ЕКСКЛУЗИВНО Животна исповест Албанца са Космета који је прешао у православље!

13:00   12.01.2019.

Редакција "Србин инфо" преноси животну исповест Илије Кастриота, етничког Албанца са Косова и Метохије, који је постао хршћанин-православац, иако је као рођени муслиман, због албаско-српског сукоба, имао предрасуде према овој религији. Ово је његова животна испосвест:

„Благослови Господе моју драгу браћу и сестре у Христу!

Фото: Приватна архива

Моје име је Илија Кастриоти, рођен сам на Косову и Метохији (Јужној Србији) 05. јуна 1986. године у сунитској, муслиманској, албанској породици.

Са Космета смо породично избегли у Немачку 1993. године (моја мајка, отац, сестра и ја). Одрастао сам као муслиман, али је моја радозналост о хришћанској вери почела већ у адолесценцији. Када сам прочитао и студирао историју своје нације, поставио сам себи следећа питања: Зашто су наши национални хероји имали хришћанска имена? Каква је то вера? Почео сам да проучавам хришћанску веру, проучио њену историју, учења Цркве, Свето писмо…

На Косову и Метохији постоји мањина Албанаца, која је римокатоличке вероисповести. Због тога што ме је хришћанство привлачило, одлучио сам да и ја постанем римокатолик, јер сам учен да православље не долази у обзир, да смо у рату са Србијом и да са њом не треба да имам било какве везе.

Почео сам да читам много – о догми Римокатоличке „цркве“, а паралелно са тим, отворио сам и Свето Писмо, Свето јеванђеље, а прва страница коју сам прочитао је она о жени ухваћен у прељуби (Јован 8: 1-11). Наишао сам на велику љубав за коју нисам знао у исламу:

„Ко је без греха међу вама, нека први баци камен на њу“ (Јован 8: 1-11)

Био сам као парализован, у мом исламском схватању ова жена је заслужила каменовање, а то што је рекао наш Господ Исус ме је парализовало – први пут сам осетио ту Божанску Љубав, очи су ми засијале сузама, јер је ова љубав била толико велика, безусловна…

Међутим, открио сам да многе ствари католичка (јеретичка) „црква“ погрешно изводи и предаје. Њена догма је погрешна и противна Библији.

Онда сам почео да тражим начин да постанем протестант, али сам се такође убрзо уверио да ни пртеостанске цркве немају везе са учењем Господа и Светих апостола. 

Фото: Приватна архива


Мој пут до православне вере! (Кликни овде)

Почео сам да проучавам православље (догму, историју Цркве…), упркос свим мојим предрасудама. Слушао сам православне химне на различитим језицима, нисам их разумео, али сам чуо да анђели певају, њихов глас је дубоко продро у моје срце и душу.

Када сам изразио жељу да пређем у православље родитељи су били жестоко против, а и други су ме вређали и претили да пратим православни пут. 

Упркос свим сукобима, одлучио сам да се крстим 2013. године. Отишао сам у Албанију и наишао на цркву Светог Теодора (Влора, Албанија). По доласку сам се срео са оцем Константин и испричао му своју причу. Саслушао ме је и одговорио:

„Зашто сте путовали 2000 километара да бисте се крстили? И у Немачкој постоје православне заједнице!“ 

По повратку у Немачку сам се крстио и почео да радим на својој души. Прошао сам кроз многе борбе и личне и са људима, али су ме духовне књиге Светих Отаца наоружале за борбу. Касније су и моја сестра и жена крштени. Хвала Богу! 

Фото: Приватна архива

Почео сам да постим, увео самоконтролу, променио много ствари у животу. Живим у православљу са својом породицом. Са супругом слушам духовну музику.

Ово је била кратка прича о мом путовању у православну веру. Желео бих да се са још неколико речи обратим својој браћи и сестрама у вери:

Уверите се да су ваша деца одрасла у Православљу, јер овај свет иде против Бога. У „модерном свету“ лежи пакао.

Читајте Свето писмо и не идите грешним током, већ пливајте против струје, то је тешко, али уз Божију помоћ све је могуће. Идите на исповест, примите свете дарове, тренирајте своју децу духовно и физички.

Нека вам Господ све благослови!

Са љубављу, ваш брат у Христу.

Илија Кастриот


SYED Mahmud
Published on Oct 6, 2018
Dajjal and women of Saudi Arabia in 2019 all the signs are here- the hadith that is very shocking!!

Antichrist Dajjals Sexual Revolution - Kabbalah connection -Shockingly World Is Changing 101,945 views

Antichrist Dajjals Sexual Revolution - Kabbalah connection -Shockingly World Is Changing




Published on Jul 8, 2018
In Jewish Kabbalistic culture, a golem is a human-like figure that is brought to life by powerful magic. This is what they believe in, however, we know, only God can create life and not man. However, Kabbalistic Rabbis believe these Golem are powerful but simple-minded entities from the unseen realk, and whenever called upon, they must obey their masters in all things. According to Jewish law, a golem’s life is valued at less than a human’s, Golems are usually made ash.
The magic that brings life to a golem comes from Kabbalah, a mystical, esoteric branch of Jewish teaching.
This belief in Golems resemble the teachings on the Jinni
In Middle Eastern and Muslim traditions, a jinni (also djinni or genie) is a spirit made of smokeless flame. A jinni (or, to use the plural, jinn) is usually invisible to humans, but can be seen when it wants to be.
There are many types of jinn, both minor and powerful, in the legends of the Middle East. An ifrit, for instance, is a tricksterish kind of jinn that often lives underground. A ghul is an ugly, slow-witted jinn that preys on animal dung; the English word “ghoul” comes from this type of jinn. Many jinn can shape-shift into animals, and disguise themselves as human. But there are many good jinns, some are Muslim, some Christian, some Hindu, some even Jew.
The Western world is probably most familiar with jinn from the book The Thousand Nights and One Night, also known as the Arabian Nights, and its story “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp.” In this story, a boy named Aladdin is tricked by a sorcerer into fetching a magical lamp from a dangerous cave. When Aladdin rubs the lamp, a powerful jinni emerges, who must do Aladdin’s bidding. With the help of the jinni, Aladdin marries a beautiful princess, defeats the sorcerer, and becomes wealthy and powerful.
Jinn are mentioned often in the Q’uran. In Muslim belief, God created the jinn from fire, as humans were created from earth and angels from light. The 78th sura, or verse, of the Q’uran is called Surat al-Jinn. It describes how a group of jinn, upon hearing the Prophet Muhammad speak, renounce their previous beliefs and adopt Muhammad’s monotheism.

Kabbalah IS important today, it is the secret doctrine of Judaism and Illuminati which deals with these entitie from another realm, Kabbalistic Rabbis believe"Evil and catastrophe are endemic factors in the process of creation. Without evil there could be no good, without destruction, creation could not take place.
Hence, the Illuminati motto: "Order Out of Chaos." Their manifeto advocates the destruction of nation, religion and family and the transfer of all private wealth to the Illuminati bankers, in the guise of the state.
The Doctrine of Destruction explains why war and revolution have been characterized by a gratuitous orgy of genocide, terror and destruction.
It explains the banishment of God from public discourse and the widespread acceptance of obscenity, pornography and the occult. It explains the attack on gender and the promotion of deviant sexualities that we see today. Some group out there, is definiting using these spirits from another realm to destroy the human mind... Have a look at the next few clips, something strange is happening to our society. My explanation is, these entities have been let loose, you may have a better explanation, I'm always willing to listen... Gender non binary, pet play, kabbalah and antichrist, messiah dajjal, false messiah, syria and europe
Film & Animation

Are They Preparing For Dajjal The False Messiah? - Breaking News - Antichrist Awakening 134,113 views

Are They Preparing For Dajjal The False Messiah? - Breaking News - Antichrist Awakening




Published on Sep 8, 2018
The signs of Dajjal have been showing up periodically throughout the ages. The major sign of Dajjal is the ‘one eye’. This is a symbol of Dajjal, wherever a person sees the ’one eye’ then the person must know that this is the sign of Dajjal’s presence in that era, country or period of time.
The entire dynasty of the pharaoh rule in Egypt lasted for thousands of years. The pharaoh rule was actually governed by Dajjal himself. All the pharaohs were worshippers of Dajjal directly. This we get to know from the hieroglyphic paintings excavated from those areas dating back to those times and the prominent symbol which we see everywhere in those paintings is the ‘one eye’ to show that Dajjal was there. The symbol of the ‘one eye’ is connected to one of their gods who is a sun god and his name is Horus.
I invited Rabbi Mizrachi to Islam or to at least stop doing what he is doing. I was getting worried that he was preaching Kabbalah more than Judaism, according to Rabbi, Jews must believe in reincarnation, which is against Judaism, according to Rabbi, they must do whatever it takes, even through evil methods to hasten the coming of the Messiah. However, despite my long emails, Rabbi chose to ignore what I was saying. This is all connected to the antichrist false messiah dajjal, and Rabbi Mizrachi has become one of his priests on earth.
This is no proof that reincarnation happens. What actually happens is that there are entities in the unseen realm, that know us very well, there's entities that some refer to them as jinns, they are supernatural creatures. In some traditions people incorrectly refer to them as spirits or people who have passed away... At times even demonic entities, but these entities have been created from smokeless fire. They can see us, but we can't see them. They can hear us but we can't hear them, this is due to frequency. You can say they live in a parralel universe, and when people are put under hypnosis and you find a Welsh man speaking Urdu, or a English man speaking French and these people have never spoken such languages, we can clearly say, their bodies have been possessed by these entities.
This is exactly what the false messiah will do, he will use these entities as servants and unfortunately Rabbi Mizrachi has fallen into the trap of the false messiah dajjal.

Yes the devil is real, so is the false messiah antichrist, the ultimate test for mankind. In order for the antichrist to return, everything needs to be calm for the illegal entity Ziopig nation. Jerusalem is where the antichrist will be and he will later declare himself to be God.
Look at the world politics today, they are trying their best to stop all resistance. Why is Qatar being silenced?
According to the Zohar, I personally believe this book was influenced by bad jinns meaning entities from another realm trying to help the anti christ, false messiah dajjal, well according to this book, it states that resistance must be crushed before the messiah comes. This is what Netanyahu follows, the Zohar, and prince salman is being heavily influenced by this. The thing about turning Qatar into an island is likely aimed at further isolating Qatar from mainland greater Israel. Saudi Arabia, along with Bahrain, Egypt and the UAE have grown closer to Israel, but not Qatar, therefore Qatar must be isolated. The Saudis have even demanded that Qatar shut down its state-funded network Al Jazeera too... Everything right now is in an abolute mess, utter chaos! Is Dajjal here? Does dajjal exist? Where is dajjal? Egypt and Dajjal, Qatar and dajjal, Rabbi Mizrachi
Film & Animation

The Jinn Delusion 63,914 views

Apostate Prophet
Published on May 4, 2018
In case it is not very clear: There is a big difference between jinns in Islam and demons in Christianity. Demons in Christianity are naturally evil, spiritual, fallen angels, whereas jinns are not "naturally evil" and not angels. They have free will, they live and they die, whereafter they go to heaven or hell. Hilarious read:

Human-Jinn Inter-Marriages

Answered according to Hanafi Fiqh by

I have a family friend who has a daughter. A Jinn fell in love with her and is a Muslim and religious. He now wishes to marry her and says he will live in the form of a human being. My friend wants me to find out whether it is permissible for humans to marry Jinns.


In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

There are two aspects to your query:

1) Possibility of human-Jinn inter-marriages;

2) Permissibility of human-Jinn inter-marriages.

I. Possibility

Many classical scholars are of the opinion that, despite being extremely rare, it is possible for marriage to take place between humans and Jinn (plural: Jann).

Qadhi Badr al-Din al-Shibli al-Hanafi in his masterpiece work on the subject of Jinns, Aakam al-Marjan fi Ghara’ib al-Akhbar wa Ahkam al-Jann, quotes many early Muslims, such as Tha’alabi, Uthman ibn Sa’id al-Dari, A’mash and Abu Yusuf Saruji, who held the view that not only is human-Jinn inter-marriage possible, but rather, there are instances where such marriages have occurred. (Aakam al-Marjan P: 98-104)

Imam Suyuti also mentions a few reports from the early generations pointing to the occurrence of marriage between humans and Jinns. This was supported by Imam Ibn Taymiya who said that humans and Jinns have got married and have had children as a result of their marriage. (See: Laqat al-Marjan fi Ahkam al-Jann by Suyuti)

The classical Hanafi jurist, Imam Ibn Abidin (may Allah have mercy on him) also concurs with this view. He states:

“…This concept [of human-Jinn inter-marriage] is a possibility, because their (Jinn) taking various forms [including the human form] is proven by many Hadiths and incidents. This is why it is reported from the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) that he forbade the killing of certain snakes [since it may be a Jinn in the form of a snake]…” (Radd al-Muhtar ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar 3/5)

II. Permissibility

As far as permissibility is concerned, most classical scholars are of the view that such a marriage is not permitted. The author of Aakam al-Marjan relates this opinion from Imam Zuhri, Hakam, Qatada, Hasan al-Basri, Hajjaj ibn Artat, Abu Hammad and Imam Ghazali (May Allah be pleased with them).

Imam Ibn Abidin of the Hanafi School explains in his Radd al-Muhtar ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar that the prohibition of human-Jinn inter-marriage (munakaha) is derived from the Qur’anic verse: “And Allah has made for you spouses from among yourselves.” (Surah al-Nahl, V 72) and: “Marry women of your choice…” (Surah al-Nisa, V 3)

He explains that in light of these two verses, spouses can only be from one’s own kind, since Allah Most High used the term: “from among yourselves”. Likewise, “Marry women” refers to females from the daughters of Sayyiduna Adam (peace be upon him), and as such, this permissibility will not be generalized to other species without a clear textual evidence. Moreover, he explains, Jinns can take different forms; hence it is possible for a male Jinn to appear in the form of a female, and visa versa. He adds from Imam Ibn Nujaym’s Al-Ashbah that marriage between a human male and a female Jinni and between a human female and a male Jinn is not lawful due to them being separate species (ikhtilaf al-jins). It was reported that Al-Hassan al-Basri (may Allah be pleased with him) was of the opinion that such a marriage is lawful so long as there are witnesses to it. However, it was later reported that he did not consider it to be lawful. (See: Radd al-Muhtar 3/5)

From the Shafi’i School, Imam Khatib al-Shirbini (may Allah have mercy on him) states in his Mughni al-Muhtaj:

“Prohibited (i.e. invalid) marriages are of two types: 1) Eternal, and 2) temporary. Of the eternally prohibited marriages is that which takes place between different species. As such, it is not permitted for a male member of the human kind to marry a female Jinni [and vice versa]… Allah Most High says: “He (Allah) is the One who has created you from a single soul, and out of him created his wife, so that he may find comfort in her.” (Surah al-A’raf V 189) and: “O people, fear your Lord who created you from a single soul, and from it created its match, and spread many men and women from the two.” (Surah al-Nisa, V 1) (See: Mughni al-Muhtaj, 3/232)

In conclusion, human-Jinn inter-marriages are possible, but extremely rare. However, they are not permitted according to most early Muslims and classical scholars due to human and Jinns being different species and having different origins – something that would result in the marriage being void of the companionship, comfort, love and mercy mentioned by the Qur’an, and as such, the wisdom behind marriage would be lost.

And Allah knows best

[Mufti] Muhammad ibn Adam 
Darul Iftaa 
Leicester , UK

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Apostate Prophet
Published on May 23, 2018
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Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
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