Warning!!!! Do your own research, trust NO One, the quacks are ready and awaiting your gullability!!!! ( lowering your body pH??? and boosting you overall immune system????)
Fungus Clear Nails Plus Antifungal Probiotic Pills work from the inside of your body out in order to push out fungus with natural probiotic support. These Fungus Clear Nail Plus Fungus Pills are formulated with the best probiotics to powerfully support your bodies immune system so that it can naturally fight off fungus.
For improved results keep the desired area of healing dry and warm.
A Mildly Hot Water soak with a safe amount of Apple Cider Vinegar in the water can also help to improve circulation and speed up recovery.
Repeat Warm Apple Cider Vinegar Water Soaks Daily to Help Support Circulation For Faster Results.
Fungus Clear Nails Plus Antifungal Probiotic Pills - Probiotic Fungus Destroyer - Destroy Fungus From Within With A Probiotic Boosted Immune System - Eliminate Fungus Naturally & Safely
Don’t want to treat your nail fungus? Maybe it doesn't hurt, and the yellow, thick nails don't bother you. Maybe you think it’ll go away on its own.
But nail fungus doesn't go away by itself. And if you don't treat this infection, there's a chance it could get worse. It could spread to other nails or through your body. It could cause pain when you walk.
Luckily, you have a number of ways to take care of it. Here's a look at what you can try.
Non-prescription options. You can buy antifungal creams, gels, and nail polish at the store and online without a prescription. You might want to try one of them first if the infection doesn't look bad. Some people also swear by home remedies like menthol rub, tea tree oil, mouthwash, or snakeroot extract -- but studies show mixed results.
Prescription polish and creams. Your foot doctor will likely trim your nail and file away its dead layers. He may also take a piece of your nail and send it to the lab to make sure it’s really a fungus, and to find out what type it is.
The doctor might suggest an antifungal drug that you paint on your nails. This may work on its own, or he may suggest you take it with antifungal pills.
Prescription drugs . One of several antifungal pills may help. They work, but it may take many months to do the job. They also come with side effects like nausea, vomiting, and headaches. They may cause liver damage, too, so your doctor will watch you closely while you take them. Be sure to tell her about any other meds you’re taking -- some antifungal pills might not work well with them.
Nail removal. If the infection is deep and you’ve had it for a while, your doctor may want to remove all or part of your nail. A new nail usually grows back, but it might take a year or so. While it's coming back, your doctor will likely give you a cream or other treatment to put on your nail bed to keep fungus away.
Laser treatment. You might have success getting your toenails zapped with targeted lasers. Several types of lasers are used. There isn't a lot of research on them,and the results are mixed. Laser treatment isn’t covered by insurance, though, and it can cost a lot.
If your toenails are cracked, discolored, thicker than they should be or painful, you may wonder if you have a fungal nail infection. Although there are other problems that can affect what your nails look or feel like, a fungal infection is a common culprit.
Fungus is the cause of up to half of all nail infections. It’s very common among adults 60 and older -- about 3 out of 4 seniors have the problem, while only 1 of 5 younger adults are affected.
You can get a fungal nail infection on your fingernail as well, but it’s much more likely to show up on your toenails.
If you have type 2 diabetes, you should take nail fungus very seriously. Toenail fungus is twice as common in diabetic feet, and severe cases of it along with complications can lead to amputations. Always see your doctor if you’re diabetic and you notice any problem with your nails.
These are less common than fungal nail infections, and they may have different signs and symptoms. They include:
Ingrown toenails, which hurt where the toenail grows into the skin, but the nail often appears normal.
Infections caused by bacteria, which can make the nail appear thick and hard, aor sometimes green. The skin around the nail and cuticle can look red and swollen.
Melanoma (the most dangerous kind of skin cancer). It’s very rare, but it happens and it may show up beneath a nail as a dark streak.
Because the toes and feet are often exposed to damp, warm areas, where the infection is spread, fungal nail infections affect the toes more than the fingers. Your feet are also more likely to be exposed to fungal infections if you:
At first, you may have no outward symptoms. But over time, your nails may:
Home Remedies
Published on Jul 7, 2018
What Happens When You Drink Water with Baking Soda on an Empty Stomach
When you drink baking soda and water on an empty stomach, it offers few indisputable benefits for your body. Drinking a glass of water along with baking soda on an empty stomach could assist you to get free from certain severe diseases. The procedure is very easy and you will be surprised to know how helpful it is.
Is it Safe to Drink Water with Baking Soda?
watch the complete video to get full information
Sun Fruit Dan
Published on Nov 9, 2017
Product Recommendations:
(USA) Hydrogen Peroxide 12% Food Grade - https://amzn.to/2r59nTE
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Food Grade, 32 Fluid Ounce - http://amzn.to/2wL6XNo
Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar - http://amzn.to/2unQ1M0
(UK) Hydrogen Peroxide 3% 500ml - http://amzn.to/2w2jdIy
Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar - http://amzn.to/2hXInTJ
(Worldwide) Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Food Grade 8oz - https://ebay.to/2qdNhgB
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Food Grade 16oz - https://ebay.to/2CHGLpO
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - https://iherb.co/WWtAF4T
Cure Foot and Toenail Fungus Using Hydrogen Peroxide FAST!
Do you have nail fungus? Are you looking for a home remedy to treat it? What you need is hydrogen peroxide!
This liquid has several uses – antiseptic, disinfectant, oxidizer, as well as an anti fungal agent Its strong anti-fungal and antiseptic properties aid in effectively treating nail fungus.
If you have this embarrassing condition, try using this liquid. It is one of the best ways to get rid this disease.
You can use hydrogen peroxide for oxidative therapy, which is highly effective for treating nail fungus. This method involves using the peroxide to soak the infected and affected nails.
As the oxygen levels increase, the fungus growing on the nails gets destroyed, giving you healthy nails once again.
Toenail fungus is an infection that gets in through cracks in your nail or cuts in your skin. It can make your toenail change color or get thicker. It can also hurt.
Cure Foot and Toenail Fungus Using Hydrogen Peroxide FAST!
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Ford - Health Care
Published on Apr 14, 2018
How to Treat Toenail Fungus Fast at Home - Step by Step. Nail fungus, known in medical terms as onychomycosis, is an infection caused by dermatophyte-like fungi, which proliferate easily in the hands and feet. Because your extremities are regularly exposed to warm and humid conditions, these microorganisms have an optimal habitat for reproduction and can take over with ease.
Subscribe Dr Ford - Health Care Channel: https://goo.gl/LMKXLk
We offer free videos about health care, home remedies, natural cures, medicinal plants, health benefits... life well lifed.
Natural Health Resources
Published on Jan 4, 2019
4 EASY Natural Ways to CURE toenail fungus. FREEBIE download to learn the essentials natural remedies to get rid of and cure your toe nail fungus for good!
FREE Toenail Fungus Treatment: http://www.naturalhealthresources.com...
4 Natural Ways to Cure Toenail Fungus
1. Healthy Hygiene - toes & nails cleaning with castille soap toothbrush
I like to use Dr Bronner's castille soap https://amzn.to/2LTbt1L
dry nail with hair dryer
tea tree oil
2. Foot Soaks daily
1/4 ACV + tea tree oil
follow up with Colloidal Silver Spray:
https://www.npscript.com/nhr/colloida... (for 10% OFF enter new patient code: 6010)
3. Gut Healing - rich multi strain probiotic
https://www.npscript.com/nhr/raw-prob... (for 10% OFF enter code 6010)
4. Immunity Boosting
My Community Supplement:
https://www.npscript.com/nhr/mycommun... (for 10% OFF enter new patient code 6010)
Published on Sep 2, 2018
How to cure toenail fungus has been the topic of many youtube videos and blog posts. Almost all of these 'cures' only address part of the problem. In this video I will address all the issues that lead to this condition, and give you strategies that will fix toenail fungus, and keep it gone.
Toenail fungus can be just a cosmetic problem, or be a sign of underlying metabolic or immune system issues, and can lead to serious medical problems. With these strategies you can improve toenail fungus, and help to prevent many other related issues.
So many people suffer from toenail fungus and need these strategies shared with them because they just don't know they can fix it. Help me share these strategies so you never have to look at another fungus-ravaged toenail!
------- Join me and let's optimize your health! -------
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Ken D Berry, MD, FAAFP, is a Board Certified Family Physician and Fellow in The American Academy of Family Physicians. He has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for over a decade, having seen over 20,000 patients in his career so far.
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#toenailfungus #onychomycosis #drberry #LCHF #keto
Zovem se Suzana i dolazim iz Leskovca.
Pre tri godine moj
suprug je postao žrtva naizgled bezazlene bolesti poznate pod nazivom mikoza noktiju!
Niti su svesni mogućih posledica. Na osnovu našeg iskustva, možemo reći da su ove posledice ZASTRAŠUJUĆE.
Gljivična infekcija se može ispoljiti u bilo kom trenutku. Stres, obična prehlada, oslabljen imunitet. U slučaju mog supruga bilo je upravo tako. Prehladio se, a nedelju dana kasnije smo počeli da primećujemo prve SIMPTOME:
Stopala mog supruga nakon "tretmana" sa mastima iz apoteke
Moj muž nije odmah reagovao – međutim ja sam već razmišljala o mogućim posledicama i nanela sam salicilnu mast na njegove nokte na nogama.
"Naše bake su je koristile, pa će možda da deluje!"
Ova "možda" vrsta tretmana nije stvarno uspela u njegovom slučaju, pa je bio prinuđen da poseti lekara nakon nekog vremena. Lekar je potpuno uklonio njegovu nokatnu ploču.
Godinu dana kasnije, njegov nokat je ponovo izrastao u celosti, ali se mikoza samo pogoršala !
Nokti su mu izgledali kao odvratna masa. Skoro sam povratila kada sam to videla, a on se čak osećao još gore. Stopala su mu užasno smrdela. LEKARI NISU UOPŠTE BILI OD POMOĆI – jedino što su predložili je bilo da ponovo ukloni nokat.
Kakva je razlika kad se gljivice stalno vraćaju?
Reći ću vam iskreno.
Ovi proizvodi samo sakriju simptome ili ih samo "privremeno potisnu ", ali se nakon nekog vremena infekcija ponovo pojavi. Pokazaću vam istinu o svim ovim proizvodima koje su lekari prepisali mom mužu. Potrošili smo bogatstvo na ove proizvode, međutim TO NIJE VREDELO NIŠTA
Opcija A – sistemski lekovi
Ovi lekovi "uništavaju" gljivice, ali vam niko neće reći, kako brzo uništavaju našu jetru, takođe!
U stvari, ove lekove možete porediti sa otrovom za pacove koji truje naše telo – samo što se ovde koristi u malim dozama.
Opcija B – kapi i lakovi
Mislila sam da je ovo bio jedini mogući način lečenja za mog supruga, ali je on dobio GROZNU ALERGIJSKU REAKCIJU. Kako se ispostavilo, nije ništa neobično da odmah nakon što osoba počne da primenjuje neki proizvod protiv gljivica na svoja stopala, telo doživi toksično trovanje . Neki ljudi su jednostavno osetljiviji, dok su drugi otporniji.
Čitala sam članke na internetu i razgovarala sa ljudima koji su zaraženi gljivicama. Mnogi od njih su imali istu reakciju kao i moj suprug, PA IPAK, OVI LEKOVI SU I DALJE U PRODAJI!!!
Dok smo koristili ove proizvode – morao je da uzima i antihistaminike – po preporuci lekara, što je rezultiralo hospitalizacijom zbog intoksikacije! Hvala Bogu što se sve dobro završilo, ali nam nisu pomogli u borbi protiv gljivica. Predložili su nam da ponovo probamo sa narodnim lekovima!
Moj suprug nije mogao više da podnese bol, pa je sam pokidao nokatnu ploču.
Naša priča nije izuzetak. Primetila sam mnogo ljudi u bolnici koji imaju mikozu i na šakama i na stopalima! Pored toga, ovi ljudi su bili i muškarci i žene, i mladi i stari.
Još od početka mi je bilo jasno da osim mene, niko drugi neće moći da pomogne mom suprugu. Pročitala sam dosta informacija o mikozi i u jednom trenutku sam tražila informacije o svim fazama mikoze na mreži i o tome kako se ona tretira u CIVILIZOVANOM svetu.
Ispostavilo se da u zapadnim zemljama koriste JEDINI BEZBEDAN proizvod protiv gljivica koji je dostupan – on se zove Onycosolve. Smatra se da je on najefikasniji proizvod protiv gljivica koji je dostupan na tržištu. Niko ga ne uvozi u Srbiju (naravno britanska farmaceutska mafija je preuzela sve apoteke sa svojim neefikasnim i štetnim proizvodima).
Proučila sam sva istraživanja, studije slučaja i ankete do detalja i došla sam do zaključka da ovaj proizvod ima nekoliko efekata:
VIŠE O PROIZVODU Onycosolve MOŽETE SAZNATI OVDE >>> Zvanična veb stranica
Sastojci proizvoda protiv gljivica Onycosolve GARANTUJU potpunu sigurnost. Ovaj proizvod ne izaziva nikakve neželjene efekte! Sadrži samo prirodne sastojke koji se međusobno pojačavaju. Ovaj kombinovani efekat vam omogućava da postignete potpuno obnavljanje.
Iz ovog razloga ga ljudi mogu koristiti u bilo kojoj fazi infekcije.
Mikoza noktiju – samo jedan od razloga da koristiteOnycosolve. Takođe je pogodan za lečenje najpoznatijih gljivičnih infekcija, kao što je kožna bolest.
Hvala Bogu, pa sam pronašla zvaničnog dobavljača za Srbiju. Odmah sam naručila proizvod i za četiri dana imali smo paket kod kuće.
Počeli smo da aktivnim lečenjem napredne faze gljivične infekcije kod mog supruga. Onycosolve – NAŠ PRAVI SPAS! Nemam predstavu koliko dugo bi se MUČIO da nisam pronašla ovaj proizvod. Mom mužu je bilo bolje za nekoliko nedelja, a u roku od mesec dana je napredna gljivična infekcija potpuno nestala. Po prvi put nakon dugog perioda (2 i po godine).
Primetili smo da mu sada rastu glatki, čisti i zdravi nokti!
NEMOJTE DA GUBITE VREME NA BESKORISNE TRETMANE! I ne čekajte da se infekcija razvije do poodmakle faze, jer će tada jedino preostalo rešenje biti uklanjanje nokta.
Ostavila sam vam kontakt dobavljača u svrhu prevencije (verujte mi - bolje je da nemate ovaj problem na prvom mestu). Ovaj dobavljač mi je isporučio proizvod koji nam je smesta pomogao – ovo su veb stranice zvaničnog dobavljača :
Svi sertifikati su dostupni na mreži – to sam dva puta proverila. Ne moram vam ništa više reći, jer je proizvod 100% efikasan i bezbedan , a rezultati govore sami za sebe!
Brinite o sebi i svom zdravlju.
Nadam se da sam vam pomogla!
Prijavi stranicu
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Ponedeljak, 12. Novembra 2018
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