Zeolit Plus

PZeolit Plus
Published on Sep 29, 2013
Zeolit za kamen u bubregu: http://www.kamenububregu.com

Zeolit Plus je prirodni CLINOPTIOLITA 98% čistoće, jedan od 48 prirodnih minerala zeolita.
Molekuli zeolita imaju rešetkastu strukturu u obliku saća sa rupama i kanalima ( kavezasti). Zeolit Plus -- clinoptilolit je jedan od retkih, prirodnih, minerala sa rešetkom negativnog naelektrisanja (ima oko 160 anjona-negativnih jona), zbog čega deluje kao magnet, koji privlači slobodne radikale, toksine i teške metale u sebe, hvatajući ih u svoju rešetkastu strukturu i trajno ih vezuje i izbacuje ih iz organizma.. Zeolit se zadržava u ljudskom tela.6-7 sati, izbacuje se preko mokrace, znoja ili izmeta.

Slobodni radikali su vrlo reaktivni nestabilni molekuli sa manjkom elektrona, zbog čega stupaju u hemijske reakcije sa delovima ćelija( proteinima ,ugljenim hidratima, lipidi i DNK) uzimaju elektrone iz njih, oštecujći zdrave ćelije.Kada organizam ne moze da se sam izbori od slobodnih radikala, to stanje se naziva oksidativni stres. U ćeliji koja je napadnuta slobodnim radikalima dolazi do različitih promena-narušavanja strukture proteina i oštećuja DNK, dolazi do njenog cepanja i smrti same celije. Poremećaji unutar ćelije dovode do nastanka raznih bolesti-tumora, bolesti srca i krvnih sudova, bolesti jetre,povecanja šećera, autoimunih bolesti. U borbi protiv slobodnih radikala najefikasnije su antioksidansi, to su molekuli koji u sebi srdrzi veliki broj negativnih jona. Zeolit Plus je najači prirodni antioksidant. Molekuli Homozela sadrzi i do 160 negativnih jona koje predaju slobodnim radikalima negativne jone i pri tom ih stabilizuju, sprečavajući oštećenja ćelija. Zbog ove osobine Zeolit plus je nezamenjiv u borbi protiv slobodnih radikala i treba ga uzimati svakodnevno. Čestice zeolita dospevaju do tankog creva gde vraća normalnu funkciju T i B limfocite jer direktno stimuliše produkciju interferona, čime jača imuni sistem organizma. Doza upotrebe, najmanje 3xdnevno po 1gr. Zeoliti su aluminijumsko-natrijumski ili kalijumski silikati. U prirodi se nalaze u vulkanskim stenama koje su nastale ulaskom užarene lave alkalnog sastava u more i dugogodisnjim procesom su se mineralizovale. U prirodi se nalazi preko 48 vrsta prirodnog zeolita. Najčistiji i najefikasniji zeolit je clinoptilolit koji se koristi za humanu upotrebu. Ovaj mineral je potpuno neškodljiv što je dokazano hemijskom i toksikološkim analizama od strane eminentnih insituta.
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Zeolit za humanu upotrebu

Jordan Kostadinov - Re-Genesis
Published on Feb 3, 2015
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Zeolit - Ing. Mirko Maksimovic u emisiji Klas

Published on Dec 16, 2013
Gostovanje Mirka Maksimovića, direktora firme Contractor doo, u vezi sa eksploatacijom zeolita na teritoriji Kruševca, na eksploatacionom polju u Jablanici.
Science & Technology
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ZEOLIT - Inženjeri firme Contractor u emisiji Klas I deo

Published on Dec 23, 2013
Inženjeri firme Contractor govore o upotrebi zeolita i o proizvodnom programu.
Science & Technology
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I-Zeolit Published on Dec 23, 2013 SUBSCRIBE 8 SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBED UNSUBSCRIBE Inženjeri firme Contractor govore o upotrebi zeolita i o proizvodnom programu. Category Science & Technology License Standard YouTube License

Miroslav Todorovic
Published on Nov 15, 2013
ZEOLITI 2013 minerali budućnosti
Location:Bosna i Hercegovina-Republika Srpska-Europa
Detailed Info
Website: www.ad-boksit.com
COMPANY "Bauxite" a.d.Milići
Personal Information:
Surname(s) / First name(s)- TODOROVIC / MIROSLAV

INFORMACIJA O ZEOLITSKIM STENAMA MILIĆA 2013 prirodne ekološke stijene
Potražnja za zeolitskim mineralima danas je velika i konstantno raste. Značajna iskustva u primeni ovih minerala postoji u poljoprivredi, u rešavanju problema u zaštiti životne sredine (remedijacija zemljišta posle kontaminacije naftom, uljem, teškim metalima, itd.), biotoaleti za kućne ljubimce, itd. Najznačajniji i najrasprostranjeniji apsorbenti koji se koriste u tehnologiji prerade pijaćih i otpadnih voda su aktivni ugalj (granulisan i u vidu praha) i kvarcni pesak. Pesak, međutim, ne poseduje apsorpcionu moć kod organskih supstanci i teških metala. Sa druge strane, aktivni ugalj se koristi samo kod organskih zagađivača, a njegova široka je ograničena visokom cenom i deficitom na tržištu. Za razliku od prethodno pomenutih materijala, zeolitski minerali koriste ne samo kod prečišćavanja organskih zagađivača, koji vodi daju različite ukuse, mirise i boju, već i kod otklanjanja teških metala i radionukleida. Takođe, postoji mogućnost da se ove stene koriste u petrohemiji, kao neka vrsta katalizatora.
Zeolitski mineral analcim, posebno je značajan u aktuelnim istraživanjima kod prečišćavanja otpadnih i industrijskih voda. Istraživanja kod prečišćavanja otpadnih voda pomoću analcimskih stena do sada su bila usmerena na uklanjanje hlora, gvožđa, amonijum nitrata, fosfata, ulja, teških metala, mangana. Prečišćivači na bazi analcima su se, do sada, pokazali kao efikasna sirovina kod mnogih zagađivača, a kao rezultat ovih istraživanja dobijeni su materijali za filtere i membrane sastavljeni od anacimskih stena granulacije peska. Istraživanja kod prečišćavanja pijaćih voda su bila su usmerena na uklanjanje organskih komponenti, aluminijuma, gvožđa, kao i poboljšanje organoleptičkih osobina (zamućenost i obojenost) vode.
Druga moguća primena analcimskih stena je dobijanje aluminijuma i natrijuma. Istraživanja na ovom polju su pokazala da značajne količine aluminijuma mogu da se dobiju kiselinskim tretmanom ovog zeolitskog minerala. Naime, zeolitska (alumosilikatna) mreža omogućava da se aluminijum ekstrahuje, a da pri tome ne dođe do rušenja kristalne strukture. Na osnovu iskustava istraživanju na ovom polju, može se zaključi da su analcimske stene sa odgovarajućom pripremom (koncentracije), potencijalno dobra rudna sirovina za dobijanje aluminijuma i natrijuma.
Analcim je po hemijskom sastavu je hidratisani natrijum alumosilikat (NaAlSi2O6 H2O). U vidu izomorfnih primesa može da sadrži katjone Ca, K, Sr, Mg. Kristališe: teseralno; tetragonalno, rombično, ili monoklinično, pseudoteseralno, sa neuređenim stepenom. Prostorna grupa: Ia3d; I41/acd; Ibca; ili I2/a. Elementarna ćelija: a=13,723 - 13,733 (teseralna). Kristali su najčešće trapezoedri (211), veličine do 25 cm. Takođe, može da se javi kao zrnast, jedar, masivan, sa tipičnom koncentričnom teksturom. Bližnjenje je polisintetičko po (001) i (110). Providan do poluprovidan. Boja: bela, bezbojan, siv, roze, zelenkast, žučkast. Sjaj staklast.
Unutrašnja građa analcima ima tipičnu zeolitsku otvorenost, koja omogućava ulazak i pomeranje velikih jona i molekula po celoj mreži. Njegova struktura sadrži velike otvorene kanale koji omogućavaju molekulima vode i krupnijim jonima ulazak u strukturu. Veličinu molekula ili jona je uslovljena veličinom ovih kanala, pa prema tome analcim može da se ponaša kao hemijsko, odnosno molekularno sito. Sa aspekta visokog sadržaja Na2O i Al2O3, moguće je da se ove stene koriste za keramičku industriju i metalurgiju aluminijuma (procesima PMS moguće je odstraniti gvožđe, i dobiti odgovarajuće koncentrate).
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Zeolit - Sirovi zivot 68

Published on Apr 16, 2015
Zeolit , detoksikacija, zdravlje, Zeo-lex, Royal Detox Research
Science & Technology
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Zeolit Gostovanje Subota 1 deo

Published on May 10, 2016
People & Blogs
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Zeolit Gostovanje Subota 2 deo

Published on May 10, 2016
People & Blogs
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Zeolit Gostovanje Subota 3 deo

Published on May 10, 2016
People & Blogs
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Zeolit Gostovanje Subota 4 deo

Published on May 10, 2016
People & Blogs
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What Is Zeolite and How Can It Help the Detoxification Process?

Published on Sep 21, 2014
Pure clinoptilolite zeolite concentrate is a powder or liquid dietary supplement used in small quantities to help safely detox the body of heavy metals and various other toxic substances.

It can be a deeply purifying dietary adjunct for periodic bi-yearly cleansing or juice fasting protocols and is also notably specific for also removing environment and chemical pollutants that we all take in on some level.

Recommended Zeolite Suppliers:

SomaVital, Clinoptilolite Zeolite Powder - https://amzn.to/2yEHTGl
Pinnacle of Wellness, Pure Clinoptilolite Zeolite Powder, 90caps - https://amzn.to/2xKaz2G
Heiltropfen, Zeolite Clinoptilolite Powder, Activated, 1lb - https://amzn.to/2kI7SVA
Touchstone Essentials, Purified Zeolite Activated, 2oz - https://amzn.to/2kIh78m
Waiora, Zeolite Solution NCD2, 15ml, 3-pack - https://amzn.to/2jjCDnA
Waiora, Zeolite Solution NCD2, 15ml - https://amzn.to/2jsrKv6
Pinnacle of Wellness, Pure Clinoptilolite Zeolite Powder, 150g - https://amzn.to/2hD7BlD
ZeoHealth, Pure Zeolite Powder, 400g - https://amzn.to/2irVuYW

Zeolite Page: goo.gl/XPA4w8

Additional Sourced Info:

Modified natural clinoptilolite detoxifies small mammal's organism loaded with lead I. Lead disposition and kinetic model for lead bioaccumulation: http://1.usa.gov/1p01wuB
Dietary supplementation with the tribomechanically activated zeolite clinoptilolite in immunodeficiency: effects on the immune system: http://1.usa.gov/1trLiPl
The removal of heavy metal cations by natural zeolites: http://bit.ly/1pQkicL
Antiviral properties of clinoptilolite: http://bit.ly/1s1lxo0
New York Times article: Levels of Radioactive Materials Rise Near Japanese Plant: http://nyti.ms/XQBd4m

All information is for educational purposes only and is the personal view of the author; not intended as medical advice,
diagnosis or prescription. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
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Zeolite warning issued over high lead and aluminum levels

Published on Oct 30, 2015
If you are consuming 15g of zeolite per day, you may add 270mg of lead to your diet each year.

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Barry Cohen
1 year ago
Your information on zeolite is totally wrong my friend! Zeolite safely
removes toxic metals from the body and any trace heavy metals attached
to the zeolite are bound into the zeolite to be carried all the way out
of the body with the heavy metals in the body. Before and after blood
work proves this fact! You used NITRIC acid to totally dissolve the zeolite and everything in it, not gastric acid that cannot dissolve the zeolite and bound heavy metals to prove the fact that zeolite works great to remove toxic heavy metals from the body!
2 years ago
Hi Mike, no doubt that there are heavy metals in the chemical structure of Zeolites but they are not absorbed into our bodies. We cannot digest Zeolites. I did unpoison myself using Zeolites and Calcium Bentonite Clay. I will continue to detox heavy metals using these 2 clay's. I trust your lab results. What do you think about Calcium Bentonite Clay and the metals in those products? These clay's do pull metals and bad parasites to them... they leave our body by urinate and bowl movements.
2 years ago
This is really important news for all zeolite users. I bought Micronized Zeolites a year ago and used it for a week or maybe even two after which I threw it to garbage since I felt like being poisoned. I reasoned that micronizing this type of element may indeed break it down and cause problems by releasing the toxic substances in an absorbable form.

Gary Lindsey
1 year ago
Aluminum,silica and oxygen.Capable of PB retention.Yes do not eat it.
I have absolute undeniable proof that zeolite is 100% safe, it honestly saved my life... In 2012 I was working in a hydroponics shop and part of the job description was disposing of old light bulbs(metal halide, high pressure sodium, fluorescent). The constant handling and breathing in of the dust inside fluorescent tubes started giving me health problems; rashes, memory issues, loss of balance, extreme fatigue and weakness in my extremeties. I had my blood tested and not only was my mercury levels high, so was my aluminum. The aluminum was measured at 110 mcg/L and the mercury was 83 mcg/L. After researching natural ways to detox I found zeolite. Within 6 weeks my aluminum levels dropped to 24 mcg/L and the mercury levels dropped to 16 mcg/L. ALL of my symptoms faded and I got this sense of mental clarity, energy and stamina I haven't felt since I was 10! Don't tell me it doesn't work, I'm living proof it DOES!
2 years ago
Thank you Adam for your work and sharing with the public! I honestly was very puzzled why our recent blood works (myself and my teen kid) showed very high aluminium. I was cracking my head on this and couldn't find an answer, as we are health-conscious and eat mostly organic foods... but yes, we have been taking Zeolite (liquid form) everyday for the past 2 years. So - THIS seems most likely to me now the reason why we have so much darn aluminium in our blood :((

Why Zeolite is the Most Effective Detox with Detoxification Expert

Dr. Nick Zyrowski
Published on Sep 25, 2017
Detoxification has never been more important. Since World War II, approximately 80,000 new commercial synthetic chemicals have been released into the environment. In 1974, the World Health Organization stated that 84% of chronic degenerative diseases are caused by environmental toxins. Clearly – we are living in an age when detoxification isn't an option but a necessity.

In this episode, you're going to learn exactly what "toxicity" is, what you can do about it, and the most effective form of detoxification you probably have never heard of.

You see, if we have an effective means of removing the cause of chronic disease (toxins), then people can experience true health, without the symptomology often associated with aging. The most effective means to date is found in a naturally occurring mineral. Zeolites are a class of minerals formed from different chemical processes from volcanic eruptions and are nature's way to clean the environment. Acting like a magnet, these negatively charged zeolites bind to heavy metals and other positively charged toxins in the environment.

Clayton Thomas, environmental toxicology and detoxification expert, joins Dr. Zyrowski on this episode of Excel Radio to discuss the most effective way to safely, naturally, and gently detoxify the body, using a water-soluble zeolite solution called Vitality Detox Drops.

The creators of the Vitality Detox Drops have harnessed this naturally occurring mineral and have made it water soluble, meaning it is now an effective way to bind to these toxins within the human body. The water-soluble fragments found in Vitality Detox Drops are over a million times smaller than other zeolite formulas. They have the powerful capability to permeate cellular membranes to aid in cellular detoxification. There is even evidence that the negatively charged solution is crossing the blood-brain barrier, allowing it to bind to toxins and escort them away from the brain and out of the body. The true magic of zeolite detoxification is that it is passive in nature, so it does not cause stress to your detox organs (liver and kidney). Vitality Detox Drops binds to heavy metals, molds, glyphosate, Asian orange, Lyme spirochetes, fluoride, chlorine, and more environmental toxins to enhance health.

In this episode:
• The reason miscarriage rates are so high and why there are so many neurological issues with our children today.
• The difference between different types of detoxes, including zeolite detoxification, food baths, liver cleanses, colon cleanse, chelation and more.
• How to use zeolite solutions to get a gentle and deep cellular detox.
• Who needs to be detoxing and how long should you detox for
• How weight loss can cause toxic overload
• What to do to get over your weight loss plateau
• Most effective way to bind toxins while they are in your body
• How to safely detox heavy metals, biotoxins, Lyme and environmental toxins

Get you Vitality Detox Drops here: https://store.nuvisionhealthcenter.co...

Check out Dr. Nick's new vlog here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Follow Dr. Zyrowski's blog at www.nuvisionexcel.com
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Detox Heavy Metals With Zeolite - Life Enthusiast - Alternative Health

Detox Heavy Metals With Zeolite - Life Enthusiast - Alternative Health
Life Enthusiast
Published on Mar 9, 2014

Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss the detoxing abilities of Zeolite. Why was Zeolite used industrially to clean up Chernobyl? Can it help remove excess Mercury, Aluminum, and other toxic metals? Discover the answers in today's Health Hangout.

Zeolite, Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid supplements - powerful internal cleansing agents, designed to remove toxins we absorb from the industrial environment around us. Easy for your body to absorb, binding to harmful heavy metals and removing them from your system. Without additives or chemical reagents and with no taste or smell.

Detoxify your system of all electro-positive pollutants, including toxic heavy metals, mercury, pesticides, herbicides, volatile organic compounds, radioactive elements and others without removing beneficial minerals.

Balance your pH and support your immune system. This process helps support your immune system and defend against a broad range of bacterial infections, chronic conditions and viruses.
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The Truth about Zeolite! www.zeocleanse.com

Published on Feb 4, 2009
Order at www.zeocleanse.com
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Dr Garry Gordon discusses Zeolite (ZeoGold™)

Published on Nov 9, 2011
Dr. Gordon is considered to be the Father of Chelation Therapy and carries the banner for "alternative medicine" in the United States. He is a member of many of the leading professional medical bodies, a medical researcher, consultant and a legal expert providing defense for alternative medical practices. Here he discusses his formulation Zeolite http://www.antiaging-systems.com/142-...
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Clayton Thomas - Zeolite Detox

New Earth Project
Published on Aug 20, 2016
Heal YourSelf
Zeolite Detox with Clayton Thomas
Host Danielle Brooks talks cellular detoxification with expert Clayton Thomas and his patented form of liquid (hydrolized) Zeolite with breakthrough chelation properties.
More info at Vitality Detox Drops website [https://vitalitydetoxdrops.com/newearth], healing, enviromental pollutants, cellular cleansing
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Zeolite Clinoptilolite Detoxify Heavy Metals and Pollutants~ Pineal Decalcify~ Activator~

#Peace, Love, Positive Vibrations
Published on Feb 28, 2015
Detoxifying Clinoptilolite~ Support Liver and Kidney Health~The liver and kidneys are the body’s two primary detoxification organs. They are responsible for filtering out the toxins~ Zeolites can help lessen the burden of detoxification on these organs, thereby supporting their healthy function.2. Improve Digestive Function Scientists have found that zeolites may relieve diarrhea and possibly enhance the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract. Zeolites may also aid in normalizing bowel movements, acid reflux, leaky gut and other intestinal disorders. 3. Relief from Allergies Because many allergies stem from toxins and other foreign agents in the body, zeolites can lesson the risk or severity of allergies by trapping such foreign agents. 4. Detoxification Due to its molecular structure, zeolite minerals are capable of selectively attracting and binding toxic particles, whether they are heavy metals, radioactive particles, viruses, or other dangerous substances, and safely removing them. By removing toxins from the system, zeolites can help the body to defend itself while also increasing strength, endurance, and stamina.5. Antioxidant Function Oxidative stress can be increased when we are exposed to pollution or chronic infections. This leads to the generation of free radicals. Free radicals are toxins too, only they are generated inside the body instead of coming from environmental sources. If they are not neutralized, free radicals attack and damage healthy cells and their DNA, causing premature aging, immune dysfunction, and a myriad of dysfunctions and diseases. Zeolites can act as an antioxidant, countering free radicals and helping the body defend itself against this attack.6. Antiviral Properties Because of its net negative charge, zeolites can attract and bind to positively charged viral sub-particles. These are the particles that actually join together to form a new virus. By doing this, zeolites helps to limit the proliferation of viruses which can then be safely removed from the body.7. Immune-Stimulating Effects Scientists believe that zeolites may be able to activate large groups of T-cells (the “killer” lymphocytes in the blood). In a study on patients being treated for immunodeficiency, six to eight weeks of zeolite supplementation was found to increase the blood counts of certain immune cells, enhancing the effect of the immune system.8. Strengthen Immune System Zeolites eliminate harmful substances, stop destructive attacks of free radicals, and find and bind pathogens in the circulatory system.9. Normalize Blood Sugar Glucose molecules carry a slight positive charge and as such have the capability of attaching themselves to the outside of a negatively charged zeolite particle. Through this passive mechanism, zeolites may help eliminate excess glucose and, as a result, help modulate blood sugar levels.10. Sharpen Mental Acuity Zeolites can protect the blood vessels and tissues in the brain by trapping highly reactive free radicals and eliminating them from the system.11. Protect Cardiovascular System As free radicals travel through the blood, they set the stage for heart, vascular, myocardial and cerebrovascular disease. Zeolites may help to trap free radicals along with environmental toxins, thereby preventing or limiting further damage. 12. Protect MembranesZeolites, in conjunction with the antioxidant network, protect vital cell membranes from degradation and weakening by the effects of toxic substances.13. Capture and Eliminate Toxins~ Zeolites’ cavities are negatively charged compounds that attract and capture toxins and other harmful substances like free radicals in order to eliminate them. The elimination of these toxins allows the body’s cells to stay functional and repair themselves when damaged.14. Help Eliminate Heavy Metals~Heavy metals from environmental pollutants can accumulate in our body’s organs and tissues. The most dangerous metals are lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic. They strain the ability of the liver to metabolize compounds for use in the body and eliminate toxic compounds. Zeolites can attract these compounds and eliminate them from the body.15. Adaptogenic Properties~An adaptogen is something that reacts and interacts with other compounds, thereby helping the body “adapt” or normalize within its current health state. Zeolites are used by the body in a variety of ways–– adapting to the body’s needs and acting as an antioxidant, blood cleanser, cell strengthening mineral, and toxin remover See Comment for links provided, but much more research has been done, than these links. Peace and Love to you all. Join the Juice Revolution @ www.facebook.com/juicerelovution Essential Oil Healing @ www.facebook.com/eohealing. My videos are not intended to treat or diagnose, and none of the information shared is to be of medical advice. Please seek advice of a Doctor of natural medicine, before learning to get healthy through natural means.
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90-Day Case Study of Heavy Metal Detoxification in a Human Subject with Clinoptilolite Zeolite

AutismOne Media
Published on May 27, 2016
Heavy metal toxicity is known to be damaging on many levels as well as being extremely difficult to remove. Mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, and others stand out in this regard. These toxins also share the common trait of carrying a strong positive ionic charge. Clinoptilolite zeolite, which carries a negative ionic charge, effectively uses cationic exchange to neutralize these toxins. Although animal studies are extensive, there were no human studies over an extended period of time that recorded how clinoptilolite zeolite can accelerate the removal of heavy metals from the body. This presentation will focus on the unique features of the zeolite in Advanced TRS, the results of the case study, and one family’s experience.
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Reversing Aging with Advanced Detoxification, Exercise, Zeolite, and Autophagy with Dr. Garry Gordon

Published on Mar 23, 2012
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Zeolites - what's REAL vs. BOGUS? Explosive interview

Published on Nov 3, 2015
The Natural News science lab director interviews Clayton Thomas on zeolites.
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