What the "Eye" sees, the brain wants. The more it looks at something in particular, the more the brain wants that. Just a simple secret of advertising industry you should know and be constantly aware of. The more you watch some focus of interest in the media, the more your brain has subliminal wants and urges. So be careful of what you excessively watch and spend your time on! Somebody or something is subliminally communicating with you outside of your awareness and “They” are planting their foreign seeds.
Shut the hypnotizing appliances and methods. The sheep game! I cherish the freedom of Thought, Speech, Movement, Association and Religion. These are my Inherent and God given free rights, and "You" have no Right, or Authority in Regulating any of them. My kids ar no sheep, nor your ever would be slaves.
Fight in Your Own way against the Conspiracy to abolish "The God's gift of life to YOU". Be spiritually beautiful, and be Happy, for it is yours for the asking. Love prevails always, and nothing can stop it, unless you choose to ignore it and give it up to "Evil" forces. It is all in “Your” domain and responsibility. Whatever you do, there will be consequences and rewards.