Cregg Braden - Cure all illnesses using the power of your mind!; 4:38 min.

Published on Oct 15, 2012
We can heal ourselves through the power of our thoughts! This information has been known by many people, especially in traditional Chinese medicine. Drug companies have tried to stop the spread of this information for a very long time.
It is a very sad fact that the more people that stay sick, the richer these evil men become.
But there is hope. We CAN change our bodies and our lives. WE CAN!!
It is so very simple and empowering! THINK HEALTHY AND BE HEALTHY!!
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Mysterious power of thought. Scientists have proved that any thought is material!; 36:35 min.; CC-Ima Google prevod!

C миру по нитке ...
Published on Sep 4, 2017
There is a theory that thought is material, and the enigma will certainly come true. Are all capable of realizing their desires? What forces of the universe help our aspirations? Living water and miraculous icons.
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

Татьяна Воскресенская
1 month ago
Люди очнитесь! Сатана принимает вид ангела света, якобы делая добрые дела обольщает души. Разве Иисус кадил свечками и читал заговоры над исцеленными? Так же и Апостолы этого ни делали.Сила СВЯТОГО ДУХА БОЖИЕГО действует мгновенно, в этом то и чудо Силы Божией. А постепенно и лекарствами лечат. Это душевный план, а душевное, как извесно из Святого Писания, все бесовское. Мальчику желаю милости Божией и покаяния. Он введён в обольщение колдовства. И не удивительно, что сам сатана принимает вид ангела света, ведь на чувствах ребёнка манипулировать верой легко, дав ему волшебную палочку в руки. Представьте ,что сделает такое чадо ,когда его обидят не заслуженно, посчитает что нужно нашептать на обидчика справедливое наказание и будет верить, что он судья этой души. И поверьте эти чудеса до поры и времени.Душа ребенка не знающая Бога Истиного, легкая мишень для бесовщины, пусть даже на первое время производства " добрых дел", но что произошло с Адамом и Евой? Они не умерли ,как и сказал змей , сразу. Но смерть вошла в мир и произвела ,и производит пака ещё , свою работу. Путь ко спасению узкий и не каждый находит его. Родители кайтесь и ищите Истину. Исцеление не признак чуда, просто за желание мальчик отдает души во власть бесам. Так и бабки шептухи делают. Не бойтесь убивающих ваше тело, бойтесь того, кто и тело и душу ввергнет в гиену огненую. Время ложных знамений и чудес приходит. Но лишь ИСТИНЫЙ посредник между Богом и человеком, Иешуа Машиах, или Иисус Христос, показал Истиную Божию силу, Он исцелял мгновенно! Как и по слову Божиему сотварена была земля за мгновения в вечиости.Наши мысли не мысли Божии, и наши пути не пути Бога, это Слово Божие, оно не изменно. Кто считает иначе я не сужу, на это все Божий суд будет. Но призываю, покайтесь пака есть время, не ждите и не ищите особенных людей для этого. Бог Вездесущ, Он ближе чем вы думаете.Войдите в свою комнату,затворите за собою дверь и помалитесь в тайне( значит на едине с Богом) и Он видя тайное, воздаст явно. Не трубите перед СОБОЙ как лицемеры, они уже получают награду свою... что может сказать яснея, чем Истина Бога Живого. Читайте, вникайте и откроют вам, как открывают, когда стучите в дверь. Всем желаю сердечного мира и примирения с Истинным Богом, который сотворил небо и землю,все видимое и не видимое, все пренадлежит Ему по праву. И славы Своей Он не отдаст никаму. Что же будет, когда вор украдет и присвоит эту славу себе? Суд, в котором приговор уже прозвучит на веки вечные. Не продавайте свои души за временные блага и славу человеческую, которая скоротечна и обманчива. Делайте все как для Бога, во имя Его, и найдёте покой душам вашим. Мир пусть Божий поселиться в ваши сердца. Аминь.
Андрей Перцович
1 month ago
Учёные доказали , что вы поверите во всё что угодно, если сказать ,что это доказали учёные
-Евгений Костин
2 months ago
Молитва и без пояса способные исцелить потому что обращение идёт в молитве к Богу а не к поясу
Art Abstrel
1 month ago
Загадочная сила мысли...Ну почему: загадочная? "В начале было Слово. И слово было Бог." -- гласит Библия. "Бог" здесь не имя. Слово "Бог"указывает на главенство и мощь слова, именно слово творит мир. Это первооснова. Бог творит через свое слово. Человек, наделенный искрой разума, тоже творит жизнь через слово. Библейский змий искусил Еву не в сексуальном плане, сделав ее нечестивой женщиной. Он нанес удар по её способности творить чистый мир. Зло стало использовать творяшую силу слова для разрушения всех творений Бога: слова стали терять истинный смысл -- вместо истины появилась правда и неправда, правда и ложь. Оттого-то устыдились Ева и Адам своей наготы, потому что слово "любовь" приобрело иной смысл -- телесное влечение. Библейское дерево познания добра и зла -- это символ: жизнь человека протекает благостно только тогда, когда в его сознании все мысли истинно чисты. Но стоит человеческому сознанию отведать яблоко лжи, его жизнь превращается в мучение. Люди стали смертны потому, что стало грязным их сознание.
Чистые мысли -- чистые дела, здоровье и долголетие. Грязные мысли -- грязные дела. болезни и ранняя смерть. Следите за своим умом, не ешьте яблоко лжи, как Ева.
-Malva Rublya
2 weeks ago
Однажды услышала такую историю от белорусской супружеской пары. Их долгожданная девочка в грудном возрасте тяжело заболела. Опухоль в р-не копчика стремительно росла, девочка слабела, лекарства не помогали. Муж с женой страстно молились Богу, верили в исцеление и ждали чуда. Когда девочка отказалась есть, еле дышала - врачи предложили забрать безнадежную девочку домой. Но Родители отказались и продолжали молиться. Ночью жене явился ( приснился) Бог, он обещал исцеление. Женщина помчалась в больницу и попросила сделать девочке рентген. Врач упорно отказывался, но женщина настаивала, уверяя что опухоли нет. Чтобы утешить бедную мать, врач согласился. Опухоль исчезла, врачи не верили снимку и своим глазам. А через пару часов девочка открыла глаза, попросила кушать и стала выздоравливать. Многие родители в той больнице на глазах которых произошло чудо, тоже поверили в силу Бога и их дети выздоровели. Молитвы, огромная Вера и сила мысли победили болезнь.
-Александр Макеев
1 month ago
Я не понимаю, что здесь доказывать? То, что мысль материальна, понятно даже козе. Вы ничего не знаете, потому, что вы ничего вокруг себя не видите. Вы говорите о материальности мира и не знаете что такое материя. Вы говорите о мироздании и не знаете что это такое. Вы говорите о Вселенной не имея об этом понятии ни малейшего представления. Вы считаете, что русский язык это только средство общения и не знаете, что это уникальная информационная система в которой можно найти ответы почти на все вопросы. Вы ищите залог успеха новых космических аппаратов в секрете гравитации совершенно не понимая что это такое. Вы не имеете понятия о много пространственности мира и что все ваши законы физики характерны только для пространства в котором мы находимся, а в других пространствах физические законы могут быть совершенно другими, использование которых может позволить нам перемещаться в пространстве в сотни раз быстрее скорости света. Созданное вами научное сообщество это кабала разума, не позволяющая свободно мыслить, экспериментировать и творить. Всё это чрезвычайно опасно, потому, что разум найдёт себе выход, но этот выход будет не предсказуемым, агрессивным и разрушающим.

Мозг Человека 1 серия (2015) HD; 56;54 min.;CC-Ima Google prevod!

Мозг Человека 1 серия (2015) HD; 56;54 min.;CC-Ima Google prevod!

Published on Mar 4, 2017
Нейробиолог Дэвид Иглман расскажет тебе о том, как ты стал(а) тем кто ты есть, что такое реальность, почему ты выбираешь шоколадное мороженное, а не клубничное, управляешь ли ты собой или нет? (не управляешь). Возможно, посмотрев данную передачу ты с головой окунешься в такой экзистенциальный кризис, что Сартр встанет из могилы и угостит тебя пивом, а Камю сыграет французский гимн на ложках. В документалочке есть с чего истинно офигеть, а не с этих ваших "Трансформеров" Майкла Бея.
Film & Animation
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-Сергей Астапенко
4 months ago (edited)
Вот вам еще один интересный эксперимент - перед тем как начать смотреть это видео, поставьте скорость воспроизведения x2. В течение пары минут, мозг привыкнет к такой скорости, а когда до конца ролика останется минут 10-15, поставьте обычную скорость и вам покажется что видео слишком замедленное и что диктор говорит как в slow mo, но по факту, ваш мозг просто привык к ускоренному в 2 раза видео. Поэтому всё что медленне этой скорости, кажется ему аномально медленным. Я часто смотрю видео на скорости х2, чтобы во-первых сэкономить время, а во-вторых мне каждый раз интересен сам процесс переобучения мозга на скорость х2 и обратно
Vadim Murashov
5 months ago
цикл передач очень интересен и к научной обоснованности сомневаться не приходиться, но меня немного смущает отношение к человеку как к венцу творения. На основании чего такие мысли, тараканы или термиты ни чуть ни хуже, просто мы все разные, а восхвалять себя конечно очень удобно, но мало имеет общего с реальностью. Да у нас есть развитый мозг, но с точки зрения биологии важен только тот кто распространяет свои гены и делает это эффективно, так что какие нибудь бактерии дадут нам фору.
-Влад Кочановский
2 months ago (edited)
я в 15 лет почти утонул на Припяти, 7 метров глубина(под баржи засосало).Обессиленный игрой в волейбол в полдень поплыл за мячем.Шел по дну,отталкивался на поверхность ,глотал воздух и снова шел по дну...Все за минуту прошло, вблизи пляжа,друзья спросили чего я так часто нырял,"потерял цепочку?"
А у меня вся жизнь перед глазами пролетела и история Маминой юности ,как она тонула и выжила,что и помогло мне выжить...и как девочка в которую я влюблен отреагирует,как знакомым сказать почему я до мяча не доплыл...

Как работают аффирмации? Как правильно составить. Как применять, аффирмации которые действуют.; 18:00 min.; CC-Ima Google prevod!

Как работают аффирмации? Как правильно составить. Как применять, аффирмации которые действуют.; 18:00 min.; CC-Ima Google prevod!

Олег Димитров
Published on Apr 15, 2017
Как работают аффирмации? Как правильно составить. Как применять, аффирмации которые действуют.
Бесплатные аффирмации в mp3 —

Благодаря некоторым книгам многие убеждены, что аффирмации могут помочь им изменить их поведение, создать полезные установки и перепрограммировать свои привычки. Я расскажу о практическом применении аффирмаций с позиции подсознания и бессознательного. Вы будете знать, когда аффирмации будут работать, а когда нет. И это не теория, не домыслы теоретика, а практика, проверенная на моих клиентах.

Существует мнение, что если повторять какую-то мысль большое число раз, то мысль закрепиться на уровне бессознательного. И это отчасти действительно так. Потому что у детей если им несколько раз повторить какую-то мысль, они действительно примут идею целиком и полностью, и она ляжет фундамент их личности.

Аффирмации до 6 летК примеру, один из моих клиентов не мог постоять за себя (с этим запросом он ко мне и обратился). Он не то что не мог драться, он даже не мог спорить и отстаивать свою позицию. Как только происходило что-то, где он должен был защищать себя, его тут же парализовало. Его сковало, и он ничего не мог сделать.

Аффирмация (от лат. affirmatio — подтверждение) — краткая фраза, содержащая вербальную формулу, которая при многократном повторении закрепляет требуемый образ или установку в подсознании человека, способствуя улучшению его психоэмоционального фона и стимулируя положительные перемены в жизни.

Правила составления аффирмации
Чтобы повторение аффирмации было максимально эффективно, необходимо придерживаться следующих правил:

Утверждение должно быть сформулировано как факт, причём в настоящем времени.
Используйте только позитивные слова, избегайте негативных утверждений.
Аффирмация должна рождать позитивные эмоции, радость, драйв и страсть.
Аффирмация должна быть краткой и в то же время яркой, образной.
Конкретизируйте. Для этого спросите себя, кем вы хотите стать, чтобы чувствовать счастье и любовь.
Нужно выбирать аффирмацию, которая подходит вам лично. Ещё лучше самому сформулировать её для себя.
Верьте в то, что говорите. Чтобы усилить веру, нужно фиксировать любые свои победы.
В конце аффирмаций можно добавить «я получаю намного больше, чем ожидаю».
Утверждение должно давать направление движения и не иметь отрицания. (Например, во фразе «Я принимаю себя таким, какой я есть» имеется указание на установку в подсознании «оставаться таким».) Отрицание ничего не создаёт. Из этого следует, что оно не даёт подсознанию информации о развитии какой-либо установки.
Отрицание вообще не воспринимается на подсознательном уровне.

Типичные ошибки при использовании аффирмаций
Сомнения и отрицательные мысли.
Механическое, без вовлечения эмоциональной сферы, прочтение аффирмации.
Противостояние возникающим в процессе повторения аффирмации чувствам.
Аффирмации часто путают с визуализациями, создавая видеоролики желаемых образов, с использованием наложенных на изображение (или произносимых) текстов. Важно понимать разницу в применении между визуализациями и аффирмациями. Смешение аффирмаций с визуализациями создало широкое поле для всевозможной «самодеятельности», не приводящей к результату и подрывающей на корню саму идею аффирмаций.

Аффирмации помогают прежде всего тем, кто в них верит, а чаще всего в аффирмации, как в маленькое колдовство, верят женщины. Женщины любят немного поколдовать, что-то себе пошептать, и после этого то, что казалось ранее трудным, вдруг становится доступным. Ритуал "говорить себе аффирмации" сам по себе действует, как самовнушение, как хорошая примета: поговорила с собой - сбудется то, о чем загадала. Не поговорила, поленилась почитать себе аффирмации - вот и не сложилось. Если человек рационального склада и склонен жить в авторской позиции, ему аффирмации нужны мало.

Чтобы самовнушение аффирмации начало действовать, их нужно многократно проговаривать. Проговаривать формулы внушения лучше вслух, всё это с ведением дневника (наблюдение мыслей, чувств, образов, ощущений по ходу выполнения).

Внимание: выкиньте из головы идею о прослушивании записей с "подпороговыми внушениями", которые не слышите вы, но "слышит ваше подсознание". Идея о том, что можно менять жизнь (становиться стройным, уверенным, привлекательным, успешным предпринимателем и т.д.), прослушивая записи с «подпороговыми внушениями» - это не более, чем миф.

аффирмации как работают которые действуют аффирмации как правильно составить аудио онлайн аффирмации видео зеланд аффирмации и мантры и настрои на удачу и успех аффирмации избавления страхов исцеления аффирмации как полюбить себя как применять аффирмации любви и счастья любви к себе аффирмации мантры меняющие жизнь аффирмации мой опыт на каждый день аффирмации не работают от страха аффирмации отзывы позитивные аффирмации сытина техника аффирмации уверенность что это что такое аффирмации
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Необычные факты о нашем теле - Мозг; 6:02 min; CC-Ima Google prevod!

Необычные факты о нашем теле - Мозг; 6:02 min; CC-Ima Google prevod!

fox channel
Published on Feb 1, 2016
Необычные факты о нашем теле - Мозг
Мозг более активен ночью, чем днем. Логически можно предположить, что мыслительные процессы, сложные расчеты и задачи мы совершаем в течение рабочего дня, для чего потребовалось бы большей деятельности мозга, чем, скажем лежа в постели. Оказывается, верно и обратное. Как только Вы засыпаете, мозг продолжает работать. Ученые до конца пока не знают, почему так, но за все сны Мы должны быть признательны именно этому органу.
Интересный факт! В раннем детстве нет разницы между сном и бодрствованием. Объясняют это местом мышления в мозге. Именно в детстве почти все мыслительные процессы происходят в правом полушарии. Ребенок познает мир образами. Поэтому воспоминания у ребенка похожи на сны по своей структуре. Повзрослевшего ребенка учат уже готовыми и определенными понятиями, чем "забивают" наш мозг. Поэтому происходит ассиметрия нашего мозга. Левое полушарие перегружается за время дневной работы. Ситуация как бы выравнивается во время сна, когда левое полушарие "засыпает", а правое начинает активно действовать, погружая нас в мир образного мышления.
Ученые утверждают, что чем выше IQ человека, тем больше он мечтает. Это конечно может быть правдой, но не стоит воспринимать такое утверждение как нехватку мыслей, если Вы не можете вспомнить свои мечты. Большинство из нас не помнят многих мечтаний. Ведь время большинства мечтаний, о которых мы думаем всего 2-3 секунды, а этого едва хватает, чтобы мозг их зафиксировал.
Интересный факт! Ученые провели эксперимент, в результате которого было обнаружено, что мозг намного активнее у человека, когда он мечтает, а не сосредоточен на однотонной работе. В момент начала процесса мечтания большая часть отделов головного мозга начинает работать усиленно. Поэтому можно сделать заключение, что мечты помогают в разрешении всех важных проблем.
Количество нейроны в мозге продолжают расти на протяжении всей человеческой жизни. В течение многих лет ученые и врачи считали, что мозг и нервная ткань не может расти или восстанавливаться. Но оказалось, что мозг работает так же, как и ткани многих других частей тела. Поэтому количество нейронов может расти постоянно.
К сведению! Нейроны – это основа любой нервной системы. Это специальные клетки, у которых древовидные отростки расходятся во все стороны, соприкасаясь с соседними клетками, у которых такие же отростки. Все это формирует огромную химическую и электрическую сеть, что и является нашим мозгом.Именно нейроны позволяют мозгу совершать разные действия намного эффективнее и быстрее, чем любая созданная машина.
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Ancient Hidden Knowledge – What do Halos Really Represent? ; 17:29 min.

Ancient Hidden Knowledge – What do Halos Really Represent?

Gary Lite
Published on Nov 2, 2017
By: Magdaline – Website:

Throughout history all of our libraries containing knowledge of the ancient world were destroyed but the secrets in the art that they left behind tell us another story.

(”The Pyramid Code” documentary) Our human history as we were taught is far from the truth. It is undeniable with new archaeological finds along with existing ancient texts, we are now able to make a clearer connection of what the ancients were trying to telling us in their encoded art and texts.

Which enable us to uncover the truth of who we really are and our capabilities. In fact if you search deep enough you will find that all religions have a universal truth.

This truth is governed by the 7 Hermetic laws of the Universe and bestow the fact that our “bodies” are the temple to freeing this knowledge within each and everyone of us. Which is what all spiritual icons preached.

This knowledge is encoded in texts and in art like Da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man”, Renaissance and Alchemical drawings, the 7 sefirot in the Kabbalah tree of life, 7 steps of Jacob’s ladder, 7 gateways to heaven, 7 sins and the 7 Rays.

Universal Truth -

If you wish to make a small donation, it would be Greatly appreciated - Thank you :)

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Robert West
Robert West
8 months ago
Mr. Lite... Thank you for your sharing and Love Your Light...For further insight and physical real world application...look up Drunvalo Melchizedeks book...The Flower of Life... The Halo's are real and learnable by All with open Mind and Heart... The Crosses within the Halos are some times called...Angel Beams... His book explains much better... All this can be learned and practiced and Mastered... They are indicators of pathways of expanded Consciousness along with Merkaba Light Body Re-membering and Activation... One of the beams exits the head at the 3rd eye on the forehead...Where exactly is one's third eye? God gave everyone their own perfect measuring device that you cant take your thumb and put it on the bottom\tip of your chin and your index finger on tip of your nose...Maintain the distance between the thumb & fing... and now put your thumb on your nose...Where Your Index Finger Hits YOUR Forehead...That Is Where Your 3rd eye is located... The basic spot is the forehead...but exact location is Unique to Each Person... The nose to chin distance also matches the distance between outside edges of eye...The distances are All Golden Meaned!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cruz Live for Yeshua!
8 months ago
this world is run by satan and he has been roaming...all the ancient civilizations bowed down to him and built stone gods and pyramids for that liar. the pyramids look like a large X from above...its a mark that satan uses to show God that he has overcome that civilization. satan is a defeated fool and wants to ruin humans for no benefit but to hurt God.
the third eye should never be "opened" ever! it is actually a portal through which demons can enter and take over the human ( you can find more on this topic on Simona Rich channel)
the caduceus and kundalini is literally a snake rising through the human, the snake is the devil...there's nothing good about that.

Kathryn Quella
5 months ago
Wonderful! Thank you so much for all of these amazing videos! Can you do a video and investigation on what sacrament means and the sacred burning heart of Christ? I talk to the dead and beings both of light and dark. ( I even record them) One spoke of the sacrament and the sacred burning heart of Christ. I am not Christian - so I have no idea what it means but it is one way of enlightenment or so I was told. Anyway to find this out. I have asked many people but I think they:

"wear the robe but not know of the contents that lie there beneath" --

if you know what I mean which I feel you do for sure. Thank you

The Amazing Power of Your Mind - A MUST SEE! ; 10:44 min.

Jeremy Bennett International
Published on Apr 5, 2013
With nearly 60,000 thoughts per day, you’re bound to have plenty of negative ones, right? What you may not realize is the power you hold when it comes to the anxious thoughts and feelings you have on a daily basis. Millions of people suffer from the effects of anxiety as they allow their subconscious minds run their lives. The key to overcoming anxiety is to realize that YOU ARE IN CONTROL. In other words, if you are able to create your anxious responses to situations, you are also able to take them away.
The first step to a better life is understanding that your response to scenarios is what causes your anxiety and stress, rather than the situations themselves causing your reactions.

Discover the ins and outs of this explosive scientific discovery in this short informative video brought to you by Jeremy Bennett.

(For more info on Jeremy Bennett please like his Facebook page here --

1 year ago
°☆° Hey Sunshine;~) It's hard for people to believe that what you say is true. Because how we were raised & how are parents were raised, there has been to big of advancements, in how we receive an trust our knowledge. I guess if there was one thing that my Mom said to me was, if everyone was jumping off a cliff would you? To me that means too think for yourself. So on one side what you say saves insurance company billions of dollars an you weed out the hypochondriac's. On the other hand more people in a great deal of pain would die or worse they would have to live with the pain till they were dead. ✌💖🤗~🌝🌎⚬ ...

Brandon Valencia
1 year ago (edited)
I found in my experience, that this video to be 100% true. The meaning you tie to situations will determine how your mind and body will react to said situation. If you change what things mean to you and how you perceive a negative situation, you can turn those emotional responses into positives ones. Do this enough, with daily repetition, it becomes a sub-conscience habit. You can literally change the biochemistry of your brain and body by doing this. Reprogramming your brain after years, is not easy, but it is definitely worth it, as you will be better equip to handle anything thrown your way. A strong psychology is the fundamental cornerstone to long lasting change. I can honestly say after a couple years of practice, 98% of my day is free from stress, anxiety, or fear...

Brandon Valencia
1 year ago (edited)
I found in my experience, that this video to be 100% true. The meaning you tie to situations will determine how your mind and body will react to said situation. If you change what things mean to you and how you perceive a negative situation, you can turn those emotional responses into positives ones. Do this enough, with daily repetition, it becomes a sub-conscience habit. You can literally change the biochemistry of your brain and body by doing this. Reprogramming your brain after years, is not easy, but it is definitely worth it, as you will be better equip to handle anything thrown your way. A strong psychology is the fundamental cornerstone to long lasting change. I can honestly say after a couple years of practice, 98% of my day is free from stress, anxiety, or fear...

Your Mind Can Transform Your Body and Cure Everything ; 25:39 min.

Universe Inside You
Published on May 16, 2018
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Yahya Guzman
2 months ago
The truth
What is truth? Everything is true and real. Every reality is valid. You choose which reality you tune into. There are some truths that are very far from this current reality (e.g. You being extremely strong or wealthy). You can identify that as a lie and not real (e.g. you actually not being wealthy nor strong now), but you can also focus on it so much that you can actually experience it. This works also for extreme things like transforming into a different being with four arms. That would surely take a Jesus-like level, however possible. Everything has room to exist; everything has room to be true. And when you have faith in what you believe, you start to elicit proofs of that new belief. You start to attract that reality into you. And it will come faster if you believe in it and have big positive emotions about it. When you know something, it is simply believing strongly. Because even what you know can become a belief and later something you don't see as true anymore. So don't let that science's knowledge stops you from achieving that which you truly believe to be real and true, because it is! It could be close to you or far from you, but it exist! Your mind is like an antenna, it tunes into different realities, like channels. So to change the mind is to switch channel and not trying to manipulate the current reality. Think about it, feel it, smell it, taste it, dream it; the more the better. And very soon you will start seeing that as true and real! But it really depends on how relevant to your reality that other reality in which you want to tune into is.

Do follow your heart and believe in what you feel. If you feel it, if you feel good about it, then it is very true. Align yourself to what you want. Choose to experience that which excites you the most. Fear will only disconnect you from yourself; do not focus in fear, focus in your truths and follow that with all your heart. It will lead you to the right path, always. But when you resist, thinking you are doing it wrong, being afraid, minding what people would think, etc, you miss-align and start to suffer. You can chose to not suffer at any given moment by simply aligning with what is true for you. So do follow yourself; do choose to experience that which benefit all as a whole and make us grow in love and peace. Do choose unconditional love to everyone. A truly wonderful world exist right here if you focus on it. Peace becomes true when you tune into peace by not judging wars, violence or murder. Judging will pull you back to that which you judge. That is the way the universe will make you see it as real, by always bringing you to the situations in which you can judge. But when you focus on another truths, the universe will align you with these truths!! It is this simple, it always was and will be!

So what should I believe, if all truth are valid? I'll show you one of many beautiful ways of seeing life, if you allow me.

There is nothing that I cannot be, do or have. I am limitless; I am part of the universe and the universe is expressing itself through me. Thus, I do what I truly want to experience. I allow everyone to become what they want even if I do not prefer that, because I know that if I go against them I will be calling these situations into my reality. So I look at everyone with respect and in an unconditionally loving way. For I know that love brings me so much content and joy that I choose to embody love as much as possible. What I do depicts what I believe, thus my actions are always an expression of what I am. If in any given moment I feel something isn't as I prefer to, I do not blame myself nor others, I just switch to a new preferred belief in which it brings joy/fun/love to everyone. I know that life is now (and not tomorrow nor yesterday) thus I am delighted with each breath I take. The sole concentration of how my body feels, fills me up with positive-high-vibrations which increase my awareness and quality of life. The most important part of life is to enjoy it, thus I prefer to do that which brings the most joy, without looking at fear nor what others will think about me. For I know that fear is only a dis-connector of who I am and only brings dis-eases (illnesses) to my body. And I love my body and I take care of it as much as my mind is aware, for I know that what I believe about my body will affect it. So I choose to believe positive things about the food I give my body. I choose to think positive affirmations to strengthen, change or heal myself, because I know that whatever I think, I manifest. I prefer to lead my life and not have my life be lead by fear, for I know that the only way out of fear is unconditional love (and not fighting against fear). I choose to not pay attention to negativity for I know that when I focus on it I am opening doors for it to come, thus I pick my thoughts carefully and fuel them with the most beautiful emotions I am able to feel. I imagine and dream big, for I know that this universe has it all, so there is room for everyone to have everything they want. I know I deserve all I want, and everyone too!

Pure Energy
2 months ago
Nice name !!!! I see the big bang as constantly happening now as we are being created constantly by our souls. In the book The Quantum World written by the physicist Kenneth Ford, I found these words: 'magically bursting forth are quarks spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light, forming what are called protons and neutrons.' I see this bursting as the big bang within everyone AND everything.
I see these quarks as points of light which are the ideas for the forms the conscious energy we are takes. Matter IS energy. They are the same. Matter is full of spinning quarks which spin billions of times a second as 3 points of light, forming what it is----whether it is a rock or a goat. When we see matter or solidity, we are actually seeing consciousness at work constantly bursting forth its ideas to form. We are not trapped. We can all learn how to accelerate these energy bodies to the point that we pop out of them and leave them. That is the whole point !!!! We are not supposed to be stuck. I read books that say we leave these bodies at night because these bodies are so restrictive. We are the personalities of vast eternal beings of energy and light that people call our souls.

2 months ago (edited)
What about the double slit experiment with the the detectors running, BUT the information that the detectors recorded is deleted without being interpreted by someone so the the which way data is gone. You get a diffraction / interference pattern again the same as if there were no detectors at all. Yet if a conscious observer DOES NOT delete the data and interprets the which way data you get two lines where the particles landed. the Quantum eraser experiment is another one. Reality HAS to come into line of what is known by consciousness. read this again. This IS the freaky part about it that some people are in denial and can't accept this is a virtual reality. Check out Tom Campbell he is conducting these experiments to further gather more evidence

Navid aslami
1 month ago
Omg dumb people. Of course it isn't possible for a scientist to believe otherwise if he saw clear proof, search the experiment up. The reason the pattern changes is because the the observing machine is shooting photons out that disrupts the pattern. There is currently no way to observe something at quantum size, and filming it like it was a Hollywood production. Think! and do

gosu gosu
2 months ago
I can heal. Through thousands of hours of meditation I've gained access to the conscious dimensions of self. Even though I'm still learning on that path many of the things that you speak about are a living reality for me. I've had dozens of mystical experiences so far, and I'm only 25. I know a lot about truth, because I am true. Maybe we could connect somehow, Universe Inside You, and talk a bit, see what comes out of it. Maybe we can even collaborate, which would be beautiful if they possibility arose. Hit me up if you are interested in exploring what we can do together. I've been following your channel since about 500 subscribers iirc.

Renee M.
2 months ago
True Story: In the 80's my Partner was diagnosed with Hepatitis C (the bad one) they confirmed with a second test. The third test they were trying to determine how long she would have left to live. She was very Catholic and her entire church started doing their Novenas for her. I was Native American and all my friends started praying and doing ceremony for her too. She kept a strong faith and I refused to accept that she was sick. We went back two weeks later to get the result from the third test fully expecting the most common result at this sage, less than a year. We sat in the exam room for a very long time and finally the Dr. cam in scratching his head. He said "I just got off the phone with the top Hepatitis expert in the country to review the results, and quite frankly we do not know what is going on!" I said what do you mean? He said "We can find NO TRACE of the Hep C AT ALL, like she was NEVER EVEN EXPOSED to it! No Trace! We can't explain it." I patted him on the shoulder as we left and said "Don't worry Doc, WE know what happened. Praise God! Eventually we parted ways but, she is still alive to this day helping people. Absolutely True Story.

Gorlak the OWzy
2 months ago
i cant put in words the love i felt for you whem you said that we all are god, i'm also belive that we are all god and you are the frist person i seen agreeding whit me whitout the need of my arguments. <3
the world is certainly going in the right direction with the milions of indigo souls that are and are coming to earth. <3
namaste, salamaleico, amen... <3

2 months ago
I'mma get called a crackpot for this but here goes nothing!

I have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, not a very comfortable condition to live with I assure you. Now September last year I was having extreme pains and aches, mainly in my groin region, the tops of my thighs and my knees.
These pains would get worse throughout the day, I had just started to attend University and the pains made it very uncomfortable to stay seated and move around campus alike.

By the time I had gotten home it was unbearable, walking home was difficult as my knees were very stiff and would hardly bend, I've had someone describe arthritis to me and that's how it felt.
The pain in my groin/lower abdomen region was the worst, it got to a point where I would actually be thriving around in bed, biting down on my covers to cope with the pain. This went on for about a week or so, I looked these symptoms up in relation to my colitis and yes it appears these are common for experiencing a flare up.
I did the usual, contacted my doctor, who apparently had forgotten I had been diagnosed with colitis (lol), he got me in for a blood test and said I would hear back from them.

This pain went on for about a week or so. Then one day as I lay in pain in my room, for some reason or another I felt compelled to visualize my body as a translucent blue-ish structure. I was on my knees and in my mind I could see a black spot in my body's bowel region. This wasn't really a conscious effort, it's hard to explain my thought process at the time I just wanted the pain to go away.
I then focused on my breathing, and with every breath, I visualised breathing in a pink energy, which spread all throughout my translucent body.
As I exhaled I visualised the energy leaving my body, and with it fragments of the black spot with it, scattering outside of my body, kind of like when ash is blown away by the wind.
I did repeated these images until the black spot had disappeared.

And what do you know? I haven't felt that pain since. My blood results came back fine, my doctor suggested perhaps it was an infection (I obviously didn't tell him about what I visualised, just that the pain had gone) seeming to doubt I ever had colitis at all, despite having evidence of pictures the hospital had taken of my digestive tract ( that wasn't a fun visit to the hospital) showing the flare and wounded areas, years prior to this.

Now I like to keep an open mind about these kinds of things. But that night I'm certain something happened. I have not had any symptoms of the disease since, I have been perfectly healthy.

Awesome video by the way, very informative, please bring us more content when possible! Much love! ^_^

Dennis Kinch
2 months ago
This is a self fulfilling prophecy - not on the patient's part, but on the writer's. The writer is looking for reasons he is right. There are a lot more cases where the patient has a disease that's shelf life is longer than the pt's. I met many who, like myself, had conquered the negatives that go along with illness. They were happy and at peace and adjusted to a permanent disease or injury. When I had my epiphany through lots of meditation and positivity - I waked 440 miles, once I learned how to walk again that is. And after that, I walked 2400 miles, just to prove it was very real. I cured 4 ancillary diseases. All that Chopra and meditating worked great. My doctors were amazed, after they believed me with records that is.But the disease is, the big one, bone marrow problem, is still there, 10 years after those walks. I still am positive, but I accept the disease. I understand Spontaneous Remission. I should have died back then instead of walking yet I'm still alive. I can't walk anymore. The soft tissues in my spine are now all solid calcified and the organs are becoming involved. I still hope my shelf life is longer than the diseases. I'd love to be alive to see the disease die before me! But, it is what it is. We are here on this earth to learn from adversity and sometimes, that means incurable disease. Fight it to the end, but don't fight the peace of acceptance.

2 months ago
YAAASSSS! haha amazing video... people need to know health is free. The belief systems we are indoctrinated into are just total bull. HEALTH IS FREE. You don't need a man in a white coat to tell you if you are healthy. Change your attitude, control your thoughts, and restructure your belief systems. Connect to source and your higher self. You are infinitely more powerful than you may know. Intend that you are PERFECT HEALTH. Every single day. Intend that you are HEALING DEEPLY and COMPLETELY. Intend that you ARE YOUTHING. You will see a difference. Your eyes and your finger nails and toe nails will start to glow. Do this and see the difference. Health is free.

Anne Weddle
2 months ago
I am flabbergasted by how many teachers say "We are God". As an aspect of God, we should realize that we are only part of the Whole Being of God. The entirety of one's self does not contain 'the entirety of' the stranger on the corner, or the driver of the car who cut you off... or the paddy worker sticking rice plants in the mud half way round the world. That 'Whole Being' belongs to God, and He has free will (more than us even), to back up His Word...

2 months ago (edited)
I'm trying. I've had healing sessions the last 6 months with magic mushroom, meditation and shamanism.
Turned out that the tendinitis I) have under my left shoulder blade was not just your average blockage normal during a kundalini activation process, or normal tension that would go away by itself.
Oh no. I needed two shamans to detect entities having attached themselves... Drum ceremony. LSD. Out in the forest in the middle of the night. Smoking changa in the morning. Lying straight on the ground. Hugging a tree. By a sacred ancient marker stone.
I was told I am an Indigo with potential for shamanism. One of them said "before you can heal the world, you must heal yourself first!"
Which frightens me. Because I have read about the implications, consequences, and what I have to do.
Or I can just go down to a physio therapist a minute walk away.

Imma Light
Imma Light
2 months ago
Deepak Chopra told a story that illustrates this perfectly in his book, How to Know God. A friend of his injured his foot while working out in a gym because he was unaccustomed to using one of the machines and strained it. The pain in his foot increased over the next few days, and he found it increasingly difficult to walk, so upon “medical examination it was found that he had a common ailment known as planar fasciitis, in which the connecting tissue between the heel and the front of the foot had been stretched or torn.” (How to Know God, p.221)
Recommended: This is How We Know That Energy & Healing Are Real?
His friend decided not to have surgery and instead to tough it out, but in time he found it so painful and difficult to walk that he sought out a Chinese Healer in desperation. This Chinese man was ordinary by appearance, and gave “no evidence of being mystical or spiritual, or in any way gifted in healing.” The injured friend of Deepak Chopra continues:
“After gently feeling my foot, he stood up and made a few signs in the air behind my spine. He never actually touched me, and when I asked what he was doing, he simply said he was turning some switches in my energy field. He did this for a minute or so and then asked me to stand up. I did, and there was no sensation of pain, not the slightest. You have to remember that I had limped in, barely able to walk.”

He continues:
“In complete amazement I asked him what he had done. He told me that the body was an image projected by the mind, and in a state of health the mind keeps this image intact and balanced. However, injury and pain can cause us to withdraw our attention from the affected spot. In that case, the body image starts to deteriorate; its energy patterns become impaired, unhealthy. So the healer restores the correct pattern – this is done instantly, on the spot – after which the patient’s own mind takes responsibility for maintaining it that way.” (How to Know God, p.222)
This story has fascinated and inspired me ever since I heard it. As we have seen, reality is flashing in and out of existence innumerable times every second, oscillating between form and formlessness, and quantum physics knows that our thoughts and beliefs influence the quantum reality which is the source of the material world. Therefore it is only natural to assume an energetic and formless source for all of creation, including our physicality.
I think it is absolutely clear that we must start to consider ourselves as more than a physical body. In truth it is much more coherent to think of ourselves as a luminous energy field organizing ourselves in a body, or as pure consciousness manifesting and temporarily experiencing this level of reality through our bodies. New evidence is clearly illustrating that our mind is non-local and is independent of the brain, which means it doesn’t need the brain, or the body for that matter, to exist.[1]
We are so much more than we think we are, and infinitely more than we have been lead to believe. The next step that we have to take, moreover, the next step in our human evolution now involves us learning how to use and hone this power we have to influence reality and literally manifest anything we want directly out of the field, from a new hip, to perhaps better eyesight, or a fit and healthy body, all the way to a new life.
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But how is this done?
Healing Your Field, Healing Your Body
To heal, all that we need to do is purify our energy so that the energetic projection of our body is unobstructed. Then our atoms and molecules can align perfectly to this structure because there is no energetic interference to disrupt the image of our body as projected by our consciousness.
We do this by getting in the gap between our thoughts, where our beliefs no longer affect our reality, for, when we are not thinking, we are also free of beliefs and expectations. And by doing this we are aligning ourselves with universal principles, and matching our energy with the energies coming directly from the field of all-possibility – those high frequency energies of love, kindness, inspiration, passion, joy, and so on.
The first step is to consider the possibility that we are not only energy, but that there is infinite energy all around us which we can consciously tap into to promote healing in our body and mind, to become a more happy, healthy, vibrant and creative being. As soon as you start to connect to the infinite energy of creation and your own true nature as formless energy, then you start to become aware of these energies in your body which returns the projection of your body to its natural state.
The projection of your body can only be disrupted by a disturbance in your energy field – your consciousness – caused by unbalanced thoughts and emotions, and limiting beliefs. Our luminous energy field is naturally vibrant, and our energy naturally flows unhindered as a powerful stream of consciousness, but the lower levels of consciousness, which we have been conditioned to live in as part of our social indoctrination, disrupt this flow which if left unhindered would express its perfection everywhere.
Another key concept to understand is that your body is always regenerating. In a talk of Deepak Chopra’s that I listened to, he pointed out that atoms do not age. They do not die, and the same atoms that existed at the big bang around 14 billion years ago exist to this day, some of which are even within you.
Recommended: 5 Things That May Be Blocking Your Energy
Every year 98% of the atoms in your body are exchanged for ‘new’ atoms. You are constantly dying, and being reborn, and literally transforming at the atomic and molecular levels. Every three days you have a new stomach lining, every month you have new skin, every three months you have a new skeleton. And every year you have almost an entirely new body (Deepak Chopra from Living Beyond Miracles with Wayne Dyer).
Deepak Chopra described it beautifully by saying that our atoms “are like migrating birds”. They are not permanent, they are completely independent, and are drifting through space and time and merely being organized into structures such as our bodies by none other than our energy field which organizes them as a magnetic field organizes metal filings, only slightly more complex.
What more proof do we need in order to start looking at our bodies differently, and in general looking at the mechanism of health itself in a new light?
None of the raw materials that form your physical body age, moreover, they are constantly changing. Therefore I ask this of you. Is it really you that is changing? And what is the force that organizes these atoms and molecules back where they are supposed to be, and makes sure that they perfectly and harmoniously continue to do their jobs even while your cells and atoms are migrating by the billions?
Your body is not the real you. Your body is merely a projection of what you believe yourself to be. If you could discover that you are pure consciousness, and that who you really are is an infinite creative awareness that is manifesting reality and co-creating reality with other aspects of yourself (because every being is an expression of the infinite universal consciousness we have labelled as God), then you can start to take complete control over your body, your health, and your life.
Chronic pain, disease, illness, or the old injuries that you have in your body are not actually in your body, they are in your mind. More specifically, they are a function of your perception. Your atoms are always changing, and your molecules are too, but as new atoms come and as new molecules are formed, and as you flash in and out of existence, your energetic field is telling them where to go, what to do, and how to align with one another.
Therefore, you are holding disease, illness, pain, and injuries within your consciousness, and thus, they are imprinted in your energetic field, and only then do they proceed to manifest in your physiology.
If this is the case, then not only is our health completely under our willful control, but the rate at which we age may even be under our control as well. Now I am not suggesting that we can be immortal, because we already are as infinite beings of consciousness. What I am suggesting is that in a time long forgotten, and in the near future, human beings have had and will realize again the ability to live from this field, and live consciously from their nature as luminous beings of pure energy.
Recommended: Human Energy Fields Are Stronger Than We Realize


Anita Timmons
2 months ago (edited)
This is why in the New Testament, Christ asked, "Do you believe that you can be healed?" This gave permission for the God mind within these people to heal the body! Christ was empowering the people by letting them know they were capable of moving a mountain with their minds, if they BELIEVED IT! The Pharisees, who already know about this, did not want the "common" people to know this knowledge. Their reign of power would be over! They HAD to kill him, in order to survive!

1 month ago
Q? If a person who is familiar with the quantum universe, the higher self stuff etc has an NDE and a person not familiar with the above, has an NDE, how would their accounts vary?
And, on Monday a friend and I went for a drive and found ourselves at MY old school, a school for The Blind and Partially Sighted. I was the Driver?
I suppose the essence of this vid is: If you always do what you have always done, you will only get what you've always got. Doing stuff differently with a different mindset does equal a more positive outlook and so on....
Lv xo

Josh Davidson
2 months ago
I have a question about manifestation. I suffer from ocd intrusive thoughts, and these thoughts do their best to convince me that I am or will become someone or something I'm not. I know deep down that I am not these things that I fear becoming, yet my mind still somewhat convinces me that I will become them if I don't perform the ocd ritual to ease the anxiety and thoughts.

So I have to ask, if I know deep down that I am not these fears, does that mean I won't become them? Or will my brain convince me to the point of manifesting these fears into reality, therefore becoming the person I dread?

2 months ago (edited)
Hmmmm Didnt Satan tell Eve that she didnt need God,...That she would be just like God, If she Listened to Him?......Genesis 3:4 "and you will be like God".......
Eve Already had this POWER ....She could commune with the Great Consciousness,...or God....She was Perfect.....Sinless......Thus She was Granted this Power....
HOWEVER,....when she disobeyed,...& ate the fruit,....listened to satan......She Lost that perfection,...she became sinful........& payed the price that the Creator said would happen,....DEATH....& unfortunately ...passed it on to her offspring.....
BUT it didnt end there....Thankfully....The Father has made a way out....
1 John 3:8 The one who practices sin originates with the Devil, because the Devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was made manifest, to break up the works of the Devil.

1 month ago
the slit experiment is flawed as before the experiment begins they assume that electrons exist and that they have mass. According to Nicola Tesla and many other scientists this is wrong. In 1st year chemistry they give you a "zone" where an electron might "be" called orbital shells, they admit right there that the electron can not be visualized or located. This is because the orbital shells is electrical energy, either charged or discharged. Electricity has no mass component and is it's own type of energy. There has never been one single image of an electron produced. This is why particle physics is flawed it does not understand the fundamentals of electrical energy or fields. In order to run successful experiments one must begin with a sound comprehension of the forces they are working with before making conclusions. NikolaTesla knew electricity better than any man in our times, his work is fascinating and has been intentionally suppressed by the government.

1 month ago
This is correct information. God did give us all of the same powers and abilities to heal our bodies, release our sickness, even release our fat and build muscle and transform our bodies. Simply by declaring specifically what we want our energies to do. I call them Creator Energies because we are the Creators of all things within this existence. Declare specifically what you want your energies to do. If they do not work the first time the way you want them to, then keep working with the wording. You also want to keep your energies going because they tend to fade in time, they do not work one time through, keep repeating your command often and daily until you are where you want to be. We can release any sickness or disease, we can rebuild and repair our muscles to their full healthy state of being, watch the energies work. Try them out yourself, see how easy it is to use your own energies. We can even realign all of the vertebrae in our neck and spine simply by saying "I realign each of the vertebrae in my neck and spine fully and completely now. I do not stop my energies until each of the vertebrae are realigned fully and completely. Understand the basic premise when using your energies is that any and all sickness must be released specifically over and over and till it is gone. All muscles and body aches and pains must be healed and restored saying everything from the wording "I" in order to work properly.

Paul Branwhite
1 month ago
Look at it from the point of view of your subconcious doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is not. If you can program your subconcious to what you want to experience you will. Take this example to show you what i mean. Take a minute and close your eyes, breathe and relax best you can. Now with your eyes closed imagine holding a lemon in your hand. Then imagine taking a bite of the the lemon right through the skin to the middle. What happens? Yes your mouth will react as if it is real. Apply this theory to your desires whatever they maybe, health, wealth, jobs, love.

B Well
1 month ago
The computerized narration may be a put off at first, but pay attention: Healing yourself with your mind works. I use it, and often remind myself what powers lay within me, when I feel down & out of balance. Life today is complicated & we are overcome with stress - ways to relieve and overcome - without meds. is the wholesome, healthy way to go. This works, you owe it to yourself to give it a try, at least. Please do - B well, xoxo

What you need to know about HUMAN ENERGY and MAGNETISM ; 20:00 min.

Published on Nov 16, 2017
How do magnetic fields effect us and the matter around us? What can we do to keep ourselves in tune with the Earth and how can we use magnetism to improve our overall health?

"The Grounded" -

MagLab website -

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Tetelestai Paid in Full
8 months ago
AMEN BROTHER...In my heart, I believe that the weakest among us, and their need for direction, is what has ruined our populace...If we could accept God as our King, and live according to His wishes, we would have no need for governance...We would have no need for anything beyond a small circle of tribal elders...The elders would pray for guidance and discernment...You see how much better this planet would be...? But I digress, we can never have that, because we have a populace that wishes not to work, wishes not to provide for their own, wishes not to take responsibility for their day to day lives...So the 90% of us must be controlled by the richest 10% in order to cater to those that cannot....Sad....It has been this way since the very first groups of humans though...Maybe that is part of being a fallen creature...But I digress...Soon, so very soon, we will spend eternity living in just the type of reality I am wishing for...So soon...I find bits of knowledge in every presentation you offer us sir...Thank you for that...I believe you are my brother in Christ because of some of the things I have heard you mention, so I look forward to meeting you in that realm, I know we could share hours and hours of intuitive conversations....I look forward to that day sir....Until then...May Grace + Mercy + Peace fill each day, for you, your family, and each and every brother and sister in Christ...God Bless....Much Love....

A Layne
8 months ago
This is very interesting because I've always had negative effects on watches and clocks. Most watches on me will either speed up an hour or over heat and ruin the watch. Without wearing a watch, I have held a persons had and they had to let go because they said my hand was burning them. I've been tested with an ohmmeter and it was twice the measurement of everyone elses, odd.



8 months ago
concentrating on feelings of love, compassion,,,,laughing, singing, dancing,,,,,counting our blessings, letting go of fear. all raise our vibes.
Dr. Joseph Murphy's work on the subconscious mind is wonderful.
"god is healing me now. god is healing me now..."
all day silently and aloud!
your subconscious is your best friend or your worst enemy.
never have orgasms when the moon is in your sign....

Martha Blessed And Sanctified
8 months ago
Hi Brother, I pray that this message finds u and ur family doing well. I just wanted to thank the Lord Jesus Christ and holy spirit for guiding me to ur channel! I've been subbed for a while now, and I really enjoy ur vids and ur views! I really needed to hear and see this tonight! And I'm gonna take ur advice about the magnets on my feet, and underneath my food and water! And I'll be watching that Grounded movie asap! Again I want to thank u for all that u do for us! I pray Heavenly Hedges of Protection and Bountiful blessings over u and urs in Jesus Christ Mighty Name, Amen!



Lynda Zimmerman
8 months ago
LOVE is the most powerful energy power there is. Once you realize this , that it is love that holds all this together believe it or not. we are spirit light beings living a human flesh exp. We are here to learn how to really love one another, being tested on all we do ,feel & think. We reap what we sow ,the universal law. LOVE IS THE MOST ImPORTANT energy , we must all learn this. The most important lesson we are here to learn , on this fallen prision planet. Without love you will suffer, continually until you do learn it. Our pets are gifts to us, to teach us how to love. unconditionally as they do towards us. All they want is to be accepted & loved . So simple yet most don't get it. People wake up NOW!!!. This age era is coming to a close so very soon ,.Look around see the severe weather signs , the great increase of darkness covering , the rise of SATANISIM in all countries, The satanic NWO govt. is about to take place. It has already started. More than ever its time to make your choice, The LIGHT OF JESUS OR DARKNESS OF SATAN. Our creator is giving us signs all over this planet. JESUS wants a personal relationship with you NOT RELIGIONS. CRY OUT TO HIM WITHYOUR HEART before its too late. Tommorow is promised to no one, What if you were to die now, ? where would you go into eternity. everyone thinks they have so much time & they don't. You want to go into eternity into darkness & torture , by demons, or to be in paradise in total extasy of love , beauty, amazing eternal gifts of all that our heavenly father wants to give you. Your hearts desire of all you want , & didn't have on earth cause , you first loved your Heaenly father , before all else. People all this worthless material things here , are just that , compared to what you will have in heaven, Don't wait for your last breath to call on JESUS< it may be that you wont have that breath to call him. in a sudden accident . JESUS does not forse himself on anyone , Hes waiting to hear from you .now before its too late. His phone line is open 24/7. GOD BLESS YOU ALL , I love you all in JESUS.

Lezavyr Dillon
8 months ago
Grounding: Wiccan Practice of Witchcraft, used to gain spiritual stability. It appears this video and book aptly describes a practice of witchcraft with re definition the the public and clothed in techno new age language. I love ya Woodward, you may want to look into this. By the way your audio sounds like its really high on treble and talking from out of a can somewhat. find your rich smooth bass tone . Love your stuff. Im a fan of yours :)

Matthew Lazenby, Jigger
8 months ago
...Would just like to say a big Thank You so for all your in-lighting Efforts Brother, I love what you do and how you do it...that is how you put this information across...your adorable and visual creativity, mixed so often with colorful humour on such intense topics is greatly received by myself my once more...Thank You and God Bless Ya Brother...
Very Best Regards



Pilar Plauche'
8 months ago (edited)
You my dear are such a treasure ! You have become my zen time & i am super stoked about this.. i wanted to say thank you & bravo for alway's fueling us with much needed knowledge & awareness ! Your delivery is so right on ,no BS & brilliantly highlights the jist leaving us feeling well informed..You should be really proud of yourself not only for your due diligence but to be able to enlighten us with some heavy facts in the raddest way possible . You crack me up with that dynamite personality and classic sense of humor !! were good ,it's the rest of the world that's fucked up haha ! Alrighty then Woods you stay dreamy & take good care you, Looking forward to next time !
Cheers & thanks again



8 months ago (edited)
As for the natural world, the earth is a work of wonderful design but pertaining to humans, unless they are children whom the world truly belongs to, the rest is pure evil. Look at what grown ups have done and are doing to the world, except for those who have consciousness, the earth has become a paradise of pure evil. There is no way to escape this cycle unless the whole humanity becomes different inside out, and change is not an easy thing for the collective. The world is not interested in healing itself but in accumulating material things, promoting division and destroying the earth. It would be nice if the collective wake up from such nightmare, but when

What you need to know about HUMAN ENERGY and the POWER of the MIND ; 15:43 min.

Published on May 14, 2017
Do our minds control the Universe? Is our reality created with our thoughts? What did ancient civilizations know about the mind?

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Cynthia Powers
Cynthia Powers
1 year ago
It's true what this man is saying.
I've experienced soul suckers,they are real.
myself being an empath am often affected by these kind of peoples projection.
The way to stop these feelings from getting inside you is to keep your thoughts pure and good.
Don't let anyone steal your joy,you have the ability to stare right into their soul via eye contact and in your mind speak the words" your ugly can not pierce my inner peace"And walk away

John David
John David
6 months ago
This is all very true. We can control what kind of energy we release from ourselves. But who feeds off that energy? The spirits do. That’s why fear makes evil spirits stronger. But fearing only Yahweh our Elohim makes those other evil spirits weak around us. Also the power of prayer is a very strong energy. But when a group of people are fasting and in prayer, the energy released from those prayers are like Atomic bombs in the spiritual world.

ZiggyLu 2022
ZiggyLu 2022
9 months ago (edited)
It's very important to set boundaries all over your life. We walk among "bad seed" yet walk in wisdom. Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.
Don't kill for revenge, God is the avenger and your defense.
Also, concerning power, Jesus shows us how to harness the power by the Words of the Bible and faith. But many Christians have seemed to left the divine aspects of God. We should be walking as Moses or Enoch or Jesus did!

Richee Banks
Richee Banks
7 months ago
1st I have to say that i'm not a fan of these type of youtube videos. I mostly watch Youtube for laughs and not for education because most of the videos I come across are people just "talking" for attention. Not proving valid points. I wasn't prepared to feel the way I'm feeling now after watching this video, powerful. Not as in super powers, but powerful in knowing that I am in control of my own feelings.

1 year ago
I like what you wrote at the end about using this energy to better ourselves.

But also what you said about if we were to use positive energy thoughts to towards a meter right it was coming to Earth we might be able to change the world.

That's the whole concept that Christians use, we pray and believe. At different times we have seen healing.

We had mass flooding Oct 2016. Many of our homes and churches were not touch. There was a hedge of protection around that region. With Watchmen, angels, believers in prayer coming together.

Now coming up in August and September. There's all this talk of a solar eclipse starting in Oregon ending in, Key Bay, South Carolina on August 21st 2017.

More earthquakes, tornadoes, storms, because of this Planet X coming closer in September.

If we all pray and believed in faith. We could protect ourselves and family. With our thoughts we can heal, get daily wisdom to handle everyday situations.

But a lot of times we concentrate so much on the negative we can't quiet our minds long enough for God to help us or for us to help ourselves.

We need to get all the help that God's willing to give us to live in these last days. God Bless.

Nabi Sonyeo
Nabi Sonyeo
1 year ago (edited)
whenever I intentionally focus my energy on positive things, I get the craziest synchronicities. I've been really good about this for the past few days and sometimes it feels like I just think about something and it appears right in front of me. Just yesterday, I was grocery shopping and I had this snap thought, something I didn't even hold on to about this iced tea that I usually drink. I knew that I had exactly one bottle left over from a 6 pack in my fridge and literally as I had this thought, I see one random bottle that someone left on the shelf. Mind you, I was in the bread aisle so this was just a random bottle of tea that someone decided they didn't want anymore and it was the exact flavor that I drink.

I live by an ambulance depot and I always hear sirens at night. Just now one went by and the sirens went off - immediately i just thought "stop" and it stopped. Probably just a coincidence but it was weird how abruptly it stopped just as I wanted it to. Stuff like this happens to me ALL the time when I focus my energy. I think about someone and they call or text. Once I had an appointment for a cable tech to my come to my home with an appointment window from 8:00 am-12:00 pm. I couldn't stay at home for 4 hours, so I got up at 8 and visualized really hard for him to come at exactly 8:45 am. He literally knocked at my door at exactly 8:45 the minute. I don't talk to people about this stuff because they think it's weird but I think we're more powerful than we know.

1 year ago
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. 21“Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “if you have faith and do not doubt, not only will you do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen. 22If you believe, you will receive” whatever you ask in prayer.

1 year ago (edited)
I often wonder how life would be like if everyone was at peace in their minds & hearts. If we didn't kill animals for food, or kill each other to prove our dominance/control amongst the rest of humanity. If we just focus'd on positive energy all day everyday. I'm sure we would live a lot longer and really appreciate the meaning of life. Life is beautiful, and we all are obligated to make it that way. Peace.

chris georgallis
chris georgallis
2 months ago
We have 7 senses not 5
The extra two are:
Think about the 7 Chakras.

chris georgallis
chris georgallis
2 months ago
We have 7 senses not 5
The extra two are:
Think about the 7 Chakras.

Captain Squid
Captain Squid
1 year ago (edited)
Everything said in this video is wrong, because someone has not listened in biology and physics. Emotions are just chemical reactions in the brain (Which indeed is the mind). These Chemical reactions may set free energy but hell they stay in your bloody brain cells in the form of ATP and ADP. And the "fact" of which I don't even know if it is true or not, that humans lose weight when they die may just be the urine or the gases in your stomach leaving your body, because you stop contracting the respective muscles. Yea those energy vampires are such a big problem in society... mate... nobody has ever heard of this bullshit you're saying, people who "suck the energy our of you" are just people who do not like you for a reason like me. My reason is that everything in this video is unproven bullshit that you're presenting as fact......
Guess again why people make you feel bad. Everything in society has it's reason my dude. And of course the chinese monks would protect themselves from raiders by hiring warriors and even creating their own martial art, but what the heck does that prove? You may have watched to many movies and played to many games. 

Jaysoj Garrow
Jaysoj Garrow
9 months ago
And I had no social media sights that I was on. This is were she took me. Facebook. Instagram. Snapchat. Sights that I don't use. Never had. I found out slander and deposition of my character was being messed with. I was no we're around to see or hear what was going g on. Untill I noticed everyone I had in my life had dissapered and my family would not talk to me. I had know idea what had gone on. So three years later I'm finally seeing the results of that girl. She was a girlfriend. Who was with me for wrong g reasons. I'm an fine artist. And music composer. She was using g me as a muse. And trying to devalue my life so. I'm in a bind now. I'm homeless and lost. Holding on to my art work with the last breath of care in me. This kind of vmpier is more dangerous then most criminas out there. They manipulat and slander. And Rob and push you to the end of your will. I'm fighting this now. Because art work that is projected to be worthy of money after I go... So the death thretsh that and the slander. The constant stress is real and dangerous these people who do this to others should he put aways. Just cause a person isn't on line to see if this is going on. Don't put them in the wrong. There needs to be regulations and punishment for those who commit such actions. I can write a book on this but I'll stop there. Good luck people. These practices and energys hold people stagnant. And that's not moving forward in any way....

1 year ago
I've been married to an energy vampire ,I am seeking a divorce now, she would yell and scream and say foul things for hours practically every day. She would never be content unless you had some kind of emotional reaction to her abuse ,she wanted either anger or sorrow and then she would be very happy. When I figured out what that narcissistic psychopath was doing I stopped responding emotionally ,it would drive her crazy ,she would up her game to an even more extreme case. If you have an energy vampire in your life a narcissist or a psychopath ,you need to lose them quick ,they won't be satisfied until they consume you, don't let them

Sharl Tyunder
Sharl Tyunder
8 months ago
Greet’s Dude,
/based upon the mood of Your accent;the street-wise salut/;
maybe they monks’ succeeded because of retaliating/retaliation is a sense of peace to the extent of no more been able to be indifferent and experiencing the functioning of Self//Heart-mind aware-&body in motional awareness towards acting//,
an act in having accumulated all that there is/was to have intruded =the big bang-creation happened.
Ps:(act whilst not acting);
just been playful.
✍🏻:a man child.

Maelui Yumiko
Maelui Yumiko
11 months ago (edited)
I wish you'd make a video about natural law, and common law.. this is something that if every human understood it, as we once did, we could turn the tables on our evil gatekeepers keeping us imprisoned, and indoctrinated from knowing the truth. It's also known as arcana minor and arcana major to the illuminati. It's not an occult practice either. Knowing natural law, and common law is something God our creator put into place long ago. Such as needing consent to do something to someone. Human beings don't honour these laws, but fallen angels, demons, and Satan himself understand they have to follow these laws, so they use sneaky and deceitful ways of procuring that consent from their target. Some of the higher ups in the elite (the ones running the planet) understand this, and they too gain consent in very deceitful ways unbeknownst to their target. Natural law, and common law were once understood by everyone, but at some point in our history this knowledge was sequestered from mankind, and we slowly forgot it all. I believe it's the same thing for natural abilities like, psychic aptitude, telekinesis, telepathy, the ability to direct healing to any part of the body, and many other capabilities. I believe we once all understood this, but then we were told its bad, or evil, and that detoured us from using these skills we had, and slowly we lost the knowledge of it all.

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