Oxygen Therapy Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade 35% Experience Update

Wayne Gichie
Published on Jun 27, 2017
Oxygen Therapy Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade 35% Experience

Dr Donsbach Oxygen Therapy Seminar San Diego 2001

Published on May 27, 2012
I videotaped Dr Donsbach giving a seminar on Oxygen Therapy in San Diego (02/2001). Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone Therapy - What? How? and Why? Dr. Donsbach's original Oxy-Max and Oxy-Caps and Ozone Generators are on sale at my website: HealthyItems.com/oxygen.

Oxygen Therapy Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade 35% Experience

Систем лечења доктора Ивана Павловича Неумивакин

Published on Jan 22, 2017
Систем лечења доктора Ивана Неумивакина

неумивакин Иван Павлович, доктор медицинских наука, научни радник, публициста. Много година провео радиће у области космичке медицине, саздавши прву болницу на руском космичком броду. Аутор више од 200 научних радова
и 40 књига. Добитник Државне премије и Руске академије природних наука.Развио свој систем лечења употребом хидрогена, соде и физичким вежбама.

-Сви"таблетомани" треба да погледају овај прилог,да се може без таблета
итекако квалитетно лечити.Лично никад таблете не пијем,а пијем
3%хидроген по рецепту Генадија Петровича Малохова.Најбољи пример
успешности овога лека,један мој пријатељ имао је ненормално висок
притисак(горњи преко 200,а доњи преко 100)живи аскетски,то јест пости
све постове,среду и петак,али нешто се догодило у организму.Препоручио
сам му хидроген пероксид,за само једну седмицу коришћења притисак се
вратио у нормалу.

Recept dr Neumivakina koji leči 99%bolesti!Dr Dragana Cvejić

Dr Dragana Cvejić
Published on Dec 30, 2017
Potrebno je:
1 špric
3% ratvor hidrogena
Nehlorisana ili destilovana voda
Prvi dan:1dcl.vode i 1 kap hidrogena i popiti pre dorucka sat vremena,pre rucka i pre vecere.
Drugi dan:1dcl.vode 2 kapi hidrogena pijenje isto sat vremena pre obroka.
Tako do 10.tog.dana kada u 1dcl.vode se stavlja 10 kapi a pijenje takodje sat vremena uvek pre jela.
Sutradan idete unazad na 1dcl.vode 9 kapi hidrogena isto pijete pre svakog obroka sat vremena.Pa 8 kapi i tako dok nestignete ponovo do 1 kapi.Tada napraviti pauzu od 21 dan pa sve isto ponoviti,pa opet pauza i treci put kad ponovite zavrsili ste serijal.
Za ispiranje nosa u 1dcl.vode 5-7kapi hidrogena i ispirati obe nosnice 2x nedeljno,a u uši ukapati po 5 kapi čistog hidrogena.Ovako za nos i usi sasvim je dovoljno svake nedelje po jednom ujutru i uveče.
Srećno.Živimo zdravo i budimo zdravi!


Kruna VD
Published on Aug 27, 2017

Hidrogen peroksid 35% Food Grade

Nada Matešić
Published on Jan 18, 2015

Hidrogen peroksid je samo jedna od mnogih komponenti koja pomaže regulaciju količine kisika koji dospijeva u vaše ćelije. Njegovo prisustvo je također od vitalnog značaja i za mnoge druge funkcije. Neophodan je za za proizvodnju tiroidnog hormona kao i seksualnih hormona. (Mol Cell Endo-crinol 86;46(2): 149-154) (Steroids 82;40(5):5690579). Stimulira proizvodnju interferona (J Immunol 85;134(4):24492455). Proširuje krvne sudove srca i mozga (Am J Physiol 86;250 (5 pt 2): H815-821 and (2 pt 2):H157-162). Poboljšava iskorištenje glukoze kod dijabetesa (Zapisnik sa IBOM konferencije 1989, 1990, 1991). Što bliže upoznajete hidrogen peroksid, manje ste iznenađeni da može toliko pomoći kod tako velikog broja različitih oboljenja.
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Treatment with hydrogen peroxide, oxygen cocktail, oxygen water will help cure VSD, IHD, HNC?

School of Doctor Skachko
Published on Oct 8, 2016

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide, oxygen cocktail, oxygen water will help cure VSD, IHD, HNC?
Lifhaki for health how to properly treat IHD, HNC, VSD, to increase achievements in sports know? Will help the school of Dr. Skachko Boris (Ukraine, Kiev) and lifhaki for sports, or lifhaki for a healthy life, or useful advice of a nutritionist Skachko Boris (korisny pore dietologa Skachko Boris)
Treatment of coronary artery disease (ischemic heart disease), treatment of chronic inflammatory disorders (chronic circulatory failure), treatment of heart failure (vegetative-vascular dystonia), combines hypoxia or oxygen starvation. To increase achievements in sports also need to survive hypoxia. In any case, the heart, providing blood circulation, must eliminate hypoxia! Lifhaki for life how to saturate the blood with oxygen to reduce the burden on the heart know? Often as a source of oxygen used by treatment with hydrogen peroxide, oxygen cocktail, oxygen water. But. Not all kinds of oxygen can use cells! And you need lifjhaki for sports and healthy lifestyles or useful advice of a nutritionist. Скачко Бориса або корисені ради дієтолога Скачко Бориса
Dr. Skachko Boris's school on the YouTube channel is a video lecture course about your health, active longevity, how prevention, treatment, lifhaki for a healthy lifestyle differ: how to eat properly, how to drink water correctly, how to breathe properly, how to properly heal and how to live, What is HLS, right breathing, etc.
More information about your health, training, treatment? Write questions, comments, comments in the video (https://youtu.be/IgL2C34lBu4) on the YouTube channel of Dr. Skachko Boris (Ukraine, Kiev). And get lifhaki for life or useful advice of a nutritionist (korisnі poradi dietologa) Skachko Borisa

In other words, you can cure HCV, IHD, HCN with hydrogen peroxide, oxygen cocktail, oxygen water!
Lifhaki for a healthy life how to properly treat IHD, HNC, VSD, to increase achievements in sports know? Will help the school of Dr. Skachko Boris (Ukraine, Kiev) and lifhaki for sports, or lifhaki for life, or useful advice of a nutritionist. Skachko Boris (korisnі pori dietologa Skachko Boris)
Treatment of coronary artery disease (CHD) (treatment of coronary heart disease), treatment of chronic kidney failure (treatment of chronic circulatory failure), treatment of VSD (treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia), combines hypoxia or oxygen starvation. To increase the results in sports also need to survive hypoxia. In any case, the heart provides blood circulation and must eliminate hypoxia! Lifhaki for a healthy lifestyle how to saturate the blood with oxygen to reduce the burden on the heart Do you know? Often as a source of oxygen used by treatment with hydrogen peroxide, oxygen cocktail, oxygen water. But. Not all kinds of oxygen can use your cells! And you need lifjhaki for sports and healthy lifestyles or useful advice of a nutritionist. Скачко Бориса або корисені ради дієтолога Скачко Бориса
Dr. Skachko's School on the YouTube channel is a video lecture course on your health, active longevity, online learning, how prevention, treatment, lifhaki for a healthy lifestyle are, how to eat properly, advice from a nutritionist how to drink water, tips on how to breathe properly, Advice of a nutritionist how to be treated properly and live, what is HLS, right breathing, etc.
School Skachko Boris (school Skachko) can give you something different than the school of Dr. Komarovsky, Dr. Kovalkov's school, Dr. Sinelnikov's school, Dr. Gavrilov's school, Dr. Ionova's school.
More information about your health, online training, treatment at home with folk remedies? Write questions, comments, comments in the video (https://youtu.be/IgL2C34lBu4) on the YouTube channel of Dr. Skachko Boris (Ukraine, Kiev). And get lifhaki for life or useful advice of a nutritionist (korisnі poradi dietologa) Skachko Borisa

Active link to the following video:
Treatment with ozone (ozone therapy), treatment in the altitude chamber, treatment with oxygen therapy of ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, eczema, anemia
Oxygen therapy (oxygen therapy) can be included in the complex treatment of IHD, treatment of VHD (treatment of vegetative dystonia), treatment of hypertension (treatment of hypertension), treatment of atherosclerosis of vessels, treatment of myocardial dystrophy, treatment of cardiosclerosis, treatment of anemia

Dr. Skachko Boris's School: video # 1 on the YouTube channel about your health, treatment, proper nutrition

Active link to the first video of the cycle
School of Doctor Skachko 1 season (how to breathe correctly)

Active link to the first video of the cycle
Doctor Skachko's school 2 season (how to drink water correctly)


Streamed live on Jan 23, 2017

Телеграмм канал - http://t.me/zdorovnasto
Как вы думаете, есть ли в перекиси водорода такое вещество, которое способно нанести вред организму? Некоторые уверены, что такое вещество есть. На самом деле, в перекиси водорода есть консервант, который называется бензоат натрия и он содержится в незначительном количестве для того, чтобы перекись могла хранится дольше. Впрочем, подробности в видео.

H2O2 Testimonials

praise the Lord! I too still use 35% it helps me through the healing crisis, I am on Gerson Therapy healing from end stage liver disease,  hep C, cirrhosis, cancer, what a battle still today. 3 drops, 3 times a day for 120 days cured my Hep C. Yea,to my suprise it cured the Hep C that ravaged my body, an my cancer is gone, Gerson works!, thank you Charles, in the beginning you helped me. I watched that video many times at first. Well today 10\02\2016 i am happy to report that I have a new regenerated liver today by the grace of GOD, the Lord has a better way folks, we must return to Him, only then will He bring healing to our land .....Amein

Bless the Lord Almighty, great in mercy and wisdom, mighty to save, His name is Salvation "Yeshua" you might can!l Him Jesus

Check the book online "one minute cure". A doctor wrote about hydrogen peroxide's powers decades ago. the pharmaceuticals don't want us to know. People like you are bringing it to our attention. Again; bless your soul

35% food grade hydrogen peroxide will cure your cancer if you keep taking it. I love you man for your honesty and awareness but persistence is key! I take 25 drops 2 times a day diluted with 10 oz of water. Water is the key! 35% food grade h202 is anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti microbial. Cancer causing ingredients are added to certain kinds of food and drink of humans on this planet. Diet is also key! The same reason few know about these inexpensive cures.

You need to take a holistic approach. The hydrogen peroxide only kills the daughter cancer cells. To kill the mother cell (stem cell) you need to go completely organic. Stop having processed sugars, and eat cancer fighting foods like turmeric, ginger, red grapes, apricot kernels etc...A good place to get more knowledge is from Ty Bollinger who leads "The truth about Cancer" series. You can watch episode 1 and 2 for free on YouTube. Hope this helps. God bless

there are 4 treatments that i know of...i do more then 1 treatment a day..my sister had a huge big throat goiter she take's raw organic apricot seeds ground up 7seeds a day thats 2 heaping teaspoons a day in less 3 months its gone and she took one Vit C pill 1000 mg a day..she can eat breath without suffering .. Amen Thank you god our creator Jesus our savior ..

2 table spoons of baking soda and 1 cup of water everyday for two months and your cancer will never come back again. As far as a supplemental everyday pill, order you vitamin b-17. It's expensive tho, but you won't need it to be honest. After 60 days of baking soda treatment you will be cured once and for all of your cancer.

I did this in 2011, and have just learned that my lymphoma has returned... I am planning to restart this on monday... can I ask what you are putting it in? Thank you and God Bless

Please "alkaline" your body and keep it there, so you won't need to ingest hydrogen peroxide on a regular basis.



Two questions Charles. I know you mix your H2O2 with Kool Aid. Do you make it with Distilled water or ordinary tap water.Also, do you take it on an empty stomach? I read it is best to take H2O2 either one hour before eating or 3 hours after eating. Thank for your input.

My best friend has been suffering from a Candida systemic infection for years. She's vegetarian, super low sugar diet, healthy diet... She tried EVERYTHING to help get rid of her Candida. NOTHING HELP & I MEAN NOTHIIIIIIING. I bought a big bottle of 35% Food Grade Peroxide, put it in a cobalt blue bottle with dropper & gave it to her with a gallon of distilled water. The very 1st day she TRIED it. THE VERY 1ST DAY... 1 SINGLE DROP. THAT WAS IT... She went to the bathroom & SAW the Candida FLEEING her body/system. VISIBLE SAW IT LIKE RUNNING AWAY, OUT OF HER BODY. She could barely describe it. She said that NOTHING has EVER even remotely RELIEVED her Candida problem. Nevermind helping her body RID itself of it. She's up to 4 drops a day now & says she's NEVER FELT BETTER. She thanks me everyday saying that was the best gift she's ever gotten & calls her 35% Food Grade Peroxide Treatments "A MIRACLE" Bacteria, Viruses, Mold, Fungus&ECT... Can NOT live IN Oxygen. You oxygenate, you kill them. They live in acidity & toxicity.

I have EBV= Epstein-Barr Virus. I recently "stumbled up"... 'THE MEDICAL MEDIUM - SECRETS BEHIND CHRONIC & MYSTERY ILNESS & HOW TO FINALLY HEAL' UNBELIEVABLY MIND BLOWING!! LIFE CHANGING INFORMATION!! TO SAY THE VERY LEAST!! My Doctor & MOST Doctors don't know much about EBV. They say there's no known cure or even treatment. NOT TRUE!! NOT TRUE AT ALL!! This book explains countless "Mystery Ilnesses & Diseases"... And I tell you right now.. MOST are EBV related. CAUSED BY EBV. They are SYMPTOMS because of EBV & in it's various stages. Fibromyagia, which I have. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which I have. EBV also CAUSES/ IS THE ROOT CAUSE of Lyme, Lupus, MS & COUNTLESS Cancers&ECT... And I recently made a connection & discovery while, searching for answers, healing & hope for My Mom's mestasis. And I intuitively typed in "EBV breast cancer connection" The results were dumbfoundingly shocking. 90% of the most aggressive breast cancers (cancers in general)... 90% tested POSITIVE for EBV. 90%!!! OK!!! What does EBV feed on??? It 1st feeds directly on stress hormones. It also feeds on heavy metals, for instance like mercury & toxins & poisons... OK!... So would/DOES it make ANY sense to give Chemo to a person who has EBV related cancer????? Chemo is PURE toxic toxins & poison... What does EBV feed on, what is its fuel???? STRESS HORMONES, HEAVY METALS, TOXINS & POISONS!!!! So WHY would you EVER give ANYONE with EBV chemo?!?!? My Mom had 2 SEPERATE rounds of the most strongest & most powerful (DAMAGING & DANGEROUS!!) Chemo there is AND 30 radiation treatments ALSO. It BEGAN in her breast & has mestasized everywhere. NOTHING HAS WORKED. WHY???? Because as Scientist Royal Rife discovered. Cancer is caused by a virus. (Dr Hulda Clarke discovered the cause of cancer to be a parasite/parasitic in nature) So in regards to Royal Rife's discovery of cancer being caused by a virus; If a person has a virus. Their immune system is already struggling, it's compromised, OBVIOUSLY. So WHY would you give someone/ANYONE with a virus compromised immune system TOXIC POISONS??? Does THAT make ANY SENSE??? OF COURSE NOT!!! Of course things mestasize... The VIRUS is SPREADING because you a GIVING/FEEDING it EXACTLY what it WANTS & NEEDS to grow & thrive/SPREAD/TAKE OVER... DOES ANY OF THAT MAKE SENSE??? BECAUSE I AM IN THIS EXACT SITUATION CURRENTLY & I AM SIIIICK & TIRED OF WESTERN MEDICINE/BIG PHARMA!!! MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES CONTROLLING EVERYTHIIIIIING & EVERYONE!! You can NOT HEAL by POISONING. You can NOT HEAL Anyone by poisoning & destroying their Immune System. Our Immune Systems are here to PROTECT us!! That Medical Medium book is unfathomably enlightening & inspiring. WOKE ME UP!! So all this time we are given these LABELS of sickness. "LYME, FIBROMYAGIA, LUPUS, MS, CFS, EBV & ECT&ECT" And possibly ALL THIS TIME it's been EBV??? And those supposed "Diagnosis" has just been the stages of EBV??? There are 6 Stages, 1 more debilitating than the next. (WICKED SCARY & WORRISOME) And let me put it this way... Scientists & doctors STILL don't know EXACTLY what EBV is!. It's call EBV= Epstein-Barr Virus. Because Doctor Epstein & Dr Barr are the one's who DISCOVERED it!! That's WHY it has a name! Sooooo little is known, if not anything at all. And maybe it is & it's just been repressed by Big Pharma & ECT&ECT&ECT... They do NOT want CURES for ANYTHING. CURING does NOT make MONEY. And we are talking about TRILLIONS. NOT just millions anymore. Which is exactly the bottom line of EVERYTHING. MONEY. POWER. GREED. CONTROL. That's IT!! It takes US "Little People" to figure out the TRUTH. TO FIGHT FOR IT. NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER GIVE IN. NO MATTER WHAT. NO MATTER WHAT ODDS, OR WHAT SUPPOSED DIAGNOSIS IS GIVEN. OR WHAT ANY OF THESE DOCTORS SAY. I am confessing ALL of this. Because I wish NO ONE to make the same terrible FEAR BASED choices & decisions I made with MY Mom. If I knew what I know NOW??? NEVER!!!! NEVER would have I EVER gone down the Western Medicine Route!! I know so much now about Naturopathy, REAL cancer HEALERS that WORK!! NATURALLY!! Like Rene Caisse & her ESSIAC Tea. Blood Root for Liver Cancer. Pau de' Arco (Inner) Bark Tea to boost the immune system, stops viruses from multiplying & spreading, LITERALLY stops them in their tracks, which HALTS & STOPS mestases. (My Mom's condition) 35% Food Grade Peroxide Treatments. Baking Soda treatments, Organic/Raw Food Diet, ... I mean the list goes on & on... WE ARE HEALING MACHINES. WE ARE MEANT TO HEAL. WE WERE CREATED TO HEAL... But if you damage the healing mechanisms meant for healing.... Well.... We can't naturally heal as well as we are supposed to. All these reasons are why I wish EVERYONE would go down the HEALING PATH when it comes to cancer treatments. Give your body a CHANCE to heal ITSELF. It took years for that cancer to grow in your body. Give your body a fighting chance to heal itself. I came to the reasonable conclusion that it's not always cancer, by itself, thst shortens a lifespan. I think & feel it's these dangerous, toxic, poisonous, irreversible cancer "treatments" are what shortens a persons lifespan. I know people who were pushed to do these very aggressive treatments & died within days right after. I wonder how long she would have had if she had chosen not to. Maybe given a holistic, naturopathic route a chance... People like My Mom, I wonder what the holistic naturopathic path FROM THE BEGINNING... I wonder EVERYDAY what the situation & outcome would have been... But that's neither here nor there... The Past is History. The Future is a Mystery. NOW is a GIFT that's WHY it's called "THE PRESENT" ;) I AM finding a CURE for My Mom. I AM going to heal My Mom. I AM. I AM. I AM. <3 xoxox (Any questions about anything, please let me know & don't ever hesitate to ask me. ANYTIME)

dude why do you keep on doing 3-4 drops of that peroxide? of course its not strong enough to totally remove the cancer, the procedure is 25 drops 3x a day man

125ml peroxide (35% FOODGRADE) mixed in 1.2 liter of distilled water .. Best dilute the peroxide for daily use to about 3 percent. Just add 1 part of the 35 percent peroxide to 10 parts of water. Start taking just a few drops in a glass of water. Gradually increase to 1 teaspoon or more four times daily before meals and at bedtime. If you develop an aversion to it, just decrease again to a more comfortable level. Swallow quickly instead of slowly sipping. To disguise the strong aftertaste add aloe vera gel and fruit flavours or herb tea or water flavoured with cinnamon. .;......................................... ...This recipe was given from 5 doctors .. who was murdered .... because they wanted to expose the power of peroxide ... they were the first doctors who knew about the healing power of peroxide .. shalom

HP oxygenates your cells at a molecular level. When that happens, the human body can heal itself. They will never tell you this

madison cavanaugh's book ''the one minute cure'' describes a hydrogen peroxide protocol of working yourself up to 25 drops 3 times a day, maybe you should try more than 4 drops

This guy has great intentions but he does not have the whole story here. Budwig, Gerson, Rife,Kelly have been very effective for thousands of people. This man I am sure does not eat right and by that, I don't mean stuffing his face with vegetables and fruits ! One first needs to find out their blood type and then figure out what foods are meant for their body. then taylor that around such things like h202 etc. There are people who do well on Keto, vegetarian, loads of calcium , etc. etc. In other words one can do a protocol and use a keto diet, or, one can do a protocol and juice or eat vegetarian and get the same results. He's a godly man and this is good but he should know how the Lord designed him. That is with about 95 minerals, amino acids, vitamins, and efa's.If you are severely deficient in any of these, you will have problems ! For example, people are always told to give up milk as they age !How stupid is that ! Look at the nutrition that milk provides !! Give up meat ! How stupid is that! Look at the nutrition that meat offers ! CHECK YOUR BLOOD TYPE !! This man never mentions anything else he does to change his condition other than h2o2. He has a great knock out punch but his opponent keeps getting back up.

I am 60 years old I take the 35 percent and vitamin. b17 and I am kiss ass again I was sick 4 a hole year. did not think I was going to make it glory to I am here. so go for it an godbless

The one minute cure book, talks about this treatment you are doing the book is stupid expensive now but is the same treatment just increasing the amount of drops each day, 3 times a day until you get to like 24 o 25 drops (might want to check the book for details). With 35% Food Grade peroxide and distill water.

I can't believe that it took you so long to figure out that you better take H2O2 continuously, on a regimen and not just once. Especially if you have cancer.

High dose vitamin C intravenous kills cancer. The vitamin C must be above 25,000 mg and it must be intravenous. You can go as high as 180,000 mg. Find a health practitioner who offers this therapy. This is a fact and it does work. So does GCMAF therapy. research it. I'm giving you a gift. Research these topics. 


3% peroxide in your ears at the start of a cold will kill it also and if you don't catch it right at the beginning it will shorten it significantly. Also do a keto doet alongside hydrogen peroxide for cancer because glucose causes cancer to grow.

Hello brother! I have a suggestion for you. Instead of sugar try ERYTRITOL as a sweetner. The cancer cells would eat it like crazy but since it's not sugar wont't feed them to grow. That's a mousetrap!!! And why did you quit DMSO? I can see you did not mention it in this video anymore. Thanks and God bless you with total and permanent healing! Amen!

Did you ever try Cellect-Budwig? I'll be starting that in the new year. Info can be found on the website www.cancertutor.com.

God bless you...I watched both videos when u first discovered and this one...you said some key words...by the way, I admire your prayers and respect to our Lord. 1. you said immune system...look into 4liferesearch.com. these are transfer factors, a molecule that communicates with our immune system. pls pls look into these... 2. I believe in what Jesus did in the cross for us...he took our sicknesses and diseases on the cross, highly recommend calling the Richard Roberts ministry..I have followed them for over 15 years..let the abundant life prayer group pray for u over and over..I seen miracles happen thru them. and 3. cleansing....colon cleansing, change of diet, etc. 4. Jesus heals....I don't know if u believe in these healing prayers...but trust me God heals. we can only fight so much in the flesh, when Jesus died on the cross for us...cancer s a spiritual warfare. learn about fighting in the spirit. follow the blessings of the holy spirit. praying for you...God bless, not good luck. ❤️

You are right that the cures for cancer have to do with making the body more alkaline but the reason for this isn't to fight cancer. The foods that are alkaline generally have an astringent property that has a pulling effect on the lymph system. The detox miracle source-book by Dr. Robert Morse helps explain the concept.

And keep your body alkaline because cancer cannot live in an alkaline body. And do not drink coffee as that makes the body acidic. Cancer loves that. Cancer loves sugar too. Use real Stevia instead of sugar.

I bought 2 galoons of 35% Food Grade Hyroden Peroxide in Amazon since I watch his first video. I don't have cancer but I found out other uses of it like for flu (3%) It is very effective. It's very concentrated so you need to wear gloves when handling it as it will burn your skin. I made some bottles with 3% on it and put a few drops on food especially the ones that are kind of liquidy such as milk. It lengthens the life of the milk, sauces, etc. I even used this to kill more than 200 flies in my house using 4% peroxide in a bottle 50/50 with alcohol. My friends didn't believe me until they watched those flies killed when I sprayed them. A natural way to kill bugs without inhaling fumes. I hope you will find lots of uses of it too. Look it up in the internet

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The protocol for H2O2 is- Start with 1 drop in a glass of distilled water 3 times per day. increase by 1 drop every day till you reach 25 drops 3 times per day. Now start reducing the dose by 1 drop per day till you come down to 3 drops per dose. 3 drops per day can be your maintenance dose. Do not eat anything for 30 minutes after taking the dose and do not take the dose for at least 2 hours after food. Good luck. lots of love...

Just to add, I wonder what 100% pure oxygen would do for you? Have you tried hyperbaric therapy, this REALLY works I seen this cure and heal injuries that doctors have given up all hope! When I worked at the Willis Knighten Hospital in Shreveport Louisiana we all called it the miracle chamber. Praise Jesus and God Bless You and Everyone ...

Bryan Steen

9 months ago

I'm not even sick with cancer but have rhumitiod arthritis , I take 20 drops 3 times a day. It makes me feel better.

The body tightly regulates the PH throughout your body - especially the blood. In fact, your body produces its own sodium bicarbonate which is baking soda. If the PH of your blood drops than your body will produce sodium bicarbonate to raise the PH and quickly elements the danger of excess  Taking baking soda will raise the PH of your urine as your body eliminates the excess bicarbonate. Baking soda will  not raise the PH of your blood and organs; it will however, being alkaline dilute your stomach acid which is vital in killing off ingested bacteria, virus, and pathogens.  Sorry, but the truth is taking baking soda helps nothing and can be counter beneficial to all and especially cancer suffers. If you want to quickly raise the level of your Urine's PH just hold your breath and/or take slow deep breaths and save your money without harming your digestion.

it's all must be individually balanced because 35 % H2O2 is used to remove the mold and it is the best one

Ronbo Nick

10 months ago

H202 is GOOD stuff  .. Ive been drinking it for years... Im a cracker with light colored skin .. anyway  I had a spot of skin cancer - and so I took the H202  35%   I diluted it 50%  and took an insulin needle and shot it under the skin - 24 hours later it was GONE. and the Doc wanted $250 to cut it out .. Ha  not today Boyeee...


T Bee

11 months ago

Nice! Good that you are okay.

Hydrogen peroxide is amazing. People must remember to also use it diluted in distilled water and not any other liquid.  The 1 drop to the correct % of water (three times a day) is absolute on the 1st day on an empty stomach too. Increasing the dose day after day by an additional drop (three times a day) is to customise the body. Some can reach 25 drops a day others much less. THEN you have to go backwards... decreasing the drops per day back to one. You must know what you are doing. nausea and some sickness is normal. The body has to purge, so if you give up at this point, you are missing out. Research people. Research.

I ate some leftover chicken and started to get really bad stomach cramps that appeared to be food poisoning. I was on the brink of hauling my butt to the emergency room before I remembered I had some food grade peroxide in the fridge. I immediately put seven drops in a tall glass of water and gushed it down and the moment it hit my belly the cramps quit!

l have been using H2O2 35% food grade for almost 20 years now. I take 15 - 20 drops in 4oz of fresh squeezed OJ every morning when I wake up on an empty stomach. I haven't had a cold or the flu or anything else in over 15 years. I live in Minneapolis Minnesota and I am exposed to a lot of different things at my job and taking mas transportation to get to my job.

Hey! I absolutely love your videos! I've been on H2O2 drops for the past 9 days and my life, mood, indigestion, metabolism and energy has improved so much that I can't stop talking about it either. I found out that I'm allergic to sulphites and that's why I started drinking H2O2. I used to feel sluggish and sick all the time and now I feel absolutely AMAZING!

Started my brother on the regimen 4 years ago after a big cancer operation (Whipple procedure) . subsequent scans showed the other nodules disappearing throughout the year....the doctors said "no one survives this cancer more than a year" He is loving his life , travels and works . I'm starting right away for the big C also . The science is there and it's a shame that big pharma and the corporation of the American Cancer Society absolutely condemn this science for the sake of the almighty dollar ! Disclaimer ! Read everything you can , follow instructions to the letter . If you do this , I doubt you can hurt yourself as the elements, prepared and handled with respect have wonderful benefits . Thanks for posting your experience ! (but maybe, next time a script)

Why don’t you go to the end, 25 drops. I’m just starting, I’m up to 13 drops, I really haven’t had any outward detox symptoms. Maybe I don’t have much to clean out. I stopped eating grains and sugar a couple years ago. I haven’t noticed any great improvements to my health either. I’m hoping by the time I get to 25 drops I’ll feel a lot better, more energy. Thanks for sharing

I'm glad you're ok. I've started taking 35% food grade HP as well, my third day and my gut hurts after drinking and heart feels a bit funny. I'm starting to think if its really safe to drink bleach? I dont want to end up in hospital and seems like no professional whatsoever recommends taking it. asked a few naturopath and they are all against it. besides that book is there any evidence that its safe to take it?

Thx for the testimony, and now at 16 drops/day, people I must warn that if you skip a day or 2, back OFF a drop or 2 when resuming. I got hurl sick when resuming at the normal 1 drop a day increase. Apparently you are building a tolerance factor to get to the maximal 24 drop medicinal dosage. Puking sux!

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