Доктор ветеринарске медицине из Србије: Канцерогено месо препознаћете по ОВОМЕ. Одмах га вратите на полице

23. децембра 2017. у 23:47

За портал “Ало” дао је корисне савете бивши савезни ветеринарски инспектор, доктор ветеринарске медицине Мирослав Стојшић, указујући на шта треба да обратимо пажњу како бисмо знали у којим случајевима сланинице, кобасице, виршле, паштете и шницле никако не би требало да спустимо у корпу!

Да бисте и ви знали шта да купите, упамтите ове корисне савете!

Од највећег значаја је да читамо декларације. Први разлог да не купите кобасице, виршле и саламе јесте ако на декларацији стоји ознака МСМ. То значи да је месо машински сепарисано, самлевено с костима, у којима су депоновани сви антибиотици, хормони, тешки метали и остали отрови које је животиња током живота појела. Исто важи када на декларацији пронађете емулгаторе нитрите који су обележени Е249, Е250, Е251 и Е252. Штетни су зато што с аминокиселинама из меса стварају канцерогено једињење нитрозамин.

Одмах вратите на полицу кобасице, виршле, саламу и паштету ако сте на декларацији уочили полифосфате који се обележавају Е451, Е452 и Е453, јер су генотоксични или народски речено, оштећују нам гене. Посебно водите рачуна да не једете ниједан производ који садржи Е407, како се обележава карагенан. Он се лепи за зидове црева, ствара ранице које после могу да се претворе у рак дебелог црева”, упозорава Стојшић.

Како додаје, ако сте прочитали да неки од производа садржи побољшивач укуса глутаминат, то је доказ да у њему нема меса.

“Све што сам навео односи се на трајне и полутрајне сувомеснате производе. Када је месо у питању, ако купујете, на пример, свињске шницле, обратите пажњу да ли је месо прошарано жилицама масти или не. Ако јесте, те животиње и нису тако лоше храњене. Уколико нема ни грама беле масноће, а водица цури из њега, доказ је да су свиње, уз храну, добијале хормон раста и антибиотике. Спремање меса требало би да буде тако да не загори. У тој загорелој маси појављује се једињење диоксин, који је канцероген. Најбоље је кувати га, пећи завијеног у фолију у рерни или тефлону, у уљу, а може и на електричном роштиљу. Ако неко воли баш мирис дима, може да пече месо и на роштиљу на угаљ. Притом да води рачуна да се месо ставља на решетку када угаљ престане да дими и када се створи јак жар”, објашњава др Стојшић.

Он упозорава и да деци свакако не би требало давати прерађевине, нарочито не паштете и виршле. На крају, паштете уз мало труда можете направити и сами!

Др Стојшић наводи и да отворимо четворе очи када купујемо сланину:

“Виђали сте дебелу сланину која, када се пресече, има делова који изгледају као желатин или неки гел. Е то никако не једите. То значи да је у њу убризгано 30 одсто од њене тежине такозване саламуре. Она представља раствор нитритне соли у води у који су додати сојини протеини, полифосфати, карагенан, витамин Ц и шећер! Дакле, све оно што сте лупом прочитали у декларацијама на кобасицама, виршлама, салами и другим производима. Та сланина је штетна по здравље. Ако је пакована, на њеној декларацији морало би да пише шта садржи саламура, али се тога нико не придржава”, објаснио је он.





Genetic engineering and chemical agriculture, what’s in your food?



The Peril on your Plate+

Published: 23 May 2018  View: 5228




Over 190 million hectares in 28 countries around the globe are currently under cultivation using GMO crops and weed killing chemicals. GMO proponents see it as a high-tech solution to feed a growing population, others remain sceptical. 

Do GMOs yield gains? Are they safe for the environment? Do they trigger allergies and other diseases?In the quest for answers, RTD’s Ekaterina Yakovleva embarks on a journey to meet the people who lift the lid on the perils of GMOs and the chemicals used in the industry.

The investigation takes her to India, where farmers have been driven to suicide in futile attempts to grow modified seeds and the pressure of huge loans from the agrochemical companies. Ekaterina meets renowned environmentalist Vandana Shiva, who is raising awareness and storing local crop varieties, discarded by the ‘green revolution’.

In the UK, the fight against GMO means the commercial planting of genetically engineered crops is banned. However, campaigners fear GM experiments may threaten conventional crops. Glyphosate-based weed killers and other chemicals also cause concern among anti-GMO activists. The team meets Margaret, Countess of Mar, a member of the House of Lords and a former farmer, who suffered from chemical use.

A robust movement against GMO flourishes in the US, the world’s leader in the GM production. Ekaterina meets ‘Moms across America’, who beat the drum for honest product labelling.

To explore the dangers of the GMO industry, watch RTD’s ‘The Peril on Your Plate.’


Comments (22)

liam11.10 05:09

This film helps me understand the issues about GMOs

deejaysmith17.08 17:05

Why is the child's itchy eye attributed to a suspected milk allergy when there is a cat sitting right beside him on the table where all the food is. Maybe the poor kid is allergic to cat hair. This is a classic case of confirmation bias. And when she asks the server if the food is GMO free, wow, she is clearly enjoying a sense of moral superiority right at that moment, as many of these GMO obsessed people are.

KimVitaliy3724.07 23:36

да , ГМО продукты полны химии и нитратов . И это было во все времена . А сейчас ещё и морепродукты говорят полны пластика .

Ибо надо урожая надо много , короткие сельскохозяйственные сезоны , снижение себестоимости . И всё такое прочее . 

Но вокруг человека столько отравы и заразы , что иной раз умрёшь — и не знаешь от чего умер . В той же России например есть такие регионы , что лучше сто раз употреблять в пищу ГМО , чем один раз оказаться в этих краях . 

А вообще продолжительность жизни на Планете с каждым годом всё больше и больше .

Подобные фильмы конечно нужны . Но если всматриваться в лица людей этот фильм создавших , видится их интерес , их прошлая жизнь , видятся мотивы побудившие этот фильм снимать .

В России например много так называемых общественных организаций , затрагивающие разные стороны жизни современного российского общества . И балансирующие на грани добро/зло . Но сами эти люди под час ещё хуже чем то о чём рассказывают и говорят .

Лично у нас зарплаты позволяют только покупать хлеб и воду . Мы не ходит в фастфуд , рестораны . 

Но фильм познавательный ...

Kweden I'veonlyonename> alex04.07 02:51


GMO per se is not the problem, if you want to explore the bad ways in which the associated companies more...

GMO/BE can actually be EXTEEEEEMLY dangerous--luckily, it looks like the bio-engineers involved have some sense of ethics and do not release their truly deadly things from the lab. This is the big threat of Monsanto going to Germany via Bayer, such companies have many secrets in their archives that actually could wipe out all life on earth...or just one particular region.

Kweden I'veonlyonename> alex04.07 02:44


LOL. "poison being sprayed on our food" I most definitely did not dispute this, pesticide is poison for your information. more...

Actually, plants can be manipulated using gmo/be to produce pesticide; this has been happening for a very long time, which is a great threat to monarch butterflies and bees, because one of the earliest manipulations was to get corn pollen that expressed the toxin from bt in order to kill caterpillars that ate it, and very early on, the pollen spread to other plants (like milkweed in the case of monarchs) and killed them. All, "bt" modifications the plants actually produce the bt toxin, by manipulating genes from a ground bacteria that produce the toxin. The toxin of bt is extremely toxic to humans, so is the bacteria it comes from--this bacteria is a common dusting pesticide on crops that get caterpillars, even in organic farming.

Also, as I mentioned carrots can be engineered to produce salmonells poison, lettuce has been engineered to produce e-coli, and many corns have been engineered to produce many different kinds of behavior modification drugs (for medical purposes and to be mixed into feed because gmo feed is a known cause for animal stress and behavior issues), they have also gmo-ed high ethanol corn that is toxic to humans because it is fuel. They have also made one that is known as "STAR-GEN" which poisoned people who ate it, killed animals, and spread into all the world's corn stocks.

Oh yeah, also Bermuda grass and sorghum can be manipulated to produce cyanide that kills animals and humans when crushed--however--this is also a natural trait of those two grasses during drought and freezing.

Kweden I'veonlyonename> alex04.07 02:26


Dude, all crops are genetically modified. Just most through selective breading which is a unnecessarily slow tool to accomplish the more...

Most common people use gmo to mean the kind that is done in a laboratory thru direct genetic material manipulation injecting into the nucleus, usually using a virus and a bacteria cis-gen, which then becomes a plant or bacteria with 3 different species in it (et al methods, now becoming designated as BE for bio engineered. However, that term currently also includes plants that are tested for their genes then bred and isolated for the desired traits; this is the good kind of bio-tech--where gene technology is used to identify the genes that cause the desired effects, but no direct manipulation of the genes is done in the "breeding". Breeding, is quite different from GMO/BE, because no genetic material is introduced to the seeds/cells/embryos being used.
In other words, manipulating for traits and direct manipulation of the genetic material are very different memes and results.

For instance, carrots that produce salmonella oils on their surface using BE-GMO, caused salmonella in animals and humans, because the salmonella poison expressed; lettuce that produce e-coli toxin to cause wild pigs to get sick and avoid eating lettuce crops caused humand to get e-coli, because the e-coli expressed (actually e-coli) not just the toxin. Neither of these were approved for market because of these events. Also, the carrots were a cross between a carrot virus, salmonella, and carrots, and they tasted very bad; the lettuce was a cross between a common lettuce virus, wildpig e-coli, and lettuce= these kind of techniques are what is normally called genetic manipulation, the older forms of breeding are sometimes called trait manipulation--since it started before anyone even knew what dna or dna genes were. [dna genes got called genes because of the theory that this is what caused the traits: before that, genes and genetics was the study of inherited traits--not what is now known as genes.

Dylan01.07 08:38

One of the earliest GMO cases (a public experiment) that has preambled the long history of ignoring and suppressing the real dangers of genetic engineering and GMO foods is the infamous tryptophan food supplement disaster of 1989 where the FDA ignored the warnings of their own scientists about the real risks of GMOs, simply to protect the business interests of the GMO industry, which they've been colluding with for decades - see the article by a published author of the Orthomolecular Medicine News organization at https://www.supplements-and-health.com/l-tryptophan.html

The government-academia-biotech industrial complex has the average person believing that they're protecting their health. Yet, lying about real facts, denying real facts, or minimizing or ignoring real facts is not protecting or helping the public, it's deceiving the public.

That cartel also pays online trolls (such as "Alex"?) to denounce anti-gmo commentators and, instead, to spread the corporate GMO hype. Common example of attempts to manipulate the public's mind by this criminal cartel and their trolls is to call anything that's not in alignment with the official narratives as "conspiracy theories" or "fake news." These are all deceptive tricks of the trade by the corrupt establishment and that, fortunately, more and more people are becoming aware of.


Rob Watson25.06 02:19

Please consider sharing my Nano Blenders Thesis with your colleagues, 

a version of which can be found at


Further a list of adverse health outcomes from Titanium Dioxide in Food and Drugs

can be found here. 


and there is a growing body of evidence that many diseases are simply various 

forms of toxicity induced by nano particles. These may be absorbed transdermally

from various chemicals.

Multiple species are affected by the interactions of nano-particles and

electro-magnetic radiation.


Declan O'Hara> Declan O'Hara12.06 04:51

Declan O'Hara

"Alex": Uh.., like, ..umm,..."Dude", in my carefully considered opinion, you're a polemical clown-at best.

Declan O'Hara> alex12.06 04:45


LOL. "poison being sprayed on our food" I most definitely did not dispute this, pesticide is poison for your information. more...

"Alex": Give yourself a 'C' for attempted damage-control.



Declan O'Hara> alex12.06 04:40


Dude, all crops are genetically modified. Just most through selective breading which is a unnecessarily slow tool to accomplish the more...

"Alex": Uh.., like, ..umm,..."Dude", in my carefully considered opinion, you're a polemical clown-at best.

Declan O'Hara> John Bull12.06 04:36

John Bull

What ignorance! There is a vast, vast difference between hybridizing and actually going in to deliberately modify the the genetic more...

John Bull: Well said, sir!

Declan O'Hara> Clear Food12.06 04:32

Clear Food

C'mon - even RT should be able to come up with better sources than Zen Honeycutt & Mom's Across America more...

"Clear Food": I think RT has done all of it's due diligence in presenting,for ex- ample,Vandana Shiva as just one person's opinion. This was a thoro- ughly well-balanc- ed documentary. Essential is that it compares the starkly different decisions made by the advanced nations regarding the use of these very controversial technologies.

John Bull27.05 16:20

And we still wonder why there is an autism epidemic, why so many people are gluten intolerant, why so many American men are nearly testosterone free and why uncontrolled insanity has the west in its grip. All in the last 50 years or so. And when these "crops" cross pollinate with a neighbors crops--a neighbor who doesn't use Monsanto products that neighbor is sued to the point of losing his farm.


John Bull> alex27.05 16:17


Dude, all crops are genetically modified. Just most through selective breading which is a unnecessarily slow tool to accomplish the more...

What ignorance! There is a vast, vast difference between hybridizing and actually going in to deliberately modify the the genetic structure of a plant. In the former nature and natural process are used, in the latter it is man--who ruins every he touches. DDT is safe yes? PCB's are safe yes? Agent Orange is safe yes?

Vlad99027.05 12:26

Control The Oil, Control The Governments!

Control The Food, Control The Peoples' Minds

alex> Le Ruscino23.05 00:15

Le Ruscino

Very naive statement - GMOs - watch the 4 month & extended studies on rats & ask why the GMO more...

Dude, all crops are genetically modified. Just most through selective breading which is a unnecessarily slow tool to accomplish the job, today's GM technology just allows us to adapt crops faster. Don't buy any groceries if you want to avoid genetically modified foods, hell, stop eating since even wild crops have genetically adapted themselves through mutations. Eco Luddites!

alex> archiebird23.05 00:07


Alex is a paid shill of Monsanto whose job it is to find negative articles on the internet about this more...

LOL. "poison being sprayed on our food" I most definitely did not dispute this, pesticide is poison for your information. Genetic modification is not the cause of the poisons, its just a really good tool that has been misused to give crops poison immunity. Monsanto gives genetics a bad reputation, but ignorance from the people protesting what they are doing is unbelievable, if you're going to take a stance against something then at least educate yourself.

Clear Food22.05 15:34

C'mon - even RT should be able to come up with better sources than Zen Honeycutt & Mom's Across America or the discredited Vandana Shiva. They typically only get time on Tsargrad TV or via online cult and conspiracy sources.

archiebird> alex22.05 14:19


GMO per se is not the problem, if you want to explore the bad ways in which the associated companies more...

Alex is a paid shill of Monsanto whose job it is to find negative articles on the internet about this poison being sprayed on our food. His tactics include deflecting: it would be more correct to look at intellectual property laws, government agricultural subsidies, and pesticide marketing"...

Le Ruscino> alex21.05 07:51


GMO per se is not the problem, if you want to explore the bad ways in which the associated companies are having a negative impact then it would be more correct to look at intellectual property laws, government agricultural subsidies, and pesticide marketing. The technology of genetic modification has just been put in a bad framework, and if blaming the tech for the negative effects will be the objective of this documentary then it is a poor choice for an otherwise pretty good channel.hide

Very naive statement - GMOs - watch the 4 month & extended studies on rats & ask why the GMO promoters only show the 3 month studies? Enjoy your cancer.............

alex17.05 22:23

GMO per se is not the problem, if you want to explore the bad ways in which the associated companies are having a negative impact then it would be more correct to look at intellectual property laws, government agricultural subsidies, and pesticide marketing. The technology of genetic modification has just been put in a bad framework, and if blaming the tech for the negative effects will be the objective of this documentary then it is a poor choice for an otherwise pretty good channel.

Dangerous chemicals in your cereal & exploring native housing crisis (E832)

Published time: 26 Oct, 2018 06:34

A new report confirms fears about the dangerous chemical glyphosate in popular breakfast foods.

 Watch 00:00 - 07:46 min.




Weedkiller found in wide range of breakfast foods aimed at children

Cancer-linked herbicide, sold as Roundup by Monsanto, present in 45 products including granola, snack bars and Cheerios

 in New York

Thu 16 Aug 2018 06.00 BSTLast modified on Thu 16 Aug 2018 19.20 BST

 Farmers spray 200m pounds of weedkiller on crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat and oats, every year. Photograph: Benoit Tessier/Reuters

Significant levels of the weedkilling chemical glyphosate have been found in an array of popular breakfast cereals, oats and snack bars marketed to US children, a new study has found.

Tests revealed glyphosate, the active ingredient in the popular weedkiller brand Roundup, present in all but two of the 45 oat-derived products that were sampled by the Environmental Working Group, a public health organization.

Nearly three in four of the products exceeded what the EWG classes safe for children to consume. Products with some of the highest levels of glyphosate include granola, oats and snack bars made by leading industry namesQuaker, Kellogg’s and General Mills, which makes Cheerios.

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One sample of Quaker Old Fashioned Oats measured at more than one part per million of glyphosate. This is still within safe levels deemed by the Environmental Protection Agency, although it it currently working on an updated assessment.

The EWG said the federal limits are outdated and that most of the products it tested exceed a more stringent definition of safe glyphosate levels.

“I grew up eating Cheerios and Quaker Oats long before they were tainted with glyphosate,” said EWG’s president, Ken Cook. “No one wants to eat a weedkiller for breakfast, and no one should have to do so.” Cook said the EWG will urge the EPA to limit the use of glyphosate on food crops but said companies should “step up” because of the “lawless” nature of the regulator under the Trump administration.

“It is very troubling that cereals children like to eat contain glyphosate,” said Alexis Temkin, an EWG toxicologist and author of the report. “Parents shouldn’t worry about whether feeding their children heathy oat foods will also expose them to a chemical linked to cancer. The government must take steps to protect our most vulnerable populations.”

The findings follow a landmark decision in a San Francisco court last week to order that Monsanto pay $289m in damages to Dewayne Johnson, a 46-year-old former groundskeeper. A jury deemed that Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller caused Johnson’s cancer and that it had failed to warn him about the health risks of exposure.

Monsanto, which said it will appeal against the verdict, has said glyphosate has been used safely for decades. In 2015, the EPA said that glyphosate has a low toxicity for people but could cause problems for some pets if they consume the chemical.

However, the World Health Organization has called glyphosate a “probable carcinogen” and authorities in California list it as a chemical “known to the state to cause cancer”.

In April, internal emails obtained from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showed that scientists have found glyphosate on a wide range of commonly consumed food, to the point that they were finding it difficult to identify a food without the chemical on it. The FDA has yet to release any official results from this process.

There was no indication that the claims related to products sold outside the US.

US farmers spray about 200m pounds of Roundup each year on their crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat and oats. It can also be used on produce such as spinach and almonds.

A General Mills spokeswoman said: “Our products are safe and without question they meet regulatory safety levels. The EPA has researched this issue and has set rules that we follow, as do farmers who grow crops including wheat and oats.”

A Kellogg’s spokesman said: “Our food is safe. Providing safe, high-quality foods is one of the ways we earn the trust of millions of people around the world. The EPA sets strict standards for safe levels of these agricultural residues and the ingredients we purchase from suppliers for our foods fall under these limits.”

Quaker Oats continues to “proudly stand by the safety and quality of our Quaker products”, a spokesman said.

But Cook said that General Mills and Quaker Oats are “relying on outdated safety standards”.

“Our view is that the government standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency pose real health risks to Americans ­– particularly children, who are more sensitive to the effects of toxic chemicals than adults,” he said.






‘Pregnant women, children and teens are more vulnerable to the toxic effects of hormone-disrupting chemicals’

AJ Dellinger | IBTimes - MARCH 30, 2018 14 Comments 





Eating out at restaurants and fast food chains may be convenient but a new study suggests it comes with risks, including increased exposure to a potentially harmful chemical called phthalates.

Researchers looked at data collected between 2005 and 2014 as part of the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and discovered that subjects who had recently eaten food from a fast food restaurant had levels of phthalates 35 percent higher than those who ate at home.

In total, the scientists examined the results of 10,253 participants. Sixty-one percent of the group replied in the survey that they had eaten out within the previous 24 hours, and the majority of those respondents showed an increased level of phthalate biomarkers when their urine was tested.

The results showed a strong association between phthalate exposure and dining out for all groups regardless of age or gender, but the strongest correlation was seen in young people, according to the researchers. Young children who frequently ate at fast food restaurants reported phthalates levels 55 percent higher than those who ate at home.


Study Warns Eating Out Can Increase Phthalates, Lead To Disease

BY  ON 03/29/18 AT 11:48 AM

Eating out at restaurants and fast food chains may be convenient but a new study suggests it comes with risks, including increased exposure to a potentially harmful chemical called phthalates.

Researchers looked at data collected between 2005 and 2014 as part of the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and discovered that subjects who had recently eaten food from a fast food restaurant had levels of phthalates 35 percent higher than those who ate at home.

A new study found eating out increases levels of phthalates in the body. Pictured are a number of restaurant signs in Los Angeles. Photo: David McNew/Getty Images

In total, the scientists examined the results of 10,253 participants. Sixty-one percent of the group replied in the survey that they had eaten out within the previous 24 hours, and the majority of those respondents showed an increased level of phthalate biomarkers when their urine was tested.

The results showed a strong association between phthalate exposure and dining out for all groups regardless of age or gender, but the strongest correlation was seen in young people, according to the researchers. Young children who frequently ate at fast food restaurants reported phthalates levels 55 percent higher than those who ate at home.

“Pregnant women, children and teens are more vulnerable to the toxic effects of hormone-disrupting chemicals, so it’s important to find ways to limit their exposures,” said Dr. Julia Varshavsky, a postdoctoral scholar at University of California at Berkeley and the lead author of the research paper, according to the Guardian .

Phthalates is a harmful chemical used to increase the flexibility and durability of plastic. It is often used as a binding agent in food packaging and can also be found in other products like adhesives, soaps and flooring products. The chemical has been banned from being used in children’s products in the United States because of potential harms it can cause.

When exposed to the human body, it can disrupt hormones and cause a number of health issues. It has been linked to asthma, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and fertility issues.

“This study suggests food prepared at home is less likely to contain high levels of phthalates, chemicals linked to fertility problems, pregnancy complications and other health issues,” Dr. Ami Zota said. “Our findings suggest that dining out may be an important, and previously under-recognized, source of exposure to phthalates for the US population.”

Kad ih podgrejete postaju otrovne

Published on Jul 14, 2016
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IARC urged its scientists not to publish research documents on its 2015 weedkiller glyphosate review

RT.com - OCTOBER 27, 2016 7 Comments 

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), facing criticism over its classification of carcinogens, has reportedly been advising its scientific experts not to publish internal research data on its 2015 report on “probably carcinogenic” glyphosate.

The IARC urged its scientists not to publish research documents on its 2015 weedkiller glyphosate review, according to Reuters. The agency told Reuters on Tuesday that it tried to protect the study from “external interference,” as well as protect its intellectual rights, since it was “the sole owner of such materials.”

The scientists had been asked earlier to release all the documentation on the 2015 report under US freedom of information laws.

The groundbreaking review, published in March 2015 by the IARC – a semi-autonomous agency of the World Health Organization (WHO) – labeled the glyphosate herbicide as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” Glyphosate is a key ingredient of Monsanto’s flagship weedkiller well-known under the trade name ‘Roundup.’ It is one of the most heavily used herbicides in the world and is designed to go along with genetically-modified “Roundup Ready” crops, also produced by Monsanto.

The IARC’s report caused problems for both the notorious agrochemical giant and the agency itself.

The report sparked a heated debate around the use of Roundup, and caused several EU countries – including France, Sweden, and the Netherlands – to object to the renewal of the glyphosate’s EU license. The vote on prolonging the glyphosate license for 15 years failed several times in June 2016, but the license was temporarily extended for 18 months during last hours before its expiration.

The controversial report has seemingly made the IARC a target for attacks from multiple directions, and raised scientific, legal, and financial questions.

Various critics, including those in the chemical industry, said the IARC’s evaluations are fuel for “unnecessary health scares,” since the IARC allegedly studies the potentially harmful substance itself, and not a “typical human” exposure to it. It remained unclear whether the critics urged a WHO body to test the potentially carcinogenic chemical on humans.

The critics also brought up other controversial statements from the IARC, over whether such things as mobile phones, coffee, red meat, and processed meat could cause cancer.

The agency defended its methods as scientifically sound and “widely respected for their scientific rigor, standardized and transparent process and…freedom from conflicts of interest.” Numerous freedom of information requests by the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal), a US conservative advocacy group, have since been turned down with this reasoning.

E&E Legal told Reuters that it is pushing a legal challenge over whether the documents in question belong to the IARC or to the US federal and state institutions where some of the experts work. Basically, it’s being decided whether the IARC, as part of the WHO, is truly independent and free from “conflicts of interest.”

According to Reuters, officials from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) will be questioned by a congressional committee about why American taxpayers fund the cancer agency, which faces much criticism over its allegedly faulty classification of carcinogens.

“IARC’s standards and determinations for classifying substances as carcinogenic, and therefore cancer-causing, appear inconsistent with other scientific research, and have generated much controversy and alarm,” a letter from US Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz to NIH director Francis Collins states, as quoted by Reuters.

The Oversight Committee demanded a full disclosure of NIH funding of the IARC, and even money spent in relation to the cancer agency’s activities.

IARC opponents from scientific circles vowed to provide their data on the matter. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which believes glyphosate is “unlikely pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans,” promised to release its raw data on the subject as part of its “commitment to open risk assessment.” The food safety watchdog made this statement in late September, and still has to deliver the promised information.





Over 95 percent of the particles came from plastics utilized in the packaging and storage of food products

Mikael Thalen | Infowars.com - OCTOBER 23, 2018 

A new study has detected traces of plastic in the feces of people throughout Europe and Asia.

According to Dr. Philipp Schwabl, researcher at the Medical University of Vienna, plastic particles were discovered in the stool of the study’s 8 participants.

The volunteers, hailing from Finland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, the UK, and Austria, were told to keep track of their diet for one week in order to determine roughly how much plastic they were exposed to.

An average of 20 particles, referred to as microplastics, were found in every 3.5 ounces of stool.

Over 95 percent of the particles came from plastics utilized in the packaging and storage of food products.

As noted by Web MD, the plastics “included polypropylene used in bottle caps, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) used in drink bottles, polystyrene found in plastic utensils and cups, and polyethylene used in plastic bags and storage containers.”

Schwabl, who described the findings as “astonishing,” stated that despite plastic’s many important uses, humans should attempt to reduce its reliance on the material.

“I believe that trying to reduce plastic usage and plastic-packed food might be beneficial for nature and for us,” Schwabl said. “Certainly, plastic is a very useful material and has a lot of clever applications. But maybe we should try to rethink about the necessity of abundant plastic use, and search for and support ecological and sustainable alternatives.”

Scientists say it is still too early to accurately determine what effect the consumption of microplastics will have on human health.

The study comes just days after a report from the National Geographic stated that microplastics can also be found in 90 percent of table salt.


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