Who Dares Say He Believes in God? 1,759,594 views•Jun 8, 2019; 1:43:32 min.

Who Dares Say He Believes in God? 1,759,594 views•Jun 8, 2019; 1:43:32 min.

Jordan Peterson’s God - Debunked (Jordan Peterson's Religion Refuted) 147,030 views•Dec 4, 2018; 13 min.

Jordan Peterson’s God - Debunked (Jordan Peterson's Religion Refuted) 147,030 views•Dec 4, 2018; 13 min.

NAUČNIK KOJI JE ŠOKIRAO SVET ! 187,755 views•Oct 5, 2019; 29:59 min.

NAUČNIK KOJI JE ŠOKIRAO SVET ! 187,755 views•Oct 5, 2019; 29:59 min.
151K subscribers
ISPOVEST Organskog hemičara o poreklu života !
Ponekad se zaista pitam da li je pametno znati mnogo ?
A pitam se i da li su profesori Biologije širom sveta upoznati sa činjenicom da njihove kolege
iz eksperimentalnog dela nauke , dolaze do potpuno suptotnih zaključaka ?
James Tour je bio prilično jasan. Čak i da se desi da priroda nasumično izgradi primera radi jednu
jedinu živu funkcionalnu jedinicu što je nezamislivo , šta se dešava sa milionima drugih ( ćelija , dnk , rnk ,lipidima itd ) ?
Postoji li dovoljno evolutivnog vremena za sve ?
Ovo zahteva drugu naučnu disciplinu koja se zove STATISTIKA. Ona se u realnom svetu pokazala kao
pouzdan metod utvrdjivanja istine..
Pa šta kaže statistika o teoriji prirodne evolutivne sinteze složenih ćelija ?
Poslušajte video i biće vam jasno ! Voli vas fes.
- Borise, nije rec o izlecenju vec o celiji koju nauka/medicina/Histologija/Patologija samo moze da nemo, ne razumejuci tu grandioznost pefektnosti, samo posmatra, opisno katalogizuje- (stavlja dijagnoze), povrsno simptomatski leci, i da ne razume tvrdnju da je to 1 na 79 biliona nula, nas zivot i oko nas, puka slucajnost, tj. zastupanje Darwinove teorije Evolucije koja kako kaze taj naucnik je matematicki / organsko-hemijski nemoguca naucna konstrukcija. To su cinjenice, da covek vise ne adaptira/tj. evoulise vec degradira i raspada se po svim bioloskim dimenzijama. Ovaj doktor nauka, javno istupa, demantuje i kontrira naucni establisment. Dovoljno sam u "scientific" tematici da ga razumem i nebih rekao da je lud, jer cinjenice koje predstavlja su logicne, povezane, i takodje navodi mehanizme u celiji koje su naucno prihvacene. Ostaje nam druga mogucnost na stolu razuma, a TO JE, da je Ateizam religija, koja se oslanja kao pastorce na majku nauku kaje je naucno dezavujise, a ona i dalje slepo veruje u nultu slucajnost uzrocne veze. Stoga Ateisti su religiozan ljudi, i trebali bi da imaju svoje crkvene domove i da slepo slave nultu statisticku slucajnost svog postanka. Samim tim da se to prirodno nije desilo/evoluiralo, ono je samo od sebe zamrlo, jer u nekoj statistickoj "nuli" slabo da se moze izroditi neki zamajac energije kreativnosti. Ostali su dogmatski dinosaurusi, Americki nazovi "Antifasisti", ideoloski "izduvani" Komunisiti, "Crvene Brigade, " Crne Pantere", ateista Soros, i njemu slicni, koji sponzoruju sadasnji prljavi plackaski Kapitalizam, kreiraju "Oranz" revolucije, kreiraju ratove, i sistematski pale-prze-pljackaju sve sisteme i sve do sada stecene moralne vrednosti i normalnosti. Oni, Ateisti, ili skrivena tajna religija Satanisti, nece da prihvate Kreacionizam, ignorisu grandioznu celiju, ignorisu strukturu Atoma i preslikanu sliku na nebesima, i ponavljaju mrtvu mantru "sve je to statisticka slucajnost iz neke prljave praistorijske corbe". Ziveo mrtivi Darwin! Vidite ovog hrabrog naucnika sta prica na: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk4lj8mCtoQ&feature=youtu.be
-James M. Tour is an American chemist and nanotechnologist. He is a Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering, and Professor of Computer Science at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Wikipedia
Born: 18 August 1959 (age 60 years), New York, New York, United States
h-index: 147
Spouse(s): Shireen G. Tour
Residence: Houston, Texas, United States
Education: Stanford University, Syracuse University, Purdue University

Dr. James Tour - Synthetic Organic Chemist on the Origins of Life 18,666 views•May 7, 2020 ; 38:11 min.

The Eric Metaxas Radio Show
75.8K subscribers
Synthetic organic chemist James Tour from Rice University discusses the serious challenges faced by current origin of life research.

Are we close to discovering the Origin Of Life? James Tour vs Lee Cronin 63,962 views•Premiered Feb 28, 2020; ; 1:20:15 min.

Are we close to discovering the Origin Of Life? James Tour vs Lee Cronin 63,962 views•Premiered Feb 28, 2020; ; 1:20:15 min.
84.6K subscribers
Nanotechnology Prof James (Jim) Tour & Glasgow biology Prof Lee Cronin debate contemporary Origins of Life research and whether Lee’s lab is on the way to discovering it.
--James M. Tour is an American chemist and nanotechnologist. He is a Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering, and Professor of Computer Science at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Wikipedia
Born: 18 August 1959 (age 60 years), New York, New York, United States
h-index: 147
Spouse(s): Shireen G. Tour
Residence: Houston, Texas, United States
Education: Stanford University, Syracuse University, Purdue University

Крсни знак убија микробе, научно доказано.; 7:44 min.

Духовник Библиотека
Published on Sep 2, 2018
Svetlana Miletic
19 hours ago
-Lazar Jasna
6 hours ago
Verujem čvrsto verujem 80%ljudskog tela je voda🌹
-Milja Perac
10 hours ago






Trumps went on spiritual warfare offensive against demonic forces, says pastor

 | Infowars.com - FEBRUARY 8, 2018 517 Comments 




First Lady Melania Trump demanded the White House be spiritually cleansed prior to moving in, a pastor recently stated.

In a February 2 interview on The Weekend Vigilante with Sheila Zilinsky, Pastor Paul Begley claimed Melania’s desire to “completely exorcise” the White House may have sparked Trump’s own religious fervor.

“When the president allowed 40 pastors to come into the White House and anoint him with oil and lay their hands and pray on him—seven times he’s done this—that is unheard of,” Begley stated.

“At least he is humble enough and recognizing that he needs God enough that he keeps bringing them in for the prayer. And I’ve got to say this, it might have started with the First Lady.”

Begley continued: “The First Lady – in that five hours when the Obamas and the Trumps went down to the Capitol and Trump was being sworn in as the 45th president of the United States – Melania Trump said to her husband, ‘I’m not going to go into that White House unless it has been completely exorcised.’ Melania said, ‘You’ve got to get all of that out of there and send in some preachers and priests to go in and cleanse the White House or I will not spend one night in it.’”

President Trump reportedly agreed.

“During that five hours when they were ripping out carpets and changing drapes, there were people in there packing up every idol. The only thing that was left, Sheila, was one cross on one wall. They cleansed the White House. They had people in there anointing it with oil and praying everywhere.”


Begley added that previous administrations had left demonic symbols at the estate, and elaborated on the Clinton’s fascination with Haiti and voodoo:

“[A]pparently during the eight years when Obama was there, and maybe even some of the presidents before him, there were all kinds of idol gods and images and all kinds of artifacts in there that were demonic, even some of the stuff from the Clinton era because they were really tied in with the Haitians.”

“I can tell you, you can read the “Serpent and the Rainbow” story and find out just how much Haitian witch-doctor influence was on Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton’s lives,” Begley added. “They constantly went back there. They spent their honeymoon with a witch doctor. Who does that?”

The Washington Post reported that in 1975 the Clintons held their honey moon in Haiti.

“They toured the old hotel where the writer Ernest Hemingway once stayed and visited a voodoo high priest dressed in all white,” The Post reported, adding the Clintons were a “Haiti-obsessed family.”

The former President’s book, My Life, also contained passages claiming the Clintons ”watched the arrival [of] the spirit, people putting burning torch over their body, walking on hot coals without being burned while other grabbing live chicken and biting their head off,” according to the Haiti Observer.

In her book, What Happened, Clinton also comments that her frustration made her want to craft voodoo dollsof members of the press and Congress “and stick them full of pins.”

Pastor Begley says while the Trump’s acts may seem overboard, they are necessary in the arena of spiritual warfare.

“This was a major spiritual – it might sound like overdoing it, a little excessive,” he said, “but you’ve got to take the seat of authority when you go into spiritual warfare. You start with the spiritual authority and then it goes on from there out. I think that that might have been where this whole thing began, in a mighty way of exorcising the demons.”

According to CNS News, Pastor Begley based his accounts on sources inside the White House who declined to be named.

President Trump delivered remarks at the 66th annual National Prayer Breakfast Thursday where he affirmed, “Our rights are not given to us by man; our rights come from our Creator.”

Melania is the first Catholic First Lady since Jackie Kennedy.https://www.infowars.com/melania-had-white-house-spiritually-cleansed-before-moving-in-pastor-claims/

Tatiana Covington • 12 minutes ago
Rights come from Might: the power to kill those who trespass against you.

mick leeds • 16 minutes ago
Of course...the demon Obama resided there before Trump... I can imagine all the spirits just busting out of the joint...

Mariner • 23 minutes ago
Probably needed a good spiritual cleansing after the Prince of Darkness and his Voodoo Queen left the joint. What I want to know is who cleaned all of the chicken bones out of the White House and Air Force One?

Geewillikers • 27 minutes ago
The Roman Catholic Church ain't what it used to be and most Roman Catholics have been so neglected by their bishops and priests for decades that they scarcely understand anything so Melania Trump could be considered to be a Roman Catholic by today's minimalist standards regardless of being married to a twice(?) divorced man. The same could be said about Pope Francis for that matter. I didn't know about the Clintons and Voodoo. Interesting.

3rdHorseman- • 33 minutes ago
Excellent. Smart lady. How many pastors did it take, and do you still hear the ghostly call to the muslim prayer everyday? You did place toilet paper back in the bathrooms I hope.

neptune • 34 minutes ago
Wise decision on part of Melania, it was imperative to cleanse the WH physically and spiritually to get rid of the demonic stench left by the previous administration.

Jack Reacher redhawk948 • 23 minutes ago
Past 30 years of Demonic Bush,Clinton and Obama.

Do you even Occult • 37 minutes ago
Melania said the Lord's Prayer in front of a Crowd, that is a major deal! Satanists will say that backwards, and that's a big deal for them!

H. Mueller • 40 minutes ago
This is good to hear. The first lady knows the evil that resided there for 8 years, and the legacy of earlier evils. And she got rid of it. And as a side benefit, she got rid of the stench of communism, islam, and general hate America and Americans that the mulatto left there. Kudos, first lady! I have even more respect for you and your family.

Not so new • 42 minutes ago
Think about this outside the box for a minute. President Trump, constantly uses the term radical Islam, he aggressively has changed the rules of engagement, and swung pretty hard at not letting anymore in. Now, mix that in with how aggressive towards Christians the jihadist are. Donald Trump , the President is telling the world, you won't take ours because our constitution says we can worship how we want. In your face, period. Don't like it, tough, get over it. Our last one wanted to let girls and boys share the same bathrooms with adults. Don't like it ? Tough , get over it. It's only the first year ladies and gentlemen ( and trolls). It's a modern day spy book being played out before your very eyes, the ultimate show. Think about that a second......gotcha.

alisjkjdka Not so new • 34 minutes ago
That is not my interpretation of what he is doing. He is dealing a DACA deal to give citizenship to anywhere from 1-3 million illegals. Then he says he will end chain migration by allwing dreamers to only bring in their nuclear family. So if latinos have big families multiply the 1-3 million by 6 or 7 and in 100 years will have another 6-21 million illegals. That is called a stab in the back. DACA shoud have been off the table on day one. And whatever concessions he get will never materialize because there are plenty of jew judges to strike down anything good as unconstitutiional. He is not pro Christian. What has he done about Saudi Arabia? He does what Israel wants and they are pro al qaeda and Isis. They are wicked bastards and every bit as evil as the muslims. He attacks the good muslims but not the bad ones. He didn't defeat ISIS. Russia, Iran, Hesbollah and Assad defeated ISIS despite the support they were receiving from Israel, Nato, and saudis. Just like Bush he is a neocon globalists. He'll pretend to be America first but he is only a zionist neocon.

The Rider on the White Horse Info warrior E • 23 minutes ago
Psalm 50:15
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me."



Reuters cuts feed just as Donald Trump is being blessed by Bishop Jackson

Full Metal Druid
Published on Sep 3, 2016
Planned blackout by media.

"All things are possible" - Bishop Jackson

Reuters were on scene and their feed was streamed to most other media outlets. When they cut their feed, all the others dropped too, including television and internet streams etc.
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

1 year ago
"I'm shooting this. I Don't care. I will take a demotion." Then feed gets cut!

Stan Holmes
1 year ago
Wow, that's major corruption. They cut the feed just like that?

1 year ago
RIP Brave Cameraman. U were a Patriot and a Saint. =(
Jerry McHugh
1 year ago
Later this cameraman will be found dead from suicide, three self inflicted crossbow bolts to the back of the head.

Steven Chanthavong
1 year ago
Share with this moment, we need to make sure the cameramans bravery was not in vain. The MSM needs to be exposed for the brainwashing they feel they can practice without punishment.
1 year ago
The media is the ENEMY.
Rocket Propelled Mexican
1 year ago
The dude probably lost his job.
I hope he comes out publicly about this though.
1 year ago
Well, well, the propagandist Reuters is revealed. How corrupt. No freedom of speech.

1 year ago
Help take down organized crime. Vote Trump.
STL iz 2G2D
1 year ago
Reuters is garbage their polls are skewed too
1 year ago
Trump would do more for Black people than Obama ever has.

1 year ago
Why I hate the media. Right there. Pat Caddell recently said the media has become the enemy of the people. They are suppose to protect the people from the powerful. Instead they protect the powerful from the people. Not doing their job. They need to be ended. My hope is Bannon will re-write media in America. I want to decide where my tv dollars are spent either by picking the channels I pay for or paying for the channels I actually watch not allowing these communists to get automatic payments because I have cable tv.

Chris Bogart
1 year ago
To whoever the camera man was, thank you. You held on for as long as possible. It will more then likely cost you your job. But we need more brave Americans such as this man, a lot more, if we are to take our country back.
When ever you see this level of corruption just keep in mind that Trump represents existential threat to the status quo, and there are litterly trillions of dollars at stake, think TPP. They must stop him at all costs.

1 year ago (edited)
Media bias is no longer just a conspiracy theory, its conspiracy fact.
Scott Volentine
1 year ago
This is definite proof that the media is evil. the entire spiritual community is joined together to defeat the evil embodied in Hillary Clinton

1 year ago
To the brave camera man that stood his ground in the face of censorship from Reuters, I salute you - you are a patriot.
1 year ago
Why were news outlets relying on untrustworty socialist 'Reuters?' Trump should not allow them into anything anymore because they're dishonest.
1 year ago (edited)
This is getting out of hand now. The line between parody and reality has been completely eroded in the mainstream media. Parody headlines are now real headlines, and their engaging in hyper aggressive censorship and anything positive relating to Trump. It's non stop bad headlines. Trump cures cancer, and they blame him for the unemployment among oncologists. That's the level we're at now.
1 year ago
Propaganda news media. Only Hillary is allowed to be president or a stupid obedient Bush. Little Jebbie. Watch how they do Trump in the debates. He will be debating the news media
Blarney Stone
1 year ago
Reuters is a total FRAUD organization. Has been for years - YEARS. Their recent sham polling 'adjustments' are yet another in a long line of direct Leftist media fraud upon the public. Trump is likely up by +10 or more. Both Reuters and AP are simply Leftist feeds. They are NOT to be trusted on any level.

То,что врачи увидели около тела,заставило их ахнуть.ДУША.Есть ли жизнь после с мрти.Странное дело; 47:43 min.; CC-Ima Google prevod!

То,что врачи увидели около тела,заставило их ахнуть.ДУША.Есть ли жизнь после с мрти.Странное дело; 47:43 min.; CC-Ima Google prevod!

Территория Непознанного
Published on Dec 3, 2017
Ученым удалось установить следы молекул ДНК умерших людей, которые живут в пространстве около сорока дней...

Неизвестные ранее архивные материалы, последние исследования специалистов по самым актуальным и волнующим вопросам современности. Авторы не боятся затрагивать щекотливые темы и рассказывают о том, что годами было скрыто. Горячие споры и эмоциональные дискуссии, анализ и прогнозы, предположения и выводы, за и против. Иногда наши гипотезы покажутся вам невозможными, но на самом деле они могут оказаться вполне реальными.

В проекте рассказывается о том, что выделяется из общего ряда и не подлежит классификации, при этом имеет значение в мировом масштабе, а также является достижением и предметом гордости не только страны, но и всего человечества.

О тайном, непознанном и невероятном. Магия, мистика, эзотерика, астрология. Загадки НЛО и прошлых цивилизаций, аномальные места и необъяснимые возможности человека.
Все необъяснимые явления в нашей жизни: необычное, аномальное и паранормальное, магия и религия, предсказания, НЛО и НЛП а так-же научные открытия, тайны космоса, тайны древних цивилизаций.
Магия и волшебство, паранормальные и необъяснимые явления, поиск истины и философского камня, создания эликсира молодости и вечной жизни – всегда волновали человека. Процесс познания – это наше естественное состояние. И для начала нам нужно признать, что необъяснимое, непознанное и сверхъестественное – не значит чужое, чужеродное! Пока мы не знаем природу этих явлений и не следует их отрицать только по тому, что это не поддается описанию и не подчиняется общепринятым законам.
Подписывайтесь на канал "Территория Непознанного" и смотрите новые видео!
People & Blogs
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Доказательства того, что Вселенная создана искусственно; 1:32:27 min.; Ima Google prevod!

Доказательства того, что Вселенная создана искусственно; 1:32:27 min.; Ima Google prevod!
Maxim Pravda
Published on Aug 2, 2017
Слишком много очень удобных для нас совпадений в расположении земли, планет Солнечной системы, других звезд и галактик чтобы это было случайностью.
Nonprofits & Activism
Standard YouTube License

Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible

Living Waters
Published on Feb 10, 2017
If it's true that the Bible contains scientific facts that were written thousands of years before man discovered them, the implications are staggering. These facts would be evidence that the Bible is the word of God, and its promise of Heaven and threat of Hell are therefore not to be mocked or ignored.

"Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible" is a half-hour of awe-inspiring and faith-building video, filled with ancient biblical truths—the earth’s free float in space, the dinosaur and why it disappeared, laws of quarantine, the earth being round, and much more.

This is a powerful resource to encourage Christians, and to challenge the most hardened skeptic to take the claims of the gospel seriously.

"Excellent! This video will captivate you." -Jeff Seto, Aerospace Engineer & author.

This video is a part of the Living Waters "Lightning Productions" resource line. This line is focused on creating simple yet powerful videos that can be used as effective evangelistic tools to reach the lost. The simplified nature of these new productions (in contrast to our higher budget and graphics-intensive movies) will enable us to produce more videos, and in a shorter amount of time.

Watch more free videos and get other resources by Ray Comfort and Living Waters at http://www.LivingWaters.com

- The facts are there. Long before the arrogance and presumption of the unbelievers.

-even as an atheist, I can say this is a fantastic video

- The bible talks about underwater springs we didn't discover them until the 80's

- Before flat earth was a discredited theory...the bible said the earth was circular. Before the atmosphere was theorized, genesis detailed an "open firmament". Before science concluded that life came from water, water covered earth before land, animals existed before people, and that all living organisms are made of water/earth, the bible stated these things. Every element in your body can be found in the earths surface(God made man from the dust of the ground). Bible explanations historically predate these findings supported by science. There is literally no way to refute this.

Jesus is real.. My testimony of how I came to faith..

Published on May 12, 2013
New blog: http://newlybornagain.com/

Ok guys so I felt really awkward cause I felt like I was talking to a brick wall.. and I just did this in one take, the first take. I also didn't edit it to make it more exciting. The message though is clear. God is real. As I found out. And so is Jesus. And the Holy Spirit and everything else in the bible!!

At the end when I said "and i've experienced them all"... I just want to correct myself, I haven't experienced heaven & hell for myself. I have experienced God's love, presence and re-shaping of my character, I have seen demons, I have seen what I believe was Satan himself, I have witnessed angelic protection during spiritual warfare. I have taken part in 2 exorcisms and one baptism (in addition to my own baptism).

I will obviously make videos of those.

If there is anything that anyone wants to talk to me about (serious questions) please feel free to message me, i'll get back to you.

I just want to add that although I look a bit miserable here (because I feel awkward) I have had the best 3 months of my life in Christ. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I have found meaning in my life and have never been happier. God is SO GOOD. His presence and his love for me I see everyday. It is amazing. And I am SO BLESSED to be fighting on the front line for Jesus.

I used to be a strong atheist and let me tell you, YOU NEED GOD.

Thank you Jesus for saving me!!

The programme I was referring to - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuLuGE...
(3 part series, you can find the links to parts 2 & 3 through the link)

To get a copy of my book '50 Ways to Give God Glory' click here - https://www.amazon.com/Ways-Give-God-...

To help me make lots of new videos, please support me on https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4135419 or share the link to support me :) Thanks!
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

Some people are born gay; 14:12 min. ; Ima Youtube CC prevod!

Living Waters
Published on Sep 8, 2015
For more on homosexuality see our new film "Audacity," which is available now for FREE viewing: http://www.AudacityMovie.com

- our youth is scary!

- When she kept saying that she has her own god, I think I would have asked her why it is that she doesn't want the real God, Jesus. She has no choice but to say because she doesn't like Jesus' rules and that her god doesn't place so many rules on her. I wonder if that would have struck a chord in her over the idolatry of her personal, made up "god".

- We live in an age where the disrespect of adults and all other ideologies besides school and university-taught neo-marxism are considered suspect. Reaching young people has never been more difficult, and many more kids will end up choosing the path to hell than ever before. It burdens any Christian to see these kids reject Christ, but that is what many will do. Apart from the Holy Ghost (divine intervention), we are powerless to change their hearts.

- They don't want to say they believe in Jesus because that means they would be accountable for their sins, and they don't want that. They love there sins to much to let go of them.

- No one is born gay. There may have been some influence to pervert your God given hetero nature, but people ultimately choose to be homo.

- This was a great interview, questioning was logical, made the people being interviewed think, responses counteracted the worldly understanding! GREAT JOB!

- probably indoctrinated with evolution for a decade.

Debate 14 Dr Kent Hovind Vs Biology Professor Dr Matthew Rainbow; 2:51:18 min.

Published on Jan 20, 2013

- Hovind always wins because he is right. Evolution is nothing more than a religious cult that requires it's followers to give up free thought, free will and sound reasoning.

-Mr Hovind ripped that first guy a big A!
Evolution is a religion too, and a false one, taught at taxpayer's expense and should be banned from schools!
Evolution was used by commie rats to make people work more (you work more - you evolve)
Evolution is false, period!

- Okay, now sit down now, boys and girls - it's story time! Shhhh....
Once upon a time, billions of years ago, there was nothing. Suddenly, magically, with no apparent cause, the nothing exploded into something. That something is called hydrogen. Can you say "hydrogen?" I knew you could. This hydrogen eventually cooled down enough to condense into solid rock. It was magic rock. Inert and lifeless, but still magical.
And then, magically, again with no apparent cause, water formed in the sky above the rock. The waters rained on the rock for, oh, let's say billions of years. Some of the magical rock broke down into magical minerals that washed into a magical pool of water. Then one day some of these minerals magically formed into a kind of goo in the pool of water. Can you say "goo?" I knew you could. Well do you know what happened then? That's right! The goo magically became ALIVE. Yes, then this bit of magic goo magically found something magical to eat. Then, magically, it found another bit of magic goo to marry, and they had a whole bunch of magical little goos. Eventually - millions of magical years later - some of this goo grew up into all the plants and animals in the world around us. If it's alive, it came from that first bit of magic goo!
Well, more time went on. Finally some of this goo magically evolved - can you say "evolved?" I knew you could - some of this goo magically evolved upwards and upwards, growing ever more advanced, bigger, stronger, smarter, until it became a kind of magical hairless ape with thumbs. And do you know who those apes are? That's right! They're YOU and ME! We are the magic rock apes! And you know what else? Someday we'll evolve enough that we'll become the God we all know doesn't exist.
Now take a nap.

- He was destroying their evolution fairy tale...that's why they put him in prison!

- Frightening to see how people applause a man who seems to know everything only based on the Bible, and don't even react to a real scientist who's seeking for the truth by just observing the world.
God dammit people, science got us to the moon, we can now watch this video on Internet, we can cure many diseases, we have cars, phones, electricity ... The Bible has nothing to do with all this stuff. I'm deeply sad about this. Ignorance and conservatism truely reigns in USA. 

Окаменелая комсомолка. Чудеса под грифом "секретно" Прямой эфир от 18.02.16 | Россия 1; 1:04:09 min.

Окаменелая комсомолка. Чудеса под грифом "секретно" Прямой эфир от 18.02.16 | Россия 1; 1:04:09 min.

Россия 1
Published on Apr 11, 2017
Прямой эфир с Борисом Корчевниковым смотреть онлайн. Последний выпуск от 18.02.16.
▶Подпишись на канал Россия 1: https://www.youtube.com/c/tvrussia1?s...

Об этих проблемах пока не написано ни в печатных, ни в электронных СМИ. Но они существуют! Это реальные проблемы обычных людей, оказавшихся в сложных жизненных ситуациях.
Это касается каждого! "Прямой эфир" - хроника нашей жизни.
Ведущий: Борис Корчевников

На самом деле - Стояние Зои: свидетели засекреченного чуда. Выпуск от 18.09.2017; 53:32 min.

На самом деле - Стояние Зои: свидетели засекреченного чуда. Выпуск от 18.09.2017

Первый канал
Published on Sep 18, 2017
В 1956 году в Куйбышеве компания молодых людей встречала Новый год. Комсомолка Зоя Карнаухова, не дождавшись своего парня, решила станцевать с Николаем Чудотворцем: девушка взяла в руки икону и начала плясать. На уговоры подруг не богохульничать она ответила: «Если бог есть, пусть накажет меня». По рассказам очевидцев, наказание не заставило себя долго ждать — Зоя остановилась и окаменела с иконой в руках. Что это было? Чудо или божья кара? Да и было ли вообще? Сегодня полиграф раскроет эту многолетнюю тайну.
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На самом деле
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Дмитрий Шепелев
Reality & Game Shows
Standard YouTube License

Врачи оцепенели,когда увидели ЭТО в операционной.Есть ли жизнь после с мерти.Странное дело; 47:54 min. ; Ima Google prevod!

Врачи оцепенели,когда увидели ЭТО в операционной.Есть ли жизнь после с мерти.Странное дело; 47:54 min. ; Ima Google prevod!
Врачи оцепенели,когда увидели ЭТО в операционной.Есть ли жизнь после с мерти.Странное дело; 47:54 min. ; Ima Google prevod!

Территория Непознанного
Published on Dec 11, 2017
Куда уходит душа после смерти? Зависит ли новое место ее обитания от того, как человек прожил жизнь? Похоже, наука вскоре даст ответ на этот вопрос...

Неизвестные ранее архивные материалы, последние исследования специалистов по самым актуальным и волнующим вопросам современности. Авторы не боятся затрагивать щекотливые темы и рассказывают о том, что годами было скрыто. Горячие споры и эмоциональные дискуссии, анализ и прогнозы, предположения и выводы, за и против. Иногда наши гипотезы покажутся вам невозможными, но на самом деле они могут оказаться вполне реальными.

В проекте рассказывается о том, что выделяется из общего ряда и не подлежит классификации, при этом имеет значение в мировом масштабе, а также является достижением и предметом гордости не только страны, но и всего человечества.

О тайном, непознанном и невероятном. Магия, мистика, эзотерика, астрология. Загадки НЛО и прошлых цивилизаций, аномальные места и необъяснимые возможности человека.
Все необъяснимые явления в нашей жизни: необычное, аномальное и паранормальное, магия и религия, предсказания, НЛО и НЛП а так-же научные открытия, тайны космоса, тайны древних цивилизаций.
Магия и волшебство, паранормальные и необъяснимые явления, поиск истины и философского камня, создания эликсира молодости и вечной жизни – всегда волновали человека. Процесс познания – это наше естественное состояние. И для начала нам нужно признать, что необъяснимое, непознанное и сверхъестественное – не значит чужое, чужеродное! Пока мы не знаем природу этих явлений и не следует их отрицать только по тому, что это не поддается описанию и не подчиняется общепринятым законам.
Подписывайтесь на канал "Территория Непознанного" и смотрите новые видео!
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

Телеграмма из АДА.Что рассказали тибетские ламы офицеру Вермахта.Странное дело; 47:29 min.; CC-Ima Google prevod!

Телеграмма из АДА.Что рассказали тибетские ламы офицеру Вермахта.Странное дело; 47:29 min.; CC-Ima Google prevod!

Территория Непознанного
Published on Dec 8, 2017
Какие тайны скрывают подземелья средневековых замков, что разрабатывали в секретных бункерах ученые Третьего рейха, насколько правдива информация о разумной расе, обитающей в недрах планеты?..

Неизвестные ранее архивные материалы, последние исследования специалистов по самым актуальным и волнующим вопросам современности. Авторы не боятся затрагивать щекотливые темы и рассказывают о том, что годами было скрыто. Горячие споры и эмоциональные дискуссии, анализ и прогнозы, предположения и выводы, за и против. Иногда наши гипотезы покажутся вам невозможными, но на самом деле они могут оказаться вполне реальными.

В проекте рассказывается о том, что выделяется из общего ряда и не подлежит классификации, при этом имеет значение в мировом масштабе, а также является достижением и предметом гордости не только страны, но и всего человечества.

О тайном, непознанном и невероятном. Магия, мистика, эзотерика, астрология. Загадки НЛО и прошлых цивилизаций, аномальные места и необъяснимые возможности человека.
Все необъяснимые явления в нашей жизни: необычное, аномальное и паранормальное, магия и религия, предсказания, НЛО и НЛП а так-же научные открытия, тайны космоса, тайны древних цивилизаций.
Магия и волшебство, паранормальные и необъяснимые явления, поиск истины и философского камня, создания эликсира молодости и вечной жизни – всегда волновали человека. Процесс познания – это наше естественное состояние. И для начала нам нужно признать, что необъяснимое, непознанное и сверхъестественное – не значит чужое, чужеродное! Пока мы не знаем природу этих явлений и не следует их отрицать только по тому, что это не поддается описанию и не подчиняется общепринятым законам.
Подписывайтесь на канал "Территория Непознанного" и смотрите новые видео!
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

Я ВИДЕЛ БОГА ОТЦА НЕБЕСНОГО ЛИЦОМ К ЛИЦУ; 32:09 min. ; CC-Ima Google prevod!

Я ВИДЕЛ БОГА ОТЦА НЕБЕСНОГО ЛИЦОМ К ЛИЦУ; 32:09 min. ; CC-Ima Google prevod!

Andrey JS
Published on May 9, 2017
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License
Христианские стихи ХВЕ о Духе Святом
2 weeks ago
Слава Господу! Да, кто испытал - присутствие Божие, тот никогда об этом не позабудет... НИ НА МИГ...итак - Жив Владыка Всемогущий!Друзья! - читайте Христианские стихи о Духе Святом, будьте Благословенны!Аминь
степан высочин
1 month ago
я верю тебе брат на 100%.я тоже видел Бога Отца во сне.Было большое как бы поле и огромное количество людей на этом поле и я и мама моя стояла рядом и все мы смотрели в небо и там на небе стоял Иисус и говорил нам.Мы все Его слушали и было все понятно что Он говорил,но я все забыл что Иисус говорил.И вдруг пошол резкий грохот,как бы шум приближающегося дождя,такой сильный шум - грохот.И вдруг рядом с Иисусом приблизился Бог Отец.я от страха проснулся,и весь дрожал,сердце вырывалось от страха,я весь промок от пота.Иисус выглядел таким как Его изображают на иконах.Бог Отец выглядел как и человек,лицо было несовсем белое,а как у афонских монахов греков,видел потом икону польскую весьма похожию на Бога.Господи помилуй.Мира всем и любви.
-денис ангелов
2 months ago
28.09.15 года во сне услышал точно не мой голос, который проговорил чётко и ясно «денис ты не слышишь мой голос» от этого проснулся и вот в откровении 3 гл.19-22 стихи говорит Христос, если кто услышит мой голос и откроет дверь,я войду к нему в дом ,это думаю примечательно.

Думаю очень многие люди так же духовно дремлют ,не слыша, что им говорит сам Христос и он как написано начинает наказывать тех кого любит.

Об этом стоит подумать и ещё больше надо обращаться к писанию,всё там написано уже,всё сверять по нему.

Чудо које атеисте оставља без објашњења; 9:26 min.

Духовник Библиотека
Published on Sep 2, 2018
-- Bio sam tamo u Jerusalimu 1998 g. sa porodicom. Pravoslavni Rumun koji je stajao u Hramu tu pored mene tog dana je dosao 3 (treci) put. Na moje pitanje zasto 3-ci put, samo je odgovorio, poslednji put su mi se 33 svecice koje sam drzao u ruci, zapalile same od sebe. Kada smo izlazili iz hrama nakon sasejstvija Sv. Ognja, video sam svojim ocima uljano platno Isusa Hrista na tronu, u jednoj maloj kapeli, kako je tog dana pocela da mirotoci. Iskazujem pred Bogom verodostojnost mog iskaza, koji mi je dat kao dar, da ucvrstim svoju Pravoslavnu veru. Hvala ti Boze moj. Dr. V. Sekulic/Beograd, Srbija.

'Poltergeist' wreaks havoc at historic Irish school in spine-chilling CCTV footage

Published time: 5 Oct, 2017 14:22
Edited time: 6 Oct, 2017 09:25
- https://www.rt.com/news/405784-ghost-irish-school-cctv/

Supernatural forces appear to be at work in an Irish high school, with video footage emerging of unexplained spooky activity after hours in Deerpark CBS.
Founded in 1828, the school is one of the oldest in county Cork. It makes sense then that it would be haunted as everyone knows the dead like to stalk buildings with a bit of character.

READ MORE: Poltergeist playgrounds: Six spooky theme parks suspended in time

In the short video, students’ lockers shake and burst open by themselves in a darkened hallway. Books are flung onto the ground and a ‘caution wet floor’ sign then appears to be kicked across the corridor.

Commenting on the footage, conveniently shot at head height in a hallway, the school spokesperson joked: “We’re such a great school even the afterlife are signing up.”

READ MORE: You’ll never walk alone: CCTV captures ‘ghost’ alongside couple (VIDEO, POLL)

The eerie footage cannot, unfortunately, conclusively prove ghosts exist. But with Halloween just around the corner, it’s definitely a good way to promote the ghoulish holidays and the school arts department.
- https://www.rt.com/news/405784-ghost-irish-school-cctv/

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