Also please watch "YouTube Playlist" - Who and what are Catholics, Jesuists? Sve je u pozadini, u tami, a za razumeti zahteva edukaciju u kulturi dijaloga....
Ko i sta su Katolici, i Jezuiti - stay in vladamd playlist - to view additional 80 videos.... Sve je u pozadini, u tami, a za razumeti zahteva edukaciju u kulturi dijaloga....
Nebeski Jerusalim
Published on Feb 2, 2014
Jezuti su armija rimokatoličke crkve. Osnovani su u 17. veku od strane sataniste Ignjacija Lojole, a rimska crkva ih je prihvatila u svoje redove kada je čula njihov plan da svim sredstvima treba sačuvati svetski autoritet pape i odbraniti crkvu od jeretika. Od tada, nazivaju se armijom rimske crkve koja je izvršila najmonstruoznije zločine u istoriji, izazvala dva svetska rata i preuzela kontrolu nad skoro svim vladama i državama u svetu, koje su prisiljene da se pokoravaju papi i rimskoj crkvi. Konačno, 2013. godine, jezuiti su po prvi put u istoriji doveli na čelo crkve svog čoveka - papu Franja I. Pred čovečanstvom je najtamniji period u istoriji, period najvećeg progona i zlostavljanja onih koje rimska crkva označi jereticima.
- Nedim Lokvancic
2 years ago
a da su svi jevreji.krscani i muslimani pravi vjernici skontali bi da se trebamo udruziti protiv zla koje nas iz sjene vreba dok se mi izmedzu sebe svadzamo...ali nismo pravi vjernici...lupamo se u prsa i ponosimo svojim vjerama a upravo smo dopustili tom zlu da vlada nad nama...ljudi se svadzaju oko vjera a ni sami nisu vjernici...kad bi ljudi bili istinski vjernici nebi se ni svadzali...e to je problem braco moja...a ako je istina o papi i vatikanu ovo nisu krivi katolici i hrvati za zlo se uvuklo u svaku religiju to mu je cilj...dzavo nam je neprijatelj od postanka pa do kraja...pravi katolik nikad nece ubit pravoslavca i muslimana i obratno ako je pravi vjernik...razmislite vidite sta rade sa islama...muslimanima se plasira da im to rade jevreji i krscani...krscanima i jevrejima se predstavlja da su muslimani teroristi...a ustvari to nam predstavljaju ljudi koji nemaju veze ni sa jednom vjerom naprotiv to su oni koji zele da uniste vjerovanje tako sto cemo mrziti jedni druge dok oni ostvaruju svoje planove tj planove sotone...oni vrijedno rade za sotonu a mi treba da se zapotamo sta smo mi za boga i mi pocinjemo raditi za sotonu ako nastavimo da se mrzimo....razmislite malo braco i sestre nemojte vrijedzati jedni druge...nevalja to razmislite
4 years ago
Ko je stvorio Islam?
Ko je stvorio komunizam?
Ko je pokrenuo Španski građanski rat?
Ko je pisac "Protokola Sionskih mudraca"?
Ko je pravi autor Hitlerove knjige "Moja borba"?
Ko je isplanirao i dogovorio sa muslimanima okupaciju Vizantijskog carstva, i kasnije samo Pravoslavnog dela Balkana?
Ko je isplanirao i sproveo Prvi i Drugi svetski rat?
Odgovor je: Vatikan.
A Vatikan su Jezuiti.
3 years ago
Ovo je jako opasan video,mi svi znamo ko je i sta je katolička crkva i Vatikan,ništa novo što ne znamo,ali je ovde perfidno i opasno kroz to tobože da nas upozore na njih, stvara se obmana,zbunjuju vernici i vrši se velika hula na Hrista i hrišćanstvo,ako neko huli na krst časni i na majku Bogorodicu,Bože nas sačuvaj,ja sam lično prekinuo ovo da gledam do kraja,Isus nas je upozorio da će “lažni Hristosi i lažni proroci” doći i da će pokušati da obmanu čak i Božije izabrane (Matej 24:23-27; vidi isto Drugu Petrovu 3:3 i Judu 17-18). Najbolja zaštita protiv lažnih doktrina i lažnih učitelja je - da znamo istinu.
- Djordje Popov
3 years ago
- Stella M
3 months ago (edited)
Ne bojim se ja jer i Rimsko carstvo je propalo na vrhuncu moći! Tako će naš nebeski Tvorac i kralj nad svim vojskama uništiti i ovo zlo! Mi samo treba da sačuvamo svoje duše...A to bez žrtve neće moći za one koji su čvrsti u svojoj veri...Psalm 59..Izbavi me od dušmana mojih ,zakloni me od neprijatelja mojih.Izbavi me od zločinaca,čuvaj me od krvopija...I lepo je rekao naš patrijarh Pavle ako je Bog uz tebe ,čega se bojiš? Ako nije čemu se nadaš?
- Zivorad Pavlovic
4 years ago
I ne kaze se “Kuran“ ,nego Sveto Pismo,ako ti je vec stalo do toga da postujes ono sto je tvoje,a to je bosanski jezik. A kao drugo,video sam ja kako je u Islamu predstavljen Dzenet (Raj). U Islamu je Raj predstavljen kao mesto gde ce muskarci bez prestanka moci da uzivaju u seksualnim orgijama sa lepim mladim devicama. I to BEZ PRESTANKA. A devojke se nece zaliti,a niti ce se muskarci zaliti,jer ce uzivanje u seksualnim orgijama biti bez prestanka. STA RECI O TOME???? Kad sam to jednog muslimana pitao,on mi kaze da je to sasvim normalno sto je Raj tako predstavljen,jer to svi tako vole. Na to se svodi sav taj kontekst. Meni to vise lici na JAVNU KUĆU!!!
- yogamaya
1 month ago
Kada će Vatikan konačno priznati svoju mračnu prošlost?
Usprkos masovnog protesta preživjelih holokausta papa Joseph Ratzinger je 5. lipnja 2011 u Zagrebu molio na grobu fašističkog-kolaboracionista kardinala Alojzija Stepinca (1898-1960). Ratzinger je doduše za vrijeme svojeg putovanja u Hrvatsku osudio fašističko-katoličku diktaturu NDH u vremenu od 1941-43.godine kao „neljudski režim“ – dok, istovremeno, ne odustaje od tvrdnje da je Stepinac bio „branitelj pravog humanizma, neustrašivi svjedok uskrslog Gospodina“, te „čovjek uzorne čovječnosti, veliki pastir i kršćanin koji se nije bavio politikom.“
„To nije samo izrugivanje istinskog kršćanstva, koji se, kao što je poznato, temelji na nenasilju“, kaže Matthias Holzbauer, glasnogovornik crkveno-kritičke organizacije Freie Bürger für demokratische Werte (Slobodni kršćani za demokratske vrijednosti) nego je to također „drska povijesna – laž.“
Stepinac je, dokazano, kao hrvatski primas i vojni biskup već od samog početka sudjelovao u izgradnji fašističko – ustaških paravojnih jedinica brutalnog, masovnog i ubilačkog režima s Hitlerovim blagoslovom.
U svojem pastirskom pismu s konca travnja 1941. Stepinac zahtjeva od vjernika poslušnost i potporu „novoj državi, jer ona zastupa svetu Crkvu“ te traži poslušnost fašistikčom poglavniku i masovnom ubojici Anti Paveliću kao i molitvu „za Pavelićevo veliko djelo, u kojem je prepoznatljiva božja ruka“.
Ako sada Ratzinger, nastavlja Holzbauer, tvrdi da je Stepinac „branio i štitio Srbe, Židove, Sinte i Rome protiv režima“, onda on baca javnosti pijesak u oči i gradi jedan katolički povijesni – falsifikat.
„Ako je i bilo nekih internih kritika protiv režima (u što se sumnja), od tih istih kritika, u svakom slučaju, stotine tisuća žrtava nemaju niti su imale ništa. Jer o tome nitko nije ništa doznao – bilo iz kojeg pastirskog pisma, propovijedi sa propovjedaonice, ili bilo kojeg isključenja masovnih ubojica iz crkve, kao niti od ijedne ekskumunikacije mnogobrojnih mučitelja i ubojica iz vlastitih katoličkih svećeničkih i franjevačkih redova – ništa od toga se nije dogodilo!“ Naprotiv, još 1943.godine Stepinac izričito zahvaljuje franjevcima za „zasluge“ kod „prekrštavanja“ pravoslavnih Srba – onih prekrštavanja koja su ponajčešće završavala s bestijalnim masovnim ubistvima, nad kojima su se djelomično zgražali i sami talijanski i njemački fašisti.
„Ratzingerov očajnički pokušaj da sa Stepinca skine ljagu“ nastavlja Holzbauer, u stvari je „prikrivanje njegova predhodnika – Pia XII (1876-1958), čije proglašenje svetim već godinama priprema.“
Nije tajna da su za vrijeme NDH u Vatikanu, svi bili upoznati do u najmanje detalje s bestijalnim masovnim klanjem u katoličkoj Hrvatskoj. No, usprkos toga, papa Eugenio Pacelli je ipak u više navrata primao masovnog ubojicu Pavelića u audijencije, te ga nazivao „praktičnim katolikom“ i pri odlasku ga blagoslovio „s najboljim željama u daljnjem radu.“
„Kada će Vatikan konačno priznati svoju mračnu prošlost?“, pita se glasnogovornik – Freie Bürger für demokratische Werte (Slobodni kršćani za demokratske vrijednosti) za koje je također „veliki skandal, da njemačka vlada planira u rujnu, jednom čovjeku, koji iskazuje čast zaštitniku masovnog ubojice tadašnje fašističke Hrvatske, dozvoliti govoriti u njemačkom Bundestagu.
Reports of worldwide sexual abuse by priests have rocked Roman Catholic Church
VOA News - FEBRUARY 25, 2019
Pope Francis has compared the sexual abuse of children to human sacrifice.
“I am reminded of the cruel religious practice, once widespread in certain cultures, of sacrificing human beings – frequently children – in pagan rites,” Francis said Sunday.
He was speaking at the close of the summit of the church’s top bishops and leaders, called to design a plan on how to deal with the predatory priests who have sexually abused children and adults for decades.
AFP, the French news agency, reports that the bishops were given a “roadmap” on how to stop the predatory priests that included “drawing up mandatory codes of conduct for priests, training people to spot abuse, and informing police.”
Mark Coleridge, president of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference warned the gathered Catholic clergy and leaders that “We do not have forever, and we dare not fail” as they go back to their dioceses and navigate dealing with reports of abuse.
“We have shown too little mercy,” Coleridge warned, “and therefore we will receive the same.”
Worldwide sexual abuse by priests
The reports of worldwide sexual abuse by priests have rocked the Roman Catholic Church.
“We will do all in our power to make sure that the horrors of the past are not repeated,” Coleridge said.
On Saturday, German Cardinal Reinhard Marx, in an extraordinary admission, said that “files that could have documented the terrible deeds and named those responsible were destroyed, or not even created.”
Sister Veronica Openibo, a Nigerian nun, addressed the group Saturday: “We must acknowledge that our mediocrity, hypocrisy and complacency have brought us to this disgraceful and scandalous place we find ourselves as a Church. We pause to pray, Lord have mercy on us.”
She told the summit; “Too often we want to keep silent until the storm has passed. This storm will not pass by. Our credibility is at stake.”
Just as Roman
Catholic Emperor Adolph Hitler hated blacks, the Vatican controlled Islamic people hate blacks because THEIR KORAN SAYS THIS...
“In the great and final day of redemption, only
white faces will be saved, and all blackened faces will be condemned. -3rd Sur 105,160
On this page you will find both documented as well as video evidence that confirms the truth students of prophecy have been declaring for decades. The Roman Catholic Popes wrote the Koran many hundreds of years ago so as to indoctrinate (brainwash) the modern day Islamic people into doing their bidding when it comes to killing Christians in the exact same manner they did with the Civil Authorities during the Inquisitions as well as the Holocaust upon the Jews wherein they used Roman Catholic Emperor Adolph Hitler to kill millions of innocent people. Their only crime being they were not Catholic.
poGm VIDEO: Muslims Worship Mary?!
In this video I share a picture that was taken off a sign in Australia that was erected outside
a Mosque. The evidence that the Roman Catholic church is not only the author of the Islamic Koran, we now see the Muslims openly worshiping Mary just as the Catholics have been taught to do for centuries. The fruits of both religions are the same now! (Click here to watch on YouTube - Click here to watch on
Koran written before Mohammed was born
Mary Worship
The Pope and Islam
The Pope wrote
the Koran
The Salute
of Rome
VIDEO: More Historic Proof Popes Created Islam!
I was sent an article that at first glance I didn't see much importance to it. Still,
the headline did spark my curiosity and so I opened the article to read it. As articles go, it wasn't noteworthy and I was all but ready to delete it and open the next article up until I saw the picture in the article of a Muslim Sultan from 1565. You
have GOT to see this picture!
Islam expert: Did Quran
come before Muhammad?
"An expert on Islam is warning that the whole premise of Islam, the idea
that Muhammad got the Quran from Allah, recited it, then it was written down – all of that might be based on a faulty assumption. ...In fact, Robert Spencer, whose Jihad Watch website provides an authoritative source for the impact of Islam, says it’s possible “some other individual or group used texts that were already in existence
and shaped them to fit their own political and theological agenda.” ...Spencer cites a recent report in the Daily Mail, which described how several pages were carbon-dated by experts at Oxford, who found not only were some of the pages likely from the oldest Quran in the world, they
possibly were created between 568 AD and 645 AD. The dates given for Muhammad’s life often are 570 AD to 632 AD, meaning the fragment could have been in print (hand-written on parchment) two years before Islam’s founder was born."
Is this not exactly what this ministry (and others) have been saying for decades? In fact, on my Pope and Islam page I have had many historic facts listed for years now that confirm the Roman Catholic church invented and now controls the faith of Islam. I also have a PDF file linked out on my "Pope wrote the Koran" page that has information laid out long ago by an ex-Jesuit named Alberto Rivera who was killed by the Vatican for his research on this that there is undeniable evidence proving the Roman Catholic church wrote the Quran! I even have a video on that same page wherein an ex-Muslim explains why he left Islam and that his decision was based on all the "so called" Christian facts he found in the Quran. Only problem was, he wasn't actually describing Bible Christianity at all. As I illustrated in that video he was actually describing Roman Catholicism.
In exJesuit Rivera's findings is not only evidence proving the Quran was written first by Vatican prelates to have the political and religious control needed to eventually bring Roman rule back to the world in the far distant future. One can see now why many young girls were approached by Vatican prelates dressed as Muslim leaders acting as prophets declaring to those (50 or so) young girls they would get pregnant and have a baby with a birthmark and that birthmark would confirm him as the so called prophesied prophet of Islam. Running on the odds that at least one girl would give birth to a boy with a birthmark was high; so. they waited and wallah, the prophet of Allah was born.
Yes, they knew this resurrection of Rome's global rule agenda would take many generations to be realized. But since the Vatican is run by devil worshipers, they were no doubt given the promise of eternal life in hell to rule with Satan as all other satanists have been promised, and since sin is so enticing to them, they did like any Satanist would do and ran with it in the hopes of reveling in sin for all eternity.
In short..
If this was a baseball game, it appears obvious that the Vatican would have just struck out!
"Question 13: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female slave who has not reached puberty? It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn’t reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse. --Still don't believe the Vatican wrote the Koran? Not only do we have an ex-Jesuit priest admitting they did this, and an exMuslim citing Roman Catholic Dogma is found in the Koran, what about the fact that both Roman Catholic priests and Muslim clerics think it's perfectly acceptable to molest little children? If it quacks like a duck we're supposed to believe it's a buffalo? Really?
Catholicism vs Islam
(NOTE: Links will be added as research continues But ALL statements listed above are 100% accurate already)
ChristiswatchingGODANONan hour ago
Well, Rome is still the Roman Empire, they just claimed to follow Immanuel and took over Christianity in a very clever ploy to control the word of GOD. The Roman Empire ruled the world but they could not overcome the LAW and RULE of GOD. The only ploy they had was to infiltrate from within. They created the Roman Catholic church and changed the title of Ceasar to Pope. Do you feel like a moron yet? Yes, the Roman church is Luciferian Freemasonry, Mythraism. The Catholic trinity is IHS which is Isis/Horus/Set, also known as Semiramis (the whore of Babylon), Nimrod (the rebel against GOD), and the bastard child Tammuz (the fake Christ of the Roman Empire). If you only knew and understood what is going on right under your noses.................
Audiovisual encyclical - "own it all - it is the church's birthright"! Channeling the thinking of masses in one particular way....All the news channels world wide cover the same topic in the same direction (same content, same view point...generating the same emotions....interesting food for thought!!!!! - about 1:00:16 min.
Published on Jul 5, 2016
Come and discuss this on my blog at
Mirrored from Sage Of Quay Radio:
After watching this show I had to share it with you guys, this information is so important and these guys explained it so well. A lot of great information was crammed in to this 90 minute show so perfectly.
A plus point, is that both speakers are Flat Earthers ;)
Jamie is a former investment banker and the man behind the popular website and YouTube channel called Aplanetruth. He is an alternative researcher exposing the dark agendas that many in the truth community won’t touch.
Bruce is the person behind the website The Modern Gnostic and spent 20 years in the insurance and financial industry with a fortune 100 company and after personally experiencing the financial crash of 2008 decided to dive deep into rabbit hole and unravel the sinister agenda undermining humanity.
In this show Jamie and Bruce will talk to us about the Jesuits, who they are along with helping us understand the staggering level of power and control they possess and how that influence is used to bring about their world order of total domination over humankind.
* Jamie's Sites:
* Bruce's Sites:
Sage of Quay Blog:
The views and opinions expressed by any guest featured on The Sage of Quay Radio Hour are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the host Mike Williams or of the The Sage of Quay Radio Hour as a whole.
All content provided on The Sage of Quay Radio Hour is for informational purposes only. We make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information discussed or presented during the show or found by following any link mentioned in the broadcast or in the show notes.
All Sage of Quay Radio Hour shows and interviews are copyrighted. No portion of this presentation or any Sage of Quay Radio Hour show may be used, reproduced, altered or uploaded in part or whole without the expressed written consent of Mike Williams.
Any and all images used in this video or any other Sage of Quay Radio Hour presentation are considered to be in the public domain, free to use, royalty free material we have licensed or in compliance with the Fair Use Clause contained within the Copyright Act (17 US Code § 107). If by chance this is not the case and you are the rightful owner please contact us at
The song 'Truth' and 'We Are One' is from Mike's album Leaving Dystopia
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"We Are One" by Mike Williams Listen ad-free with YouTube Red
Published on Dec 5, 2016
"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot"
President John F. Kennedy
The Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, with their Sun Worship logo, operate in the highest echelons of the Jesuit Illuminati, or rather their leaders do. It is the Jesuit leadership that controls the Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus in the USA, and works closely with another secret order of the Roman Church, Opus Dei, which was created by the Jesuits.
The Society of Jesus was the creation of Ignatius Loyola, who was born at the Castle of Loyola in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa in Spain on Christmas Eve 1491. He and a group of associates founded the Jesuit Order in 1537 and it was given papal approval in 1540.
From there it expanded its influence until it reached its present status as one of the most powerful secret societies on earth. Loyola became the first Jesuit Superior General, also know as the 'Father General', and he sent his agents far and wide to set up schools, colleges, and seminaries.
The Jesuits now have some 17,000 members in 112 countries and the worldwide structure consists of region known as assistances, which are themselves made up of provinces.
The Superior General has absolute authority and is again chosen for life, or until he decides to resign. The Jesuit Constitutions were written by Loyola and created a dictatorship that demanded absolute obedience to the Pope and 'superiors' with the Order.
He said that Jesuits should be 'well-disciplined like a corpse'. Loyola produced a book call Spiritual Exercises(modern day psychology) in 1548 and it is still at the heart of Jesuit 'education'. It tells Jesuits to suspend their own judgement and the thirteenth rule says it is virtue to believe only what the Catholic Church tells them even if it's not true.
The example is given of seeing something that is obviously white, but believing it is really black if the Catholic hierarchy says it is..
On top of the Jesuit powerstructure stands the superior-general of the order.
Below him is probably the ex superior-general who is still alive.
Under him are the four assistants of the superior-general and three of these assistants are also regional assistants.
Below these assistants there are seven regional assistants and in total there are ten assistancies.
Below him there are six presidents of the Conferences.
And the list goes on and on. 1:40:55 min at :
Published on Sep 5, 2015
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Published on Sep 10, 2016
Chapter 2 of 'Behind the Dictators'
A Factual Analysis of the Relationship of Nazi-Fascism and Roman Catholicism
Leo Herbert Lehman was a roman catholic priest who converted to biblical christianity later in his life.
He lived from 1895-1950…
Although only available in english, I urge my german brethren who understand english to follow this book discussion to learn about the 3rd Reich everything that nobody in any school/university will ever tell you. You will have a new look on 'politics' and will not be caught in the deception of the left-right paradigme.
PDF link to the book (out of print):
Playlist 'Behind the Dictators'
Playlist ‘Rulers Of Evil’:
Playlist "Babylon Mystery Religion":
Almost forbidden books (PDF library!)
Playlist ‘The Global Vatican’
Playlist ‘Inquisition Update’ on YT channel joggler66 where all readings of ‘Romanism and the Reformation’ can be found:
Playlist 'Rome and Civil Liberty'
Ian Paisley (RIP) Teaches on the Jesuit Order
Nothing ButThe Truth- The externalization of the Hierarchy part 1
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Uploaded on Nov 27, 2011
Former Catholic Albert Rivero Ex-Jesuit Priest Exposed the Vatican's Jesuit priesthood and paid for the actions with his life.
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Published on Jun 22, 2016
The people of this world; and I mean the whole need to open their eyes up to what is happening around them. This clip is helpful for those that do not know, but much research is required because the ruling powers of this world will not stop till the New World Order is established. You must learn what it is that the Jesuits and the Vatican have planned for us, and the instruments by which they mean to achieve their objective of one world government. With the aid of secret societies and groups such as the Bilderbergers, the CFR, the Freemasons and the Illuminati they will implement agenda 2030 for complete domination and control of the people. Seek the truth and you will find that there is a solution for you, without the truth you will be lost.
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"String Quartet in B Major, Op. 11: Adagio for Strings (Excerpt)" by New Zealand Symphony Orchestra & Andrew Schenck Listen ad-free with YouTube Red
Published on Dec 5, 2016
"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot"
President John F. Kennedy
The Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, with their Sun Worship logo, operate in the highest echelons of the Jesuit Illuminati, or rather their leaders do. It is the Jesuit leadership that controls the Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus in the USA, and works closely with another secret order of the Roman Church, Opus Dei, which was created by the Jesuits.
The Society of Jesus was the creation of Ignatius Loyola, who was born at the Castle of Loyola in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa in Spain on Christmas Eve 1491. He and a group of associates founded the Jesuit Order in 1537 and it was given papal approval in 1540.
From there it expanded its influence until it reached its present status as one of the most powerful secret societies on earth. Loyola became the first Jesuit Superior General, also know as the 'Father General', and he sent his agents far and wide to set up schools, colleges, and seminaries.
The Jesuits now have some 17,000 members in 112 countries and the worldwide structure consists of region known as assistances, which are themselves made up of provinces.
The Superior General has absolute authority and is again chosen for life, or until he decides to resign. The Jesuit Constitutions were written by Loyola and created a dictatorship that demanded absolute obedience to the Pope and 'superiors' with the Order.
He said that Jesuits should be 'well-disciplined like a corpse'. Loyola produced a book call Spiritual Exercises(modern day psychology) in 1548 and it is still at the heart of Jesuit 'education'. It tells Jesuits to suspend their own judgement and the thirteenth rule says it is virtue to believe only what the Catholic Church tells them even if it's not true.
The example is given of seeing something that is obviously white, but believing it is really black if the Catholic hierarchy says it is..
On top of the Jesuit powerstructure stands the superior-general of the order.
Below him is probably the ex superior-general who is still alive.
Under him are the four assistants of the superior-general and three of these assistants are also regional assistants.
Below these assistants there are seven regional assistants and in total there are ten assistancies.
Below him there are six presidents of the Conferences.
And the list goes on and on. This is probably the powerstructure in the top of the Jesuits:
Arturo Sosa Abascal
Ex superior-general:
Adolfo Nicolas
Assistant Ad Providentiam & president Conference European Provincials:
John Dardis
Assistant Ad Providentiam, Admonitor & Regional Assistant US & Canada:
Douglas Marcouiller
Assistant Ad Providentiam & Regional Assistant South-Asia:
Vernon D'Cunha Assistant
Ad Providentiam & Regional Assistant Africa:
Fratern Masawe
Regional Assistant South Asia:
Lisbert D'Souza
Regional Assistant Pacific Asia:
Daniel Patrick Huang
Regional Assistant Latin America South:
Claudio Paul
Regional Assistant Central & East-Europe:
Tomasz Kot
Regional Assistant South-Europe:
Joaquín Barrero Díaz
Regional Assistant West-Europe:
Victor Assouad
Regional Assistant South-America North:
Gabriel Ignacio Rodríguez
President Conference US & Canada Provincials:
Timothy Kesicki
President Conference South-Asia Provincials:
George Pattery
President Conference Pacific-Asia Provincials:
Mark Raper
President Conference Latin-America Provincials:
Jorge Cela
President Conference Africa & Madagascar Provincials:
Michael Lewis
Subscribe for all the Best Documentaries about the Jesuits.
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Published on Dec 13, 2016
"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot"
President John F. Kennedy
The Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, with their Sun Worship logo, operate in the highest echelons of the Jesuit Illuminati, or rather their leaders do. It is the Jesuit leadership that controls the Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus in the USA, and works closely with another secret order of the Roman Church, Opus Dei, which was created by the Jesuits.
The Society of Jesus was the creation of Ignatius Loyola, who was born at the Castle of Loyola in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa in Spain on Christmas Eve 1491. He and a group of associates founded the Jesuit Order in 1537 and it was given papal approval in 1540.
From there it expanded its influence until it reached its present status as one of the most powerful secret societies on earth. Loyola became the first Jesuit Superior General, also know as the 'Father General', and he sent his agents far and wide to set up schools, colleges, and seminaries.
The Jesuits now have some 17,000 members in 112 countries and the worldwide structure consists of region known as assistances, which are themselves made up of provinces.
The Superior General has absolute authority and is again chosen for life, or until he decides to resign. The Jesuit Constitutions were written by Loyola and created a dictatorship that demanded absolute obedience to the Pope and 'superiors' with the Order.
He said that Jesuits should be 'well-disciplined like a corpse'. Loyola produced a book call Spiritual Exercises(modern day psychology) in 1548 and it is still at the heart of Jesuit 'education'. It tells Jesuits to suspend their own judgement and the thirteenth rule says it is virtue to believe only what the Catholic Church tells them even if it's not true.
The example is given of seeing something that is obviously white, but believing it is really black if the Catholic hierarchy says it is..
On top of the Jesuit powerstructure stands the superior-general of the order.
Below him is probably the ex superior-general who is still alive.
Under him are the four assistants of the superior-general and three of these assistants are also regional assistants.
Below these assistants there are seven regional assistants and in total there are ten assistancies.
Below him there are six presidents of the Conferences.
And the list goes on and on. This is probably the powerstructure in the top of the Jesuits:
Arturo Sosa Abascal
Ex superior-general:
Adolfo Nicolas
Assistant Ad Providentiam & president Conference European Provincials:
John Dardis
Assistant Ad Providentiam, Admonitor & Regional Assistant US & Canada:
Douglas Marcouiller
Assistant Ad Providentiam & Regional Assistant South-Asia:
Vernon D'Cunha Assistant
Ad Providentiam & Regional Assistant Africa:
Fratern Masawe
Regional Assistant South Asia:
Lisbert D'Souza
Regional Assistant Pacific Asia:
Daniel Patrick Huang
Regional Assistant Latin America South:
Claudio Paul
Regional Assistant Central & East-Europe:
Tomasz Kot
Regional Assistant South-Europe:
Joaquín Barrero Díaz
Regional Assistant West-Europe:
Victor Assouad
Regional Assistant South-America North:
Gabriel Ignacio Rodríguez
President Conference US & Canada Provincials:
Timothy Kesicki
President Conference South-Asia Provincials:
George Pattery
President Conference Pacific-Asia Provincials:
Mark Raper
President Conference Latin-America Provincials:
Jorge Cela
President Conference Africa & Madagascar Provincials:
Michael Lewis
Subscribe for all the videos with the best info about the Jesuits, Knight's of Malta & papal bloodlines.
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Nebeski Jerusalim
Published on Feb 2, 2014
Jezuti su armija rimokatoličke crkve. Osnovani su u 17. veku od strane sataniste Ignjacija Lojole, a rimska crkva ih je prihvatila u svoje redove kada je čula njihov plan da svim sredstvima treba sačuvati svetski autoritet pape i odbraniti crkvu od jeretika. Od tada, nazivaju se armijom rimske crkve koja je izvršila najmonstruoznije zločine u istoriji, izazvala dva svetska rata i preuzela kontrolu nad skoro svim vladama i državama u svetu, koje su prisiljene da se pokoravaju papi i rimskoj crkvi. Konačno, 2013. godine, jezuiti su po prvi put u istoriji doveli na čelo crkve svog čoveka - papu Franja I. Pred čovečanstvom je najtamniji period u istoriji, period najvećeg progona i zlostavljanja onih koje rimska crkva označi jereticima.
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Радио Сербона Београд
Published on Feb 8, 2018 ''Профилисање'' бр.137.
Гост: новинар Милан Видојевић
Аутор и водитељ: Томислав Црногорац
Тех.подршка: DJ.Willy и Горан Станаревић
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Even though we know Rome wrote the
Koran, let's assume the Muslim people are correct and it wasn't Rome but Mohammed that wrote it. That would mean the Koran was penned by only ONE man with no authors before him or after him to substantiate anything he said or did therefore making it impossible to confirm with credible witnesses as being a book written by God. However, the Christian Bible was written by
at least 40 authors with the exact same consistent message throughout its history which was confirmed factual on each count by the men previous and trailing each author thereby
proving God inspired each of them to write it as they all agree with each other even though most of them never met each other or even lived in the same century.
So.. with that basic reality realized... which "Holy Book" should you trust?