Uz osiromašeni uraniju, chemtrailse, razna toksična isparenja, voće i povrće tretirano pesticidima, radijaciju od ogromnih antena po krovovima (transmitera), zračenja mobilnih telefona, računara, televizora, mikrotalasnih rerni...
svega i svačega, dobro je da još uvek mrdamo. Mislim da je krajnje vreme da se mediji ozbiljno pozabave svim gore navedenim i informišu javnost o neželjenim dejstvima i fatalnim posledicama. Imamo zakon o zaštiti ćovekove okoline. truje
nas kroz hranu, sa neba, sa vakcinama, i zakonom o pravu prvenstva pešaka na pešačkom prelazu. Svako zaustavljanje mot. vozila pred pešačkim prelazom rezultira povećenjem količine otrovnih gasova na prelazu. Kad je više vozila katastrofa.
I niko se ne buni??? Da li je važnije pravo od zdravlja? U zadnjih 10 god.kod mene u ulici su svi umrli od raka...zivim u blizini Strazevice; @neko
Odgovorni za bombardovanje su oni koji su nas bombardovali, da bi oteli Kosovo. Nemoj da zamenjuješ
teze, nisu to radili da bi uveli demokratiju u Srbiju, to se vidi. Zato ih trebamo tužiti, zbog svih umrlih, bolesnih, zbog drugih naroda kojima rade isto. Tužiti! Prikupiti podatke o bolesnima i umrlima i krenuti u tužbu, pa ma kako prodjemo, neka ne bude
bez borbe.Treba im skinuti oreol boraca za demokratiju sa glave. Nije baš tako...
Jedini izvor koji decidno tvrdi da DU nije kancerogen je U.S. Department of Defense, dok već njihovi prvi saveznici, Britanci, upozoravaju da izloženost osiromašenom
uranijumu povećava rizik od razvoja plućnog, limfnog i kancera mozga. Takodje ističu da udisnje prašine uranium-dioksida koji se jako teško izbacuje kasnije iz organizma, na duže staze predstavlja ozbiljan rizik za razvoj kancera pluća. Takodje,
istakao bih da nisam stručnjak ni u jednoj od oblasti koju je naveo autor teksta, avio-inženjer sam, i komentar pišem samo na osnovu zapžanja da autor svoju tvrdnju bazira samo na jednom izvoru, dok druge zanemaruje. Izvor koji uzima za tvrdnju da DU
nije kancerogen je isti onaj koji ima najviše interesa da to bude istina, Američka vojska koja najveći zagadjivač naše planete osiromašenim uranijumom.
Posted: April 2, 2010 | Author: nwoobserver | Filed under: War Crimes | Tags: Crimes Against Humanity, Depleted Uranium, NATO, Serbia, You Tube Videos |13 Comments
Video added by NWO Observer (suggested by a reader: Thank you!)
by Ljubica Vujadinovic
First Published: Apr. 01, 2010 – All
A leading Serbian expert in the field says the NATO’s use of depleted uranium ammunition in it’s aggression on Serbia has caused enormous increase in cancer rates and number of newborns with genetic malformations.
Silent killer
“Depleted uranium is not only radioactive, it is very toxic as well,” says doctor Radomir Kovacevic, an expert of the Institute for radiology protection “Dr. Dragomir Karajovic” in Belgrade. In an interview for VJ Movement, he explains “Primary it is nephrotoxic, so it affects kidneys, then liver and spleen. Actually, the whole organism is affected from the aspect of toxicity, it is poisoned.”.
Four studies conducted so far, on both civilians and those who worked on the spots’decontamination, have shown that the DU exposure causes typical and specific changes on genetic material.
“DNA molecule is very sensitive on aggression – in this case it is radioactivity. Experimental oncology has shown 18 years ago that in the etiopathogenesis of malignity precedes one genotoxic stadium and that is exactly what is visible on those chromosomes,” tells doctor Kovacevic, stating that the information obtained so far is enough to link the DU contamination to increase in cancer rates.
Threat to newborn lives
In Vranje area, which is surrounded by four known DU contaminated locations, there has been an enormous increase in cancer rates and number of newborns with genetic malformations. “In 1998, 21 children have been born with deformities. In 2008 there were 73,” says Nela Cvetkovic, a Member of the Vranje City Council, in a statement for VJM. The number of newborn didn’t change, it is about 800-1000 babies per year.
At the same time, in a six year period after the NATO bombing a number of newly registered cancer cases has more than doubled – from 185 in the year 2000 to 398 new diagnosis in 2006.
Permanent consequences
“The half-life of uranium 238 is very long – 4,5 billion years,” reminds nuclear physicist Miroslav Simic, stating that “this way of throwing away the nuclear waste on civil, but also military targets, is not human as the consequences are permanent.”
Traces of uranium 236 and some plutonium isotopes found on bombed locations suggest that at least a part of the material in the projectiles had originated from reprocessing nuclear fuel.
“Plutonium is one million times more toxic than uranium,” says Mr Simic in an interview for VJM, and explains that “one particle of plutonium which would enter a human body is enough to cause fatal consequences”.
At the same time in Kosovo, doctor Nebojsa Srbljak, who researches the health consequences of the bombing on civil population, accuses NATO of using so-called dirty bombs. “We first started researching when we found traces of Iodine 131 in the tissue extracted from one patient,” he says, adding that Iodine 131, also known as radio iodine, is well known as a major factor in health consequences of nuclear disaster in Chernobyl.
Price for Kosovo independence
In Kosovo, none of more than a hundred known DU contaminated locations has been cleaned. Foreign personnel has been warned to stay clear of those areas unless with full radiological protective clothing. But no one warned civilians.
“We, the doctors know what it is, politicians are silent to please their mentors. But the people are in the worst position as there are new cancer cases among young persons every day,” says doctor Srbljak, adding that the data on health statistics of Albanian population is completely unavailable.
Radioactive US weapons taking toll in Iraq
DOCUMENTARY – Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre
VIDEO – Poison bullets: Depleted Uranium factor covered-up?
DOCUMENTARY – The Doctor, the Depleted Uranium, and the Dying Children (53 min.)
The Truth Of Iraq’s City Of Deformed Babies
America’s Most Wanted: The Top 50 US War Criminals
Depleted Uranium Ammunition in Afghan War: New Evidence
Legal Case Filed Against 4 U.S. Presidents and 4 UK Prime Ministers
VIDEO – US ammunition blamed for Iraqi cancer hike
Depleted Uranium: The Dead Babies in Iraq and Afghanistan Are No Joke
The Responsibility of the US in Contaminating Iraq with Depleted Uranium
Huge rise in birth defects in Falluja
Uranium in Iraq: the Poisonous Legacy of the Iraq Wars
Toxic munitions cause of baby deaths and deformities in Fallujah
VIDEO – Depleted Uranium – Iraq
Depleted Uranium a tool to depopulate the world
Cancer – The Deadly Legacy of the Invasion of Iraq (With Videos)
Iraq littered with high levels of nuclear and dioxin contamination, study finds
VIDEO – Riz Khan – Falluja’s birth defects
Please see: https://nwoobserver.wordpress.com/2010/04/02/depleted-uranium-radiation-resulting-from-nato-bombings-in-serbia-high-incidence-of-cancer/