed-up for at most 2 months and this cannot allow the adequate duration of follow-up needed to assess safety of the vaccine. Thus, as we speak, we have no long-term safety data and do not know how this vaccine (or others) will behave long-term.
We say ‘NO’. No vaccine. There is no data to support this, yet only potential for downsides. In terms of our children, it is beyond establishing whether the risk is real. This demand to stop any vaccination of our children is based on no risk and thus no benefit. As stated earlier, we call for an immediate pause to the vaccinations and immediate assessment of the risks (across the board), so as to confirm whether or not the adverse effects and deaths being reported are directly linked to the vaccines. We have very strong temporal associations but we need this validated. This will greatly allay the concerns that have emerged in the public due to the troubling adverse effect and death reports.
As parents, whether American, Canadian, British, or any parent globally, we absolutely must question the fast-tracked and undiscerning, indiscriminate vaccination of our children and adolescents with a vaccine whereby the vitally important biodistribution, pharmacokinetic, and safety data on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, is absent. We do not have this information and it is imperative that this be collected and made known to all, given the preliminary information we have shared and the concerns that we have raised (e.g. the deposition of vaccine nanoparticles in various tissues and organs).
To close, the CDC, NIH, Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIAID, Dr. Rochelle Walensky who heads the CDC, the vaccine manufacturers and all involved, have failed to prosecute their case on why our children are to be vaccinated with these vaccines given their near absent risk and the many safety concerns that have emerged. To move forward would be reckless and very dangerous to our children and we raise serious concerns about the safety of these vaccines. We have presented our case above and ask your consideration of the facts.
Note that views expressed in this opinion article are the writer’s personal views and not necessarily those of TrialSite, Inc.
Categories: News, Opinion Editorial
Tagged: COVID-19, Endothelial
Paul E. Alexander received his bachelor’s degree in epidemiology from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, a master’s degree from Oxford University, and a PhD from McMaster University’s Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact.
Posted date: јун 02, 2021 In: ŽIVOT
Avioprevozničke firme predano su sarađivale s vladama i međunarodnim timom za propagandu COVID pasoša sa sloganom ‘bez cepiva, nema letenja’.
I uspelo im je, jer su se bojažljivi i lakoverno uzorni građani vrlo brzo, kao zamorčići, prepustili zlostavljanju ‘samo kako bi mogli otići na odmor’.
Isprobana metoda šargarepe i batine, moglo bi se reći, ali pojavio se problem.
Trenutno avioprevozničke firme verovatno raspravljaju što učiniti sa svojim cepljenim korisnicima i njihovim velikim rizikom od nastanka krvnih ugrušaka, nastao kao rezultat injektiranog eksperimentalnog mRNA seruma.
Već dugi niz godina postoji pravilo da ljudi s povećanim rizikom od nastanka krvnih ugrušaka smeju leteti samo pod strogim nadzorom.
Preporučuje se da ove osobe po mogućnosti ne lete, jer to za njih može predstavljati opasnost po život.
Na određenoj nadmorskoj visini veći je rizik od komplikacija, moždanog udara, tromboze ili srčanog udara ako ste na isto osetljivi.
Sada imamo informacije koje potvrđuju da je kod ljudi koji prime mRNA inekciju protiv COVIDA (bez obzira na robnu marku) jedna od glavnih neželjenih reakcija problem sa zgrušavanjem krvi i krvarenjem.
Ove reakcije jednake su postojećim ograničenjima na ovom području.
Neželjene reakcije na cepivo protiv COVIDA prijavljene do 22. maja 2021. godine u EudraVigilance, evropsku bazu podataka prijave sumnji neželjenih reakcija na lekove, službene Evropske (regulatorne) medicinske agencije EMA prikazali smo ovde.
Verujemo da zrakoplovne tvrtke sada raspravljaju o svojoj odgovornosti i što učiniti s cijepljenima i činjenicom da ne bi smijeli letjeti zato jer to za njih predstavlja veliki zdravstveni rizik. Rasprave o tome su tek započele, ali čini se da svatko tko je cijepljen možda više neće smjeti letjeti. S druge strane, necijepljeni ne bi trebali imati ovakvih problema.
Stoga bi se avioprevozničke firme mogle osećati prilično prevarenima zbog takvog razvoja događaja. Njihovo tržište za poslovna i godišnja putovanja se s ovom činjenicom značajno smanjuje.
Ovaj veliki gubitak – nakon debakla sa zaključavanjem – stvorio je neko drugi. Te osobe su odgovorne za kršenje ljudskih prava, kršenje Nürnberškog zakonika i uništavanje ekonomije.
Ako avioprevozničke firme žele preživeti, moraće preduzeti pravne mere protiv onih koji su im ovo nametnuli. To znači imenovati pojedince i organizacije i smatrati ih odgovornima za ogromnu štetu koja je prouzrokovana i koja će tek biti prouzrokovana njihovim postupcima.