"Nafora" prica!

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Прича о изгубљеном новцу и украденим колима


Прича коју ћу вам изложити може звучати невероватно, али она је заиста истинита. Било је то почетком децембра 2007. године. Силно су ме секирале свакодневне бриге и нарочито одређена породична посла. Али добро, мислила сам, такав је живот. Али тог јутра ми је све изгледало као да је свему наступио крај! Стари дугови су ме веома мучили. На послу сам из касе узајамне помоћи добила 20 хиљада евра на зајам како бих могла да сведем рачуне са банком. Банка је на добош ставила нашу викендицу и процедура конфискације имовине је већ отпочела. Била сам потиштена јер је та кућа била плод нашег тешког рада. Тамо смо сваког лета са децом проводили одмор. Нисам хтела да изгубим викендицу ни у којем случају, мада је наша финансијска ситуација била тешка, једино на шта смо могли да рачунамо је била плата. Због тога сам и била приморана да на послу узмем зајам, под условом да ми се од плате одбија 250 евра месечно. Чим сам добила готовину одмах сам 6 хиљада евра уплатила мом стрицу, а он је послао ту своту банци као гаранцију како би конфискација била одложена. Преостали новац сам намеравала да уплатим на рачун у банци. Нисам имала код себе број жиро-рачуна, па је требало да обавим телфонски позив и дођем до тог податка.

Док сам ја све то обављала банка се затворила. Одлучила сам да оставим паре и документе у колима, у џепу од врата са возачеве стране. Свеједно је требало од раног јутра да одем у банку. Никада нисам изгубила ништа што сам оставила у колима. Све паре сам положила у коверат. У таквим ковертима су ми у рачуноводству на послу паковали новац када су нам исплаћивали зараду. Увек сам негодовала због те праксе коју сам сматрала застарелом, али службеници су увек пратили своја правила. Тако су се коверти гомилали и ја сам их користила у разне сврхе. Вероватно вам досађујем наводећи све ове детаље, али ћете како прича буде одмицала схватити зашто то радим.

Ујутру сам се спремила да однесем паре у банку. Обично паркирам кола око куће, али је неко прошле вечери био заузео моје место, па сам ауто оставила мало даље. Долазим до тог места – кад кола нема. Ноге су ми се одсекле. То је било невероватно. Свега неколико метара од куће. Никада нисам чула да су некоме у нашем мирном крају украли ауто. Била сам близу нервног слома. Нестанак кола је и сам по себи велики проблем. Како их сад наћи, да ли је то уопште и могуће? И друго, како сад да стигнем на посао, како да возим сина у школу скоро свако јутро? Немам новца да купим нова кола, а у украденим ми је остало 14 хиљада евра!! Мој ум није све то могао да разбере! Губим кућу, јер нисам уплатила новац на рачун. Нема ни кола, ни пара. Поврх тога још ће ми од плате одбијати 250 евра док не отплатим кредит. Облио ме је хладан зној и задихала сам се. Када сам се вратила кући осетила сам се обамрло. Шта да радим? Позвала сам полицију.

«Шта да вам кажем? – одговорио је полицајац. – У Атини се сваки дан деси око 100 крађа аутомобила. Проследићемо ваше податке и ако кола буду пронађена – значи да вам се посрећило. Отиђите у полицијску станицу и напишите званичну изјаву о крађи».

Пао ми је мрак на очи! Отишла сам у оближњу полицијску станицу, тамо су ми рекли све исто. Један младић, полицајац, ми је донео воде да попијем када је видео у каквом сам стању.

– Не брините се, можда ће се наћи...

Вратила сам се кући и чекала... Размишљала сам о свему што се десило. Како се то догодило, зашто? Зашто ми је Бог послао такво искушење? Сетила сам се давног разговора са једним старцем. Бринула сам се за децу, о свом животу... Плакала сам, говорила и плакала... Тада ми је он рекао: «Не плачи. Бог нам увек шаље искушења са неким циљем. Он је наш Отац и воли Своју децу, жели нам само добро! Ми треба да имамо поверења у Њега. Не шаље нам Он све то узалуд. Не плачи, грех је то. Тиме показујеш да Му не верујеш... Моли се, и нека све буде по вољи Његовој!»

Ја сам обичан лаик. Наравно, и ја трагам за духовним стазама, али мала је вера моја. Присетивши се речи старца, покушала сам да сагледам догађаје другим очима. Зашто се све то збива? Ради чега нам Бог шаље искушења. То трагање није дуго потрајало, изнова је мноме овладала безизлазност. И опет сам помислила на речи старца. Одједанпут сам се сетила: он ми је дао једну молитву да је читам и у тузи и у радости. Где ли сам је одложила? Прошло је 8 или 9 година отад. Ипак сам је некако нашла и прочитала много пута. Била је то молитва оптинских стараца:

«Господе, дај ми да с душевним спокојем претрпим све што доноси дан који је преда мном. Дај ми да се у потпуности предам вољи Твојој. У сваком часу овога дана упути ме и подржи ме. Какве год новости да чујем у току дана, научи ме да их примим мирне душе и са тврдом увереношћу да је све воља Твоја. Руководи свим мојим речима и делима, мислима и осећањима. Пред свим непредвидим случајевима не допусти ми да заборавим да је све то од Тебе. Научи ме да правилно и разумно поступам са сваким чланом моје породице и да никог не тиштим и огорчим. Господе, дај ми снаге да издржим бриге дана који је преда мном и све догађаје који ме очекују. Руководи мојом вољом и научи ме да се молим, верујем, надам, трпим, опраштам и волим. Амин».

Опет сам позвала полицију. Ништа ново. Позвала сам и станицу – исто. Дошло је подне. Деца су се вратила из школе. Испричала сам им све до детаља и они су се узнемирили. Притисак није сплашњавао, али сам полако почела да мислим да живот треба прихватити таквим какав јесте. Ослонићу се на Бога. Али то се дешавало принудно, јер ништа друго нисам могла да урадим. Па ипак, разговор са старцем ми није излазио из главе... Све се дешава са циљем... Ништа се не догађа узалуд. «Значи, треба размислити зашто се све то догађа?» – говорила сам себи. То је била тактика на коју сам навикла, увек и свуда тражити објашењења. Али неке ствари су изван мог домашаја. Тако је протекао дан. Звала сам, бринула се, поново звала и опет читала молитву.

Око 23:30 неочекивано је зазвонио телефон.

– Полицијска станица рејона Като Патисија. Ви сте власник белог аутомобила те и те марке с тим и тим таблицама?

Само што ми није стало срце.

– Да, ја сам. Шта се десило?

– Овде код нас су двојица, возили су се у вашем ауту. Зауставили смо их због провере и нашли вашу возачку дозволу и документе. Хитно дођите.

Не да сам пошла, већ сам потрчала. То су била два младића, наизглед добри момци. Погледи су им били упрти у земљу.

– Госпођо, – обратио ми се полицајац, – шта је било у вашим колима, осим докумената?

– Новац.

– Колико?

– 14 хиљада евра.

– Како сте могли да оставите толику своту у колима?

Шта сам могла да одговорим, човек је био апсолутно у праву. Извадио је из фиоке стола коверат, управо мој коверат, и рекао: «Пребројте».

Само што се нисам онесвестила. Па зар тако нешто може бити? Почела сам да бројим. Све паре су биле на месту, све до последњег евра.

– То не може бити, зар је тако нешто могуће?

Тада је полицајац питао младиће:

– Како то да нисте ни такли паре? Нисте их видели, шта ли?

– Не, – одговорио је један од њих. – То јест, нашли смо коверат и отворили га.

– Зашто? – упитао је полицајац.

– Када смо претраживали кола, у касети смо нашли дозволу и документе. А нашли смо и такав исти коверат у коме се налазио комад сувог хлеба из цркве.

– Нафора, будало, – промрљао је његов друг.

– Да, нафора. Наставили смо да тражимо и у вратима са стране возача смо нашли идентичан коверат. Помислили смо да је и у њему нафора – ваљда је власница верница, – и нисмо га ни отворили.

Сви су занемели. Полицајси су стајали у чуду. Нико није прозборио ни реч.

Нећу вас замарати са другим подробностима. Кроз неко време су дошли родитељи момака, врло добри људи. Повукла сам изјаву и пошла кући. Деца нису могла да поверују да су кола пронађена и да су остала у једном комаду. И новац приде. Једино није било бензина у резервоару. То је било задивљујуће. Мали комад нафоре је успео да измени след догађаја! Да су нашли паре, све би се другачије завршило. Најчудније је да се нисам сећала како се нафора нашла тамо. Претинац ретко отварам. Највероватније је нафора тамо лежала још од летос. Понекад обилазим света места. Али зашто је нафора била у коверти? Никако не могу да се сетим!

Оно што је важно јесте да ме је тај догађај натерао да сасвим другачије посматрам живот. С поштовањем и благодарношћу примам све што се дешава. Чак и оно најгоре. Тај случај је оставио траг на многим људима. Под један, утицао је на мене. Под два, на моју децу. Често је међу нама долазило до несугласица, али сада они стално разговарају на духовне теме. А млађи, матурант, је први пут постио ове године.

У то време сам била на постдипломским студијама и тог дана нисам пошла на предавања, објаснивши притом разлог професору. Следећег дана, он је саслушао наставак моје приче, замишљено климнуо главом и посаветовао ми да се причестим. Причестила сам се на Светог Николу. Сувишно је препричавати колики је утисак то оставило на све у полицијској станици, сви су ме посматрали с чуђењем. Мајка једног од момака који су ми украли кола ме је позвала после Божића и рекла да је њен син одлучио да пости и да се причести. На њега је случај са нафором извршио велики утицај. И што је најважније њихов злочин није имао тешких последица. Он се горко покајао због свега.

Коллеге са посла су сазнале све. Неко је после и све заборавио. Али с некима од њих често разговарам о постојању више силе, која има удела у нашим животима. И још нешто. Тај догађај ме је зближио са пријатељицом, која ми помаже да са више уверености корачам на духовном путу. Она се зове Ангелика. Увек памтим речи старца, речи молитве, када је све добро и када је све лоше. Та молитва ми се урезала у ум и у срце. Често је поновљам у себи, може се рећи свакодневно.

«Господе... пред свим непредвидим случајима не допусти ми да заборавим да је све то од Тебе... Господе, дај ми снаге да издржим бриге дана који је преда мном и све догађаје који ме очекују... и научи ме да се молим, верујем, надам, трпим, опраштам и волим. Амин».

Јер у тој свакодневној журби људски ум не може себи да представи шта ће бити и шта се све може сутра догодити.

Никос Ваксеванидис
С руског Александар ђокић


What important lessons has life taught you?

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Pragya Mishra, Perpetual Student!

Updated 15d ago · Author has 95 answers and 444.3k answer views

Life, they say, is a hard master for she gives the test first and the lessons afterwards. Well here are some of the lessons my life experiences uptil the mid twenties have taught me:

1. Be your own guiding lamp

The last words of Lord Buddha "APPA DEEPO BHAVA" carry the most pivotal lesson for humanity. Loosely translated they mean, "Be a light unto yourself" or "Be your own shrine.”
We are in charge of our own destiny. Its our path and ours alone. Others can walk it with us but no one can walk it for us.

For attainment of goals be it spiritual or material, we need to be our own cartographers, our own beacon lights. William Ernest Henley beautifully summarizes it in his classic and eternal poem, "Invictus":

"It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul."

2. Nothing is permanent in life except change:

The world is temporal. Everything here is "Anitya"( Impermanent), arising and passing away every second. So there is no point in holding on and refusing to let go of our attachments, memories, affections and grievances.

As the wise beyond her years Alexis Castle, one of the protagonists of the show Castle says in her valedictorian speech:

"There is a universal truth we all have to face, whether we want to or not, everything eventually ends. Last day of summer, the final chapter of a great book, parting ways with a close friend...endings are inevitable, Leaves fall, you close the book. You say goodbye."

The problem with the equation of life is that we assume the variables to be constants!

3. Pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin:

Be it Buddha's teachings of "Raag" (Craving) and "Dwesh" (Aversion) or Bentham's theory or Utilitarian Hedonism, it is amply clear that pain and pleasure are the two governing principles behind all our actions and they are the two facets of the same coin.
We spend all our lives seeking pleasure and avoiding pain without realizing that what brings pleasure today will eventually change too and hence will become a source of pain.

4. The Self Transforming Brain:

Human mind is an exceptionally powerful tool and we can train our mind to train our brain to train our mind to lead a better life. Sounds confusing ??!! It isn't really!! Simply put it means that we can exercise a conscious control over our own thoughts and learn and unlearn new attitudes, patterns of behaviour and value systems which can enable us to lead a better life!

There is a new branch of Neuroscience devoted to this, called NeuroplasticityDr. Rick Hanson being its chief propounder which highlights how the "The perception and experience of mind leaves behind lasting residues, woven into the fabric of your brain and being."

5. The Key to Happiness is a Bad Memory:

Happiness is a matter of choice and forgetfulness is the first step towards making that choice. Because without forgetting you cannot forgive and without forgiveness there can be no bliss.
As Lord Buddha said, "Holding on to grudges is like drinking poison and hoping the other person would die."

6. Life is not what happens to us but how we respond to it:
Everyone has negative experiences and damaging events. Its our choice how to handle and react to our circumstances:

7. Humility is a deceptively powerful emotion:
 Often mistaken as a mark of weakness, humility is infact a potent ally and a spiritual antidote to all life's sufferings. To be modest and unpretentious in face of success and vulnerable and meek in light of our mistakes strangulates our false ego, harmonizes our inner self and brings a peaceful, joyous tranquility!

8. Genius is nothing but another name for the capacity to take infinite pain:

Our circumstances, capabilities, attitudes, aptitudes, talents, limitations, luck can all be overcome by hard work but there is no substitute for hard work itself.
As the celebrated author, Robin Sharma explains in his blog post, Mozart's Secret"The most gifted tennis player doesn’t become the champion…the most focused, practiced and passionate one does. The most innately talented violinist doesn’t become the virtuoso…the most dedicated and devoted one does. The most brilliant entrepreneur doesn’t reap the fortune and change the course of history…the one with the most discipline, work ethic and grit does."

After a remarkable concert, one of Beethoven's many admirers came rushing to him and exclaimed, "Sir how can you be such a genius!!"
To which the great maestro humbly replied, "Madame if you too practised on your piano, eight hours a day for more than forty years, you'll be as much of a genius as I am".
H.W. Longfellow beautifully captures this essence in his celebrated poem Success:

"The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night."

9. Self Compassion:

You cannot love others unless you learn to love your own self! Self compassion is not self-pity, selfishness or wallowing in pain. It is simply a wish that a being not suffer including oneself.

10. Actions vs. Perceptions:

Perceptions change. Actions don't. To give in to perceptions is to be a prisoner of people's believes. Perceptions are temporary illusions beyond our control. Actions are the on the only constant within out power.

11. As you Think so you Become:
 There is an undeniable nexus between mind and matter. Thoughts are things.Every thought has a consequence. Each thought is a pebble dropped into the pond of your life – the ripples are real. The more intense the thought, the more powerful the outcome.

“As surely as the acorn becomes the oak tree, the images in your mind become your reality.”

Originally posted on my blog Pensive Pennings as Life Lessons: An Introspection!

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Nivetha Babu, B.E from RMK College of Engineering and Technology (2019)

Updated Jan 26 · Author has 60 answers and 109.1k answer views

Here, Mr.Sundar Picha's cockroach theory.

Yeah, it's Mr. Sundar Picha's thought for us!.

One day he was having coffee or some eatables in the hotel. At that time a cockroach fell on one lady.

That lady started shouting like hell and pushed the cockroach. It went and fell on the another lady, who was near her.

Even she got panicked and started shouting.

Simultaneously, the waiter came near to help them. And this lady too pushed it.Now the cockroach fell on the waiter's dress.

But this waiter was silent. He slowly moved out and throwed the cockroach.

Watching all this scenarios. Mr. Sundar Picha had a thought that,

Its just a small incident but gave a big lesson through his thought.

So the lesson he said is, everything happens in the way how we handle it.

Something I learnt from that is,

Our thought, our behavior, our knowledge, our time, our work, our discipline and our etcs are going to decide our life.

“Don't be prince or Princess, be a warrior”.

Fight hard, taste the dirt and then kiss the success!.

Haha I know, it's easy to say but difficult to put it into actions.

Whatever the conclusion may be. Let's just experiment the cockroach theory!.


On Lifestyle: 

Embrace Change.
Change is always beautiful.
Making good habits and change is always within you.

On Success & Happiness 
comes from Autonomy(you need Freedom in Life) & Discovering your Life Purpose.

Life is a choice.
Life is a function of choices we make at every stage in our lives.

Life is Product of our Thoughts, what we think often we Become.
What we keep doing often,
 occupies us and the whole universe conspires to make that Happen.

Ultimate mission in Life - 
Go in Search of Truth. Don't settle. 
Spread the message of Truth.
Serve Humanity.

On happiness
Happiness is within you, never live a life of comparison.

  • Don't settle down in life..
  • Keep discovering new things & look for better always.
  • Believe in Yourself, that can only take you closer to your Dreams.

Life is constant learning. There is no end to learn.
Learning is the Best God given Gift for all.

On Existence
Everything is nothing, but with a twist.

On Universe
Sound, vibrations, waves, energies, patterns, frequencies, existence and life have strong Relationship between them. 
Notice the subtle patterns in them.

Observe patterns, they already have answers to most of the world things.

Friends & workplace
Find & be with Right people to get closer to your niche. 
Aim to do Great work & Great projects.

Time is the most fascinating invention ever. 
Because of Time everything looks old & relative.

On Focus
Focus is about telling NO & not an YES.

On Relationships
Marry that person whom you know very very well.
Its a life long Investment.

Aim & Purpose in Life
  • Know who you are.
  • Aim to Live a life with: 
    Gratitude, Discipline, Appreciation.
  • Aim to be a minimalist.
  • This can give you happiness at all stages - short term and long term.

Divine & Religion
  • Construct your own religion that shall make you happy
  • Divine is within you. Don't search around.
  • Stop searching outside for happiness.

On Happiness
Happiness is a choice. 

On Schooling & Education

  • One of the most Important steps in life is nurturing & Self Learning skills.
  • The best form of learning is Self Learning.
  • Having Great mentors and teachers early will save enough time.
  • Schooling can kill your creativity. Don't be fooled.
  • Don't confuse Education with Intelligence.
  • Education is constant learning. So, Are you Educated? No.
  • You learn a lot from Failures & failure stories than any success story.

More to come...

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Answered 9h ago · Author has 71 answers and 309k answer views

  • Never depend on someone to make you happy
  • Never put expectations on the ones you love, if it wasnt discussed
  • Never put something on hold, do it now or never
  • Dont comprise your happiness for someone elses.
  • Dont assume if you never asked
  • It’s better to be in the moment then in your fears
  • Never supress your feelings, channel it in a healthy way
  • Dont buy into anyone elses dreams, follow your own path
  • Be there for the ones who care about your well being
  • Learn how to control your emotions, especially in the corporate world, office politics is all about tactics. Dont over re act, play your cards right
  • Never show any sign of weakness
  • Dont tell anyone your next move
  • Dont wait on anyone, learn how to move on your own if you have to
  • Show people how to treat you
  • Pratice being liberal, learn how to speak up and fight for the right things
  • Save your money earlier, learn investing, or learn how to live for your needs first before your wants
  • Take more opporunties but never in the expense of others
  • Think about yourself a little more
  • Pay attention more and speak less
  • Dont doubt yourself, even if you have great fears, pretend it until you make it .
  • Lastly, we never know it all, everyday we should be learning something new.

Image source:


Abhinab Mishra, Life's GOOD!

Answered Jun 24 2017 · Author has 116 answers and 283.3k answer views

Life is big. It is not in living yourself, but in living with others, in making others live.

All lessons that you have ever learned are equally important, all have the gravity to rule your life. Here is a few of them:-

  • It's your life, and yours only. What others think about you or your life should make no difference. Never.
  • Grudges cause only pain. If you grudge your decision, your choice or even your assets, you end up giving pain to yourself which you shouldn't. Never.
  • No one will be there for you when you need them, except your parents. Your best friend who was there with you since childhod won't even recognize you when you are in danger.
  • Kill your desires immediately before they kill you slowly. The desire to earn more, to have more, to want more, will eventually give you pain, misery, and slowly take away your entire energy and ruin you. I don't think you will take your house, money, jewels with you when you die. Will you…????
  • Every single second is important. Who knows the very next second a big earthquake strikes your location, and in the next 10 seconds, only your body remains. Live every second of your life.
  • An arrow shot from the bow, a word already spoken, can never ever be taken back. Never. Choose them wisely.
  • Anger results in danger. If you are MAD enough to become angry you are Mutually Assuring Destruction.
  • Your age is just a number. Think about the number of people who Care for you, when you are 60, and forget the number of years you have ever lived till then.

Above all. Its your life, and solely yours. Make it large. :)

Thanks for the A2A.

Srinath Nalluri, Wisdom Seeker

Updated Jan 8 · Author has 173 answers and 3.3m answer views

You see your friend.

She is extremely happy because she has something.

So, you also follow her and aim to get that something.

Using your skills and intelligence, you overtake her and finally get 10X something.

But you realise that you are not as happy as her.

When you turn back and see, you find that it was not that something that made your friend happy but it was the special attachment it shared with that something.

Sadly, it is too late as half of your life was over in pursuing it.

So, don’t blindly follow what others do and waste you life in this process.

Same things have different meaning to different people.

The thing that brings happiness to one person can bring boredom to another.

The thing that meant luxury to you might mean useless to another.

So, don’t always look outward.

Instead, see inward, find your instinct and follow it.

Image source: Instagram

Ravi Tandon, studied at Princeton University

Answered Jul 20 2013 · Author has 176 answers and 595.7k answer views

There are numerous lessons that life teaches us from time to time. One of the best ones that it teaches us over and over again, yet we fail to realize it is to be positive in life.

Our mind is a home for both the constructive and the destructive self. The destructive self will keep telling you that there are thousand people in this world better than you at your task. The constructive self acknowledges to it and motivates you to keep working on your abilities to beat those thousands of people out there.  

The demons in our lives that prevent us from appreciating our lives are within us. It is those ideas that we prevent us from going beyond the boundaries of potentials that we create for ourselves. It is that voice that is currently asking me not to write this answer and coaxing me to give up working and go and rest. 

What separates the winners from others is the realization of delusions that the ghosts within us create. Those huge sets of problems that we create for ourselves whenever we set out to achieve our goals are works of the negative power within. The trouble is when we set out we have energy to fight those demons. The start is always positive. Yet, as the path gets long, the road gets bumpy, you lose energy. Part of your energy goes in fighting the demons. Every failure, every small incorrect move and your mind keeps feeding those devils with doubts. The negative forces thrive on mistakes we commit. Sooner, than later one gives up, depressed and dejected and the kingdom of the devil becomes ever so mightier. 

You try again and those devils feed you with earlier memories of your defeat. You keep wondering why you could not do it the last time and there in you lose valuable energy. These devils have blood running on their mouths and like leeches they suck on your own energy. They relish the hopelessness of the mind and strengthen their hold on your emotions. Sadness, pain and horror of failure are their magical wands that perpetuate their strength. 

You build a mountains of doubts ever so slowly and every time you go out achieving that task, those devils rise within and stop you out. 

There is a very simple concept to out performing your own self. Those who successfully endeavor to overcome those negative side of one's inner self.

The only remedy and the simplest one is to keep feeding these devils the potions of positiveness. Every time you go out and try to stretch your boundaries have the magic wands with you. These include faith, hope, happiness, belief, optimism, patience, persistence, and an understanding of reality. Listen to the angels within. They might not be loud yet their words are worth in gold. Comprehend the world around you. There are rules to getting successful on things. Failures are staircase and success comprises of every extra step you took from your last attempt. The boundaries that we define around us are not for real. These are illusions created by the scary side of our mind telling us not to look beyond. Ignore those advice and look beyond for there might be easier paths leading to your destination. Each successful step builds up strength of the optimist within. 

Ever tried running a very simple marathon ?? Give it a try. You would realize those inner demons amplify their voices as you keep getting weaker and tiresome. The marathon is always run within your mind. The track is just the abstraction a depiction of how well performing against your own doubts.

This is from the oatmeal comic strip. [1] 

Tej Dhillon, Reading Addict, Lifting Lover, Introverted Speaker, Explorer

Answered Mar 1 2017 · Author has 398 answers and 655.8k answer views

I've learned growing up especially as a kid people had to give us things. Such as gifts, time, values, money, and other objects or expectations you have of others when your a child.

I've learned as a growing adult no one really owes you anything.

In fact the people who do give you anything are honestly your greatest blessing and should be one of the many things to be thankful for.

If you have parents, close friends, or a significant other who truly care for you, you truly are fortunate.

No one owes you that care.

No one has to love you.

Just like you don't own that person and they don't own you.

The world and life will be cold.

Nothing Is promised other then death.

Life won't owe you success and it most likely will not fall into your lap one day.

You must accept that and take action.

You'll have many obstacles.

People will break you.

Break you emotionally such as heartbreak.

Anger you to new limits.

Disappoint and let you down.

Do things behind your back.

Your not special.

Just like everyone else you'll find yourself with problems and stress for the rest of your life.

Fear is in our minds.

You can conquer all with your actions and mindset.

Just remember to always stay true to yourself.

Be content with WHO your becoming.

YOU must love yourself first and take pride in your well being. You can't love or help anyone until you unconditionally love yourself in your truest form.

Those who do want to help and care for you will be there. There won't be many but that's all you need.

Trust yourself.

Don't outsource your Self Esteem.

Love yours. Love within. It will show on the outside.

Answered Nov 19, 2017 · Author has 174 answers and 675.5k answer views

Don't marry young. Live your life. Go Places, Do things. Pack your bag and go wherever you can afford to.)
Years go by in the blink of eye. (
The most important person in your life is the person who agreed to share their life with you. TREAT THEM AS SUCH.)
Respect your significant other.
Always respect and care three women 
  1. The one who bring you to this world.
  2. The one who came here for you.
  3. The one who is brought by you.
Trust your significant other because, who else are you supposed to trust?
Jealousy Destroy Relationships.
  • Love whatever you doUntil you find the one you love to do.
  • Don't take life so seriouslyEven if things seem dark and hopeless, try to laugh at how ridiculous life is.
  • Choose your circle wisely. (A true friend will come running if you call them at 2AM. Everyone else is just an acquaintance.)
  • Health is Everything. (Eat and exercise like you're a diabetic heart patient with a stroke - So you never actually become one.)
  • Listen to EveryoneDo what your heart says with permission of brain.
  • The joint you damage today will get their revenge later. Even if you think they've recovered completely. TRUST ME..!
  • Time is Priceless. (We have one time on this planet. Don't wake-up and realize that you're 60 years old and haven't done the things you dreamed about.)
  • If you have a dream, Go for it. ( It will only become more impossible as you age and become responsible for other people.)

Thank you so much..!

All the best :)

Source : Google Images


Arbob Mehmood, Still Learning...

Answered Mar 3, 2018 · Author has 102 answers and 170.8k answer views

Three lessons from 
  1. Compounding creates success in almost anything.
  2. Always ask better questions and obsess over that.
  3. Take wherever you’re at and just try to push your understanding deeper.
Continuous learning is essential. The information you need is free.
All forms of work are moving towards paid learning. YouTube is the world’s best school. The internet is one big, global library. There’s never been a better time to be alive.

References: A series of Tweets


Lessons, I learned in life till now. I am 22 and I will summarize the things I learned as follows:-

1) There is no tomorrow. Never set a thing to do in future just due to laziness,complete the set of task right there in time.

2)Cigarettes doesn't help in solving problems, neither they help in forgetting questions.

3)Everyone, every little organism born, has a part to play in this world.

4)Everyone has the power to bring the change and anyone could bring the change. The only thing to do is to


6) Never lie to your 'Parents'. They would be angry at your deeds but will be with you in every hard time and they are the only one who will try to give you best from whatever they have...

7) Giving excuses are one of the habits that should be left as soon as possible.
8) One of the main  ingredient of success is - DISCIPLINE

Till now these are some few lessons I learnt and I will add more as time passes by and I would be taught by life's experiences.

Courtesy:- My Life.

Mudit Chauhan, worked at Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited

Though the title of this 'one republic' song may not make much sense when you read for the first time, but it is probably one of the biggest lessons  that we can learn in our lives.

All of us who live on this planet have these questions pondering in our minds at some point of time or other,

From  the first day that we are born we are taught to work hard, to follow  the conventions set by the society to achieve success. The idea of success that is forced fed to us is defined in terms of the getting a good job and earning good money when we grow up. As a child when we  look around and all we see are the people who are doing only one thing-  chasing money. These people are so afraid of change that they are living the same mundane life day after day. Anyone who tries to break these conventions and follow a path which has not been traveled before is termed as a failure. Our dreams  are crushed if they don’t fall in line with what society thinks is right. We are buried under a big pile of expectations that the society wants us to fulfill.

We are put in a system to get education (school/college) and get  trained to become just like everyone else. A system which does not  bother about your creativity and values you are gaining,  but only about  the marks you score. Once we get out of college and start doing a Job, we  forget about what little we remembered of our dreams. Our whole life starts revolving around thinking of ways to  somehow earn more money.  Slowly we are drawn into an existential vacuum. 
Money is something that you can never get enough of. We would start getting frustrated when we would not be able to quench this unending desire. We would drift away  from our friends, family and most  importantly from our true self. We  would be living our life disguising as someone else. In the back of our minds we know that all this is not  giving us satisfaction and happiness  we yearn for. We would wish to run away and follow our  passions/interests, but our fear of being termed as a failure would  never allow you to actually do it.
Then  one day we will die. Our sad and lonely life comes to and end with us  wondering till the last moment  how things could have been if we chose  to follow our dreams.

The answer is NO!

Neither did we bring anything with us when we were born nor would we be taking when we die. Everything  that we collected over our life would stay behind when we our soul  leaves our body. Our friends and relatives  would forget us and the only thing that they would remember is the money we left behind.

So why go through all this trouble during your life if things are going to end up this way. Why not do something that makes us happy?  Why not do stuff that no one else has dared to do before and which everyone would remember us by?

Counting stars can signify 2 things (you can choose whichever fits you the best)

1.  It could mean that you live a relaxed life, taking time out for yourself,  never overburdening yourself with stuff that doesn’t even  matter and enjoying/savoring every moment. And what can be more  relaxing than to lie on our back and count  those sparkling stars? The rush of infinite – a magnitude greater than all magnitudes. So immense,  that your whole existence seems irrelevant to the universe. This is  our time to forget about everything that  bothers us and think out where we see ourselves to be in this vast universe.

2. The second  thing that the counting of stars signify is making the choice of  ‘traveling on the path which no one has dared to take before'  It means  following your dreams and passions without any fear of  failure. No one  has attempted to count all the stars before, but it does  not mean that you shouldn’t do it too. 

Life is a challenge and sometimes you would have to take risks to succeed.  This is what that would make you different from others and you would be  able to tell yourself before you die that ‘Yes, I lived happy life, chasing my dreams. I didn’t count the dollars, I counted the stars.

Harshit Kashyap, Executive Engineer at Ashok Leyland

There are few important lessons which I came across & learnt with the passage of life.

  1. Do not ask to do (whatever you wish to, unless untill it has an adverse effect on others ;)), rather just do it & then tell the world that you did.

This is because the moment you will try to show your interest, people will demotivate you, will frighten for the consequences. And if you have already done the work you intended to do, nobody can alter your aspirations (:

2. Do not show your 100% to anyone. Let there always be a mystery surrounding you. This makes people more curious to know more about you.

3. Do not give your 100% love/ devotion/ respect to anyone except your family because no other being knows your worth & hence won’t reciprocate the same except your family members.

4. Be somewhat smart. Smart in a smart way, healthy way & not oversmart sort of. People (& I) like smart beings & do not like oversmart people.

5. Always prioritize YOUR peace of mind. Do not just run for all the materialistic needs of this mortal world. Do whatever you feel comfortable doing & upto the limit which causes no harm to your inner & mental peace since if it is costing your mental peace, it is definitely not worth it!

6. Do not treat your life for granted citing current situations. Believe me, you are so lucky to be living, be it current situations since most people do not get what you have been provided with. So be content with what all you are having. You can try for more easy life by working hard but do not spoil your present worrying the past/ future.

7. Respect & give priority to the real person sitting next to you seeking your company & not to one in the phone who is virtual & will hardly play any role in your life’s future endeavours. Cherish your relations with your family & friends (physical/ actual & not virtual). On a lighter note, FYI, this life lesson I got just now writing this answer, from my elder sis, scolding me for the same reason. She just needs me to leave this phone & enjoy listening to her favourite songs with her

8. Embrace & enjoy tranquility

9. Do the work assigned to you at the earliest & avoid building pressure up in your mind of pending jobs at your end.

10. Do not seek others approval/ judgements on whatever you enjoy or feel comfortable at. You are not going to be always pleased by them. So do not worry & be happy.

That’s all as of now. Shall update whenever I find need to. Stay blessed (:

Srinidhi Bharadwaj, studied at KLE Society's S Nijalingappa College

Answered Feb 4, 2018 · Author has 65 answers and 51.2k answer views

Strive towards excellence at the expense of your own effort and never succumb to competition.

Competitions do help us accelerate our progress, but, emulations and rat races can get you nowhere.

Let me give you an insight supporting the above fact from the history of Hollywood Cinema:

The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) was the 10th James Bond movie and the 3rd movie with Roger Moore as Bond.

Roger Moore had a great reputation as Bond on par with his predecessor Sean Connery and the movie was a commercial success.

Here is the last scene from the movie

So, accordingly, the movie For Your Eyes Only was supposed to be released in 1979.

But, For Your Eyes Only got released in 1981, followed by Moonraker in 1979.

Now, you must be wondering what I am talking about and what is the big issue about it. It would have been a normal thing like budget constraints or personal choice of the Production House.

But, history tells us a different story.

In 1977, a movie entered the market and made a tremendous impact in the history of sci-fi genre. It shattered all box-office records and became a worldwide sensation. You, just couldn't be a normal person back then, if you hadn't watched the movie.

You can guess the movie I am talking about: Star Wars.

Naturally, the other franchises were jealous and the James Bond franchise took it to an altogether different level.

They took Ian Fleming novel's Moonraker. It was a good story but, they took only the name for the film. The content was created involving all space scenes to give it's own answer to Star Wars franchise.

Was it a success?

No. Only true fans of Bond know that it was a terrible disaster. The plot was too weak and cheesy and was nowhere close to the expectations of a James Bond movie.

The charm and aura of the MI6 agent declined and it wouldn't return till his exit from the franchise. Even though For Your Eyes Only had a good storyline and succeeded averagely, his successive movies Octopussy and A View to a Kill were all time disasters too. Plus,a serious competition in the Action genre by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone, almost made James Bond impossible to make a comeback.

Thus, the James Bond franchise was on a declining spree, which would only be restored in 1987 with the movie Living Daylights .

It can be said that the failure of Moonraker led to severe repurcussions for almost a decade in the Bond franchise.

This was a result of a rat race by the Production House , which backfired with serious consequences. Had it followed it's plan and not succumbed to competition by releaseing For Your Eyes Only according to the schedule, the franchise wouldn't have suffered the losses.

James Bond was all about action, thrill, crime and it had dominated those genre over 2 decades. Bond was never suited for a Sci-Fi movie, which he failed to make a mark.

All because of , what we call in Kannada, ಪೈಪೋಟಿ.(PAIPOTI) which means Unnecessary competition/Rat race.

George Giotis, studied at Πανεπιστημιο Μακεδονιας

The road to the destination is never straight. To reach out to the winter shelter someone must take a lot of turns, travel along rough roads, suffer losses…You have to make sure that you always take food supplies with you.
Leave the past behind. If a wolf eats your goat, you can’t do anything about it. Just make sure that next time you will be more careful.
Don’t live just for saving money…don’t be stingy. Don’t postpone the tasting of joy for future times. Do it now, while you are still young. Make your hard work worth even more.
Struggle, fight. You are the only one in charge of yourself. Don’t be truant, don’t expect your dogs to do all the work in herding the sheep.
Ask for the respect you deserve, don’t let others use you as a doormat. Set limits, put up fences, protect your animals.
Blessed are the ones who make mistakes. Make mistakes. These are life lessons, we call these experience. Don’t forget who you were until yesterday. Start today and define with your actions who you are going to be from now on… Learn to forgive….starting with yourself. Don’t feel guilty, you have no time for that.
Blessed are those who doubt. Don’t let your life be ruled by dogmas. Remember that if some people hadnʼt doubted previous knowledge, mankind would have still lived in caves. Examine the information, be sceptical, think critically, think rationally, revise. You haven’t seen any fairies and ghosts into the forest, just wolves.
Be careful. Observe others. Look them in the eyes. Like a Greek saying “If it is not shown in the goat, it is shown by the horn”.
Life is a journey, not a destination. And it is valuable. The previous word you read already belongs to the past.
Don’t advise the young constantly, it’s a waste of time. There is no right way to teach them pain or misery, solely experience will do that.
Go travel! Trips are experience that stay with us forever. Get out, try, taste, suck images greedily. Let your senses free. Expose yourself, let it go, crumble, lose your self-control from time to time. Not just your self- control, but stop controlling others too.
You have been isolated enough in your winter shelter, get out. Go find your friends and companionship.
Do not try to control others. You condemn in anxiety and suffering not only yourself, but also those who you try to control. Let others live, and live for yourself. Leave the other flocks to their shepherds, take care of yours. Life is not fair – The universe does not owe you any solace, and it is certain that at the end of the road you die. Hurry up.
You can be a winner. Learn from those around you. Become a child with children, play with them, but also go to the cafe and talk to the elderly. You can learn from their accumulated experience.
Do not take everything into account. Do not take everything seriously. You are probably overreacting today. What bothers you or you are afraid of now, most likely tomorrow will seem lukewarm or insipid. Try to see yourself from a distance, take a look at the sight of your flock from the hill.
Have patience. The goats do not give birth every month. But when that happens you need to be there because they need you.
Quarrel with your partner if necessary, it is not terrible, let the feelings be defused. Make decompression in anger. The fire is sometimes beneficial. If an area of kermes oak get burnt, spring will give again vegetation, fine food for goats and their young. Careful though, the words you say you can’t take them back. Watch what your goats eat, they don’t know how to pick. If they eat the shoots of trees, the forest cannot be created again, the place will be left bare fallow …
Be balanced. Enjoy the food and your drink. Do not forget that the world’s poor walk miles for their daily food while the rich walk miles to digest it.
There is no perfect time, the circumstances and conditions will never be ideal. Start from where you are now! Do not postpone.
Be polite. A smiling face reflects similar behavior. Make gifts. Even the gift of a good word is important. Behave well to the elderly, you will soon be like them. Behave well to animals, they are not mean or envious, they have no obsessions or selfishness. They forgive without limit.
If you know how to read, read a lot! Those who read live extra lives. Not only their own but also all of those who you have read about.
Be bold. The fear keeps you tied but it is not real, it just comes from the unknown which is not in your head.
Do not get attached to things. Life is like the path of the pastures and the shepherd’s bag. The more you fill it, the harder you will walk. Take only the necessary things with you, the flock keeps walking. It will not wait for you if you can’t move because of too many heavy things. Let them go, release them, feel more flexible and free.
George Giotis
Translated by Eleni Vafeiadou
by Greece by Greeks

Answered Nov 14, 2017 · Author has 74 answers and 531.6k answer views

We don’t care about cancer unless it’s someone from our family who is the victim.

Rape victims are often looked down upon, unless the victim is someone from our own kin.

Suicide’s are often neglected and termed cowardly, unless someone from our family attempts the same.

Depression and anxiety seem laughable to many, unless you’ve observed someone battling with it, closely.

Some appear narcissists, others egoist and some just plain arrogant. We never know what they’ve been through. We never know what’s their side of the story. What made them like that.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Compassion is a big thing.

If you’re compassionate, be proud of it.

Passing judgments is a matter of seconds. Being understanding and then replying is something which takes real effort.

Realize that you’re not ‘invincible’. You never know what your future has in store for you. What has happened now with anyone else can happen with you too.

Before laughing at others, think twice.

Life is too short for such things. Live and enjoy every moment of it!


P.S- That’s what my limited 20 years of experience with life tells me :D

Viraj Soni, Beginner in Meditation

Updated Mar 14, 2016 · Author has 73 answers and 97.6k answer views

The most important lesson I have learned in life is TO NEVER GIVE UP . If you really care to do something, you have to go through failures, but with perseverance, you can get to where you wanted to be. It seems really simple but to learn this lesson was not so simple for me.
When I was in class 11, I myself had a wish to join an institute for IITJEE preparations. I asked my parents, they agreed. No one had told me much about what IITs were those days, class 10 students didn’t have much information about it those days. I had a vague idea about it, but by asking people, searching on the internet, I found out more and more and all this resulted in me getting really excited for it and aspired to go to IIT for engineering.
I started the class, I did good in the 2 months. But then as there are always some ups and downs in life, I hit a rough patch. I got poor marks in a few tests, used to feel chemistry was getting tougher and it got on my mind. I heard many people talking about how X tried for IIT and couldn’t do well either in JEE or in State Boards. Negativity was so bad, I lost some confidence, I thought it would happen to me, I felt a lot of fear. Even some of my 10th class teachers told such things to not go for IITJEE and instead concentrate on State Boards. I am not accusing anyone here, it was ultimately me, who lost confidence in myself and stopped going to classes. Even my some members of family talked negative things, like they were worried that I do not face same circumstances like X did. 
One of the reasons that led me to this was that I didn’t had much friends who did IITJEE preparations, most of them only wanted to do good in State boards, to be on the safe side so I just didn’t have support and was immature and weak to support my own will. I really think if I had a mentor, it could have been different. I regret that decision and feel pathetic that I couldn’t believe in me. I should have completed what I started by my own wish. Its not like I was guaranteed to succeed but I deserved a chance to see how much far could I get or even a chance to fail. You should not end something because others don’t believe in you, because sometimes its only you who can see your dreams.
So after leaving coaching for JEE, I just prepared for State Boards and got 75% in 12th. Now, I am in a decent regional private university, final year student, doing good after having learned my lessons, in a hard way though.
I can never forget the lesson , but now I can assure you if I would do something and I really want it, I would give my 100% always and never give up. I would even try to motivate and inspire anyone working towards a goal. Success or failure is not as important as sincere effort because when you have been honest with yourself, then you can live with failure but can not live with failure to try. 
Thanks for reading and best of luck for achieving your goals. :)

Sim Campbell, used the power of consistency to become a new person.

Updated Apr 9, 2018 · Author has 199 answers and 2.1m answer views

I’ve come to a realization about the human brain and human psychology after personal transformation, witnessing absolute stagnation in people I am close to, and having books I’ve read solidify these ideas.

I’ve come to the realization that despite what you say or do, you do not want reality to change. In fact, you can’t have reality to change because it would absolutely fuck you up.

Is that totally true? Well, I’d say it’s most of the way there.

Here’s how this works:

As a baby, you came into this world boundless and open. You were open to new information, learning new things, all that jazz.

Of course, you learned from the people who were close to you. They may be your parents, your grandparents, your teachers, your peers, whoever.

This is good, this is all a socialization process.

Our environment is constantly feeding us data. Colors, smells, feelings, etc.

In order for the brain to process all this information it needs to block out what it does not see as relevant to its functioning.

It organizes this information into patterns what are called paradigms. These readily accessible modes of operating that help you function in the world.

Within a certain paradigm are your beliefs, your values, your habits, and your self-image, which is how you see yourself in relationship to your world. Essentially, your worldview.

You have a paradigm for everything in your life. You have a paradigm for your health, you have a paradigm for friendships, for how you view the 7-day week, the list goes on.

Paradigms are good. Without them, we couldn’t do anything.

The problem comes when our paradigm is formed from incomplete or completely wrong information, which can cause a lot of problems down the road.

The foundation of many of your paradigms and belief systems were created at an early age. This is how you become socialized to get along with others and not to get into trouble.

Your brain creates most of its belief systems when the brain has a lot of connections firing off in all directions. This is usually your teens and your 20s.

Past a certain age, your brain believes that it has made enough sense of the world to solidify how it works into a strong overall mental paradigm. I call this the “meta paradigm”.

If this meta-paradigm gets warped or even completely shattered, the person experiences what is called “ego-death”, a common occurrence during the use of psychedelic drugs or traumatic life experiences.

This is an incredibly dramatic experience, which can cause a person to go literally insane and send them to a psychiatric hospital.

In order to protect you from this incredibly harsh state of affairs, your brain tries its best to manipulate any new information into its existing paradigm.

When you receive any new information that contradicts that paradigm, you either block it out or you twist it so it can fit that paradigm. You then seek out ways for your paradigm to be reinforced.

This is known as confirmation bias, self-delusion in action. This is neither bad nor good, it’s just a protection mechanism.

How does this work in real life?

I know a person who has pretty much stayed in our city his entire life. Never traveled, never went on vacation to cool places, nothing.

He was also fed information by his parents who have never traveled or ventured out of their city. To compound, he was surrounded by peers who did the same.

He has a very limited view of the world because he’s only been exposed to what’s in his city. As a result, he has a limited view of himself.

This is part of the reason why I think traveling to new places is so important because it helps you to construct a mental belief system that allows for more nuance rather than just black and white thinking.

Another example of a paradigm: you believe that hating your job is normal.

Everyone hates their jobs”, you tell yourself.

After all, both of your parents hated their jobs and they served as a strong model for you to build your view of reality.

Are there people out there who love their jobs? Sure. But you tell yourself that they’re actually lying to themselves. If everyone was completely honest, everyone would say they actually hate their jobs.


Why is this all so important?

Since life is shades of gray and very nuanced, there are certain ways of thinking and operating that serve someone better than other ways.

For example, if I have a paradigm or belief system that life is always on my side, that my goals are within reach, and that the world is a generally friendly place - I will make it that much easier to attain what it is I’m after.

Likewise, if I have a belief system that the world is a gloomy place, everyone’s out to get me, that the world is unfair, and it’s hard to be successful - I have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever achieving my goals.

Those beliefs literally hold me back from taking the necessary action.

This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Lasting personal change only comes from a complete transformation, a complete paradigm shift.

And a shift comes a little at a time. You move the paradigm and replace the paradigm’s structure until gradually, you have a new worldview.

If you’re trying to lose weight, you don’t think of yourself as “the fat guy” or “the fat girl”. No. You are an entirely different person. That person who used to pig out on hamburgers and potato chips, you’re done with him.

You can only operate based on the mental conversations you have with yourself.

So ask yourself: what are the mental conversations I have with myself on a daily or weekly basis and are they helping or hurting me?

And if they are hurting me, what can I do to change these conversations?

I write about masculine self-development on Unstoppable Rise.

Yashovardhan Agarwalla, works at Qualcomm

15 great lessons by Chanakya

1) "Learn from the mistakes of others... you can't live long enough to make them all yourselves!!"

2)"A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and Honest people are screwed first."

3)"Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous."

4)"There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-interests. This is a bitter truth."

5)" Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, What the results might be and Will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead."

6)"As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it."

7)"The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman."

8)"Once you start a working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest."

9)"The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all direction."

10)"God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple."

11) "A man is great by deeds, not by birth."

What important lessons has life taught you?


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24 of the Most Powerful Life Lessons

If you are going to succeed in life, you have to learn life's most important lessons.

How you approach life says a lot about who you are.

There are some who are content to passively coast through, hoping they land where they need to be and know what to do when the time comes.

Then there are others, who make active choices to understand who they are and what they want, and set the goals that will keep them moving in the right direction.

But a big part of having a successful life, is learning how to cope with the lessons that life has to teach us.

Here are 24 powerful life lessons that will happen to us, learn how they will be significant:

1. Make yourself necessary and you will always be needed. If you want to feel successful, learn to create, innovate or design something other people can use and need.

2. Your thoughts are like boomerangs. What you pass along to others is what will come back to you.

3. You are more defined by what comes out of your mouth than what goes in it. The way you speak and the things you say have power. Speech gives us the power to create or destroy.

4. The journey of your success will always begin with the small step of taking a chance. In business, in relationships, and in life, it all begins with a small step grounded in a desire to be better and do better.

5. Your education is never complete. Determine to live fully and continually learn. Prepare for what life has to teach by being open to the lessons in everything you do and experience.

6. Don't allow the voice of your fears to be louder than the other voices in your head. Make sure the voice of reason, the voice of belief, the voice of confidence are all strong enough to drown it out.

7. A good reputation is more valuable than money. Your reputation is built on the foundation of your character; it entails the words you speak and the actions you take. Take care of your character above all other things and your reputation will take care of itself.

8. You never really lose until you stop trying. The words I can't never accomplish anything. I'll try, on the other hand, can perform wonders. Until you try you don't know what you can do.

9. You get more by giving more. Success doesn't result from how much you get but from how much you give. If you want an abundant life, give as much as you can.

10. Rule your mind or it will rule you. When you rule your mind by controlling negativity and doubt, you rule your world. The choice is yours to make every day.

11. Great heroes are truly humble. Most of us underrate the importance of humility. It's an important skill because it keeps you teachable, regardless of how much you already know.

12. Defeat isn't bitter if you're smart enough not to swallow it. At one time or another we will all experience failure. In fact, the more we are willing to risk, the more we will fail. The trick is to think of failure not as the end but as part of the process.

13. Your thoughts are powerful, make them positive. To have a life that's more abundant and more successful, you must think in the limitless terms of abundance and success. Thinking is among the greatest powers we possess, and it's our choice to use it negatively or positively.

14. Forgiveness benefits two people--the giver and receiver. The bravest and the smartest thing you can do in a bad situation is to forgive and move on. Don't allow grudges and grievances to add to the weight you carry on the road to your own success.

15. The word impossible contains its opposite: "I'm possible." What impossible may be a matter of a limited point of view. Allow no limiting beliefs to restrict your outlook on life.

16. Preparation is a stepping stone to success. As the old saying goes, failing to prepare means preparing to fail. Success can be defined as being totally prepared.

17. You are constantly creating your own reality. Your reality is built out of your thoughts, so remember how much power you have. What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.

18. You are in control of your own heaven or hell. You're the master of your own destiny. You may not always be able to control your circumstances and environment, but how you respond is always within your control.

19. Envy consumes itself. And if you give it a foothold in your life, it will take you with it.

20. You can become bitter or better as a result of your circumstances. Your attitude is always up to you. No matter the circumstance, remind yourself that you have a choice. It's up to you to get the results you want.

21. Those who seldom make mistakes seldom stumble upon new innovation. Mistakes are proof that you're trying, creating, exploring and discovering. Every success story, every fulfilled life needs mistakes. We may think of mistakes as meaning you've done something wrong, but in truth they mean you're doing something right.

22. It's in losing yourself that you find yourself. The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are, and the second greatest is being happy with what you find.

23. When you're facing the right direction, all you need to do is keep walking. If you're lucky enough to know what you want, you can apply your passion and always love what you do. If you're still working to discover what you want, keep exploring. Either way, stay persistent and determined.





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